Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks with a special blend of pure Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E, Shea Butter and Bio C-Elaste®. Bio C-Elaste® is a powerful combination of Collagen, Elastin, Centella Asiatica, Sweet Almond Oil and Argan Oil.  This non-greasy, all over body lotion helps improve elasticity and suppleness of stretching skin during and after pregnancy.  Also recommended for stretch marks associated with weight fluctuations.

Key ingredients in Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks:

Cocoa Butter
A rich, natural moisturizer that leaves skin soft and silky, transforming even the roughest, driest areas into buttery soft skin

Vitamin E
A powerful antioxidant that helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and imperfections on the skin, giving a more even and toned appearance

Collagen & Elastin
Improve skin elasticity, stretchability, and firmness and leads to improvement in overall skin tone, suppleness, and appearance

Centella Asiatica
A natural leaf extract, helps protect and revitalize collagen and elastin fibers. Widely recommended as an ideal ingredient for stretch marks care

Sweet Almond Oil
A non-greasy, super moisturizing emollient easily absorbed into the skin. Its antimicrobial properties help reduce the chances of scarring and markings on skin

Argan Oil
Has twice as much Vitamin E as olive oil and is rich in essential fatty acids and vital antioxidants. Helps soften and condition skin while reducing scarring


(261 Reviews)

5 stars 184
4 stars 56
3 stars 11
2 stars 6
1 stars 4

Miracle Worker for Stretch Marks

The rich, hydrating formula not only smells divine but also works wonders in improving skin elasticity.

Melembutkan kulit dan mengurangkan rekahan

Melembutkan kulit dan mengurangkan rekahan..perut makin besar...strech mark makin kelihatan..dgn krim ni dapat la kurangkan rekahan

Cocoa butter is a natural moisturizer

I had no idea cocoa butter could do such nice things to scars! My physical therapist used it on me for scar therapy (I have a scar that goes from the middle of my back across to under my arm, so quite a large scar), so I bought this to use at home. Typically, my scars tend to widen a bit, sometimes just in one place, and they take a long time to lose their redness, but this, one of the largest scars I've gotten, is just a fine line, and is disappearing much faster than any of my other scars. I think the smell, although not a smell I'd describe as necessarily attractive (i.e., it's not one I would apply because of the perfume), is pleasant and not really noticeable. Absorption is very good, and I don't have a sticky feel afterwards.

Best sangat!!

Sejak awl kehamilan, memang saya guna lotion ni. Sangat bagus, tempat yang perut makin membesar, semakin nampak line & gatal. Bila sy guna krim ni mmg sngt bagus. Kesan gatal tiada lagi. Best sangat. Perut pun oky je. Dan yang paling best tiap kali scan, doktor akan terkejut. Sbb apa sy pregnant twins tapi takde stretch mark. ?



Membantu hilangkan strecth mark di perut

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula ni best sebab boleh disapu keseluruh badan, tidak berminyak. Ia membantu meningkatkan keanjalan dan keanjalan kulit yang tegang semasa dan selepas kehamilan.saya guna ini ketika hamil dan selepas bersalin, Juga disyorkan untuk mereka yang menghadapi masalah tanda regangan akibat berat badan naik..

The Best Product

This product is really recommended because is good for mummy to be!!! The coco smell is so nice and the texture is so light <3

Pretty tummy!

Used this diligently starting when i was 6 weeks pregnant. Even my gynae compliment my tummy since theres no stretch mark at all. One happy mama i am!

Good product

Good product!!! Good product!! Good product goood product good product good product good product!!! Good product!!! Good product!! Good product goood product good product good product good product!!! Good product!!! Good product!! Good product goood product good product good product good product!!! Good product!!! Good product!! Good product goood product good product good product good product!!!

Good for skin

When pregnant till After give birth. I really like this product It can help to prevent stretch mark and moisture my skin too. I love it



great product


Must have item for pregnant mommy

I used Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion in my first pregnancy. This product really help to prevent stretch mark and lessen the sign of stretch mark. The texture is not too oily when apply to my belly. The smell also nice and not too strong. Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion need to be applied everyday and whenever your belly feel itchy (due to the pregnancy). If you missed or skip to apply the lotion, the stretch mark may appear. Remember, never missed to apply this lotion everyday or you will regret forever (it is not easy to fix stretch marks i warned you).
In my second pregnancy, I try to use natural VCO, but it was too oily for my liking. So, I change back to Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion. Great product, really recommended to mommies out there.

A must have item for pregnant mummy

Pregnant mummy must use stretch mark cream or oil to prevent serious stretch mark during her pregnancy. My wife is using Palmer stretch mark lotion started second tri-mester. She does not want to have ugly and serious stretch mark. She applies it twice daily after her shower. The lotion is not greasy and it is fast absorbing into herskin. It also reduce her itchiness on her big tummy too.

Sangat berpuas hati

Saya sudah menggunakan produk ini apabila melahirkan anak pertama dan ianya sangat mennakjubkan.Stretch Mark saya semakin kurang dan pudar

Good in preventing stretch mark

My wife is using this Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks during her current pregnancy. The massage lotion scent is good and it is not greasy and oily after applying it on her belly. The cream can easily absorb into the skin. It reduces her itchiness on her big belly too. It is effective in preventing stretch mark and she does not have serious stretch mark thus far.

Not a single stretch mark throughout pregnancy

I have stretch mark prone skin. No one told me about this stuff when I hit puberty, but thank goodness I heard about it when I got pregnant. I started using it right from day one to build up elasticity in my skin. 9 months and two giant boobs later and there isn’t a stretch mark in sight. Buy this ladies! I use this stuff all over my body after I shower, and on my hands before bed most nights. It's the best lotion I've ever tried. It doesn't leave my skin feeling sticky, or oily, and keeps it feeling soft for days. My only complaint is that it doesn't come in a larger container.

Amazing formula

I love this personally because of its texture and smell. My skin started showing difference about 2-3 weeks after using. It keeps my skin hydrated and moisturised. However, I feel like it can get a bit too greasy especially if the weather is too humid.

Bombastic cream

Saya guna krim ini dan kesannya boleh dilihat sekurang-kurangnya 2 minggu. Stretch mark sedikit hilang dan kulit seperti sedikit anjal. Bau cukup harum. Tidak melekit dan cukup memberi kelembapan dan tidak ada alahan walaupun kulit saya sensitif.



Recommend Product

Cocoa butter have a lot of benefits, and this palmer helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks with a special blend of pure Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E, Shea Butter and Bio C-Elaste®. It’s non greasy, and protect skin from roughness and dryness.

Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula

good product. it works on my skin
Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks with a special blend of pure Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E, Shea Butter and Bio C-Elaste®. Bio C-Elaste® is a powerful combination of Collagen, Elastin, Centella Asiatica, Sweet Almond Oil and Argan Oil. This non-greasy, all over body lotion helps improve elasticity and suppleness of stretching skin during and after pregnancy. Also recommended for stretch marks associated with weight fluctuations.
Review: Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula

amazing product

I love it... my stretch mark invisible eventhough it's not speed recovery... but the stretch mark dissapear lil by li...


i am highly recommended this lotion as it makes your scars / stretch marks invisible. i'm using this while pregnancy and after giving birth. it works magically. the textures is smooth and moisturized the skins well. if you have scars / stretch marks please buy this one as it works perfectly for your body

Must have item during pregnancy.

I am highly recommend this lotion to all pragnancy women because it truly does what it said. Everytime I pregnant, I will make sure I use this lotion after shower since the beginning of pragnancy to avoid stretch marks. I do have two kids and with no stretch mark at my body.

Good product

Very good product, I like it. After using it, my skin become more moisturize

Membantu memudarkan parut strechmark

Lotion terbaik dapat membantu memudarkan strechmark di perut saya selepas bersalin...mengelakkan dry skin di kawasan perut juga..dan saya suka dengan bau lotion ni...tak melekit dan cepat meresap...

Palmer‘s Cocoa Butter Formula

很多年轻妈妈都怕在怀孕时期肚子的妊辰纹,我就是其中一个,在怀孕后期的时候,妊辰纹开始出现,就在我用了这个产品过后,皮肤因为有吸收vitamin E,皮肤不再痒,纹也不再增加,产后还是继续使用,妊辰纹淡化了,大力推荐怀孕的妈妈们使用,效果很好。

Reduces stretch marks due to pregnancy

I have been using cocoa butter since my 2nd pregnancy which is for the last 20 years for my stretch marks. Ñot only stretch marks but it also keeps my skin soft , supple and moisturized.

Good for pregnant woman

Cocoa butter is good for pregnant woman to stretch marks. Due to it contains a natural moisturizer derived from the cocoa bean.

Reduce Stretchmark during Pregnancy

I love the chocolatey smell of the lotion. Itchiness on your belly can drives you crazy during pregnancy. However using this lotion frequently may help reduce the itchiness and chances of getting stretchmark after giving birth is very low and it makes your skin feels soft at the same time.



i love palmers brand so much ?

sy sangat berpuas hati dgn produk palmers cocoa butter . dia menjadikan kulit sy lembab sepanjang hari . kulit sy sangat kering . dh bermacam losyen sy cube , tapi palmers cocoa palinh sesuai dengan kulit sy . sy sangat suka palmers cocoa butter

Slowly but surely

Been using this product after gave birth but of course the result takes time. Im thinking of getting the spray version, much more easier. I think i saw it in Guardian

Parut stretch mark

Recomended to all user... Very easy to use....

Strech mark message cream

So during pregnancy i used this cream to overcome the strech marks on my belly, plus after i deliverd still continue using it in order ti reduce it. It works but it takes time.. so slowly and gently use twice a day in order to see the effects. Totally recommended ??❤️

Losyen terbaik

Losyen terbaik buat ibu-ibu diluar sana!!!...saya seorang ibu dan tiada masa untuk barangan kecantikan. Tetapi bila ditegur suami mengatakan perut dah banyak petir tak lama selepas itu suami belikan saya losyen Palmers cocoa utk stretchmark..setelah 2 bulan penggunaan terdapat perubahan..losyen yang sangat bagus,wangi dan tidak berminyak.. reccommended ???

Cocoa fragrance

It has a very strong cocoa fragrance, smell very sweet, quite hydrating but doesn’t not help with my stretch marks

palmer's cocoa butter formula

saya pernah menggunakan produk palmer's cocoa butter ni. bau dia wangi dan lembut apabila disapu pada tempat yang calar dan merekah.lagipun produk ni cepat meresap dalam kulit. kesan penggunaannya sangat cepat,sapu dalam seminggu dah nampak hasilnya.saya suka palmer's cocoa butter untuk kulit stretch mark.

produk terbaik pilihan wanita

Cocoa butte ini menjadi pilihan utama saya sejak dahulu..ini adalah kerana ia dapat menghilangkan strechmarks tanpa memberi iritasi pada kulit..



Nice product

I love to use it. It can moisturize the skin. Using under the air conditioner is the best☺

Smells good, feels good

Bought the small size to try on this product before purchasing the full size. Using it for my first pregnancy. The lotion gives off cocoa smell which is good and it feels good when lather on the tummy.

It gets cover really fast

My sister just delivered a baby girl few months ago. So I bought it for my sister to use it. After apply for weeks, and the stretch marks slowly faded away away. The result are really good.

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter

i first time to use this product!It helps visibly improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of stretch also keep skin moisturized and supple for 48 hours allowing skin to stretch more easily. Widely recommened for stretch marks during and after pregnancy or weight fluctuation. i really love it and it smell very nice!

Melembapkan kulit.

Lotion ni banyak membantu semasa pregnancy sy. Bila perut semakin membesar, kulit meregang, boleh rasa gatal sgt kulit perut. Jadi lotion ni membantu sy meredakan gatal gatal kulit meregang, n pedih pedih bila kulit ad rekahan.


I love their smell so much. It also so muistoriser for my skin.

Nice & Useful

I start to use this product from 5 month pregnancy every night. However my husband does't like the smell then I have to use after he sleep?. I like to use this item and it keep my skin no stratches.


The aroma of this lotion is very nice. The skin feel soft and moisturize after applying the lotion. My stretch mark will become less visible day by day. Have a thick texture for this lotion.

Good smell

It have a smell of cocoa make me feel want to bite myself , leave skin moisturize and help in reduce strechmark appearance . Also not make skin feel oily . It is a very high absorbance

No more scar...

reduce the appearance of stretch marks, dry skin and itchynes

Banyak gunanya

Produk ni serius byk membantu dan kegunaannya.. Sgt2 berbaloi.. Percaya lps tgk kesan regangan wife beransur hilang masa lepas bersalin.. Boleh juga guna utk kesan luka..


Nice to use in the night time as a body lotion, it really deep moisturise my body. But for the results of lightening marks, it does takes quite a while.


Super great product

A lightweight lotion that smooths easily all over the body to help reduce the appearance of stretchmarks. Ideal for use during and after pregnancy. I bought for my wife really worthy.


Isteri saya telah memakai losen tersebut. Saya telah mendapati losen tersebut dapat menghilangkan kesan regangan. Saya juga pakai losen tersebut untuk menghilangkan kesan kecederaan

Lembut dan wangi

Isteri saya memakainya sewaktu anak pertama kerana isteri saya bersalin dalam kaedah pembedahan. Jadi, untuk scar yg ada, isteri saya memakai produk ini.. lembut dan wangi.. boleh cuba!

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks

Ianya sangat membantu saya dalam mengelekakkan berlakunya selulit dikawasan perut ketika mengandung. Tiada produk lain yang mampu menandingi palmer's cocoa butter dalam melawan selulit.

Membantu menghilangkan kesan Stretch Mark

Umum tahu bahasa setelah bersalin, pastinya perut dan peha ibu-ibu adalah bahagian yang banyak stretch mark. Begitu juga saya. Setelah bersalin, saya mencari Jalan penyelesaian bagaimana untuk menghilangkannya. Setelah menemui Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula, saya merasakan ianya sangat menakjubkan! Hasilnya superb! Stretch mark saya hilang. Selain itu , ia membantu melembapkan kulit saya, dan membuat kulit saya terasa lembut. Terima kasih Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula!


之前在其他网站有听过这个牌子 这次就想买来尝试 物流很快 用了几天之后 纹都浅了 没想到见效那么快

strechmark saya hilang

hai, sejak sebelum hamil,sy amalkan menyapu lotion ini.. strechmark saya malu nak naik... thank you lotion ni


Lotion ini sangat sesuai bagi semua ibu ibu hamil terutamanya bagi mereka yang sering lenguh lenguh badan ketika hamil. Lotion ini mampu memberikan badan anda lebih segar dan ianya mempunyai bau yang natural dan sangat disukai ramai. Saya syorkan ibu ibu diluar sana untuk mencuba krim ini semasa proses hamil terumatanya kepada NEW MUMMY TO BE yaaaaa ☺


Saya menggunakannya semasa hamil, disapu pada bahagian perut dan diurut secara ke atas. Sangat terasa perbezaannya sebelum dan selepas menggunakannya. Pilihan yang tepat bagi saya.

Good product

I love this product! I have been using it when im pregnant last time. Helps alot to reduce my strechmark. You can find at all store. A brand that i trust!I recommend this product!

滋润 顺滑

我是第一胎 听说这个牌子很好用 所以就买了一支试试看
自从用了过后整个肚皮都没有妊娠纹 而且非常滋润顺滑





Cream review

Very good for stretch mark and scars during pregnancy

say goodbye to stretch marks

Cocoa butter formula mampu menghilangkan stretch marks di bahagian peha saya disebabkan kenaikan berat badan yang mendadak. Ianya hanya mengambil masa 1minggu untuk melihat keberkesanannya. Anda semua perlu cuba

Changes Guaranteed!

This product is really proven to provide solutions for those with stretch marks. I used to buy it for my sister prior to her confinement. Worth for the price. ?

Produk terbaik

Lotion yang terbaik pernah saya guna untuk hilangkan stretch mark pada perut sy.. Tidak melekit dan tidak berminyak ..bau wangi yang ada pada lotion ini amat menyenangkan..

Produk wajib ibu mengandung

Terbaik!!! Ketika isteri saya mengandung dua tahun lepas, kami ada membeli produk ini.. kesan garu itu mampu hilang selepas menggunakan produk ini... jika ada kesan parut lain pun boleh pakai.. puas hati!! Tidak risau jika mahu garu.

Smoother skin

This lotion is not only reduces stretchmarks but also makes your skin smoother and looks good. I feel that my skin becomes more healthier and smoother. I've been using it for few months and I just love it.

stretch marks is disappear

I have been using this product since I was six months pregnant and I will still use it after birth. It is a good product for pregnant women.





Very Good For Skin

Very Good Product. Its improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. ... Widely recommended for stretch marks during and after pregnancy or weight fluctuation. This cream concentrate formula is ideal for stretch mark prone areas such as tummy, hips, thighs and bust.

Love this stuff

ave only been using this once a day for a week and the purple has already disappeared out of my stretchmarks. I love the way it feels and smells on my skin and everyone has been complimenting me on how beautiful my skin looks. I only wish I used this with my first pregnancy, then I might have avoided the stretch marks altogether. It was very affordable and I find a little goes along way. All my itching has gone away and it is not sticky like other creams.


saya gunakan palm cocoa scretch mark ni untuk parut di paha saya selepas bersalin.sangat berkesan.good product

Lotion terbaik

Dlu msa sya keja farmasi,sya suka tgk kebaikan sesuatu produk.. And this one of my favourite lotion for stretchmarks.. Very recommended for pregnant woman in the 1st trimester until 3rd trimester..

Kesan Rekahan ( Stretchmark hilang dan pudar )

Rasa berpuas hati sangat menggunakan produk ini kerana telah membantu saya mengurangkan kesan rekahan pada permukaan kulit setelah bersalin. Kepada wanita di luar sana, jangan takut untuk mencuba produk ini kerana ianya di jamin selamat 100%.

Bagus guna ketika mengandung

Saya guna lotion ni masa mengandung untuk kurangkan strech mark. Digalakkan pakai masa 1st trimester. Bau sgt sedap and bila pakai rasa kulit lembut dan lembab. Saya juga sapu lotion ni di bahagian kulit lain yg terasa kering. Highly recommend!

Losyen penghapus selulit terbaik

Saya menggunakan palmer cocoa butter sewaktu mengandung. Kulit sy sangat kering dan gatal akibat regangan hilang dan hasilnya selepas bersalin selulit hilang kulit pun lembut jek terutamanya di bahagian perut. Losyen terbaik untuk selulit sangat disarankan untuk ibu mengandung.

Stretch marks no more

It really cold reduce stretch marks and making my skin smoother

Feel great

While using this product, , i could prevent more stretch mark on my tummy due to gain too much weight during my first pregnancy

Suitable for any age.

Bukan ibu mengandung sahaja yg boleh pakai. Setiap peringkat umur boleh pakai. So ank ank dara yg mempunya strech mark. Yg nak kawen tapi malu sebab ada strech mark. So boleh pakai cocoa butter formula untuk hilangkan..


之前嘗試買來用 去掉那些stretch mark 不過沒效果就算了 味道也不是很好聞 才用沒幾次就丟在一邊了 價錢也很貴一下

Perlu cuba!!

Semasa saya mengandung pernah guna produk ini.Cocoa butter bagus utk mengurangkan strech mark pada kulit di bahagian perut. Kulit pon terasa lembut. Tapi kene lah rajin sapu ya.8


This is an amazing product! I was using it during my first pregnancy to avoid stretch marks. Andd guess what? It works! There is not even one stretch mark on my body after i deliver my baby. Thank you for this amazing product. 5 stars!

Palmer's massage lotion stretch marks

Losyen yang menyerap lembut ke dalam kulit. Berkesan menghilangkan garis rekahan di perut saya semasa kehamilan. Tiada lagi kegatalan akibat garis rekahan, kulit perut cantik, lembut & tegang.

Losyen Terbaik

Saya nengunakan losyen ini semasa hamil, pada awal kehamilan terdapat strechmark, saya dapatkan losyen ini dan terus sapu, alhamdullilahh kesan strechmark tiada lagi losyen ini memang terbaik




It's an amazing product!!! I was currently using it, I rob it on my face and also my hands days and nights. It smells good while I'm using it. Then, it's doesn't feel any sticky like any other lotion. It's healthy. Thank you.

Its very good product

I have try before, its very good product to use, it will care ur skin! Im very likely..

Good product

Remove dirt and impurities from your sensitive skin. Gentle formula is especially designed to help neutralize skin irritations. This therapeutic blend is great for all skin types, especially sensitive or problematic skin – gentle yet effective.



Rich but not sticky

I love the consistency of this lotion. It hydrates the skin, giving it all the moisture needed. Rich in texture, but non oily. Reduces stretch marks and smells great too.

Good prevention

Yes, I love this! It helps to prevent from stretch mark during my pregnancy and I prefer the lotion formula instead of oil.

The best for me!

Hi ,
I have been using this product during pregnancy and it's work! I can't believe, there is NOT EVEN LITTLE STRETCH MARK at my tummy. I suggest who have dry skin or stretch mark, you should try this!

Good product to use

During my pregnancy my tummy become bigger and all the stretch marks coning out .
My skin was very sensitive with it it become very itchy , redless and dry . Itchy till i cant sleep well .
My cousin recommend i use thie product and it solve my problem .
This product moisturising my skin made it smooth and reduce redless and itchy .
So glad to have this product to solve my problem .

love it

i used palmers lotion beginning in the fourth month every single day and never developed any stretch marks. Not sure if the lotion or my genetics did the trick but it can't hurt right?

Say good Bye to stretch marks ?

Palmer's cocoa butter ni memang terbaik. Saya gunakannya dari usia kandungan 3 bulan hingga bersalin. Strech marks dan gatal-gatal disebabkan stretch memang tiada. Bau cocoa pun menenangkan. Memang recomended la ?

Bertambah keyakinan diri

Sebelum sy menggunakan palmer's cocoa butter formula massage lotion for strecch marks,sy malu apabila suami nampak perut yg penuh dengan stretch marks tetapi lepas menggunakan lotion ne sy xmalu sudah dan kulit sy semakin bertambah halus dan lembut.

good item to buy

Bought this during 2nd pregnancy to reduce stretch mark, the price are quite affordable but I don't like the smell of it, but it does what it claims


Saya menggunakan Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion dari awal kehamilan lagi , namun tidak berkesan terhadap saya malah STRETCH-MARK semakin banyak . Saya sangat kecewa kerana dengan harga yang agak mahal tapi tiada kesan yang memberangsangkan .

Tiada lagi regangan kulit

Bila kita menyapunya kulit menjadi selesa dan tegang... saya amat menyukainya kerana amat membantu masalah regangan kulit saya..



Stay sexy without stretch mark!

Tak nak stretch mark selepas bersalin?
Gunalah produk ni, konfem tak nyesal ?.
Saya dari anak pertama dan kedua still guna produk ni. Alhamdulillah memang berkesan

Palmer's coco butter terbaik

Saya mengalami masalah selulit di bahagian perut sejak mengandungkan anak pertama pada 2015. Sudah bermacam-macam produk saya guna untuk menghilangkan selulit tersebut. tetapi gagal sehinggalah saya menemui Palmers coco butter ini. Selulit hilang setelah saya menggunakan produk ini. Terima Kasih Palmer's Coco Butter.





Stretch marks-away!

I recently lost a substantial slight of weight and have many stretch marks (battle scars) all over my body. I use this during my workouts and have noticed that the marks have lessened. The initial application is a little greasy but is quickly absorbed into the skin. Best results can be achieved over a span of a few months. Recommend this to anyone who wants to improve the elasticity and hydration of their skin.

Strecth marks

Saya sangat berpuas hati dengan produk ni semasa sy hamil anak pertama saya menggunakan produk ia memberi dapat menghilangkan stretch marks yang ada pada kulit perut saya.

No more stretch marks throughout the pregnancy

I have used this product throughout my pregnancy and after I have delivered my baby, there is no stretch marks at all on my tummy. I continue to use it during my confinement. It is not sticky and smell nice after applied on skins. It can be apply on tummy, waist, buttocks, or thigh.



Tiada kesan strech mark

saya gunakan lotion ini utk mengelakkan daripada kesan strechmark dan ia berkesan

Bau sedap

Saya menggunakan losyen ini sejak dari anak pertama lagi.bau nya yg sedap seperti coklat rasa mcm nak makan jer.hehe.anyway,kesan regangan waktu hamil tidak ketara kelihatan walaupun dah masuk anak ketiga pun sekarang ni.

kesan seawal seminggu

Saya memang pengguna lotion ini. Lotion ini sangat berkesan. Ia dapat menghilangkan parut perut yg disebabkan perut yg menggelebeh dengan jangka masa tidak sampai seminggu. Ia di perbuat dari kelapa yg mempunyai vitamin dan salah satunya vitamin E. Jika ada masalah parut di perut. gunakan lotion ini untuk mengatasi masalah anda. Anda akan dpt lihat perubahana dalam masa seminggu.

Good product

X melekit..bau mcm nk makan…so far pkai licin kulit ..warna kulit pun pulih sekata.


Palmer's stretch marks cocoa butter 帮助我减少我的妊娠纹,还可以滋润皮肤。之后如果再次怀孕,我也会选择这个产品。


真心觉得这个产品价钱公道, 还有最重要的是怀孕时的妊辰纹减少了, 真心感谢有那么经济的产品。

Best cream ever

I love this Cocoa butter cream! It's helps to reduce my stretch marks and its non greasy texture! Amazing!


I only use this product for a week and its already show that my strach mark are gone.


在怀孕时用了这个产品 ,一瓶我用了九个月 。效果是蛮好的因为生产了之后,我一个妊辰纹也没有长到。

good to use

good product, after use my tummy is more firme and moisturize。

Memang bekesan

Lotion ini sangat bekesan. Ia dapat menghilangkan parut perut yg di sebabkan perut yg menggelebeh dengan jangka masa tidak sampai seminggu. Ia di perbuat dri kelapa yg mempunyai vitamin dan salah satunya vitamin E.Jika ada masalah parut di perut.gunakanlah lotion ini untuk mengatasi masalah anda. Anda akan dpt lihat perubahanye dalam masa seminggu.

Good product

X melekit..bau mcm nk far pkai licin kulit ..warna kulit pun pulih sekata.

Cocoa butter best

1st skali bau yg sgt wangi rasa mcm nk menggunakannya since pregnant 1st baby lg utk prevent strecthmark yg teruk...


Once used really showed big differencess..
No MORE WRINKLES..really nice and affordable product..
I highly recommended to girls especially who really care about their skin..

Tiada kesan stretch mark semasa amalkan pakai losyen ni

Saya amalkan memakai losyen ini pagi dan malam sejak kandungan 2 bulan lagi. Selepas beranak pun saya langsung tiada kesan stretch mark .


Memang sangat berkesan untuk menghilangkan kesan strechmark di perut akibat daripada mengandung anak pertama tahun 2016. Selain menghilangkan strechmark dan parut, ianya juga membuat kulit kita lembut, halus dan menjaga kelembapan kulit bila berada di tempat yang sejuk di mana suhu penghawa dingin yang terlampau sejuk.

Good product

Smells nice. I used this lotion since my early pregnancy. And this product help me a lot. Not much stretch mark that appear on my belly. I'm so in love with this lotion!

kalau ade selulit pun boleh guna!

wlaupun sy xmgandung sy tetap gunakan krim ni untuk hilangkan prut selulit..selulit hilang..try dulu d jamin bekesan..sejak sppu sy gunakan trus sy tpgruh gunakan krim ni.

Moisturize lotion

I like to use this lotion when I pregnant.It can reduce my stomach stretch marks.I also feel that my skin not so dry after using it.I recommend it to my friends.


Memang sgt bagus utk ibu2 yg hamil utk hilangkan strechmark d perut


this product is the great product i have use. it help to recover my sketch mark , after i give birth if my two child. it adsord faster and no oily , suitable for all kind of skin.




Membantu meningkatkan keanjalan kulit dan mengurangkan penampilan kulit regangan.mengekalkan kelembapan dan kelembutan selama 48 jam membolehkan kulit untuk meregangkan dengan lebih mudah.MEMANG BETUL² BEST BAU DIA


Membantu meningkatkan keanjalan kulit dan mengurangkan penampilan kulit regangan.mengekalkan kelembapan dan kelembutan selama 48 jam membolehkan kulit untuk meregangkan dengan lebih mudah.


Im proud to say that my sister had all her stretch mark on her tummy after he delivery have faded away. I would recommend this product to ladies out there



Pregnancy moisture

I have used it during pregnancy it help to smooth my scar

No stretch marks!

This is the only lotion used on my belly..and it works wonders for me. I used it throughout my 3 pregnancies. The stretch marks will be visible for the first 4 weeks after delivery but they eventually fade away. It has to be massaged not just rubbed..and of course consistently. Love the scent of cocoa butter and it is non-greasy too. All the best mommies!

Used before

I have used this for my 1st pragnent, result is good

Teman baik ibu-ibu

Saya mengalami masalah rekahan kulit perut yg teruk setiap kali hamil. Kulit jadi gatal-gatal dan melecet setiap kali saya garu. Rakan cadangkan saya palmer's cocoa butter dan saya sangat berpuas hati kerana ia sangat membantu menghilangkan rasa gatal dan perit pada kulit perut saya. Mengurangkan kesan rekahan dan melembutkan kulit..Saya cadangkan produk ini untuk mommy to be yang lain juga.

Best for preggies

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks is effective for stretch mark and it can prevent serious stretch mark during your pregnancy. The lotion is not too oily. It is non greasy and protect skin from dryness and stretch mark. Its price is a bit pricey but worth it. Most importantly, it doesnt have very strong smell/frangrance free so its suitable for preggers who usually have sensitive sense of smell

Great moisturizer

I purchased this product when I first got pregnant and used it religiously throughout the pregnancy. I've been familiar with the Palmer's range for quite a number of years and the first big tick is the scent, that it is sweet and dessert like. The formula is thick but does not leave your skin sticky. The directions recommend application three times a day, but really...who's got time for that. I just stuck to morning and night. In the end, I still got stretch marks (at month 8 when I seriously popped), but realistically I don't think any cream will be the magical cure. I do believe it helped in increasing my skin's elasticity. Now that my baby is born, I'm continuing to use this and will see how it goes in reducing the appearance of stretch marks (one of their claims). I would use this irrespective of pregnancy or not, I think Palmer's do good moisturisers and this is no exception.

bau best

saya guna dari mengandung ank 1 sampai ke3, amazing takde stretch marks yg teruk n saya suka baunya yg natural wangiii


买了一段日子才开始用了 味道好像巧克力的味道 涂了过后很多人问哪里买的!太棒了 很滑 不会油腻不会粘 晚上睡觉使用也不会弄脏床单!好产品!

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks

Saya mencuba Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula massage Lotion for Strech Marks di farmasi yang diperkenalkan oleh Pakar farmasi.Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks sangat berkesan untuk perut saya. Dia mengandungi vitamin E, kolagen, elastin dan shea butter. Untuk rekahan di perut sewaktu mengandung. kulit menjadi licin dan lembut. Kulit kering juga sudah tiada. Harga mampu milik mudah dibawa kemana mana.Mengembalikan kulit perut menjadi lebih cantik dari sebelumnya.Saya yakin menggunakan lotion ini.

Great product for stretch marks

I have been using this product for my 2 pregnancy and it is fantastic. It provides my tummy natural moisture and help to reduce my stretch marks. Say bye bye to my dry skin and I will definitely recommend this product to my friends. Please give it a try. You will be amazed with the results.

Best for scars and stretch marks

I used the product for my scars since I had chickenpox, and it worked well as I use it gradually. It also has a nice smell.


agak berkesan menghilangkan strech marks selepas melahirkan.walaupuan mengambil sedikit masa tetapi kesannya amat memberangsangkan.saya berpuas hati dan amat mengesyorkan kepada wanita hamil yang bakal menjadi ibu dan mahukan kulit asal tanpa strech marks

Produk ni bagus dan berkesan

Produk ni bagus , saya dah guna untuk isteri saya , ketika hamil kesan-kesan strect mark tu tiada dan lembut selepas menggunakannya

Terbukti berkesan

Kesan strecth mark ketika hamil kini sudah tiada lagi. Berkesan sungguh. Kulit saya juga menjadi lembut

good product

I'm using this product in my pregnancy,gentle for sensitive skin.After delivered, no stretch mark at all. Beside it, the smell is very nice, smell really like cocoa with the butter. The conclusion is I love and support this product..

Good result

After my 1st apply, it feel moisture and firmer as my skin is dry. The stretch marks started to disappear slowly after i continue for quite sometime. I continue using this product for sometime as i like the smell. My skin become soft and smooth after applied it.

the bestt !!

I absolutely love using this lotion, it smells wonderfully and leaves my skin baby smooth. It is not 100% natural, which is my only concern. I also have the Cocoa butter and Jojoba oil from Now foods, which contains that and nothing else, but I rarely use it because it is in solid form and I have to microwave it to make a lotion, which is a fuss when you have just came out from the shower. To prevent stretch marks I also take Hydrolysed Collagen I&III, which I believe is the main way of preventing stretch marks, and is also very beneficial for the baby.

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks

Saya menggunakan Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks ni ketika hamil anak ketiga. Berat badan saya naik dan kulit saya menjadi kering. Lotion ini banyak membantu saya mengekalkan kelembapan kulit dan mengelakkan rekahan yang melampau.

Argan/Almond Oil juga sangat membantu melembap dan merawat rekahan kulit yang saya alami. Saya teruskan penggunaan selepas melahirkan.

*imej ehsan Google

I love Palmers!

Its so good, reduce strechmark after my pregnancy! Thankyou Palmers!

Cocoa Lovers

As cocoa being my fav since before , this palmers product with cocoa butter have been my favourite choice for a better and firmer skin. It repairs stretch marks on all body parts and it is suitable to everyone especially for those who had just giving birth. Stretch marks that usually occuref around our belly could be cured with this product which rich in Vitamin E and purely made with natural ingredients .


保湿是保湿 但是对我妊辰纹没有任何效果

Kulit kemerahan

Sangat sedih. Pertama kali guna ketika mengandung anak pertama. Kulit rasa gatal dan kemerahan. Atas nasihat doktor, hentikan penggunaan losyen.

It smells nice

I bought this for my mom the other day. I promise you it's a great product. It'll help to reduce your stretch marks. It might take a little time but it's worth the wait. What attracts me the most is the smell!! The smell of cocoa butter is amazing! Love it!

The Best Product

Saya menggunakan lotion ini ketika saya hamil anak kedua.
Perut saya pada ketika itu mengalami strech marks yang amat teruk sekali.
Saya mengamalkan lotion ini dari sy pregnant 4bulan dan sampai sekarang anak dah berusia 3bulan ianya sgt sgt berkesan kepada sy


Saya menggunakan lotion ini ketika saya hamil anak pertama.perut saya pada ketika itu mengalami selulit yang teruk.apabila saya mengamalkan lotion ini selama 5 bulan ia amat berkesan

Good product

I used to be plus size and now I have an ideal weight. The problem is when the stretch marks appearance on my shoulders and hips. My friends suggested this product and the stretch marks are fading gradually after 2 weeks of usage.

Bombastic Stretch Removal

This is the best removal that i've been using since form3!!! Seriusly the best because it have almond oil & argon oil ❤️❤️❤️

Nice to recommend to pre-mummy!

This is a very good recommendation by using this product especially for those pregnancy mummy. the product makes smooth on skin and especially buttock tummy n shoulder area. Feel very fresh after using this product every time

Good Product

Untuk stretch mark yg biasa2 boleh hilang dlm masa 2-3 hari . Untuk stretch mark yg dh hitam , ambik masa jugak untuk hilang . Tp still , hilang . Produk yg bagus .

sangat berkesan

Menghilangkan stretch marks dalam masa 2week..
Amat berpuas hati.

Parut semakin pudar!

Saya pernah menggunakan produk ini. Baunya yang sangat wangi dan diperkaya dengan vitamin E membantu memberi kelembapan pada kulit saya serta memberi kesan pada parut saya lama-kelamaan semakin pudar.


Effective to remove stretch mark after pregnancy! Girl will not notice the stretch mark after few times of apply on skin. It feel nature and smell good. I recommended it to every girl.


Saya gunakan pada kulit kering di tumit kaki dan ia semakin berkurangan. Aromanya pun menyamankan.

Not oily or sticky

I like the texture of the cream , it not sticky , it restore my dry skin on my tummy area

Bukan hanya untuk selulit.

Asalnya saya memang beli untuk seluit, tapi tak berkesan pada saya.nak buang rasa membazir pula.Akhirnya saya gunakan produk ini untuk rawat gatal eczema saya. Mungkin kerana kandungan vitamin E nya, eczema saya belum sembuh,tapi dapat kurangkan gatal eczema saya.

Good product

It really remove mark on my leg.

Not only for pregnant woman

Saya guna ni untuk hilangkan selulit pada bahagian paha saya, Alhamdulillah semakin okay dan berkurangan.

The Best

Its good and really affective for my skin

Lotion terbaikk

Bila pakai lotion ini buat saya rasa kesegaran kulit dan memberikan ketegangan otot dan kulit..memang terbaik

Good product

Saya suka dengan produk ni sebab ia mampu mengurangkan stretch mark di mana mana sahaja . malahan ia dapat membantu ibu ibu yang baru lepas bersalin . selain itu, bukan untuk ibu ibu yang baru lepas bersalin sahaja . Yang mempunyai masalah kegemukkan juga boleh menggunakan produk ini . Ia bagus untuk kesihatan ?

Bagus utk stretchmark

Masa mengandung saya mengunakan losyen ni diperut..tiada kesan strechmark yg tinggal..perut cantik dan licin.

Produk untuk ibu yg sgt trbaik

Saya sukakan produk ini kerana selepas bersalin saya menggunakan produk ini untuk menghilangkan strech mark saya dan alhmdulillah ianya sangat berkesan dan saya sangat gembira dan berpuas hati.


hilangkan kesan parut di perut!

Great product!

Melahirkan adalah pengalamam yang sangat manis. Tetapi kesan parut pada perut amat menyedihkan. Produk ini memberikan penyelesaian dengan kandungan yang natural! Mangandungi coco butter ! Terbaik

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks membantu mengurangkan penampilan tanda regangan (stretchmark).Dengan mengunakan lotion ini membantu meningkatkan keanjalan kulit.Sangat sesuai untuk ibu hamil.Saya menggunakan lotion ini ketika hamil..Sangat membantu..Terbaik..

Its great

The lotion makes my skin feel so soft and moisture..

Very good product

I bought this product 2 month ago. I love the sensorial profile feeling after applied. Sometimes I guess it out of stock I can't find at certain shop or pharmacy

Skin become moisture

Have bought this and used it . My skin become moisture after applied it for about 3 weeks time.

I am just loving it.

Have bought this and used it recently. My belly become more firm and moisture after applied it for about 2 weeks time after my delivery of my son. Will continue use it.

I am just loving it.

Have bought this and used it recently. My belly become more firming and moisture after applied it for about 2 weeks time after my delivery of my son. Will continue use it.



Bagus untuk hilang tanda2 lepas mengandung.

Jom beli produk ini. Dapat di pasaraya yang berdekatan dengan rumah anda.. Terbaik.

For cocoa lover!

Highly recommended for those who love the smell of intriguing cocoa as it stay on your skin for the whole day long!!!!! And it does their job well as it faded my stretch marks! Definitely repurchase!



The most awesome product i evet used!

When i first saw it,i thought it would be the same results as the other strecth marks products i've used before. But boy am I glad I threw away my assumption and grabbed it accidently because of the discount! I used it whenever i remembered and it worked! Finally,I can wave all those scretch marks bye bye and my husband love what it does to my skin too..nice and smooth. Thank you so much for making me feel like a sexy woman again..?????



Selesa dan wangi

Saya mula menggunakan lotion ini ketika saya mengandungkan anak kedua. Lotion ini tidak melekit dan mempunyai bau yang menyenangkan.sqngat berkesan kepada saya dalam menggurangkan masalah selulit saya

Biasa2 sahaja

Saya dah guna dalam masa 6 bulan dan ia belum memberi apa2 kesan. Dan ia mengandungi paraben


Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks helps reduce the appearance of my stretch marks and it makes my skin become smooth and more moisturise.

I was FAT wt alot of Stretch Mark

This product help me to cover most of my stretch marks..once i start losing weight..

One I can trust ^_^

I use this product during my pregnancy, confinement and post-deliver and this product is totally awesome. I don't have stretch mark problem as I use the lotion from the start and now, my son is one year old and am still use the lotion as I love the smell and how it moisturise my skin at tummy area. A total recommendation to pregnant mom ??

Best for stretch mark and itching belly

It is not greasy, with vitamin e it repairs the stretch skin. Mine reduce in less than 5 months of the post partum period. It also reduces the itchiness of tummy during pregnancy period.


Lotion ini mampu membantu menghilang kan selulit terutamanya di bahagian perut. Dahulu saya gemok dan kini telah kurus, oleh itu banyak selulit yang timbul akibat dari penurunan berat badan. Apabila saya memaki lotion ini secara berterusan, selulit saya telah berkurang. Bukan itu sahaja ia juga mampu membntu melembutkan kulit saya. Baunya juga sangat sedap dan mampu meransang mood dalam seharian dan membuatkan saya tido lena kerana aroma yang menenangkan. Saya amat menggalakkan rakan-rakan lain untuk mencuba juga.

Bagus untuk hilangkan parut

Excellent! Saya telah menggunakannya selama 3 tahun berturut turut dan sangat sesuai untuk parut baru dan lama.

No more flaky skin!!

Flaky skin is one of main issue i faced during my pregnancy. My sis recomended me to apply cocoa butter to reduce the strech marks/dryness of my stomach. Guess what, it works!! My skin felt so moist & i love it!!





Sangat sesuai bagi yang ada masalah stretchmark

Massage lotion yang sepatutnya ada dalam simpanan bagi semua ibu hamil yang mempunya masalah stretch mark. Harga yang agak berpatutan dan mudah didapati di semua kedai kedai penjagaan kesihatan mahupun pasaraya. Pemakaian yang kerap akan menghilangkan kesan stretch mark terutama di bahagian perut dada dan peha.


This is the best product I'd been use before delivered my baby and after.
The smell and texture was super satisfied as it not smell creamy and absorbed well..10 thumbs up! ?

suka sangat

saya sangat suka produk ini kerana sangat berkesan,hilang dengan cepat dan tidak melekit . .ia juga tahan lama dan terus meresap terus ke dalam kulit saya membuatkan saya yakin dan seronok. . kini saya percaya dengan produk ini . .

Very smooth

Bought this for my girlfriend as her birthday present and she couldn't help using it everyday !!! Her skin becomes smoother and more moisturized after each application, and it smells so nice. She even beg me to buy this for her this coming Valentine's day

Great product

I had been using this product since i pregnant my 1st baby. This product never let me down. My belly dun have any stretch mark. It really works on me and love it!

Sangat berpuashati

Saya dah lama menggunakan coca butter ni. Sangat puashati. Strech marks masa pregnant cepat hilang. Yang bagusnya bau nya yang wangi dan tak melekit.

Wonderful Product

It works wonders. My scars and stretch marks faded after using this

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks

Saya gunakan semasa hamil kerana sangat bagus mencegah stretch mark bila regangan ketika hamil .kulit saya juga terasa lebih lembut. paling best kerana teksturnya yg mudah meresap pada kulit .lebih selesa kerana tiada kesan lekit pada kulit.

Bagus untuk menghilangkan parut

Produk ini sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit. Saya menggunakannya dua kali sehari, pagi dan malam dan kesannya parut saya kelihatan pudar dan menjadikan kulit saya lebih lembut. Produk ini bagus untuk saya cuma bau kokonya agak kuat sedikit .

Memang awesome

strech mark saya memang gatal dan kering.. kawan baik saya yang suggest cocoa butter ni ... lps cuba mmg bagus dan terbaik!! tiada gatal dan kulit pun tak kering ..

Best for allergic or sensitive skin

The lotion is really good for those who are suffering from allergic or those who having sensitive skin.
The lotion is also contain all natural ingredients which is suitable for pregnant women and bring no effect to baby. So the product is highly recommended to public. High quality and moderate prices, and bring excellent result to our skin.

Good brand

Been using it f9r quick long..really recommended

i love it!!!

My first time using is when i was pregnant for second time. my tummy was stretch and dryness. My husband was suggest for me to use palmers cocoa butter massage lotion stretch marks and totally help me to solve my problem. When i used it, my tummy more mosturize and didn't dry anymore.It also not too oily make me comfortable.

Good for stretch marks

After massage Palmar's Cocoa Butter Fomula Lotion on my belly it help to reduce belly skin dryness and appearance of stretch marks. I like the smell and it is great to me.

Best for heeling of stretch marks!!

After applying of this lotion for one weeks, my stretch marks become lighten and after applying for continuous weeks..finally my marks has disappeared!! Feel great to have this product!!!

Melegakan gatal stretch marks

Semasa hamil saya memang guna Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion ini.Teksturnya lembut baunya juga sedap je hidu.Gatal-gatal dari strech marks pun berkurangan.Saya pakai sampai lepas berpantang.Hasilnya stretch mark di perut saya x begitu kelihatan.

Massage Lotion for Stretch Mark

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks with a special blend of pure Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E, Shea Butter and Bio C-Elaste®. Bio C-Elaste® is a powerful combination of Collagen, Elastin, Centella Asiatica, Sweet Almond Oil and Argan Oil.  This non-greasy, all over body lotion helps improve elasticity and suppleness of stretching skin during and after pregnancy.  Also recommended for stretch marks associated with weight fluctuations.

Mencegah kesan regangan ketika hamil

Saya sukakan losyen palmer\'s ni..saya gunakan semasa hamil anak pertama kerana berat badan saya naik secara mendadak..sangat bagus mencegah stretch mark bila regangan ketika hamil..kulit saya juga terasa lebih lembut..paling best kerana teksturnya yg mudah meresap pada kulit..lebih selesa kerana tiada kesan lekit..mmg sngt berbaloi untuk dibeli,harganya pun berpatutan.






Saya menggunakan lotion ini semasa saya mengandung (2015) atas saranan keluarga untuk menghilangkan stretch marks..setelah menggunakannya selama pregnant,hasilnya sangat memuaskan hati saya..walaupun tidak 100% hilang,tapi ia tetap memuaskan hati saya..suami juga turut berpuas hati..tidak sia-sia menggunakan dan harga juga berpatutan..

so so only

I have bought this for my wife when she is pregnant, but the result is really so so only. The price is reasonable and you can get from any pharmacy. We prefer Clarins brand even it is very expensive.

Kesan regangan berkurangan

Kulit berasa sangat lembap serta kesan regangan pada kulit semakin berkurangan.Saya sangat menyukai produk ini.

Natural moisturizer SOFT

Palmer Cocoa Butter Formula massage Lotion Mmg menakjubkan, parut strechmark hilang tanpa kesan parut langsung..Kulit jadi tegang dan licin selulut mudah hilang.Yang paling best bau wangi sgt2!!!

Mengurangkan kegatalan perut semasa hamil

Saya telah mengunakan Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks semasa mengandung anak yg pertama, ia dapat mengurangkan kegatalan permukaan kulit perut & mengurangkan parut semasa kulit menegang. Sangat2 recomended untuk wanita2 hamil.

Good brand

Great product. Helps even skin tone. I don't have stretch marks. But, I use all over, even on my face!

No more stretch marks

I wasn\'t quite aware about this product until a close friend of mine introduce this Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks way back in 2014. At the initial stage, I was not sure whether this lotion is suitable for me until I started to apply it during my pregnancy. I applied the lotion throughout the whole pregnancy and the outcome is amazing. No more dry skin and I love the simple scent out of it. Therefore, I highly recommend this lotion for any pregnant mommies.

Good but smell not so nice

This is good for stretch mark. I use it after deliver my second baby. But I don't like the smell. Evertyhing ok

Good product - Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks is a great product as it moisturise the skin and leaves the skin stay smooth and soft always. Besides that, it helps to reduce the stretch mark effectively which is suitable for all the skin types. The price also reasonable and the packaging is very nice as it is easy to put inside the bag. After using this lotion, I do not feel the dry skin as it helps to makes the skin stay hydrated always. Highly recommend.

good using it preggy tme

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks is effective for stretch mark and it can prevent serious stretch mark during your pregnancy. The lotion is not too oily. It is non greasy and protect skin from dryness and stretch mark. Its price is a bit pricey.





Belly wont feel itchy

After use this cocoa butter formula, my belly really wont feel itchy anymore. Belly more moisture and the cocoa smell is very good !

mengurangkan strechmark

membantu mengurangkan strechmark dan gatal-gatal semasa mengandung.bau yg sangat wangi dan mnyenangkan.Tidak melekit semasa menggunakannya.

Prevent stretch mark

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks is effective for stretch mark and it can prevent serious stretch mark during your pregnancy. The lotion is not too oily. It is non greasy and protect skin from dryness and stretch mark. Its price is a bit pricey.

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter

cocoa 的味道很重很香的,可是我觉得好像对妊娠纹不是那么的有效的,不过他的另外一个膏状的我反而觉得比较有效过这个的。

My all time favourite lotion cream to improve the Stretch Mark

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks is great product as it firm up the skin as well as makes the preventing the stretch marks. I have been using the lotion for quite long and it has great benefits as it makes the skin soft and smooth because it has the moisturize effects which is good for the skin. Besides that, the price is reasonable and worth to purchase.

Good to prevent itchiness

Used it since day 1 I found out that I was pregnant until I finished my confinement. However it did not reduce my uneven skin tone resulting from the stretch mark. But it really good to reduce the itchiness from the stretch. Not really comfortable with the texture. Its quite oily for me.

Parut lama berkurang

Berkesan menghilang dan mengurangkan parut sama ada baru atau lama.Bahan yang terdapat dalam lotion ini bertindak balas terhadap parut dan rekahan kulit yang degil.Sangat berkesan.

Parut hilang

Parut akibat bersalin berkurang dan semakin pudar.Kena rajin sapu untuk kesan yang baik.Saya kerap gunakan tidak kira masa.Setakat ini lotion ini memang berkesan terhadap saya.

Kesan parut berkurang

Kesan parut akibat bersalin menyebabkan ramai wanita susah hati..cuba gunakan palmers cocoa butter ini..saya sapukan di perut setiap kali lepas mandi dan parut dan rekahan di perut semakin berkurang..lotion yang sangat bagus..

not suitable my skin

The smell is quite nice & not too oily. However my stomach skin felt itchy & got bintik bintik merah after using for few weeks. The doctor said that this not suitable for my skin use, so I stop then.


Saya telah cuba Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula semasa dalam pantang..Mmg menakjubkan, parut strechmark hilang tanpa kesan parut langsung..Kulit jadi tegang dan licin seperti belum pernah mengandung langsung..Yang paling best bau wangi sgt2!!!


Use this lotion once I'm pregnant, really good that it's help to reduce the stretch marks on my stomach.





Parut lama dapat dihilangkan

Proses mengandung menyebabkan kulit perut ibu akan mengembang dan menyebabkan terdapatnya kesan regangan pada perut dan peha. saya sangkakan parut lama semasa mengandung dahulu tidak boleh dilenyapkan lagi tapi ianya ternyata meleset. Pada sapuan pertama losyen Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula sahaja kesannya sudah dapat dirasai. Kulit perut menjadi lembut dan sedikit menegang. Bau pun sedap.. Hmm, memang saya akan terus menggunakannya supaya perut saya kembali cantik.

for my bad stretch marks

i use palmers cocoa butter formula massage lotion stretch marks for my stretch marks,i feel good,the lotion are comfirtable,soft,my skin also more moisturize than before,so i think its good for me and who have stretch marks

Good try!

the massage cream is like a care cream with is moisturizing the belly and the massage lotion actually can be use on breasts, buttocks and will preventing the stretch marks from surfacing.

Cocoa Butter Formula

Palmer\\\'s Cocoa Butter Formula massage Lotion for Strech Marks berkesan untuk perut saya. mengandungi vitamin E, kolagen, elastin dan shea butter. Untuk rekahan di perut sewaktu mengandung. kulit menjadi licin dan lembut. Kulit kering juga sudah tiada. Mengembalikan kulit perut menjadi lebih cantik dari sebelumnya..

best for stretch marks

Cocoa butter have a lot of benefits, and this palmer helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks with a special blend of pure Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E, Shea Butter and Bio C-Elaste®. It's non greasy, and protect skin from roughness and dryness.


Cocoa butter is a natural moisturizer derived from the cocoa bean. This is the same cocoa bean that brings us chocolate. With Palmer's, you can enjoy the benefits of natural cocoa without the guilt.
Palmer's also provides fragrance free versions that have all the benefits of cocoa butter without the scent.So ,say bye bye to belly mark.

Belly skin stay firmer and moisturize

After apply once, immediately feel that the skin around my tummy is more firmer and moisturize as the skin around my tummy is quite dry sometimes.

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