100PLUS is the No. 1 isotonic drink in Malaysia. It helps to rehydrate, refresh and re-energise to keep you moving especially for those who are active in sports and live an active lifestyle. 100PLUS has been clinically proven to provide 43% more endurance than water alone by containing the optimum balance of thirst-bursting and energy replacing ingredients which helps you to achieve peak performance in your daily routine, both at work and leisure.

100PLUS comes in multiple invigorating flavours :

  • 100PLUS Original
  • 100PLUS Lemon Lime
  • 100PLUS Tangy Tangerine
  • 100PLUS Aqtiv


(232 Reviews)

5 stars 185
4 stars 41
3 stars 3
2 stars 1
1 stars 0


100 plus is much energetic drink compare to other drink..even the wheater is hot or cold still prefer to drink this as much.it is very preferable when drink when feel thristy..it brings good taste too.

minuman bertenaga !

saya adalah seorang atlit dan 100 plus memang sesuai untuk diminum sewaktu bersukan atau beriadah ia boleh membuat kita lebih bertenaga . harganya jugak tidak terlalu mahal untuk dibeli dan 100 plus jugak boleh didapati di kedai kedai runcit dan juga pasaraya jadi tiada masalah untuk membelinyaa ! jugak terdapat banyak flavour lain !


100plus minuman yang pasti saya ambil selepas bersukan, sangat meyegarkan dan Memberi tenaga terbaik

100plus minuman isotonik no 1

100plus sentiasa menjadi pilihan kemana sahaja saya berada. Di kedai mamak pun saya memilih untuk memesan air 100plus kerana rasanya melegakan dan sedap. Setelah melakukan senaman di gym saya sering minum air100 plus itu menghidrat semula badan saya yang telah hilang tenaganya setelah bersenam di gym. Apabila rakan saya mengajak untuk bermain badminton bersamanya, saya sering membekalkan air 100 plus bersama saya kemana sahaja saya berada. Dan air 100plus menjadi pilihan untuk saya berbuka puasa ketika bulan puasa kerana ia dapat menghidarasi semula badan saya setelah seharian berpuasa. Air 100plus mempunyai rasanya yang tersendiri dan sedap ketika apa apa sahaja suasana. sebab itulah saya memilih 100plus minuman isotonik no 1 saya.

Good product

I used to drive when I was young , give me energy

My favourite isotonic drinks

I love to drink cold 100 Plus whenever I feel dizzy, no energy, feeling sick or has bloated tummy. 100 Plus will make me feel more energetic and reduce my bloated tummy problem after I drink it. It is also good to drink whenever you have diarrhoea.

Minuman tenaga

100plus wajib setiap kali lepas bersenam. Selalunya akan buang gas dulu baru minum. Dulu rasa mengarut kalau orang bagi tahu bila demam lebih bagus minum 100plus berbanding ambil ubat demam. Tapi lepas cuba sekali, baru tahu ianya memang berkesan(sekurang-kurangnya untuk saya ianya berkesan). So, dalam peti sejuk memang jarang x ada minuman ni.

Bagus minum

100 plus ni bagus minum terutama masa tengah demam. Rasa air dia berkarbonat tapi tak berapa sangat. Manis pun ok. Perisa original memang pilihan utama. Nak best minum sejuk. Suhu normal pun masih okmsedap jugak. Selalu beli botol 1.5l. Satu hari pun boleh habis.

My best drinks after my exercises and gym

100 Plus is my favourite drinks after my exercises and gym at noon. It can make me hydrated and refreshed my energy after my workout. It is not too sweet and i love its taste so much. I also drink it if I got diarrhea or fever as it can help in reducing the seriousness of diarrhea and fever.

Best isotonic drinks

I love to drink 100 Plus after I have done my gym, or finished my run. It is so refreshing and it is to re-hydrate after i drink it. The feeling is so nice after drinking a tin of 100 Plus. it is good to drink 100 Plus especially during hot weather. And it is good also to drink it when you are getting sick. It will help your body to recover fast.

Best isotonic

It's best isotonic drinks in the market. The rest of the isotonic drinks in the market couldn't beat this brand. It's so soothing after a long run or exercise under the big sun. Refresh and can feel very cool after drinking.

Drinks and Heals

100 plus is very famous drinks in Asia.
We can see 100plus drinks on the tables any festival days.
It is not a normal isotonic drinks, but also a drinks that doctor recommended recover from fever. (50% plain water 50% 100plus drinks)

Highly recommended.

100 plus Original

100 plus original always is my first choice of drinks, whether in a very hot weather or after I done my exercise, I will drink it to rehydrate and refresh myself. This drinks also very suitable for party gathering such like barbecue party or during Chinese New year, it's very recommended. My family and friends love drinks it very much.

100 plus is good

100 plus is one of my favorite drinks . When I'm small , my mother used to ask me drink 100plus when getting ill. She said 100 plus can heal me .... Although I think it might be a false statement.... but 100plus really provide me a very great childhood memory.

My favorite drink

100plus is my favorite drink . When It’s a hot sunny day ,after exercising or even I have a fever , it will be my first choice because It can helps to rehydrate and refresh our body .

The best isotonic drink!

-salty taste and it is very good for body especially after exercise, because the drinks help to reboost your body and rehydrate your body.
-can be purchase from any convenient store, coffee shop or even mamak stall besides the road
-it came with 3 different packaging and size
-the best drink to have during hot days. Other than that, it can cure sore throat if you add in some salt to it.

F&N 100 plus

我和家人都很喜欢喝100 plus,可以帮助消暑解渴,很好喝。通常都会买来放冰箱里,随时可以拿来喝。

Minuman yang mengembalikan kecergasan

Memang saat bersukan atau melakukan aktiviti riadah, 100 plus adalah pilihan saya. Memang mampu menghilangkan rasa dahaga dan rasa kembali cergas. 100 plus juga yang saya cari saat saya demam atau cirit birit. Sihat tanpa ubat ubatan. Terima kasih 100plus!

Minuman tenaga no 1 di Malaysia

Saya sangat suka minuman 100 plus ini sebab dapat memberikan kita tenaga selepas melakukan aktiviti diluar rumah.Sesuai diminum bersama sesi keluarga.


100 plus minuman bertenaga no 1 pilihan saya..100 plus ternyata minuman isetonic yang membantu memberi tenaga kepada saya ketika saya sedang bersukan..100 plus tidak mengecewakan saya kerana ia sangat berkesan membantu memulihkan tenaga yang telah hilang..Rasanya sangat sedap dan product yang dipercayai ramai..Pilihlah 100 plus untuk membantu menambah tenaga anda..

100% trusted

Air tenaga yang paling dipercayai . Time demam pun boleh minum . Kurang sikit demam . Time tekak kering pun sebab dehydrated pun boleh boleh minum . Kalau dah penat memang terus cari 100plus lagi lagi dapat yang sejuk . Memang lega terus .


我几乎每天都喝它,因为它不但能补充我的体力,它比起其他 soft drinks, 它不会那么甜。非常棒!

The best energy drink in Malaysia

The taste of the drink is unique and I really love it.It is suitable for those who has just finished their sport.Strongly recommended to drink this drink as fast as you can after opened.

Badan dihidrasi?? 100Plus skli

Minuman wajib ada sebelum semasa dan selepas bersukan!! Bukan shj mengembalikan tenaga malah turut menyegarkn bdn yg keletihan ataupn lesu. Minuman isotonik yg terbaik utk menghidratkn kmbali badan selain menghilangkn haus di tekak.. bkn sahaja berguna ketika bersukan malah disyorkn juga bagi mereka yg demam panas mahupun mengalami masalah kekurangan air dlm tubuh..TERBAIK!!

Can’t stop the drinking of 100plus

Every time after exercise, must drink a can or a bottle of it to decrease body temperature. It is really really comfortable for me.

Very good isotonic drink

After long hours of exercising, i need to keep my body to fresh from dehydration. So the best energy drink that will came up my mind is the 100 plus, i get my energy back just from consuming this, very good product and recommended for the athletic person.

Minuman yang saya gemari

Hampir setiap minggu saya akan membeli minuman ini. Yang paling saya gemari adalah yang tidak berkarbonat. Ia akan membuatkan saya bertenaga apabila seharian memandu kenderaan.

100 plus

I love to drink 100 plus after I exercise.But if compare with 100plus original and 100plus lemon or another, I think I mostly love to drink original one.


100PLUS 不仅是运动饮料,也是幫助人们缓解头痛,发烧,发热气时的最佳良药。我本身容易发热气然后头会很痛,只要一头痛我就会去买100plus来喝,几分钟后头就不那么痛了,而且它也非常健康 大人小孩都可以喝,但是不能喝太多!虽然是有气饮料,但是他7的成分会比Coca-Cola, pepsi那些有气饮料来的健康,安全!


100plus 在我心目中是最好的一个汽水产品,因为喝了它我的身体都没有这么热了,又可以解渴,100plus number1 drink

Minuman Isotonik yg memberi tenaga

Sesuai untuk orang yg bersukan, dan juga sakit.... untuk memberi tenaga supaya kekal cergas dam sihat

Terbaik Dan Senang Didapati

Senang Didapati di kedai walaupun kedai runcit kampung. Bila rasa letih lesu, sakit tekak, mesti minum 100Plus campur sikit garam. Rumah mesti ada 2 botol samada dalam peti sejuk atau tidak.

A drink to be energetic

100plus is always the great choice when you feel tired or not well to give you the extra energy and spirit. Its price is also very acceptable that everyone is affordable for. But it's not advised to drink too often due the carbohydrate content in the drink. When you need to get back to work or study, this can be the extra bonus you are looking for.

This drink is good for athletes

For me,f&n 100plus is help me recover back my stamina soon and fast.i suggest someone who is athlete to drink it.due to our greatest athlete,Dato Lee Chong Wei also the lover of this product,so it impact mostly know this product and it\'s really popular in our country, Malaysia.Its became one of the part in my life too.finally,I will recommend someone who haven\'t try it before go ahead and try it.you couldn\'t regret for it

Segar seperti selepas mandi!

Sangat sesuai untuk apa jua keadaan dan bila-bila masa dan dimana saja, sama ada ketika travel, berkerja yang terlalu sibuk, demam ataupun buang air besar dan kecil, kerana sistem badan akan kembali seperti normal atau pemulihan kembali bermula bila badan kembali berhidrat disamping merasa kesegaran dengan penyerapan air kedalam badan dengan segera! Kembalikan tenaga dengan 100plus!

Kesegaran Ternyata Bersama 100 plus

Minuman isotonik yang mampu memberi tenaga kepada tubuh badan setelah seharian penat melakukan aktiviti sehari-harian.Sangat sesuai diminum oleh mereka yang merasa demam atau panas badan.Saya begitu yakin dengan jenama ini. Oleh itu jangan lupa untuk 'Hidratkan Semula dengan 100 plus'.

Minuman istonik sejak azali!!

Cakap saja haus confom2 cari air 100plus nie..amat sesuai untuk semua orang lagi2 mudah didapati semua kedai berdekatan..ianya minuman yang terbaik untuk ahli sukan dan gaya hidup sihat kini..dan tidak lupa juga amat sesuai bila seseorang tue demam..

Minuman isotonik

Minuman isotonik yang sangat sedap dan menyegarkan. Selepas bersukan akan merasa dahaga dan pastinya memilih 100 plus sebagai minuman isotonik yang dapat mengembalikan tenaga. 100 plus adalah minuman isotonik yang bagus dan dapat memberikan kembali tenaga selepas sahaja bersukan.

Sport drink

Whenever I heard sport drink ,my first image in my mind is 100 plus drink ,whenever I go exercise ,I will bring 100 plus beside me ,100 plus provide me energy to continue playing my favorite sport .

Tidak perlukan Panadol lagi

Sayatelah menggantikan ubat sakit kepala iaitu migraine dengan air 100 plus. Ia sangat membantu dalam merehatkan kepala kita.



Minuman Menyegarkan

Minuman yang pastinya dapat merasai kepuasan selepas meminum 100 Plus. Lepas jer bersukan, rasa dahaga, terus minum 100 Plus dapat memberi satu kepuasan dan mengembalikan kembali tenaga. 100Plus adalah minuman isotonik yg memberi tenaga kepada saya dalam waktu yg singkat.

Release the thirst

If feel dehydrated or thirsty,100 plus is the best option to have because it will relieve the thirst and refreshed.

Drink to go

This drink is my choice for energy drink. I will make sure i have one bottle in my bag everywhere i go. 100 plus is an isotonic drink that will energized my body in a short time and its very good after im doing my workout.


Minuman isotonik yang sangat sedap dan membantu mengembalikan tenaga setelah penat melakukan aktiviti sukan. Sangat sesuai untuk atlet atlet yang ingin mengekalkan tenaga.

100+ isotonik

Minuman isotonik yang paling sedap dan membantu penghidratan optimum membantu anda untuk menjalani gaya hidup yang aktif . Selain itu, 100plus jugak dapat memberi tenaga untuk melakukan gaya hidup sihat . 100plus juga minuman yang disyorkan oleh Majlis Sukan Negara Malaysia sebagai minuman isotonik yang bagus untuk gaya hidup sihat!

Favourite Drink

My favourite isotonic drinks!! I will order 100 plus original whenever i feel hot, thirsty or after gym. Or whenever I need to buy or order drinks, this is my first choice at all times. Big love!

CNY drink


Minuman yang menyegarkan

Jika kehausan dan memerlukan tenaga tambahan untuk menghilangkan keletihan, 100plus adalah pilihan utama saya. Rasa sejuk yang menyegarkan serta rasa yang enak membuat tenaga pulih kembali dengan segera.

Good drinks

It is good for our body and also can cool down our body if mix it with some salt . Good product!


minuman ini sangat bagus untuk dikonsumsi ini kerana boleh menambahkan tenaga dan juga sangat baik untuk orang dewasa dan juga kanak-kanak rugi apabila tidak minum minuman ini kerana ianya sangat bagus.
minuman ini boleh diambil setiap hari dan tidak ada batasan boleh mengambil secara berlebihan atau pun kurang

Minuman Isotonik Terbaik

Minuman isotonik 100plus amat sesuai diminum untuk pelbagai lapisan masyarakat. Bagi saya sebagai seorang pekerja yang sentiasa keluar melawat "site" dalam keadaan cuaca di Malaysia yang agak panas, saya sentiasa memilih 100plus sebagai minuman saya bukan hanya untuk menghilangkan dahaga, malah membantu menghidrasi semula tubuh saya dalam keadaan cuaca yang panas terik. Selain itu, 100plus juga biasa saya ambil bila demam kerana ianya dapat membantu menghilangkan sedikit demam dan selsema yang dihadapi. Terima kasih


有哪一个Malaysian会不知道f&n 100plus呢? 不管你是男女老少都一定知道这个饮料吧! 不管你走到哪去到哪,从小而简陋的杂货店到百货公司或任何的大卖场你都会看到f&n 100 plus! 这个饮料就像神仙水一样,解渴清热也清暑,不会太甜但是味道却不会像白开水一样无趣无味!听说这饮料还能治病呢!只要打开瓶口,等里面的气没了再喝便能治高烧!你说,哪里去找这样一举两得的饮料呢?!由于糖分不高,又可以解渴清热,不管是在减肥着的还是有糖尿病的人也能尝一尝!F&N100plus,我永远的最佳饮料选择!

The best isotonic drink

100 plus is my husband's favourite isotonic drink. Eventhough he bought it for himself but i drank it more than him. I love the taste that is not too sweet and not full of taste. It just has a flavourless flavour that makes it suitable for person who needs drink to recharge energy and at the same time keeping low sugar consumed daily.

Great product!

A very nice drinks when you are thirsty! This is always me and my family's best choice when going out in a hot weather. It is affordable and the taste is good!

Sedap dan Bertenaga

Minuman yang sangat menyegarkan dan sedap untuk diminum. Menjadi pilihan saya sejak sekian lama dimana sahaja. Tidak dapat dinafikan lagi kesedapannya berbanding yang lain.

万能的100 plus

大众最爱的100 plus 已经在普通了,天气热的来一瓶可以解热,运动的时候来一瓶可以补充能量,生病的时间来一瓶可以散热……100 plus真的是好喝产品????????

Source of energy drinks

My father always buy many bottles of 100 plus for us to drink. This is because he said 100plus can helps to maintain our health to prevent us get stick easily. Besides, 100plus also used as our energy restore drink. We will drink it after every work or exercise we did.

minuman berkarbonat yang sedap

setiap kali bila saya rasa terhidrasi, saya akan cari 100 plus kerana rasanya yg x terlalu mani dan tdak terlalu bergas.


Still my first choice every time after carrying out outdoor activities. Feel fresh and rejuvenate after drinking this. I have never failed to bring it for everyone of my friend and relatives in every gathering we attend.


运动过后一定要喝100 Plus来补充能量. 运动过后人会流失很多盐份,所以100绝对是补充能量的好饮料


运动完后就是要来一瓶冰冰冷冷的100 plus,喝了就感觉用完的能量又再一次的补充回来了!

Favourite Carbonated Drinks

To be honest , 100plus was my all time favourite carbonated drink. The moment of consuming when I am so fatigue, it literally feels like bringing me energy to stay energetic. And the taste of it was the most acceptable for me comparing to other carbonated drink. Also, adding salt to it to remove the carbon dioxide makes 100plus taste awesome and it actually helps in some kind of ill such as fever or cough.

The best energy drink

One of the most frequetly use by me when im doing sports. Very refreshing and quickly lessen my thirst when ever im doing sports. It is affordable price

After sport

I like to sport. I will like to take 100 plus after finish my sport. Its taste nice and bring back my energy faster than other. The price is standard also. I will recommend my family to buy 100 plus each time go shopping

Minuman 100plus sihat dan cergas

Minuman 100plus minuman isotonik yang dapat memberikan kecerdasan kepada tenaga semasa badan letih dan demam .saya suka minum untuk cepat berpeluh dan sesuai untuk semua golongan dewasa dan kanak kanak .minum 100plus badan akan cergas kuat.

Good energy drink for after workout or exercise

I’ve been drinking this for so many years and it doesn’t fail to make me feel so energetic.After sinking of 100 plus,I’m able to continue exercise although I feel the pain

Good drink to recommend

drink it after exhausted, especially after sport, feel refreshing & cool.
doctor also recommend to drink more, especially for patients.
A good isotonic drink to recommend to others

my all time favorite

i love 100plus because it is rehydrating especially when you are exhausted..i like to buy it for my children also because it do not contains high sugar which is not good for children


Lepas training beli ni.
Mase travel beli ni.
Mase demam beli ni



The best after Training

100 plus will be the best isotonic drink for my team during match or after training everytime. It's a MUST for us!!!

100 plus pilihan yang tepat

Minuman isotonik 100 plus merupakan pilihan saya untuk kekal bertenaga sepanjang hari. 100 plus dapat membekalkan tenaga selepas melakukan aktiviti lasak kerana ia dengan mudah dapat menghilangkan dahaga dengan cepat. 100 plus juga dapat menyegarkan apabila diminum ketika sakit terutamanya ketika demam. Saya paling suka 100 plus lemon kerana rasanya yang sedap dan terbaik. Bagi saya 100 plus merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk semua orang yang sentiasa ingin kekal bertenaga sepanjang hari.



100plus taste

I would like to say the taste of 100plus is nice and can be use as a beverage to cure the sick and good for healthy compare to the coke and other beverage.

Thank you 100+

100+ is my favourite drink as i am an active person. 100+ can help me rejuvenate my energy and also as my energy booster. The new flavour of this drink which is blackcurrant is also very nice and fresh.

Love 100plus

100plus is very tasty and not too sweet. Love it especially after a workout, it helps to cools my body down. I also drink this when i have fever, it makes me feel more better.


Personally tried this product. Not too sweet and it helps a lot after sports. I will continue to use this product




minuman terbaik mengembalikan tenaga selepas melakukan olahraga!

100 plus

I have been drinking 100+ since I was a kid. Mostly I drink it during festive seasons as a beverage. Besides, I consume it during or after my exercise as well to restore my energy loss during my vigorous exercises. Especially during tournaments, as I am a tennis player I would need to quickly restore my energy during the match, thus I prepare a lot of 100+ during matches.

100Plus is No.1 isotonic drink

After done my exercise,I always drink 100plus to replenish my body all day.It can allowed us I to stay optimally hydrated and energized.


sedap dan menyegarkan minuman, pernah cuba minuman lain tapi 100 plus yang terbaik, ada penambahbaikkan suka perisa baru berry sedap, minuman wajib pada bulan puasa dan hari yang panas terik, sangat bagus keep it up

Keeping you hydrated at all times

The best isotonic drink that keeps me hydrated. My favourite thirst-quencher , which helps me stay energized during sporting activities. Plus, it tastes good too - just nice and not too sweet. Highly recommended!

Wajib ada dalam fridge

Minuman ini memang favourite ramai sebab rasanya yang menyegarkan dan berperisa. Orang cakap kalau minum ni masa demam, deman tu akan lega dan alhamdulillah bila saya minum rasa sakit lemau tu semua beransur pulih. Syukur ada 100 Plus.

Isotonic Drink

100 plus is one of the drink that I like the most. The reason is when the weather is hot and once drink it, will not feel thirsty and will feel fresh.


It is refreshable and energetic drink especially after sport

Best isotonic drink

This is the best isotonic drink ever invented. Especially on a hot day or after sports. It helps to rehydrate very quickly! My favorite isotonic drink!

Berikan kelegaan

Menghilangkan dahaga disamping menambah tenaga

F&N 100 Plus

F&N 100 Plus, my favourite isotonic drink is a part of my active lifestyle. It is specially formulated to hydrate and replenish the loss fluids and electrolytes in the body. Besides, it also provides as an energy booster after drinking it, a best way to refresh and rejuvenate our body.

Anytime thirst quencher

100 plus has been my choice for isotonic drink because of its taste and effect.
It does quench my thirst faster than others. Also it helpls to replace all the mineral lost through perspiration after physical activities.
Now with 33% less sugar content it is definitely my choice.
It is also can be find almost anywhere as it is available in all supermarket and also in small kedai runcit as well.


运动过后肯定会买来喝 平时在家里也常常喝 生病发烧也喝 因为很好喝而且可以补充矿物盐 但是有一些新口味不太喜欢 还是喜欢最原始的口味

Best drink ever

100% Perfect drink for stomach ache. Besides this drink can give us energy when we are tired and the weather is hot.

F&N 100 Plus

Saya mengambil minuman ini ketika suhu badan tidak menentu sama ada demam ataupun penat bersukan.Minuman isotonik yang dirumus bagi menghilangkan dahaga,mengembalikan tenaga agar dapat menjalani hidup dengan aktif. Sesuai dengan temanya hidrat, tenaga&segar. Saya suka minum ketika demam kerana ianya dapat mengembalikan tenaga sekaligus dapat menyihatkan tubuh badan.Harga sekaton pun murah bila ada promosi pada hari cuti umum.Terbaik.

isotonik kegemaran

Menjadi minuman isotonik pilihan saya setiap masa. Memberikan kesegaran dan tenaga dengan setiap tegukkan. Mudah didapati di mana-mana kedai membuatkan ia menjadi minuman pilihan terbaik bagi saya dan patut menjadi pilihan setiap orang.



My Favourite Isotonic Drink

100 Plus is a must for me whenever i go for sports activities as it helps to keep my body staying hydrated & boost up the energy after drinking it. It also works to reduce the body heatiness . I love this is also because it replenishes and re-energises me with added Vitamin B3, B6, B12.

Minuman isotonik penyegar badan

Minuman 100 plus adalah teman setia saya jika berjalan jauh kerana ianya sangat menyegarkan dan dapat membuang angin yang sebu di perut. Bila dah minum barulah keluar angin dan terasa segar badan. Di samping itu, air 100 plus juga saya ambil bila tidak sihat seperti sakit perut, demam kerana ia dapat memberi tenaga semula dan mengurangkan sakit perut.

100Plus Minuman Isotonik Terbaik

Kali pertama saya minum 100 Plus adalah ketika saya mengalami demam dan badan rasa lemah dan kurang bermaya. Mula-mula saya agak skeptikal untuk mencuba tapi kawan saya cuba meyakinkan saya bahawa 100 Plus ni bagus. Ternyata benar apa yang kawan saya katakan. Saya rasa better berbanding sebelumnya. Hilang rasa badan lemah dan kekurangan air. So sejak dari itu, tiap kali saya rasa lemah tak bermaya atau rasa dehydrated, saya pasti akan beli dan minum 100 Plus.

F&N 100 Plus- Minuman yang menyegarkan

Saya selalu membeli minuman botol 100 plus. Minuman ini menyegarkan saya dan seisi keluarga. Minuman isotonik ini juga mampu mengurangkan suhu badan yang agak panas.

The best beverage

100 Plus Isotonic Drink has been around for more than 15 years. As with all other isotonic drink, it contains carbonated water. It is light gray in color and contains the usual ingredients that goes with an isotonic drink which give you an extra energy boost after drinking it.



Best soft drink

I drank 100plus since I was young, it's my favorite soft drink until now.It tasted good and no too sweet. I always drink original favor and good to replace energy

100 plus

It is a must drink in CNY... I will purchase at least one carton for CNY. I always order 100 plus to drink when I eat outside. I am the supporter for 100 plus.


it a good sport drink but I not like all product 100 plus because it carbonate. the gas in the drink make my stomach uneasy. I more like 100 plus without carbonate. it fell much better but it difficult to find at small shop. still thank f&n for sell good product

100 plus minuman isotonik

Minumlah 100 plus untuk kesegaran badan.ia minuman isotonik terbaik untuk ahli sukan dan sesuai untuk mereka yang melakukan aktiviti lasak yang mengeluarkan peluh.


每当拉肚子后都会喝的饮料, 偶尔头痛也会弄杯温的来喝, 本身觉得不错。有时觉得很口渴想喝点冰凉饮品, 都会选择100plus!

hydrating drink

Best to keep in chill, but contain sugar level quite high if compare revive isotonic drink

Best isotonic drink

We will buy a few if carton of 100plus during Chinese new Year. during hot weather or even when we sick,my mother will always ask us to drink 100plus. Very good isotonic drink

Kesukaan anak

Hanya satu minuman yang akan sentiasa mendapat kebenaran saya untuk dibeli boleh anak-anak apabila berbelanja,iaitu 100 plus. Ia akan memberi anak-anak garam mineral yang diperlukan setelah seharian bermain. Ia amat baik untuk hidrasi.

My Energy Drug

Usually, when people had fever they will go to the clinic and take couple of medicines to heal their fever or flu. But for me, i will take 100 plus drink as my supplement. Whenever i had headache, i always will looking for this drink, and i prefer drink it to regained my energy so that i will become fresh and more relaxed. 100 plus always will be my energy drink.

Menghidrat semula bendalir dlm badan.

Minuman 100 plus ni mmg perlu sntiasa ad dlm peti sejuk sy.Seluruh ahli keluarga pun suka minuman isotonik ni terutamanya suami sy.Baginya minuman ni membantunya kekal cergas walaupun aktif,ia mmbantu mnghidrat semula bendalir dlm badan,mngurangkan rasa dahaga dan keletihan selepas bersukan.Bagi sy pula,minuman ni mnyejukkan badan secara semulajadi ketika cuaca panas.Sesuai juga diminum ketika demam & x sedap badan.Harganya berpatutan & mudah nk dapat,kebanyakkan kedai ada jual.

Energy supply

100 plus is a healthy soft drink. My house will always have it. I will need to take it when I headache and sore throat. It always can release my discomfort.


this is a very good drinks , it helps on diarhea ,doctor will remind you to take 100 plus when you are sick . quite helpful to our life

100 PLUS

it give us energy after doing exercise and a good isotonic drinks compare to other isotonic drinks.

F&N 100plus

This is a very good drinks for people that after exercise or in sick. It gives us energy after doing anythings.
This is a recomended drinks to everyone

Great Drink after Workout for Hydration and Energy Restoration

100 Plus is a great drink to have after any workout, it will help our body to re-hydrated more easily and provide more energy for after workout restoration .



Energy drink

100 plus is much energetic drink compare to other drink..even the wheater is hot or cold still prefer to drink this as much.it is very preferable when drink when feel thristy..it brings good taste too.

100 plus

I like drink it when it is hot day and after sport. It is a good isotonic drinks compare to other isotonic drinks.


Hi I love to drink 100 plus alot and it's always my recovering enery. I make my self use to drink 100plus more then drinking plain water in my daily routine. The reason of I attach with 100 plus is few years ago I was admited in hospital because of dengue fever. If I was not mistaken more then two few I was in hospital and suffer alot with the bottles of drips and blood checking three times in a day. In that situation one of the nurse which is working in klang govement hospital advice me to drink more 100 plus to recover my self from dengue fever. I take her advice and started drink 100plus 1.5L 2 bottles per day. Within 3days I can feel the changers happen in my body & my recovering ♥I was discharge from hospital too on the 4th day after start drink 100 plus. Since that day 100 plus is become as a medicine on my view. I attach with 100 plus start from the day untill today to reduce my body warm in hot sun, safety from get any Illeness, and recovery drink for my energy. I take this opportunity to thanks Fraser & Neave limited (F&N) to manufacture such a good isotonic drinks for human health and my recover.

100 plus

100 plus is always my first choice after workout. It is best when serve it cold. Sometimes when i was sick,i mix it with hot water. It help me to recover from small sickness. It is the best choice for all.


天气热?来一罐100plus。天气冷?来一罐100plus,热气吗?快点喝100plus。喉咙痛?先喝一罐100plus再说。口渴吗?来一瓶100plus。新年快到了?Oh my god,快点去买10箱100plus回来!!

Healthy soft drink

If you are a soft drink lover, you must always go with F&N 100 plus!! It’s the best soft drink to drink when you feel heaty. You can try with salt added. My heaty is recovered after I have this and it’s taste nice.


My beloved drink..it helps to refresh and I always took it when i feel heat or headache..have a version without gas one!also very good

The best isotonic drink

almost had it everyday especially after sports..keep calm and relax..awesome

Ini bukan mitos!!

Minuman ajaib! Yang boleh menghilangkan dahaga, mengembalikan tenaga, menyejukkan badan, minuman isotonik yang boleh mengelakkan dari kita dari demam!! Terbukti sahih!

Best Isotonic Drink Ever.

All the way, I strongly think that 100plus is by far the best isotonic drink in Malaysia. However, competing with other isotonic brands available in Malaysia, in terms of taste itself, 100plus is still the one thats not too gassy and not too sweet as compared to others. However, my favourite would be 100plus lime as we can literally taste abit of lime in the isotonic drink itself. In terms of nutrition, according to alot of Doctors, 100 plus is highly recommended to consume when a patients go through diarrhea.

100 plus

The best isotonic drink that always stay with me during and after my training. It is my soft drink choice when I wanted to have a soft drink...

I will also consume when I got sick due to heat

minuman penambah tenaga

100plus memang minuman terbaik utk menambah tenaga terutama waktu dahaga waktu panas dan ketika bersukan. rasa yg tidak terlalu manis dan gas pn tidak terlalu kuat. best minum sejuk

Minuman isotonik tenaga

Minuman yang menjadi kegemaran kami sekeluarga selepas bersukan atau kegiatan aktif. Sangat sedap dan harga yang berpatutan .

Minuman Isotonik untuk semua

Tidak lengkap rasanya jika bersukan tanpa minuman ini bersama. Rasa bertenaga dan segar selepas minum 100plus.

Favorite drinks

I like hundred plus drinks and normally will keep bottles/tins at home. It can used to treat diarrhea, it can use as a drink after I do exercise plus I can serve this drink during my friends visit. Love the original favor.

100 Plus Pemberi Tenaga

Saat keletihan selepas bersukan terasa begitu menyegarkan dengan 100 Plus. Saya rasa kembali bertenaga selepas minum 100 Plus.

Less your thirsty

100 plus membantu saya menghilangkan dahaga. Hydrate semula setelah mengeluarkan peluh yang banyak. Malah demam juga 100 plus membantu sebagai vaksin penyembuh dan dapat mengurangkan panas badan. Tetapi saya lagi menyukai yang tidak mempunyai gas dan gula.

Is not just isotonic drink for me

100 plus is just not a drink for me. It can be a kind of sweet medicine for me. Still remember when I was a child, my parents will give me a glass of 100 plus mixed with some warm water when I had fever. I still apply this until today as it really work for me.

rich of vitamins

100 plus is a beverage need when celebrate a festivel . Our country have many festival , every festival must have 100 plus . Even when we sick , we can drink hot 100 plus , so that we can get well soon. 100 plus is a beverage not too sweet and suitable for every people.

Good for us after exercise

I had this after exercise. Not too sweet and refreshing. Even if I am not feeling well, a glass of room temperature 100 plus might help. It\'s easy to get. U can get it from any departmental store, convenient shop,or cafe.

Enegry drink

It's good for people who drink after any sports.

Reducing your fewer

Yes,100 plus water was proven by me in help to reduce the high fewer.but how??
As my usual use is by drink a big bottle of 100 plus original (1.5 liter),shake it in order to lessen it bicarbonat gas and 3 liter of white water in a day. By a god will, our high fewer is reduce rapidly. As me not taking any drug pill when face high fewer, this method is very helpful. However,caution of overload pee...hahha
As this water is isotonic, it help to restore our energy but dont always consume it because of it carbonated drink and high of sugar


Rasanya sangat sedap dan manisnya yang tidak terlalu kurang dan tidak terlalu lebih. Lepas bersukan je mesti minum air ni sebab rasa segar dan hilang penat. Harga pun boleh diterima. Cuma kadang-kadang saya rasa gasnya agak berlebihan.

Minuman isotonik paling sedap

Minuman isotonik yang paling sedap bagi mengembalikan tenaga. Ianya juga Boleh menghilangkan dahaga dan terasa sangat segar. Jenama 100plus adalah yang dipercayai bagi membantu menjalankan hidup dengan lebih aktif dan sihat.

F&N 100 Plus

Minuman isotonik yang dirumus bagi menghilangkan dahaga, Saya suka air F&N 100 Plus dapat mengembalikan tenaga agar dapat menjalani hidup dengan aktif.Sesuai dengan temanya hidrat, tenaga&segar. Saya suka minum ketika demam kerana ianya dapat mengembalikan tenaga sekaligus dapat menyihatkan tubuh badan.Mudah dibawa kemana mana.Harga berpatutan dan jenama dipercayai ramai.Terbaik.

good taste

I love it... will take it everytime after I play badminton. also will drink it when I have soar throat.

Good drink

When you in fever or feel how in your body ,this is the best drink to help you reduce the heat .

100 plus

100 Plus is the best drink to serve after sports .it also can drink when u feel sick. 100 plus is always my choice!

Lovely drink

It is really good to drink it when you just finish your exercises. I can feel like my energy is back after I drink it after exercises. Can try it next time if you haven't tried it before.


Taste good and recommended. When we are exercising, we need drink more isolate mineral to prevent our water inside the body. ONLY 100plus make me feel good and continuously to drink more.

My energy drink

100plus the best isotonic drink, as remembered I were join viper challenge organised at genting passed few years, all my days were just drink 100plus without eating any foods , I drink 100plus to make my challenged successful.


生活中必备的饮料 尤其是在运动后 喝100号可以补充体力 生病的时候喝也能增强体力

Energy replenish

100plus are always stocked up inside my fridge... Feels great after drinking it after a tiring sports game.. Just loving it

100 plus

I always drink 100plus when I feel sore throat. It really help to solve the pain. For me this is a really good health drink but also cannot drink it everyday.

Best drink

Always so refreshing and nice to drink! 100 plus is so useful when it comes to sickness and after exercising. I would feel so energized after I drink it. Highly recommended :)


100 Plus is the best drink to serve after sports or even when you are sick. I normally feel refreshing after drinking right after sports and it makes me feel rejuvenated again. And whenever I have sore throat, i will choose to drink 100 plus over the traditional medicine nor seeing doctor. 100 plus is always my choice!

Release heaty

When feel body heaty, would like to drink 100 plus, it can help to recover from fever and sore throat as well

Penyelamat Ketika Demam

Masa demam memang elok minum air 100plus. Demam cepat kebah. Dan yang bestnya, air 100plus juga memberi tenaga untuk badan kita. Air gas yang terbaik berbanding yang lain. Harga juga berpatutan, boleh dibeli oleh sesiapa sahaja. Saya suka 100plus !

Refreshing Fever

This isotonic drink not only helps you to stay dehydrated, but they help me when I having fever. Drink a litre a day will keep you energetic even when you’re sick.

Family favorite

100 plus is my family's favorite drinks especially my old parents. Sometimes when we sick or diarrhea doctor also advise us to drinks more 100 plus because it can help us to maintain our energy. This is better than those gas drinks with high sugar level.

The isotonic drinks

Always the first choice if it comes to isotonic drinks. Very nice and refreshing after drinks. Carbonated and not sweet. Often come with new design for tin especially during CNY

Mengembalikan tenaga

Minuman 100plus mmg bagus untuk mengembalikan tenaga yg hilang. Semasa demam selsema juga saya amalkan minum 100plus ni. Cepat kebah demam selsema saya. Lagi 1 masa kena denggi dan demam campak berkarton2 saya minum air 100plus ni. Ia tidak manis dan gas pn tidak kuat. Lepas minum badan yg tidak bertenaga rasa lebih baik drp sebelumnya. Minum tanpa disejukkan pn sangat sedap apatah lagi bila disejukkan lagi sedap. Banyak terdapat di pasaran dengan harga yg berpatutan. Saya lebih gemarkan perisa original dan lemon lime.

Minuman Isotonik Terbaik

Saya sekeluarga gemar minum air F&N 100 Plus, terutamanya yang sejuk sebab ia sangat menyegarkan dan yang paling best, rasanya kurang manis memang memenuhi citarasa! <3 Atuk saya juga minum air ni setiap hari untuk memberikan tenaga!

Minuman isotonik terbaik!?

Minuman 100plus sangat membantu saya memberi tenaga dan menyegarkan bandan.rasanya yang unik sangat sedap di minum ketika sejuk.minuman no1 rakyat Malaysia!!!



Memberikan tenaga dan menghilangkan dahaga

Sebelum memulakan pemanduan untuk perjalanan yang jauh, saya akan pastikan minuman 100 plus sentiasa ada. Ia membantu memberikan tenaga dan menghilangkan dahaga.

No.1 isotonic drink in Malaysia

Saya membawa 100plus ke mana sahaja sebab saya sangat suka rasa dan kemanisannya yang sesuai dengan citarasa saya.Ianya sangat berkesan untuk menghidrat dan mengembalikan tenaga yg hilang semasa bergerak aktif.Semasa sedang demam@sakit, saya minum 100plus dan demam boleh reda dgn cepat.Boleh di dapati di mana² dan harganya pun murah.. Saya syorkan setiap rumah ada sebotol 100plus.. ??

Review for 100plus

100 plus is a isotonic drink, with very light colouring. The gas and sweetness is just right. We can consume after exercise to boost the energy. It also helps when we are having fever. Drink 100 plus with room temperature will help.

100plus badan bertenaga

Bila saya ingin pergi ke kebun memotong buah sawit saya mesti tak lupa beli air 100plus ni sebab bila saya minum badan rasa sentiasa bertenaga

pilihan utama sewaktu demam

saya dan keluarga mesti menyimpan stock minuman isotonik 100plus ni sebagai penyembuh demam mahupun kecergasan,kebiasaannya kalau ada ahli keluarga yg demam sudah semestinya akan minum 100plus bersama panadol untuk kelegaan sementara,ianya amat membantu,selain itu saya juga minum 100plus untuk hari2 saya yg mencabar dan memerlukan lebih tenaga..kami sekeluarga sukakannya,ia juga mudah didapati di kedai2 dan harganya pun murah

Best isotonic drinks

100 plus is my family favourite isotonic drinks. We love to drink it especially during hot weather or after exercise. It helps us revitalise our energy. It also can helps us in diarrhea treatment or when you have constipation issue. I love to drink cold 100Plus as it makes me feel refreshing and cool.

F&N 100 Plus

Minuman yang memberi tenaga.Saya tidak sukakan rasanya.Terlalu banyak gas dan mempunyai gula yang tinggi.Ia juga menganggu sistem badan jika diambil semasa perut kosong.Rasanya macam ada sedikit masam.Saya tidak galakkan untuk kanak-kanak.Terdapat dalam botol kecil dan besar.Harganya murah dan mudah didapati dikedai.Saya harap dapat diperbaiki lagi mutu produk ini.Kurangkan gas dan gula.Saya tidak sarankan untuk yang mempunyai masalah kesihatan untuk minum 100 Plus.

Mengembalikan tenaga.

Seharian membanting tulang, banyak kehabisan tenaga, maka saya memilih minuman isotonik 100plus sebagai penggantinya. Rasa yang tidak terlalu bergas, kurang manis, juga saya jadikan penawar jika demam. Ianya boleh dipelbagaikan.

Melegakan sakit perut

100 plus minuman isotonik yang mampu melegakan kesakitan perut saya kerana cirit-birit. Bila ada ahli keluarga mengalami cirit-birit hanya meminum minuman isotonikn 100 Plus, Insya Allah ianya mampu melegakan kesakitan.


100+ 不止可以招待客人很好看,而且身体发热和一杯温的100+可以降低身体的温度

minuman isotonik no.1

saya bukanlah penggemar minuman yang bergas tetapi saya sangat sukakan 100 plus. Ia mampu menghidratkan serta membekalkan tenaga kepada saya terutama ketika melakukan aktiviti luar ataupun demam. ia juga mampu memberikan kesegaran kepada saya.

100plus minuman isotonik pilihan

100 plus minuman pilihan kami apabila beriadah diluar.Ia dapat menghilangkan dahaga serta memastikan kami sentiasa bertenaga.Ketika demam juga saya suka minum minuman ini kerana ia dapat memberikan saya tenaga yang lebih untuk bergerak.Saya memang sukakan 100 plus Original kerana rasa nya yang unik walaupom pelbagai pilihan perasa.100 plus menjanakan tenaga untuk kita bergerak aktif.

Minuman kegemaran sekeluarga

100plus dah menjadi satu kawajipan dalam family saya..mesti ada ja botol 100plus di dapur..saya sukakannya kerana dapat hilangkan kepenatan seharian bekerja sebagai suri rumah tanpa gas yang kuat..setiap kali demam pun mesti akan minum 100plus

Ubat demam saya

100 plus ni sangat baik untuk mengubati demam. Bila saya atau suami demam, mesti akan minum 100 plus. Tak payah susah2 makan ubat panadol or anything.

Selain untuk demam, kalau badan rasa letih, tak bertenaga terus saya akan minum air ni. Dan badan akan kembali cergas semula. I00 plus jugak membantu badan hydrate semula selepas kekurangan air. 100 plus sedap dan penuh manfaat.


One of my favourite outdoor activities is hiking and i tend to sweat buckets and with F&N 100 plus, i get to re hydrate myself back with strength, confident and help boast up my stamina.

100 plus minuman isotonik terbaik

100 PLUS MINUMAN kegemaran bila badan mula meragam dan tidak sihat.Minuman yg akn sy cri semasa deman dan panas badan..100 plus juga sesuai diminum ketika selepas bersukan krn dpt mengurangkan dehidrasi dapat menyejukkan badan & mghilangkan dahaga dgn cpt..Mmg minuman isotonik pilihan sy sekeluarga..

Minuman isotonik yang menyegarkan

Selepas bersukan atau jogging saya mengamalkan minuman ini untuk penghidratan semula badan saya. Memang kesannya amat baik. Ia dapat mengembalikan semula bendalir dengan cepat. Ia juga dapat menghilangkan rasa haus dalam tubuh saya. Amat sesuai untuk saya yang aktif bersukan. Air 100plus ini sentiasa ada di dalam kereta ketika saya bersukan. Mudah di dapati dan di sediakan oleh penaja2 sukan.

Segarkan badan

Sangat efektif menghilangkan dahaga & menyejukkan badan dgn cepat..minuman yg sentiasa sy minum selepas jogging..mmg mnyegarkn badan..


One of the best isotonic drink in my house. I always drink it when I feel headache or fever. Mix it with warm water and drink it, the pain will release very fast.

kami sekeluarga sukakannya

wajib ada ketika memandu jarak jauh..ia memberi tenaga dan menghilangkan dahaga. 100plus juga membantu anak2 dan saya ketika demam dari ternyahidrat dan memberi sedikit tenaga ketika sakit.

cergas dan segar

minuman isotonik kegemaran saya..kalau nak travel memang wajib ada stok. kalau demam pn saya amalkan air ni. bagus untuk membantu percepatkan kebahtak perlu nak amik ubatan moden

100plus original


Minuman wajib ketika demam dan bersukan

100 plus adalah minuman yang wajib saya dan keluarga minum ketika demam dan juga selepas bersukan.
Mengembalikan tenaga agar badan terasa segar selepas kehilangan bendalie badan semasa bersukan dan ketika suhu badan panas kerana demam.

Meredakan Panas Badan

Minuman yg akn sy cri semasa deman dan panas badan..100 plus juga sesuai diminum ketika selepas bersukan krn dpt mengurangkan dehidrasi,menyejukkan badan & mghilangkan dahaga dgn cpt..Mmg minoman isotonik pilihan sy sekeluarga..

100 plus is always the best choice

this is one of the family drink we have at home.
I like to drink 100 plus original, when I have constipation I drink this.
But remove the gas from the bottle, first need to open the cap and let the gas out.
No. 1 isotonic drink in Malaysia, is the 100 Plus. I prefer the original flavor.

Satu keluarga suka 100Plus

saya akan ambil 100plus ketika drive jauh, travel, ketika badan penat bekerja, atau pun detect badan mempunyai symptom untuk demam. Atau pun ketika demam. Digunakan sebagai energy booster juga.

Menyegarkan tekak

Minuman ni memberikan tenaga gantian setelah saya penat melakukan aktiviti lasak atau bersukan.
Badan akan kembali segar setelah meminumnya. Juga mudah didapati di mana-mana sahaja.

I love 100Plus!

I always associate 100Plus with exercising. Till today, I have no idea what the taste is supposed to be called but I love it. It's so delicious when consumed chilled on a hot day or after a workout.


Minuman kegemaran kami sekeluarga..Dari dulu hingga selamanya..Tiada yang berubah..Love it ?

Tasty isotonic drink

100PLUS unique formula combines fluids, carbohydrates ans electrolyte for quick and efficient absorption of fluids into body

Memberi tenaga

Minuman isotonik yang memberikan saya tenaga ketika bersukan..Mengembalikan tenaga yang hilang dan dapat menambahkan stamina..100 plus adalah satu satunya minuman isotonik kegemaran saya..Juga sesuai diambil ketika demam kerana dapat menyejukkan badan..Saya juga minum ketika berpuasa untuk mengembalikan kecergasan badan..

Drinks After Sport

I will have a can of 100plus every time after I do running sports. It will make my body recover fast.

My family favourite isotonic drinks

It is very good in curing your headache/ fever. It is good in rehydrate and refresh your energy after your exercise/sport/outdoor activities. I love to drink 100 plus after my sport activities.

minuman pemberi tenaga

F&N 100 plus minuman pilihan until memberi kesegeran dan tenaga selepas penat seharian atau selepas beriadah atau bersukan.sebotol 100plus cukup memberi tenaga kepada kita.Segar Dan bertenaga dengan 100 plus !


Terasa kembali bertenaga selepas minum 100+ selepas bersenam!!!!
Perlu ada sentiasa di kala badan terasa kurang bertenaga / demam :D

A immediate remedy for headache

Once I had a headache due to hot weather, I will drink 100 Plus+a little big salt. This drink is really effective to reduce our headache and decrease our body heat. Recommend to anyone who didnt like to consume medicine during headache.

F&N 100 Plus

For me 100 plus is like a life saving drinks during my kids fever. It's also a need to replenish in my fridge whenever my kids having high fever. I will take out from fridge then release the gas of the drinks and let my kids drink for cooler his body heat.

100plus original

if my body feel hot must drink this really can cold down my body hot ,this soft drink not too sweet and i like ~

Sports best friend

Always a must after football session with friends!!!

The best isotonic drink

My favourite isotonic drink ! Especially when outdoor activity ! 100 plus is my first and the only choice ! It can quickly quench my thirst !

my isotonic drink!

love it so much, isotonic, suit if not well,!love original flavourr !!



Energy drinks

Its really good to quench thirst and good for kids drink when fever !



Isotonic Drink

Is good to replenish the water in body if you have serious diarrhea. I will ensure my body has enough water and energy by drinking 100 plus.

Energy Drink

My no 1 isotonic drink to boost my energy after a long day at work, for cold or fever and for hot weather. It gives me instant energy and the taste is great. I prefer the original flavor.

Minuman Isotonik Paling Digemari

Minuman isotonik 100 plus dari F&N ini sememangnya pilihan saya terutama apabila badan dalam keadaan letih dan tidak bertenaga.Letih bersukan juga membuatkan saya minum minuman ini.Ianya menyegarkan diri saya dan rasanya sedap.


One of the best isotonic drink in my house. I always drink it when I feel headache or fever. Mix it with warm water and drink it, the pain will release very fast.


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Mengembalikan tenaga

Minuman isotonik yang dapat mengembalikan tenaga setelah seharian bekerja.Sangat sesuai ketika musim panas dan ketika demam.

Awesome isotonic drink

I always feel energetic the moment I drink 100 plus as it boost my stamina and makes me feel good. The price is reasonable and suitable for those who sweat a lot after warm exercise. The packaging is nice and it comes with the bottle as it is easy to drink. It can be purchased anywhere and easy to bring along especially for travelling too. It is best to drink when it is cold. The only thing I dislike when I open the bottle cap, there's gas, so better to wait for few minutes before drinking it. Highly recommend to everyone.