Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea
  • Less sugar
  • Act as natural coolant (with cooling effect)
Yeo’s Luo han Guo + Chrysanthemum Tea
  • Double cooling effect with goodness of Luo Han Guo
  • Beneficial for lungs
  • Taken for hacking coughs, sore throat and excessive phlegm
Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea Light
  • 40% less sugar than its regular
  • Suitable for weight watchers / health conscious consumers


(107 Reviews)

5 stars 63
4 stars 35
3 stars 7
2 stars 0
1 stars 1



Our favourite drinks during CNY

Yeo’s drinks is always our family’s favourite especially during CNY. The drinks is so cooling and refreshing. I love to drink cold one but I limit my kids to drink not cold one at home. The price of one carton of Yeo’s drink is cheap and can be easily found in any hypermarkets.


Ianya sangat menyegarkan terutama nya pada musim panas sekarang. Mudah di dapati di mana2 kedai dan harga yg sangat berpatutan

Sejukkan badan...

Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea menyejukan badan dan rasa tidak terlalu manis... Kanak2 pun sesuai nikmat Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea ... Pack Mudah dibawa kemana-mana dan dinikmati pada bila2 masa... Minuman sihat dinikmati dimana jua .

Teh bunga yg sedap dan wangi

Setiap kali perayaan kami pasti memborong air kotak teh bunga Yeo’s ni. Selalu time perayaan la harga dia murah. Suka rasa teh bunga dia yg sedap, ringan dan bau wangi masa minum tu memang menyegarkan. Air kotak teh bunga Yeo’s ni sedap minum sejuk dan sedap jugak minum suhu biasa. Minum suhu biasa pun mcm sejuk je tekak. Lagi2 tengah haus. Mau berkotak2 disedut habis. Dalam kereta selalu bawak sekali kalau pergi mana2. Dalam peti ais semestinya ada juga. Nak minum ambil dan nikmati. Segar terasa.

Salah beli ?

First time beli sebab salah tengok. Tak perasan pun beli Luo han Guo chrysanthemum tea yeo's masa tu. Packaging hampir sangat sama dengan teh bunga Yeo’s yg biasa tu. Rasa dia rasa herba. Payau2 dan tak sedap. Paksa juga habiskan minum sebab dah beli. Huhu. Mungkin bagus utk mereka yg sakit tekak. Air ni takde gula ya. Takde rasa chrysanthemum tea pun. Cuma ada la bau dia sikit2. Minum masa sejuk ok la.


多年来都是Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea的爱好者。菊花味清香解渴,尤其是新年期间很多年饼是最好搭配的饮料。包装也很方便,黄色也是有好意头的意识~旺来。我也是很放心让老人和小孩饮用,因为少糖配方。甜味适中。一家大小都适合喝的解热解渴饮料。非常推荐给大家。价格方面不会贵,通常过年过节都有大促销。

Refreshing drinks

I love to drink cold Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea especially during hot weather. The feeling is so refreshing and cooling. The drinks is not too sweet and the taste is nice. We normally stock up some whenever there is promotion especially during Chinese New Year. The price is reasonable and it easily to get from hypermarkets or grocery shops.

The must drink during cny

Can't miss it during Chinese new year. Live it since young. Like it so so much. My favourite drinks ever.

Best drink chilled

The Yeo’s chrysanthemums drinks is very refreshing especially when drink chilled. It is not too sweet and is just nice for everyone. The best chrysanthemums packaged drinks among other brands in the market.


It doesnot too sweet and taste just great!

Teh yang lazat

Sambil menikmati hidangan juadah petang, saya pilih Yeo's Chrysanthemum Tea yang lazat dan menenangkan. Enak juga makan kekacang dengan air kotak ini sambil menonton tv. Satu pengalaman santai yang menyeronokkan. Cubalah dan anda akan tahu nikmatnya !!


yeos 菊花水在我家的随时都可以喝到。天气热家人都会拿来解热,方便又省时

Peneman di kala travel

Saya wajib beli yeos the krisantimum bila nak travel atau keluar bersiar. Rasanya yg menyegarkan membuatkan saya hilang dahaga dan haus. Rasanya yang kurang manis memang sesuai dengan citarasa saya yang menjaga kesihatan dan diet serta Kalori pun rendah. Suami dan anak anak pun suka dan akan beli walaupun saya tak suruh

My favourite

This is my favourite drink during Chinese New year. Price is cheap which everyone is affordable.It taste not too sweet and full with Chrysanthemum flavour and soothe my throat.

air bunga teh krisantinum

Minum ini sesuai bgi golongan yang tidak gemar dengan minuman yang mengandungi gula yang berlebihan . selain Itu minuman ini juga sesuai di ambil waktu cuaca yg panas kerana air bunga ini dpt mnyegarkan badan . Dan dpt mengurangkan panas dalam badan

Sesuai utk kanak2

Setiap bulan akan beli 2 carton air ini. Anak2 buah suka sgt minum. Airnya tidak manis dan sesuai utk diminum oleh kanak2. Jika tetamu dtg kerumah, sgt mudah utk dihidangkan air ini.

Minuman Pilihan Untuk Majlis

Air kotak chrysanthemum Yeos memang menjadi pilihan saya jika mengadakan majlis, selain rasanya yang tidak manis ia juga memudahkan saya dalam penyediaan air. Ia juga pilihan saya jika ingin hilangkan dahaga apabila dalam perjalanan. Jika dibandingkan dengan jenama lain, saya lebih menyukai rasa yeos dan harganya yang berpatutan.

Minuman terbaik saya ketika dahaga

Dari saya kecil hingga meningkat dewasa,teh bunga kekwa ini lah minuman pilihan saya semasa cuaca panas terutama sekali apabila saya dahaga. Setakat ini tiada lagi minuman lain seperti teh bunga kekwa dari yeos ini,rasa nya yang manis-manis dicampur rasa teh yang nyaman membuatkan tekak yang sedang haus menjadi lega. Ianya juga pilihan sihat,kerana kurang gula dan paling penting tanpa pengawet bagus untuk golongan tua dan muda.

Less sugar, taste better!

I like this one. Teh bunga ni kurang manis dan sedap di minum! Ianya sesuai diminum bila bila masa, dan senang di bawa, dan yang lebih menarik, harga nya lebih murah berbanding air kotak yang lain. I've been stick to this one since i am at high school and setiap masa rehat saya akan beli air kotak ni.


In hot weather, with cold chrysanthemum is so refreshing. I can habe 2 drinks once in a time.

Diet & teringin air manis? THIS IS FOR YOU

Low calorie, sumpah sedap. Kalau letak dalam peti ais lagi sedap. Sesuai untuk buka puasa, hari panas, hari tak panas pun sedap! I could drink this all day everyday ❤



Minimal yang berbaloi

Rasanya sangat sedap dan tidak begitu manis,sesuai untuk semua org untuk minum!produk yang bagus

menyegarkan dan nyaman

Minimum yang sedap dan kurang manis. Sesuai diminum oleh golongan dewasa dan kanak-kanak. Saya sangat menggemarinya kerana rasanya sedap dan unik.


所有的菊花口味饮料我只会选Yeo's品牌。从小喝到大,而且不会太甜,老人小孩都爱喝。过年也会买几箱放在家里招待客人。大热天跟不用说,非常消暑的饮料。 BeST!!

sedap dan nyaman

sedap sangat minum air ni bila sejuk2. Lagi2 bila cuace panas, memang ni lah airnyer yang akan hilangkn dahaga dan sejukkn badan. Rugi kalo siapa yang belum cuba. Dah la murah, sedap pula tu. Memang saya rekemen minum air ni time cuaca panas. terbaik!

Actually my favorite

Saya tak tahu kenapa, ini adelah minuman yang wajib saya akan beli. Tak terlampau maniss, rasa tea right and memang tea hehe . I like it.



My favorite drink

It is a must during Chinese New Year. My mom always buy 2-4 dozens during Chinese New Year. It will not be too sweet. I love it so much. When everytime I feel hot, I will get it from my fridge.......such a good drinks for me quench my thirst!!!! And I think it is healthier than carbonated drinks

Good for serving to customers

This drinks is very suitable to be serve to the customers when they are coming to your house during some special occasion especially during Chinese New Year. Very recommend to buy this for your family and friends.

My favourite refreshing drink

Saya sangat suka meminum air bunga kekwa ini disebabkan saya kurang suka meminum minuman yang bergas. Satu kotak saya boleh habiskan sekaligus! Air bunga sangat sedap diminum lebih-lebih lagi apabila ianya sejuk!


minuman terbaik dan sangat menyegarkan selepas berbuka puasa!!

Murah dan lazat

Setiap kali pergi ke kedai, saya mesti ambil sekotak yeos teh krisantimum. Sedap diminum sejuk untuk menghilangkan dahaga. Rasa yang segar dan lazat. Harga pun sangat berpatutan. Sesuai diminum tidak kira masa.

Underappreciated drink

Yeo's is a solid company with solid products. And this drink is one of my fave since childhood. It's a good thirst quencher especially when you chill it to perfection. It's mind boggling to think that some people consider this drink 'not premium'.

Refreshing Ready to Drink Beverage

A thirst-quenching drink, feels refresh every time I consume especially during festive seasons. Best to drink when chilled. The tea is very easy to find at convenience store, petrol station, etc. Overall, great beverage, but still it's a little sweet for me.

Refreshing as Always

When you feel hot you will want to have it. The refreshing look and also gives a refreshing feel after drink it. And now it comes with less sugar even more irresistible than ever. A long time product that can still be around with improved recipe.



Good drinks for relaxing mind

I really love chrysanthemum tea. Even i will buy chrysanthemum from "pasar malam" in Ramadhan for breaking fast. For my all the time stock i will buy a pack of Yoes CT. The taste of Yeos chrysanthemum tea is good as it is not too sweet where the sweetness is good for a student like me to help refresh my mind and body when im having a break from doing my assignment and whatnot. At the store i will firstly seek for Yeos first to get my chrysanthemum tea and usually every store will have the stock as Yeos is the known brand and they usually have "no preservatives" drink and thats what good for our health.


把它放进冰箱里再拿出来喝 在这个炎热的天气和一包简直太爽了 唯一对我来说不好的地方就是太甜了 甜度稍微降低就是很好的消暑饮料了

The taste of tea

My favourite drink for my entire life..not too sweet..

One of my favorite drink

Every year, before CNY my family will bought 4 or 5 box. Coz it cheap and nice to drink.

Family first choice

I believe that no one will don't know how the taste of Yeo's chrysanthemum tea right...
Yeo's brand drinks always my family and I first choice. That is so refreshing when take a sip of it, it also good taste while the drink was came out from refrigerator.

Nice drink for cny

This drink not so sweet and is nice for CNY. Every family will buy it for house

Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea


Best drink during cny

Yeo’s chrysanthemum tea is a drink there is almost every family will buy during the cny. Its a very refreshing drink. Another things is the reduced of sugar type was very suitable for old people and childrens.

Good product

Love the chill , great choice when having a hot weather especially in Malaysia

My favorite

Good choice with no preservatives and less sugar.
One of the Malaysian's favorite !


Air minuman yang sangat bagus diminum pada hari panas. Menyejukkan tekak dan antara air yang saya minum setiap hari

Teh Bunga Kurang Gula

Air teh bunga yang tidak terlalu manis dan mudah untuk disimpan di semua tempat. Penutup yang kemas dan mudah dibuka apabila perlu. Amat enak diminum apabila disejukkan di dalam petu sejuk.

Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea

Yeos memang pilihan saya dan rasanya yang tidak terlalu manis.Musim perayaan Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea wajib ada untuk minuman santai petang tak kira di mana sahaja.Banyak pilihan yang ada dalam rangkaian minuman Yeos. Saya suka teh chrysanthemum sebagai teh bunga. Rasanya sesedap tekak dan tidak manis,sesedap rasa sangat.Mudah penyediaan dari sebenar yang menyediakan bunga asli.Harga mampu milik dan sesuai semua golongan dewasa yang aktif dan sihat.


This is my fav drink. Also literally the only sweet drink in a box that i choose to drink. Because it is not too sweet compared to other sweet drinks. It is very refreshing and feels good esp drinking the cold one in the hot weather.

Refreshing drinks ?

I really love to drink yeos chrysanthemum. It have really good taste and less sugar. It is a good drinks to all, especially when we are in hot weather. It can cool down our body. I will choose this drinks when ever I go to market. It make me feel fresh after drinks this water ?

Kurang manis dan sedap Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea

Rasa dingin ditekak bila diminum sejuk dan menambah kelegaan semasa cuaca panas.Saya amat menggemari rasanya yang tidak terlalu manis dan boleh dikatakan air teh kekwa paling sedap tanpa pengawet.Dengan kandungannya yang kurang manis menarik minat saya untuk meminum teh bunga daripada brand Yeo’s.


每一年新年都会买很多这个牌子的菊花水 比较好喝

yeos chrysanthemum tea

the best drink in my childhood


Always my choice when in secondary school. Gives you energy after sport and feel fresh. Even though now if went to hypermarket i will buy it to drink. Also my 1st choice to celebrate festival season as it is more healthier than carbonate drinks. Affordable price.

All time favourite drink.

Saya sangat menyukai air teh bunga dari yeo ni kerana rasa nya yang sangat asli. Selain itu air ini tudak terlampau manis dan sesuai di minum oleh semua golongan umur. Jika tetamu datang ke rumah, saya semestinya akan menghidangkan air ini kepada tetamu. Air teh bunga yeo memang sangat sedap.



Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea

Yeo’s Chrysanthemum memang menjadi pilihan ramai dan gerenti sedap di minum bila-bila masa jua.Cepat menghilangkan haus di tekak.Tidak terlalu manis.Banyak pilihan yang ada dalam rangkaian minuman Yeos yang pastinya teh chrysanthemumteh kesukaan kami sekeluarga..Boleh buat teh ni dengan bunga asli tapi memakan masa yang renyah,Dengan ini mudah dan ringkas penyediaannya...Kami semua suka Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea...

My sons favorite

Yeo's Chrysthemum tea is my sons favorite. This drinks is not bad, not too sweet so I can let my son to have it sometimes especially during Chinese New Year. Everybody have can drinks but at least I can give him this chrysthemum tea.

Air teh bunga yeos

Minuman kegemaran sy.Rasa air teh bunga yg sgt sedap & tidak terlalu manis.Mmg mnyegarkan bila diminum sejuk ketika cuaca panas.Bagi saya air teh krisantimum ni juga boleh mnyejukkan badan secara semulajadi.Sesuai dinikmati ketika lepas bersukan & bila2 masa.Harga pun murah & mudah didapati.Terdapat dlm kotak ataupun botol.Selalunya sy beli dlm botol,mudah dibawa ketika melakukan aktiviti luar.

Fall in love

I often reject this kind of drinks but not this one. This version \"less sugar\" is not so sweet as the original. It\'s so refreshing after take out from the fridge :)

Teh bunga sedap dan wangi

Teh bunga yeos ni yg paling sedap pada saya. Saya suka kan rasa yg kurang manis dan bila sedut terasa aroma teh bunga. Sedap minum bila disejukkan dan sedap juga diminum tanpa disejukkan. Harga juga berpatutan.

Refreshing drinks

Yeo's Chrysanthemum is nice to drink especially when it is cold. It is refreshing and it is not too sweet. I love to drink it especially during hot weather. I feel cooling after drink it. Its price is quite reasonable too.

All time favourite ♥️

I really love the taste of this tea. Very delicious and refreshing. It's less sugar and pure taste of tea.

I always drink this water when go out. Everytime we drop by petrol station, this Yeo's Tea is a must to buy. Compulsory ?

During the hot weather, this water really help to make body fell cool and energetic. My children also love it.



Teh bunga Yeo's

Rasanya tidak terlalu manis dan sedap.Air teh bunga yg mnyegarkan badan dan menghilangkan dahaga.Lebih sedap bila diminum sejuk.Harga pun murah dan mudah didapati.

Penyejuk badan

Saya sukakan teh bunga dari Yeo's ini kerana rasanya yang sedap dan menyejukkan badan bila diminum. Harga pun murah dan mampu dibeli sesiapa sahaja. Namun, pembungkusan perlu dibaiki terutama bagi kotak 1liter kerana penutupnya tidak kemas dan cepat terbuka.

Teh Bunga Yeo's

Minuman kegemaran saya dan adik.Kami suka menikmati ketika ia sejuk2.Memang sedap.Tidak manis sangat sesuai dengan tekak saya.Harganya sangat-sangat berpatutan.Dapat menghilangkan kehausan dan dahaga kerana 1 kotak teh bunga Yeo\'s adalah 1liter.Cuma penutup dekat kotak perlu diperbaiki lagi kerana air teh senang tertumpah.

Penyejuk Semulajadi

Sy suka minum yeo's ni...x terlalu manis..bertindak sebagai penyejuk badan semulajadi..suka minum sejuk,mmg mnyegarkan tekak sy..rasa air bunga matahari yg sngt sedap..


It’s always nice to have something stored in the refrigerator for safe keep during hot days. I really like this product from Yeo’s because the taste of the tea is quite authentic and close to the kinds we brew ourselves. The taste is also very mild, sweet and floral for those of you who have not tried this before. I am a fan of this because there doesn’t seem to be much coloring inside the beverage as it is not too yellow which can be present in some other similar products from different brands. Not only that, I also really like the fact that this product is affordable too, plus the volume is not too little for the price you’re paying. It’s been a family staple in my household especially during the festive season, and throughout the years, the quality has not been deteriorated much which is a plus.



Tekak terasa nyaman dan menyegarkan

Sesuai diminum sejuk ketika cuaca panas. Tekak terasa nyaman dan menyegarkan. Rasanya yang tidak terlalu manis jadi ia sesuai juga untuk anak saya.

Bau nya wangi rasa segar dan kurang manis

Teh bunga yeos memang sangat menyegarkan di tekak. Rasa nya kurang manis,bagus untuk kesihatan kerana kurang manis,bau nya wangi apabila diminum dan sangat sedap dihidangkan sejuk.memang terbaik!!



minuman menyejukkan tekak

paling best ambil semasa cuaca panas,memang sejuk di tekak

Convenient packs for party

My family likes to drink it especially during special events ie CNY. We will buy few cartons to keep it and give friends and relatives to drink when they come and visit us. It is very nice to drink especially if it is cold. It will cure your thirst especially during hot weather.


Sedapnya air yeos teh chrysanthemum!!!!!! Lagi sedap diminum bersama ais :D

Menyegarkan dan kurang manis

Air kegemaran saya. Sgt segar diminum sewaktu panas. Melegakan tekak. Yang paling saya suka ialah rasanya kurang manis.

Cheap & Easy

I like to drink Chrysanthemum tea, Yeo's brand is nicer that Drinho.
Yeo's more nicely in flower taste and not too sweet!

sedap,murah dan badan terasa sejuk

sy suka minuman teh bunga jenama yeos kerana ianya sedap,murah dan badan terasa sejuk je..ia juga mudah utk didapati di kedai2 runcit dan pasaraya



my kids favorite

My son like to drink this Yeo's Crysanthemun drinks. He can finished it within half an hour!

childhood drink

The chrysanthemum tea is highly thirst-quenching and cooling, and is especially good if you feel a fever coming.

Best to store lots of them!

What more can I say than that Yeo’s Chrysanthemum is always a common sight at home and at work. Refreshing chrysanthemum tea leaves with hints of sweetness to help wake me up and spike that sugar levels when needed is just one of the ways to describe this drink. Easily can be found at RM1 per packet makes this all the more ideal for a quick thirst-quencher on hot and humid days. Celebrations always includes this with packets of 32 ready to serve the guests as a complement to the cookies. It feels light. It is cheap. I feel great. Altogether, it makes the perfect drink.

Favourite Refreshing Drink

This is one of my favourite refreshing drinks during hot weather. It helps to soothes my thirst and the taste is not too sweet. Best to drink when it is chill.

Refreshing drinks

It is nice to drink as it is not too sweet and cool down your body. You can feel the amazing feel especially you drink the cold Yeo’s chrysanthemum tea in the hot days.

Quench your Thirst

Drink that help you to quench your thirst on hot sunny day. The taste is great , less sugar and also hel to reduce body heat. Really suitable for children and adult.

sedap dan kurang manis

Kesukaan saya.! Rasa sedap kurang manis..sangat sesuai diminum pada hari yang panas. Menjadi air kesukaan sejak dulu.rasa sama dari dulu hingga kini.

Less sugar

This is not too sweet! And help me fullfill my thristy always!

Yeo's Krisantimum

This popular Asian drink is lightly infused with the fragrant aroma of Chrysanthemum blossom and has a delicate floral sweetness that leaves a memorable note. Drink YEO’S Chrysanthemum Tea to beat the tropical heat! We use to drink this during Chinese New Year. But it must drink at cold.

kurang manis dan sedap

No reviews yet

saya sukakn minuman teh bunga ni sebab rasanya yang kurang manis.dan sedap diminum apabila dimasukkan ke dalam peti ais saya juga suka belikan anak-anak minuman ini

Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea

air teh bunga yang menyegarkan, menghilangkan dahaga ketika dalam ciaca panas, campurkan bersama ais batu memang sangat memuaskan.. ia juga boleh menyejukkan badan dan kurang manis. sesuai untuk semua majlis bersama Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea.

Best drink to cool the throat

Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea is the best drink because it always help to soothe the throat especially during the hot season. Whenever I am under the hoypt sun, my throat always dry up which makes me to get sore throat more often. By having the Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea with me all the time I do not need to worry because it just work wonders. The pacakaging is very nice as it is very lightweight and easy to bring along anywhere, anytime. It cointains less sugar which does not harm the health. Let's drink together these delicious drinks. Highly recoomend!

Real Chrysanthemum Tea by Yeo's

I heard from a friend, he said Yeo's Chrysanthemum Tea is made by real chrysanthemum flower. Compare with other brands, mostly are use artificial colours and taste. This drink is must have drink in my house for visitor especially during Chinese New Year. The taste no so sweet really nice to drink.

Teh Bunga yang menyegarkan

Sakit tekak air ini la yang saya sering cari & minum.Dengan bahan semulajadi,air nya yang sejuk,amat sesuai dengan tekak yang perit dan sakit.Boleh kurangkan buat seketika.Air teh bunga ni pun kurang manis.Sesuai di minum pada cuaca panas.Rasa yang nyaman dan segar di tekak saya.

Teh Bunga Kurang Manis Terbaik.

Kalau kawan tanya kenapa suka minum teh bunga, jawapan saya sungguh simple kerana teh bunga dapat menyejukan badan di samping menghilangkan dahaga buat seketika waktu. Dengan kandungannya yang kurang manis menarik minat saya untuk meminum teh bunga daripada brand Yeo's.

Refreshing with just the right amount of sweetness

It's always nice to have something stored in the refrigerator for safe keep during hot days. I really like this product from Yeo's because the taste of the tea is quite authentic and close to the kinds we brew ourselves. The taste is also very mild, sweet and floral for those of you who have not tried this before. I am a fan of this because there doesn't seem to be much coloring inside the beverage as it is not too yellow which can be present in some other similar products from different brands. Not only that, I also really like the fact that this product is affordable too, plus the volume is not too little for the price you're paying. It's been a family staple in my household especially during the festive season, and throughout the years, the quality has not been deteriorated much which is a plus.

Chill up drink

Chrysanthemum tea drinks always our family choice because it's freshly brewed with less sugar and no preservatives. It best to drink in cold and make us fell so refresh... love the taste so much..

Chrysanthemum is good during hot weather

Chrysanthemum is well known to cooling our body temperature especially heaty season. One of my favourite drink. Only dislike the sugar contain as it too sweet. Come in different size of packaging.


Like Yeo’s chrysanthemum tea so much especially the reduced sugar type. Best served when chill, very refreshing.

Great for any party!

This Yeo's chrysanthemum tea will always be around whenever there's a party, open house or even during new years. You can always find them in every house. It's not sweet and help cool down the heat! The packaging make it easy to drink, portable and most importantly it's recyclable!

Cure your thirst on hot day

Feeling hot or body feel a bit heaty? Cure your thirst with Yeo's chrysanthemum. Not too sweet and it helps to cool down body heat. Come in packet or bottle type. Price is affordable.

Teh Bunga Paling Sedap

Yeos memang pilihan ramai dan gerenti sedap di minum bila-bila masa jua. Banyak pilihan yang ada dalam rangkaian minuman Yeos. Tapi feveret AJ pastinya teh chrysanthemum atau AJ panggil sebagai teh bunga sahaja. AJ suka sebab ianya tidak manis, sesedap rasa sangat. AJ pernah juga memyediakan teh bunga kekwa asli pemberian kawan dari Sabah dan prosesnya agak rumit juga dan untuk mudah pastilah beli sahaja teh bunga dari Yeos ni, buka dan minum.

Best Serve when chill

Like Yeo's chrysanthemum tea so much especially the reduced sugar type. Best served when chill, very refreshing.

Air Bunga Kekwa Yeo's

Rasa dingin apabila diminum dan menambah kelegaan semasa cuaca panas.Saya amat menggemari rasanya yang tidak terlalu manis dan boleh dikatakan air teh kekwa paling sedap tanpa pengawet.

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