The Clearblue DIGITAL Pregnancy Test with Conception indicator gives you double confirmation of the result. Its Smart Dual Sensor not only tells you in words if you’re pregnant or not, but if you are, it shows how many weeks pregnant you are. With its advanced digital display, there’s no need to interpret lines, giving you the most accurate pregnancy test reading in early pregnancy.


(236 Reviews)

5 stars 204
4 stars 29
3 stars 3
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1 stars 0

You can never be too sure :)

I think most can agree that this is one of the best pregnancy test. Super easy to use, just dip the end and wait for the reading. Very accurate too. My only issue is the price point. I wish it was slightly cheaper.

A must have just to make sure :D

ClearBlue pregnancy test kit is a must have in my drawer. I normally will purchased and keep a few brands and will try at least 2-3 different brands when I need to just to make sure. You can never be too sure until you went to the doctor hahaha I would say, I am most confident with ClearBlue over other brands. I have tried both the analog and digital version and both are easy to use. But it is quite on the high side pricewise. Hopefully they will make it more affordable.

Mudah Cepat dan Efisien

Saya menggunakan Clear blue untuk pregnancy test saya yang kelima Ianya mudah sangat.Setelah tidak datang haid
saya terus membeli UPT. Cepat dan kita boleh tau terus berapa minggu kita pegnant.Tulisannya juga jelas dan nyata .Ternyata ianya memang produk yang bagus dan berbaloi dengan harganya.

Fast, accurate and reliable pregnancy test kit

All my pregnancies tested positive with Clearblue pregnancy test kit. The results shown within 5 minutes. It is so simple to use the test kit! I can even know roughly how many months of pregnancy during the time I tested positive with it. It is a bit pricey as compared to other pregnancy test kit. It can be found in Pharmacy easily.

Mudah digunakan dan bacaan tepat

Saya telah menggunakan Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator untuk kehamilan anak pertama dan kedua.
Saya sangat berpuas hati dgn bacaan nya yang cepat dan mudah digunakan dirumah atau dimana sahaja untuk mengetahui keputusan kehamilan saya.
Ianya sangat tepat dan mudah digunakan.
Packagingnya juga sangat bagus dan bersih untuk digunakan.

Precision at your fingertips

A product worth getting as it tells u exactly when you will ovulate as before ovulating the LH level will be high!
I tried it for third month now and hopefully baby dust to me this time ??
Try it and you will not regret it!

Easy and Accurate

Easy to use and accurate result compare to pregnancy test strip. I used it for my first pregnancy. I had used pregnancy test strip for my second pregnancy. It is not easy to use and I had wasted 2 strips to get accurate result. Better use Clearblue, easy to handle, accurate result, no hassle, and definitely you will not regret.

Easy and Accurate

Easy to use and accurate result compare to pregnancy test strip. I used it for my first pregnancy. I had used pregnancy test strip for my second pregnancy. It is not easy to use and I had wasted 2 strips to get accurate result. Better use Clearblue, easy to handle, accurate result, no hassle, and trust me you will not regret to buy Clearblue.

good quality product

guna masa nak cek kandungan anak yang pertama,sangat teruja masa tu usia baby 4 minggu

Hasil ujian yg tepat dan boleh tahu minggu kehamilan

Mmg terbaik..ujian yg sangat tepat disamping itu kita blh tahu berapa minggu kehamilan..boleh didapati dimana2 farmasi

cepat dapat jawapan

best,boleh tau berapa minggu hamil..terbaik??? tak sabar tunggu baby keluar bulan 8 nanti???

Alat Pengesan Kandungan yang sangat lengkap dan menjimatkan masa

Alat elektronik yang lengkap dan sempurna dalam memberikan perkhidmatan dan kemudahan yang diinginkan oleh semua pengguna wanita yang ingin mengetahui setatus kandungan mereka yang lengkap dengan jangkaan usia kandungan serta harga yang sangat berpatutan dan menjimatkan masa jika di bandingkan kos dan masa untuk membuat temujanji pemeriksaan bersama doctor.. ALAT ELEKTRONIK YANG PALIN untuk jadiG IDEIL DAN SEMPURNA YANG PERNAH SAYA JUMPA.

Very Accurate

Very accurate. Its detect from the very early preggy. It can detect Such an early pregnant 2-3 weeks.

Good and accurate

It is fast to get result.

Good Product with High Quality

100 Accuracy??

Super accurate

This clear blue really help me a lot! The result is super accurate. Just a few minutes after making a test you can know if you are pregnant or not and how many weeks your pregnancy is

sgt berkesan..!!

clearblue digital pregnancy dapat detect di awal kehamilan saya..saya sgt teruja mengunakannya dan sgt berpuas hati kerana ia membuktikan saya btl2 hamill..!!!

accurate result

this brand is very accurate. there are few types of it. some can show how many weeks are you. and some will only show only +/-. its a bit pricey but its worth it. the result came only in few minutes. however the battery only last up to 24 hours after the test had been done

Helpful Pregnancy Test Kit

The product is accurate and easy to use. U can find it at Guardian and most pharmacies. The price is a bit expensive but worth the money spent as it can detect of total week of pregnancy. It would be better if the price is more cheaper, but still it is highly recommended.

The product function very well

The product are functioning very well and efficiently..It show the result which is very accurate and im so happy using it..really recommend to all the people out there..

Pregnancy Test Kit Digital

Sangat mudah didapati di mana-mana farmasi -..
Sangat mudah untuk digunakan – Cuma celup je, direct bg tau pregnant (tak perlu interpret line),
Boleh bagi tau berapa minggu pregnant – Bagus untuk agak usia kandungan, boleh bandingkan dgn kalender –

Produk yang baik, mudah didapati dan ekonomi..

Alat pengesan kehamilan digital terbaik.

Sangat berguna untuk mengesahkan anda hamil atau tidak. Siap paparkan berapa minggu anda sudah hamil. Setakat ini, sudah tiga kali saya belikan product ini untuk isteri saya menguji kehamilan masa mengangdungkan ketiga-tiga anak saya. Memang puas hati guna produk ni. Ketiga-tiga ujian yang kami buat sebelum ni memang tepat, nanti kalau ada rezeki lagi, saya pasti akan belikan lagi alat ini untuk isteri saya uji kehamilan anak kami yang keempat nanti.


this product are so good to use and its not harmful to use to anyone and its suitable to use at old man,young man and even children can use this product too.

Good product


the best pregnancy test

preg test paling accurate antara banyak2 brand. sangat puas hati guna test ni. siap tunjuk usia kandungan. worth it to buy it!!

Accurate & fast

Waited for less than 20 mins for the results. And it is digitalize result which adds on the confidence I have on this product. It is also very easy and convinient to use. It is available at almost every pharmacy here and recommended by the sales assistant & the pharmacist. This pregnancy kit is can detect pregnancy as early as 4 weeks.

Good product

Produk yg sgt baik & tepat keputusannya. Sangat mudah digunakan. Keputusan sama dengan doktor.

accurate product

woahhh... I've tried it for my 1st time and i am so amazing with this product.. as my place work is near to mother and child health clinic, I've recommended it to them to use it for the next time.. good product to recommended...


I used two times for my first and second pregnancy. Really accurate. Easy to use. Instant result! Available at all farmacy.

Ujian kehamilan yang tepat

Pregnancy test yang sangat tepat!
Xpernah salah dengan keputusan yang diberikan. Dari isteri saya mengandung anak pertama sehingga yang ke2.
Sangat mudah untuk digunakan dan mudah didapati di farmasi dengan harga yang berbaloi.

Macam magik

Benda ni macam ahli nujum je. Boleh tau orang hamil ke tak. Bukan setakat tau positif hamil atau negatif,tapi siap tau berapa minggu hamil lagi. Macam tak masuk akal pun ada. Haha. Tapi yang peliknya, betul pulak tu benda ni teka. Pergi klinik pun, doktor ambik masa nak confirm usia kandungan, nak kena scan sana sini, tanya itu ini baru boleh tau. Tapi benda ni tak sampai 5 min dah dapat jawapan. 99% tepat pulak tu! Berbaloi laa beli mahal pun.

Good things

U got a good item


Clearblue alat pengesan kehamilan yang amat tepat.. Membantu mengesan kehamilan pada waktu yang lebih cepat tanpa mengira waktu datang bulan atau period.. Penggunaan yang mudah dan keputusan yang cepat tanpa menunggu terlalu lama seperti alat pengesan kehamilan yang lain... Saya amatengesyorkan alat clear blue kepada wanita yang inginengetahui status kehamilan anda.

Good quality

Used it in my second pregnancy. Fast and accurate even just 4 weeks of pregnancy.

Puas Hati

Saya suka guna produk pregnancy test kit ini. Produk yang berkualiti. Mudah digunakan. Ketepatan pada keputusan. Terbaik.



Pregnancy Test Kit

Used this to test for my first pregnancy and its really easy. With the cover, it's hygiene enough for me to keep the test kit and share it to both our parents. Well, sharing the joy its the most important part.

Best quality

High quality product and easy to use

ClearBlue Pregnancy Test

I have been using Clearblue for my 2 pregnancies. It is easy to use and the result is reliable and accurate.

Test kid

Sangat senang diguna kan..elok..

Sangat tepat dan mudah digunakan.

Saya telah menggunakan pregancy test jenama clear blue dan sangat berpuas hati dgn jawapannya. Ianya sangat tepat dan mudah digunakan.

Bakal menjadi seorang ibu

sangat mudah d gunakan
keputusan yg sgt tepat
now kandungan sy pon berusia 8 mggu

Sangat tepat

Saya gunakan clearblue untuk membuat ujian kehamilan anak pertama..walaupun lakukan pd waktu petang dan masih awal untuk jalankan ujian tapi clearblue masih memberikan keputusan yang cepat dan tepat...keputusan dari clearblue boleh dipercayai 100% berbanding dengan jenama lain..walaupun harga agak mahal berbanding ujian kehamilan yang lain tetapi keputusan yang dipaparkan boleh dipercayai...tiada masalah tersalah cara guna kerana ianya sangat mudah untuk digunakan..


Easy anda friendly to use

Exact Result!

If you're suspecting that you're pregnant but haven't got time to go to the clinic for check up, you could do self check up by using this pregnancy test. The result is fast and exact. No need to do double test! You'll be amazed with the result

Sangat tepat

Sebelum saya menggunakannya produk ini, semua keputusan negatif. Tapi saya yakin saya mengandung. Saya terus mendapatkan kit penguji ini. Semudah ABC menggunakannya. Sah keputusan nya.

Mengesan dengan cepat

Sangat cepat pengesanan kehamilan. Tak perlu nak tggu lma. Clearblue pregnancy test ini juga mmg sgt dipercayai. Sekali sja penggunaan dah tahu resultnya. Terbaik..

Cepat dan tepat!!

Kebiasaanya beli yang murah tidak tepat. Kejap kuar 2 line kejap 1 line. Dengan produk seriously tepat & xperlu dah nak beli kit lain untuk test. Apa lagi sila beli ?

paling best pregnant test i ever had

best dan tepat dengan menggunakam clear blue. accurate test
plus sangat senang nak beli
merata jual watson guardian utamanya.

Very good

Had been using this product for all my 3 pregnancies. Very accurate and easy to use.


very good

The Best Ever Produk

Guna kit ni masa mengandungkan Husna. Dapat accurate result dan puas hati. Result pun keluar cepat, tak payah tunggu lama. Senang guna.

Good result!

Beli untuk wife dan result sangat jelas dan nyata. Kami sangat berpuas hati. Sebelum ini guna brand lain dan result buat kami ragu2. Thanks clear blue??

Sangat bagus

Brand nie memang sangat bagus...boleh detect pregnant seawal 2 minggu... sebelum nie guna yang biasa tak dapat samar2... cuba guna yang clear blue terus result naik terang sekali dengan usia kandungam..sangat2 berbaloi dengan it..

My wife using this tools

The Clearblue DIGITAL Pregnancy Test with Conception indicator gives you double confirmation of the result. Its Smart Dual Sensor not only tells you in words if you’re pregnant or not, but if you are, it shows how many weeks pregnant you are. With its advanced digital display, there’s no need to interpret lines, giving you the most accurate pregnancy test reading in early pregnancy.


Its 100% accurate and im delighted

Ia membaca dengan tepat

Isteri saya menggunakan produk ini ketika hamil pertama kali. Pada mulanya saya tidak percaya keputusan yang ditunjukkan, tetapi selepas membuat pemeriksaan doktor, ternyata isteri saya hamil. Produk ini dapat membaca dengan tepat


Saya telah menggunakan alat penguji kehamilan clearnblue digital.Ia memberi keputusan yg tepat berbanding alat penguji kehamilan yang lain.Harga sangat yang berpatutan dengan kualitinya kerana Smart Dual SensorTM bukan sahaja berupaya memberitahu anda sama ada anda ‘+’ hamil atau ‘-‘ tidak hamil, juga memberitahu anda usia kandungan anda.

Good product

Clear blue is very accurate at almost 100%. We can get it at reasonable price and at any pharmacy easily. It also display with the estimate age of the fetus before went for formal checkup at hospital.


alat penguji kehamilan cleae blue ini adalah yang terbaik kerana, hampir 99% ujian adalah tepat.penggunaan bole dilakukan seawal 1 hari lewat dari haid. wanita tidak perlu ragu - ragu lagi. gunakan clear blue dengan yakin.

Tepat dan meyakinkan

Tiada keraguan dan keresahan lagi setiap kali lewat datang haid bagi yang mengharapakan kehamilan. Dengan clear blue pregnancy kit..semuanya pasti. Ujian yang sangat tepat seawal sehari conseption..berkesan untuk saya..pasti untuk anda juga.mudah didapati dan harga yang bersesuaian.

Trusted and accurate

Very accurate and quick need to do many times.only one test is sufficient and acceptable.prices are reasonable

Every time

Saya selalu beli produk ini setiap kali my wife pregnant. Selalunya saya sudag tahu dia pregnant. Cuma sebelum pergi check up dengan doctor sebagai lelaki saya sangat teruja untuk tahu berapa minggu my wife pregnant. Usually i bought this pregnancy test kat watson if i am not mistaken sebab saya boleh tahu secara kasar tempoh kandungan isteri saya sebelum berjumpa doctor


A good pregnancy test tool developed. Has high accuracy and so precise.. ut also safe to use

Pregnancy test kit digital

Pregnancy test kit digital ini sangat bagus..dulu sy dh cuba test guna yg biasa tp doktor cakap mungkin kandungan sy terlalu awal atau x pregnant.tapi instinct hati rasa ada,jadi sy cuba guna test kit.dan berbaloi.sebab test ni tunjuk brapa weeks pregnant dan akn info pregnant or not.

Mesra pengguna

Ia mudah digunakan.Arahan yang diberi sangat jelas.Ia membantu pengguna mengetahui dengan jelas minggu kandungan.Harganya sepadan dengan kualiti.Ia juga mudah didapati di kebanyakan farmasi dan farmasi rantaian.Produk ini yang terbaik dalam kelasnya.

Accurate pregnancy test

A home pregnancy test that is so advanced which capable to indicate whether a woman is pregnant or not pregnant. This product is 99% accurate in detecting pregnancy and the conception indicator is 92% accurate at indicating when a women conceived. This product is more reliable brand to me compared to others and the packaging is eye-catchy. The instructions on how to use are clear and easy to understand. Besides that, this pregnancy test is easy to use and the result is fast and clear. You no need trying to look in a different light and at a different angle. I love how the result pops up on the screen and tells you approximately how many week pregnant you are. This Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test is worth every cent. I highly recommend these as pregnancy test because the results are extremely fast to come up as positive or negative so you don't have to wait around for minutes which feel like hours waiting for a test result.

Trusted Brand !

Saya selalu beli pregnancy test ni sebab boleh tahu result dengan cepat and sangat dipercayai berbanding digital pregnancy yang lain. Brand ni juga mudah didapati di pasaraya mahupun drugstore yang lain. Senang dah mudah cara nak menggunakannya ! Saya pasti akan membeli lagi

The Best Pregnancy Test Kit

Easy to use, fast result and reliable too. The price is rather cheap compared to others. But most importantly, I can rely on its result 100% giving me a peace of mind. When I used other test kits, I always had to take the test twice or more just to be sure. But ever since Clearblue, 1 test is very enough!

Clear blue

Product ini memang berkesan..sekali sahaja menggunakannya, keputusan yang diperolehi amatlah tepat...saya menggunakan sejak mula mengandung anak pertama sehingga anak kedua..Harganya murah dan berkualiti!

Sungguh tepat

Dengan sekali ujian , sudah tahu berapa minggu usia kandungan..memang sangat membantu ibu bapa untuk melakukan persiapan menyambut kelahiran bayi baru..produk terbaik

Just the best!

Nothing more can i say about this pregnancy test. The accuracy and the design is futuristic. But one flaw about this is the price. But it is wort it.

Tepat lagi jelas

Dapat memastikan kehamilan dgn awal. Produk terbaik??????

Pilihan Tepat

Saya cadangkan kepada orang lelaki diluar sana yang ingin keputusan yang tetap untuk mengetahui status kandungan isteri..disyorrkan 100%..

Dapat keputusan yang boleh dikatakan tepat dengan clearblue

Sangat senang untuk digunakan serta dapat memberikan keputusan yang terbaik. Clear blue biasanya akan terus mention termasuk berapa minggu/bulan kandungan anda sekiranya anda hamil. Tapi untuk semakan bulan yang sebetulnya anda boleh berjump dengan Dr. ?


Very high recommended.. I used it once before this... And its almost 99.90% accuracy...

The best pregnancy test in the market

I would highly recommend this test to my family ,friends and you ladies out there. Its
The most accurate, easiest way of testing. Its not like those testers out there where they give inaccurate and uncertain results. It really clears your mind as i used this for both of my pregnancies.

Oh yea, the price is super affordable as its always on promotion!

Easy to use

Used this product before n i like how easy to it n easy to understand the instruction aswell. Recommended by my friend as she said 1 of the most accurate pregnancy test she ever use & that is why i try it.


-Easy to use
-Fast result and most accurate


Clear blue is really the best pregnant test that i ever use. It just like as it slogan, Clear answer, clear mind. It show accurate week of pregnancy. It show the result fast if compare to others.

Very Accurate but a bit pricy

This is my favorite pregnancy tester, you can know the result within a minute. What makes me love it the most is I can know my pregnancy weeks. But the price is high if compare to other brand. I used this as the final confirm of my pregnancy after using 2-3 others brand (cheaper tester).

No more false hope

Setiap hari bangun untuk check pregnant ke tak, sangat la kecewa jika double line, bila check doctor rupanya silap. Dengan clear blue, saya lebih yakin, no more false hope!

Penggunaan yang mudah dan keputusan yang tepat

Sangat berpuas hati kerana ianya mudah didapati di mana-mana farmasi dan penggunaan yang sangat mudah, cepat dan hasil keputusan yang tepat.

Mudah dan ringkas!!!

Sangat bagus untuk pasangan muda yang baru berkahwin. Produk yang reliable dan boleh guna tanpa ragu. Recommended sangat. Pastikan pakai selepas berjimak. Kalau belum berjimak camne nak ade result ye x..hehehebe

Produk Terbaik

Senang, mudah dan terbukti keunggulannya

Nice product

Mudah difahami dan resault yg tepat !

Good product

Mudah digunakan. Sekali celup dah tahu preagnant atau tak..the price quite expensive, but the things is good. I recommend you to buy

Produk yang sudah lama terkenal

Produk jenama ini sudah lama wujud dan mudah didapati di farmasi farmasi terdekat dan mudah dibaca dan difahami sebab dia dah takpakai interpret line dia pakai digitel dah terus tulis kalau takpaham apa dia tulis kau google la pakai google translate kikikkh.

It’s Great!

It is a great pregnancy test and I love it! It clearly indicate my pregnancy weeks and I couldnt be any happier! The only downside is the pricing. Other than that, everything is great!

Excellent product !

The first pregnancy test I used to detect my first born pregnancy a year ago. The result is very fast and accurate. The weeks shown is also the same as the pregnancy progress. Will continue to use this brand later when I get pregnant again ❤️?

Neat and accurate

I first use this device for my 1st pregnancy. It's so helpful cause it tells me accurately how many weeks i already pregnant. And when i went to the Dr, i am exactly how many weeks as clearblue stated on the device.


This product is quite good to use, has made me felt secure when I using it. I can use it without any doubt on it and the price is fair enough, if you want a secure yet trustable test on pregnancy, it\’s a good choice. It is valuable!

Awesome product

It is really worth it to buy this product . Easy to use and money worth it

Very Accurate

It is very good to use because you don't have to identify single line or double line. If you're already pregnant, it tells you if you're already pregnant for how many weeks.

Berbaloi dan Mudah!

Manual penggunaan senang untuk difahami, disediakan dalam beberapa bahasa. Amat mudah untuk digunakan dan keputusannya sememangnya tepat!

tepat dan senang

ujian yang senang dilakukan dgn peralatan yang diberi..keputusan yang cepat dan tepat..arahan dan cara penggunaan yang membantu dan mudah difahami

Tepat dan mudah

Setiap kali miss period, clear blue mesti menjadi pilihan saya. Bacaan tepat untuk kelima-lima kelahiran anak saya. Walaupun harganya agak mahal, clear blue tetap saya cari di farmasi. Saya pernah mencuba pregnancy test yang lain, tetapi tetap menjadikan clear blue sebagai rujukan utama saya. Sangat berpuas hati!


Kit yang sangat senang untuk digunakan dan result yang keluar turut menunjukkan umur kehamilan yang agak tepat. ?

Worth the price

Walaupun harga sedikit mahal berbanding pregnancy test yang lain , tetapi pregnancy test dari jenama clearblue ini mampu memberi jawapan yang tepat terhadap keputusan kehamilan setepat kata- kata doktor . Dari jenis yang digital pula , boleh menunjukkan usia kehamilan sebenar dari hasil ujian air kencing yang dilakukan

Clear n precise

First time using it to check whether im pregnant or not..and the result was clear n accurate. Although its a bit pricey, but its worth it.

Cepat mudah dan tepat

Saya pernah menggunakan jenama clearblue dan pernah mencuba beberapa jenama lain di pasaran yang lebih jauh lebih murah. Bagi saya jenama clearblue amat mudah digunakan dan resultnya pun sangat tepat. Malah, ianya boleh didapati di mana-mana farmasi seluruh malaysia. Saya amat menyakini jenama ini dan sepanjang 4 kali pregnancy ni saya setia menggunakan clear blue dan hasilnya saya amat berpuas hati walaupun harganya agak mahal berbanding jenama yang lain.

Good product

This product is very good.Since I use this product,it make my life become happily.

Worth the money

I have used this before and also tried the other brands which is quite cheaper and i think clear blue is the most accurate and easy to use.

Good product

I have been try to get pregnant, as of right now I'm three days late. I took a home pregnancy test and in the two minute window it was negative so I just left it on the counter and few hours later I looked again and it was positive. Should I believe it? I know from my other child that I produce low amounts of HGC when I was 7 weeks it finally showed up in home pregnancy test. The test that was positive was very clear

High accuracy pregnancy test

Highly accurate as this pregnancy test tool can detect as early as few days after you missed your menses.


Fast result dan keputusan yang tepat bila saya rasa saya mengandung.Great product

Best testing prenancy

I have been try to get pregnant, as of right now I'm three days late. I took a home pregnancy test and in the two minute window it was negative so I just left it on the counter and few hours later I looked again and it was positive. Should I believe it? I know from my other child that I produce low amounts of HGC when I was 7 weeks it finally showed up in home pregnancy test. The test that was positive was very clear

Pregnancy Test

Good and easy to use.. Perfect detection to know fast result... Can get any pharmacy..



Tepat dan jelas!

Memberikan keputusan yang baik tanpa kesilapan yang jelas
Jenama hebat yang paling disyorkan oleh doktor
bila korang boleh test 4 hari sebelum due period korang...ia dah boleh detect mengandung
Yang best, boleh memberitahu anda dalam perkataan jika anda mengandung atau tidak, malah ia juga boleh menunjukkan jumlah minggu kehamilan korang..

Best quality clear blue digital

Accurate my pregnancy before menstrual period. So happy best product, best quality

Best Product clear blue digital

the best ever product i have use before! accurate with the result 99.9% and im so happy because i know my pregnancy before due of menstrual cycle.

Accurate and fasten results

I try a few pregnant kit test before. But this products the most I like to used because its easy to use and fast results. Digital and convenient. No need the wait the 'line' but the digital clear the results out! Expensive but valuable products!

The best product t

I hope this is the best product in the world and you guys can see more function if u see many good thing and good health

No.1 Digital Pregnancy test

I use this to do the pregnancy test and this is a really good product that would tell you exactly as how long you had pregnant. This is really surprise and when I check back at the clinic,it is really accurate. the result is just like it shown on the test kit.

Accurate and easy to use.

It is my first pregnancy and I bought 3 of these pregnancy test kits before confirming my pregnancy at the clinic. Easy to use, reliable and gives accurate result. Recommended to buy this product. Comes in digital and analog kit.

Brilliant product

Easier to use and faster the result!

pregnancy test kit

Sangat mudah pergunaannya. Harga ia sgt berpatutan. Tiada keraguan. Kita boleh percaya tp jgn terlalu ykin. Tp apa2 Pon ia betul2 tepat. Boleh dpat dimana2 farmasi dan guardian terdekat

Clearblue digital pregnancy

Test kit yang sangat accurate. Mudah digunakan dan mudah didapati dari drugstore farmasi atau online mall. Alat yg boleh dipercayai kerana ketepatan keputusannya adalah sangat tepat.

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator


Clear Blue

Result yang tepat dan boleh dipercayaiii.. Five starr!!! ??

The best pregnancy kit ever!

Not only is the Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test over 99% accurate at detecting pregnancy hormone, but it is also easy to use. I tested my urine 1 day after my expected period using clear blue digital (2 packs) and it is showing me the correct result (and how many weeks I am) I bought another brand First Response Digital to double check. Both are showing the same result.
I verified with a blood test, everything is correct. What a great kit!

Very accurate and easy to use

This pregnancy test kit is very accurate and the result can be trusted by many. I have use the product prior to my second pregnancy and it is easy to use, very dependable. Overall a very good product for all mother out there

Best pregnancy test

Test kit yang sangat accurate, 100%. Mudah digunakan dan mudah didapati dari drugstore/ farmasi atau online mall. Alat yg boleh dipercayai kerana ketepatan keputusannya adalah sangat tepat. Juga jimat masa untuk dapatkan keputusan menggunakan alat ini. Harga juga sangat berbaloi. Saya suka menggunakan alat ini setiap kali saya hamil.

Good product

Sgt acurate 99%.senang dgunakan.sgt cepat dapat result.sgt berbaloi beli

Best test kit ever

Alat ujian kehamilan yang sangat mudah untuk digunakan. Mempunyai tahap ketepatan keputusan yang sangat tinggi sehingga 99%. Sy sarankan kepada pasangan yang baru berkhawin untuk membeli produk ini untuk menguji kehamilan isteri anda.

Love it!

Clearblue ujian kehamilan digital sangat mudah dan senang untuk digunakan tidak perlu bersusah payah dan juga memberikan keputusan yang 99% tepat juga bagi sesiapa yang belum pernah mencuba di galakkan untuk mencuba experience it your self! Sangat membantu

Clear blue

Semasa kandungan dulu, pernah menggunakan clear blue untuk ujian kehamilan. Sangat mudah digunakan cuma titiskan air kencing di atas tempat yg disediakan dan ujian dengan pantas akan muncul sekali dengan berapa minggu kehamilan wanita tersebut. 99% ketepatan amat diyakini. Yang penting mudah didapati diana farmasi berhampiran.

Cepat dan Tepat

Sangat bagus. Result yang cepat dan tepat

Accurate result

This test kit is very good and easy to use. The result is also accurate and i've been used it for all my pregnancies test.

Pregnancy Kit yang accurate 99%

Test kit yang mudah untuk digunakan berbanding yang lain. Hanya perlu celup dan result keluar hanya beberapa saat dan lengkap dengan usia pregnancy kita. Walau mahal tapi sangat berbaloi.

Clearblue test pregnant

Saya guna clearblue ni masa lewat period, boleh kesan saya sudah pregnant seawal 2 minggu.. Terbaik lah.

The best

This is a very good and easy way to get fast and accurate to know weather we are pregnant or not

Pregnancy kit terbaik

Saya menggunakan product ni time mgandungkan anak 1....beli kat guardian. Menggunakan pregnancy ni kita boleh tahu berapa minggu kita mengandung...sangat mudah. Saya juga menggunakan product ni utk anak second....Mahal sikit tapi berbaloi la. Product terbaik.

Sangat berkesan!

Isteri saya pernah menggunakan produk ini dan ia memang tepat dengan apa yang doktor jangkakan. Contohnya bayi dalam perut sudah 20 minggu pergi hospital pun doktor katakan perkara yang sama :)


Guna pregnancy test ni waktu pregnant ank product ni sbb kita boleh tahu dah berapa week pregnant..senang dah cepat..memang berbaloi beli..very recommended to pregy mom..

Good and accurate

I’ve been used this tool for both of my last pregnancy. It very accurate and u can know how long u been pregnant since it can show the week of ur baby. Very recomended.

Fast and Accurate

My favorite brand as the results are always fast and very accurate. It’s more sensitive and realizable than many other HPT brands bought from the counters.


It's always give accurate result I always satisfied with it

I just love it

I used this tool during my first pregnancy which was about 3 years ago. I just love it because of its accuracy. I do recommend this tool for those needed. It is user friendly and easy to get at any pharmacy. Please use this tool?

Accurate result

I used this during my last pregnancy.The instruction is easy to understand and easy to use it too. Although it's a bit expensive, but the result is accurate. You don't have to wonderinv whether it's false alarm for pregnancy or not.

Pengesan kehamilan tepat

Lepas je guna Clearblue ni baru dapat tahu yang saya hamil. Celup je terus dapat jawapan nya. Produk yang berkualiti tinggi dan berbaloi dengan harga. Tak perlu risau tentang jawapan yang diberi oleh kit ini sbb 99.9 betul. Bila pergi klinik dr pun sahkan saya mengandung. Happy sangat. Produk Clearblue memang terbaik ?


My wife used this before. It is very trusted and we can get immediate answer. It is very precise product. Easy to use and affordable.

Affordable one

This is the best pregnancy test ever when u really can check ur pregnancy using phone ! I buy to my sister and she very happy because its accurate like really good to have one and yeah u can see the progress by ur smartphone

Shows accurate results up to the exact week of pregnancy!!

Costs a bit more than the other normal pregnancy tests, but I love how this shows exactly how many weeks pregnant. I checked at 3 weeks! Quite accurate.


Sekali celup terus menunjukkan keputusan yang tepat. Sangat berbaloi dan senang untuk digunakan !

Bagus & tepat

Produk yang bagus & tepat. Saya pernah menggunakan sebanyak dua kali sebelum ini. Berbeza dengan produk lain, clear blue dapat memberikan keputusan yang tepat

Very good product

I used this before. It is very trusted and we can get immediate answer. It is very practical product. I tried some product that has more than 2 kit , this one just really easy.

Test kebuntingan

Produk yang bagus..mudah cepat dan senang digunakan. Indikator yg jelas Dan sensitive untuk mengesan HGH menjadikan produk ini 99.99 peratus akurat untuk cek kebuntingan dini.

Cepat dan tepat

Saya pernah membeli dan memberikan kepada isteri saya untuk melihat samaada dia mengandung atau tidak. Dengan cepat anda akan dapat tahu dan tertulis di situ berapa lama sudah mengandung. Terbaik kan? Cubalah!

Bacaan cepat dan Tepat

Pertama kali saya menggunakan produk ini adalah ketika hamil anak pertama..ini antara produk yang terawal sekali saya pernah cuba..dan ianya sangat-sangat "mengujakan".


Dulu mula2 mengandung ank kedua sy membeli bnyk pregency test yg biasa tetapi bila sy check semua pn 1line tp period dah 2bln xdtng,so lepas bnyk kali guna pregency yest yg biasa tp msih 1line sy bertekad utk membeli pregency ttest kit digital ne,taa daa!!sdh 4minggu dan ia sangat tepat ...terima kasih

The best pregnancy test in the market

i just got married and i planning on getting a kid by now. after i buy this and give this to my wife, the result gives positive. me and my wife really happy. so far this is the best pregnancy test ever

good product

i used this when im not sure the accuracy of simple pregnancy test kit.. and its works well to me.. love it

Memberi info yang tepat

Senang sangat pakai alat ni,kita boleh tahu berapa minggu kandungan dan memberi info yang tepat,senang kita nak beli sebab ad juai di mana2 farmasi seluruh Malaysia..bentuk pon cantik dan menarik,senang dibawa dan jelas tulisannya


First time pregnant memang teruja nak tau dah brapa week. Clearblue gives exact results... dah confirm pakai clearblue terus pegi buat buku merah. Worth to hv this before.

clearblue digital pregnant the best

clearblue digital pregnant ini sangat tepat dipakai, clearblue digital pregnant ini boleh uji pregnant dengan sangat tepat sehingga hamil berapa minggu pun tahu.

Worry no more

I always worry my wife would not get pregnant and there are so many other cheap brands around that doesn’t give clear instruction on how to use it. After I tried this brand, it gives my wife and I a clear and accurate answer and my wife no longer need to visit the doctor for check up as it is so accurate that my wife tired so many times and when we give it a check using this kit, it appeared positive and after going for a check up, the doctor says my wife is pregnant. This is surely a life and money saver.

Trusted product for me!

First product I ever bought to check out my pregnancy. Since then I would suggest it to my friends and siblings to buy it too. Its accuracy and confirmation of pregnancy. I remembered my first usage as it showed me ‘pregnant’, i blinked a few times before i could believe it.. hahaha

fast and accurate

bought for my gf checking, very responsive and high accuracy in split second

the best product untuk pregnancy

guna digital blue kid pregnancy ni masa mengandungkan anak pertama.3 kid beli semata-mata nak kan kepastian betul atau tidak mengandung.teruja sangat sampai tiga2 kid digital digunakan.sangat berkualiti,cepat dan terbaik digital blue kid pregnancy ni.boleh tau berapa minggu baby dalam perut ni.


i used this to test my pregnancy. Expensive but very good, accurate result also fast!

Easy, Accurate and Memories!

It is easy and convenient to use. I like it has a close to cover as hyginene purpose, so I can store it as a memories. The + symbol is still remain more than a year long.

Tepat & mudah

Clearblue..produk yg menjawab teka teki anda berkenaan kehamilan dgn tepat & mudah.


kakak sy check kehamilan 9.9 % betul spt check di hospital..


It's totally satisfying using this pregnancy test, my first experience using it is totaally awesome on my 7day late period i can detect the pregnancy using it..

If you are looking for the Best pregnancy test, this is the one

Bagus sangat

Saya hepy sangat mengunakan clear blue test ni sebab bagus sangat untuk ibu2 muda yang nak tahu dh berapa week. Sangat2 recomanded.

The best

I have experienced using this product. I was satisfied with the result. It can indicates pregnancy with the age of pregnancy.clearblue is the best. Worth using it.i will surely reccomend my friends with clearblue! Such a happy moments knowing i m pregnant at that moment.n it was 2 years ago.^_^

Very Accute and Sensitive

Even the previous version is very sensitive to detect early pregnancy. Very good product to keep in house for any woman who are planning to conceive.

Accurate, precise!

It's affordable because you dont need to buy cheap test kit that sometimes doesnt really work or only shows 1 line. ClearBlue will give you an accurate result and shows how many weeks is your pregnancy. I have used it twice!

Pregnancy test kit 99% accurate

Very good product to use in checking whether or not you are expecting. Not only that it will tell you how many weeks in fact. Very useful for early pregnancy as early as 1 week. I have an experience using it last year too. So happy!

Good product

The product is very suitable for household use and it functions very well , suited to my requirement and need. Thanks merchant for providing this product in the platform. Much appreciate it.

Give a clear result

Before this i'm using other brand and the result is not to clear...then i bought clear pregnancy test on the sport give me a clear result...value for money

Good product

Very useful and absolutely product. Use it to get to know my first pregnancy. And i can know been 2 weeks i pregnant. Easy to get to know whether you are pregnant or not. Fast and easy to use it. It even show out to let you know how many weeks i been pregnant. Good and perfect product for every woman who want to know whether they pregnant or not. Will recommand to my friends i sure they will like it.

nak try

wow nampak macam usefull sangat. baru2 ni dapat tahu pregnant tapi tak tahu da berapa minggu, lepas tu still keje tak cuti, so tak sempat lagi nk pergi klinik n check up baby properly. Alteast dpt tahu berapa weeks pon da okay. Kalau tak tahu kan mcm still risau.huhu.nanty nk try la


Clearblue ini sesuai untuk permulaan bakal ibu, untuk buat percubaan test positif mengandung,bila sudah konfom, si ibu boleh mendaftar mengandung di klinik ibu dan anak

Drypers The best

The best pampers i use for my kids 3years old.. No rashes when my kid use it.. Harga pun berbaloi.. Tak mahal..

Clear blue pregnancy

Dulu pernah guna pregnancy test yg ni.. Jwpn nya mmg accurate sngt.. Sngt berbaloi kalau beli..

Produk yang bagus

Saya menggunakan produk clearblue tersebut ketika hamil anak pertama. Ianya produk yang bagus,tepat,dan mudah. Walaupun harganya agak mahal, tapi ianya masih mampu milik. Segala teka teki anda sudah hamil beberapa minggu akan terjawab dengan produk ini.

Clear and perfect

Clearly show, easy and fast.


I use it and very high in accuracy. It's able to detect even 1 to 2 weeks make me feel comfort and realible with the result. And I give birth on actual date base on the result calculation given. The price also affordable. Highly recommend

Great product

The best product so far for pregnancy test! I really satisfiesd!

Tepat dan mudah

Kit yg terbaik, tepat dan mudah digunakan. Senang didapati di farmasi berdekatan dan harganya berpatutan.keputusan yang dipamerkan bertepatan dengan kalendar dan tarikh. Sangat disyorkan bagi mendapatkan keputusan ujian bagi ibu mengandung

ClearBlue Pragnency Test TERBAIKK!!

99.9% tepat. Sangat mudah digunakan. Walaupun mahal tapi sangat berbaloi. Mudah didapati dimana mana. Saya telah menggunakan untuk kandungan pertama saya. Akan saya gunakan clearblue pragnancy test untuk kandungan seterusnya.

Very precise

Very good product for those friends who would like to test for pregnancy result. Chaep and precise. Easy to perform. Can help to know the gestational week too.

Very precise

It is very precise when tested with pregnecy. It is easy to use and easy to dispose as well. Great for every pregnance women


Saya menggunakan produk ini semasa saya mengandung kalinpertama! Keputusan yangbpasti dan senang didapati dikedai!

Best product

Im not comparing the product with other’s brand. But for me this one is absolutely what I need. On top of only can see whether the result is positive or negative, we also able to find out how many weeks of pregnancy. This is totally amazing which I couldnt find from other’s brand.

Good product

99% correct.i love it..expensive but valuable..

Reliable & Straightforward

Using the normal indicator always having confusion and doubt as my experience was the line wasn’t clear enough for me to know that I’m pregnant. After using this digital tester, I feel this is the most reliable and straightforward tester. It is also very easy to use.

Tepat dan cepat

Keputusan yang tepat dan cepat. Brand yang saya dan suami pilih untuk mendapat keputusan yang betul

Good item

Good item.. Like it

The best and accurate pregnancy test kit

Clearblue is the best pregnancy test. My period was not even late when I tried to use this pregnancy test and it still showing positive result. However, the price is quite pricey. But honestly I think it is still reasonable since it can show us our pregnancy week.

Accuracy guaranteed

I used this digital pregnancy test kit to confirm my first pregnancy back in early May 2016 (got married in February n just finished majlis bertandang in early April) and the results showed accurate weeks of conception. It is definitely worth the buy!


Sangat tepat and berkesan. Masa pregnant dulu saya check masa baru 5 minggu. Belum missed period lagi tapi sebab kaki bengkak kawan suggest suruh check. Check memang positif. Pernah try yang murah tapi tunjuk negatif sebab awal lagi

easy to use

value for money, easier to comfirm pregnancy, other brand kadang2 confius double line ke tak. boleh detect even very early stage of pregnancy, accurate result and reliable compare to others. totally recommended for those yg ada early pregnancy symptoms.

I used this before.. Good product

Sy mempunyai hcg yg rendah untuk mengesan kehamilan... Sy menggunakan clear blue untuk tahu kesan positif pregnent.. Clear blue bkn sahaja kputusan hamil atau tak, malah berapa usia kandungan... Thanks you clear blue..

Trusted brand

I had using this digital pregnancy tester on my both pregnancy. The result is accurate. During the first pregnancy, I firstly use another brand tester but the result shown negative. On the same day, I used Clearblue tester it shown positive. The next day I check with doctor, result is positive too. Since then I always using Clearblue tester when I needed.



Easy to used and Fast Result

I been using this tool since my first pregnancy.Easy to used and the result is 99% correct.The price also affordable.

Sangat dipercayai.

Saya pakai produk ini pada kandungan kedua saya. Tidak seperti produk lain,produk ni sangat dipercayai dan sangat membantu untuk mengetahui usia kandungan saya. Ianya juga senang digunakan.

The best pregnancy test kit

Produk ni memang sangat bagus dan mudah digunakan. Yang part best plak keputusan dia serta merta tak perlu nak tunggu lama. Sangat recommended pada yang nak tahu samaada pregnant atau tidak. Keputusan yg tepat. Harga yang sangat berbaloi pada kualiti yang terbaik... jadi dapatkan segera produk ini di mana mana farmasi berdekatan anda..??

Super accurate!

I had very low hcg level during all pregnancies. I tested a few time using other upt kits and all came out negative even at 8 weeks pregnant. So i bought this one and the two lines were bold! A little pricey but worth the excitement.

Used before

I have use this before, good product

good product

it can test accuratly

good product

produk yg bagus saya suka... ia memberi keputusan ujian hamil yang jelas dan tepat...
tetapi walaupun boleh digunakan berulang kali...



Keputusan lebih terperinci dan cepat

saya menunggu rezeki hamil anak sulung selama 2 tahun setengah dan disebabkan itu daripada keterujaan membeli kit ujian kehamilan yang mahal setiap bulan saya bertukar kepada kit paling murah. namun selepas mendapat keputusan positif saya terus membeli kit clear blue digital untuk pengesahan keputusan sebelum ke klinik. clear blue bagus kerana walaupun disaran untuk menunggu urin pertama selepas bangun tidur, saya terus menguji pada waktu petang dan keputusan tetap cepat, tepat dan terperinci dgn bilangan minggu kehamilan. harga tiada masalah untuk kehamilan yang dinanti2 dan bukan selalu berlaku.



Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator

Saya mencuba Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicatoryng disyorkan oleh pakar farmasi di Watson. Selepas mengguna kit yang biasa line je beli yang lebih digital untuk bacaan jitu. Beli ini dekat Guardian – Sangat mudah didapati di mana-mana farmasi -.. Sangat mudah untuk digunakan – Cuma celup je, direct bg tau pregnant (tak perlu interpret line), Dalam beberapa minggu pregnant dapat dikesan – Bagus untuk agak usia kandungan, boleh bandingkan dgn kalender –Ternyata mudah pada penggunaan awal kehamilan.

no doubt

tepat...Tak Ada ragu-ragu..sebelum ni pakai yang biasa Tak jelas keputusan dia..

Good Product

This pregnancy test is amazing. It clearly indicates if its positive or negative unlike other brands where i will be quite doubtful.. This is my go to brand that i always buy..

Fantastic product

Good product with accurate wife is pregnant now..thanks cleablue

Sah, anda hamil!

Setiap kali saya lewat datang bulan, saya akan beli stripe untuk membuat ujian kehamilan sendiri. Tp sering kali saya ragu-ragu walaupun double line. Selepas menggunakan stripe, saya pastikan akan membeli ClearBlue di farmasi untuk memastikan sama ada positif atau negatif. ClearBlue memang tidak menghampakan kerana selalu memberi keputusan yang tepat! Walaupun harga agak mahal sedikit, tetapi berbaloi untuk menguji ketepatan keputusan kehamilan



Produk yang terbaik

Saya pernah menggunakan clearblue digital pregnant ini. Keputusan nya memang tepat dan berkesan. Ia juga boleh mengesan minggu kehamilan dengan pantas sekali. Walaupun Harganya mahal namun kualitinya Amat bagus. Sesuai untuk Sesuai wanita yang ingin mengetahui ujian kehamilan di rumah.

Produk yang amat membantu

Pregnant test kit yang amat membantu dalam mengesan kehamilan. Mudah digunakan serta keputusan yang diberikannya tepat menyakinkan lagi proses pengesanan kehamilan. Produk ini juga mudah diperolehi di farmasi-farmasi yang berdekatan.Ianya amat berguna dan membantu.

Produk yang sangat bagus

Guna masa mengandung anak ke3..test hari kedua lewat period...keputusan yg tepat.berbaloi dengan harga sebab boleh detect awal dan ada anggaran usia kandungan..terbaik...