Jacob’s Weetameal

Product Details

Every Jacob’s product has the fibre, vitamins and minerals needed to contribute to a well-balanced diet. Its nutrition offering comes with the delicious taste of wheat cereal so that Jacob’s Weetameal Wheat Cracker is tasty and packed full of flavour.

  • Weetameal
  • Contains wheat cereal
  • No added sugar, colouring or preservatives
  1. ladyhadi37
    8 reviews

    Diet with wheatmeal

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 24, 2020

    I really it because it’s contain less sugar and really good to take anytime you want. I can say it’s healthy food also.

  2. Shika43
    687 reviews

    Lebih mengenyangkan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 11, 2020

    Sesuai dinikmati pada bila-bila Masa Dan mempunyai rasa yang sedap…Jacob’s Weetameal sangat sesuai juga bagi mereka yg ingin mengamalkan diet dalam permakanan harian… Tidak terlalu berminyak menjadikan Jacob’s Weetameal sesuai dicicah teh atau susu…Jacob’s Weetameal terdapat juga tidak Manis Dan sangat rangup.. biskut ini juga mempunyai serat tiap Kali gigitan…

  3. JacksonLee93
    1 reviews


    1 out of 5, reviewed on July 26, 2019

    Jacob’s Weetameal is salty as hell! Wonder why there are so many great reviews, kena paid for doing this? Jacob’s please explain for yourself. Just curious about it, is it done deliberately or mistakes by you guys. Quite worry about the health of your consumers, is like consuming jars of salt, and people might think that it’s healthy as advertised.

  4. Suzanne Fong
    76 reviews

    tasty & healthy

    3 out of 5, reviewed on July 24, 2019

    taste is juz so healthy hahaha, the grain taste, so my parents luv it for sure, so now i always buy this for my parents cuz its tasty & healthy at the same time so y not!

  5. adrianazlan61
    3 reviews

    Fav biscuit during secondary and till now

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 23, 2018

    Fav diet food, it is very delicious even you eat on its own! Plus plus plus, spread with tuna mayo and tuna hot mayo , a good combination, and also dip with your fav milk ! And also it is affordable ? p/s : still suitable to eat while watching movies from you laptop or phone !

  6. Aminazmi21
    4 reviews

    Sedap dan kenyang

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 15, 2018

    Biskut ni memang sedap kalau letak mayo, klau satu tin confirm tahan seminggu je sorang makan. Teerrbaaaaiikkkkk.

  7. Mira0407
    19 reviews

    My fav snack!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 16, 2018

    I love weetameal. Rasa sedap tak macam biskut lain. Biskut ni kalau beli satu tin sekejap je habis. Budak budak pun suka.

  8. Verrone24
    28 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 24, 2018


  9. AdamPang67
    3 reviews

    Healthy snacks at any time

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 29, 2018

    It’s a healthy biscuit with more fiber than the other conventional biscuits. You’d want to have more after you take one because it just tastes good. I think it’s great to have it in your office to quench your hunger with a cup of coffee during tea time.

  10. lovivien52
    12 reviews

    Taste better than normal cracker

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 25, 2018

    Best to eat with Tuna mayo. Able to satisfy hunger during supper in a more healthy way. Value buy below RM 10 for large tin during promo.

  11. hg43079
    3 reviews

    Good snack

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 16, 2018

    This round biscuit is low in fat and it’s nice to be our diet food. I used to take it at my dinner so that I can continue my diet plan.

  12. WP61
    24 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 8, 2018


  13. cikemy36
    2 reviews

    my all time fave!!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 2, 2018

    i like the taste, one of my fave snacks during my diet time.. easy and handy to bring anywhere anytime

  14. Afiffudin Ariffin
    3 reviews

    sangat berkhasiat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 9, 2018

    jacob weetameal merupakan sarapan harian saya yang membekalkan tenaga serta nutrien yang diperlukan untuk mengharungi tugasan harian saya. selain itu, ia turut memiliki kandungan serat yang tinggi untuk membantu penjagaan kesihatan jantung saya dalam mengawal kolesterol dalam tubuh badan saya. saya akan terus mengamalkan dalam diet harian saya

  15. Hippo201705
    12 reviews

    Taste Good

    4 out of 5, reviewed on April 3, 2018

    This Jacob’s Weetameal biscuits is one of my favourite. It is really taste good. All my family members love it and it is also suitable to have it as well when you feel hungry..

  16. Alun85
    1 reviews

    Masin sangat

    1 out of 5, reviewed on March 26, 2018

    Saya sekeluarga sebelum ini memang sangat sukakan biskut jacob’s weetameal ni.. tapi setelah membeli biskut ini dalam bentuk refill ( yg dijual dalam kotak) berat bersih 360g .. rasanya sangat berlainan… ia lebih masin…. anak saya pun sudah tidak menyukainya lagi… harap pihak yg berwajib dapat menilai semula kandungan natrium/ sodium dalam maklumat pemakanan yg tertera di kotak tersebut… harap tidak menjadi suatu masalah bagi pihak Jacob’s menilai kembali keaslian biskut jacob’s weetameal ini….

  17. Nur Fareha
    6 reviews

    Biskut ini sedap sangat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 14, 2018

    Korang patut cuba biskut ni.. Sangat sedap walaupun makan kosong macam tu.. Masa saya berpantang, biskut ini menjadi salah satu kesukaan saya… Sangat sedap lah.. One of my favorite biskut.. Sy bukan pengemar biskut yer.. Tapi biskut ini memang best..

  18. Afiza_Rahim60
    358 reviews

    Jacob’s Weetameal

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 12, 2018

    Biskut Jacob’s Weetameal memang makanan snek yang menjadi amalan keluarga saya.Mengandungi 75% wheat cereal.Tidak mengandungi gula tambahan.Sedap dinikmati ketika cuaca panas dan sejuk.Kalau makan sampai tak sedar berapa keping masuk dalam mulut,Ringan mudah dibawa ke Pejabat.Mudah penyediaan.Harga mampu milik dan lazat.

  19. Linz Kushina
    3 reviews

    Tak pernah jemu

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 4, 2018

    Saya mula makan biskut ni masa mabuk hamil anak pertama.. Tahun 2008 yang lalu.. Perut sentiasa kembung berangin.. Jadi saya sentiasa mengunyah.. Hahahaha.. Nak mudah, kena makan biskut je la.. Tak kan nak usung pinggan ke hulu ke hilir.. Sampai sekarang dah 10 tahun umur anak saya.. Dan saya masih gemar makan biskut jacob weetameal.. Anak-anak saya pun suka.. Memang tak pernah jemu makan biskut ni.. Nyum.. Nyum.

  20. Joyce20
    13 reviews

    Nice taste

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 2, 2018

    Take this when i on confinement..healthy and full..

  21. Khairul_Rahman58
    95 reviews

    Jacob’s Weetameal

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 2, 2018

    Biskut yang sedap enak untuk melengkapkan hari hari saya.Diperkaya dengan bijiran gandum.Rasanya berlemak dan sesuai dinikmati bersama susu segar ataupun kopi O.Biskut ini menjadi pilihan saya sekiranya tiada mood untuk makan nasi.Cukup mengenyangkan dalam tempoh masa yang lama.Mengandungi 75% wheat cereal.Tidak mengandungi gula tambahan.Anak-anak saya sukakannya.Harga berpatutan dan mudah didapati di kedai berdekatan.

  22. SalinaSalihudin
    80 reviews

    Berkhasiat dan lazat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 20, 2018

    Pilihan sarapan yang berkhasiat dan lazat agak sukar terutamanya untuk wanita berkerjaya seperti saya. Saya sentiasa mahukan sajian yang ringkas, cepat dan mudah dinikmati namun berkhasiat dan lazat. Jacobs Weetameal memang menjadi pilihan saya untuk sarapan dan waktu minum petang kerana rasanya yang sedap, rangup dan mengenyangkan kerana ia lengkap dengan vitamin dan mineral diperlukan tubuh badan. Saya sukakannya!

  23. emilliakamarlis62
    210 reviews

    Makanan diet yang seimbang

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 30, 2017

    Jacob’s Weetameal ini memang menjadi hidangan wajib saya ketika berdiet. Biskut ini kaya dengan sumber bijirin dan saya dapat merasai cebisan bijiran ketika menikmati biskut ini. Lagipun, ia cepat mengenyangkan tanpa perlu berlapar. Selain itu, pek mudah bawa yang dihasilkan memudahkan saya membawanya ke mana saja.

  24. Nur Arina
    812 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 28, 2017

    Biskut yang menyihatkan dan anak-anak suka. Saya pun selalu jugak bagi anak bongsu saya makan..yang 10bulan sebab biskut ni lembut.cair dimulut bila anak kemam dan rasanya sedikit manis membuatkan anak suka

  25. FARA34
    97 reviews

    Biskut Jacobs

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 31, 2017

    Rasanya yang sedap lain dari yang lain.. Bila makan susah nak stop. Cicah air kopi, teh atau milo lg ummpp!!!!

  26. Nor Juliana Mawarni
    129 reviews

    Jacob's Weetameal

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2017

    Biskut Jacob’s Weetameal adalah biskut kegemaran saya.Stok yang perlu ada dalam rumah.Biskutnya yang sedap dan boleh buat kita kenyang sebabkan gandum.Biskut diet yang terbaik.Seisi keluarga saya menyukainya.Tidak mengandungi gula dan bahan pengawet serta perwarna.Sangat berkhasiat kerana mengandungi fibre,vitamin dan mineral.Harga nya yang berpatutan.Terdapat dalam kotak dan tin yang besar.Kalau untuk perjalanan yang jauh saya akan memilih kotak.Saya amat berpuas hati dan menyarankan kepada semua lapisan masyarakat untuk memilih Jacob’s Weetameal sebagai biskut diet yang brkhasiat.Memang terbaik!!!

  27. NurulDeng08
    470 reviews

    Biskut dengan rasa manis semulajadi gandum

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 13, 2017

    Tekstur biskut Jacobs weetameal ni sgt rapuh.Terdapat bijirin gandum dlm biskut ni yg mnjadikannya lebih sedap.Tidak mngandungi perisa & penanis tambahan,rasanya mmg manis semulajadi dari gandum.Saya suka makan biskut ni begitu saja,mnjadikannya sbg snek yg mnyihatkan.Dicicah dgn air pun sedap.Harganya mmg berpatutan lebih lagi bila dibeli dlm tin,mmg berbaloi & jimat.

  28. Maawardah Mohamad
    248 reviews

    Biskut gandum rangup

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 10, 2017

    Biskutnya kurang manis tapi sedap. Boleh makan begitu saja atau dicicah dengan air. Bijirin gandum terasa setiap kali mengunyahnya. Boleh dibeli dalam tin atau kotak dan yang paling saya suka dijual juga dalam packaging kecil/pek individu. Mudah untuk travel.

  29. Kaushelia Shelia
    367 reviews

    Balanced diet

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 27, 2017

    Jacob’s Weetameal is suitable to eat with the whole family as it provides all the good nutrients for the health. Easy to bring along anywhere and suitable to have it during break time. I love to eat it together with Milo as it adds delicious taste and really a great packaging. The price also very reasonable and worth to purchase. It is not sweet and the adults can have it without any worries. I feel so happy and satisfied to eat the Jacob’s Weetameal with my family as well as with my friends. Highly recommend.

  30. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Biskut dengan 75% wheat cereal

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 27, 2017

    Suka tekstur biskut ni yg rapuh & mngandungi germa gandum..dengan 75% wheat cereal,dapat rasa cebisan germa gandum dlm biskut ni..sememangnya pilihan snek yg sihat utk saya..rasanya juga tidak manis,sesuai dimakan begitu saja & dicicah dgn air..harga pun murah je..selalu sy beli dlm tin krn kuantiti lebih bnyk & jimat wang..

  31. 溦溦 林
    473 reviews

    Jacob’s Weetameal很好吃

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2017

    Jacob’s Weetameal很好吃,我超爱吃的,他不会像一些麦片饼干那样的,如果不喜欢吃麦片的人你们可以尝试吃这个包你会喜欢的

  32. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 10, 2017

    Sedap sangat biskut ni..dalam pantang saya banyak makan biskut sedapp teramat.Biskut Jacob’s Weetameal memang makanan snek yang menjadi amalan keluarga saya.Mengandungi 75% wheat cereal.Tidak mengandungi gula tambahan.Anak-anak saya sukakannya.Kalau makan sampai tak ingat dunia.

  33. mizarifin91
    136 reviews

    biskut jacob

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 31, 2017

    sangat sedap dimakan begitu saja mahupun dicicah bersama air milo atau teh. harga juga berpatutan dan kanak-kanak juga gemar. hidangan ringkas tapi mampu

  34. Nur Atikah
    66 reviews

    Fall in love with this biscuit

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 31, 2017

    During my diet process, I took this biscuits as a snack because the sugar level is not too high. The ingredients given is really helpful for me to know how much calory I will consume for every 6 pcs.

  35. cikbunga49
    659 reviews

    Berbeza setiap tin

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 19, 2017

    Saya tak tahu kenapa setiap kali saya beli biskut Jacob ni berbeza setiap tin. kadangkala dia terlebih garing,kadangkala ia kurang garing. Tapi saya suka rasanya yang masin dan ranggup. Sedap dicicah bersama air milo. yummssss…

  36. deniseW28
    121 reviews

    A favourite from Jacob's!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017

    I like the Weetameal option from Jacob’s because it is a little sweeter and not as dry as other options. It had fine wheat cereal that gives the cracker a good added texture when eating. It soaks up hot liquids quickly and is delicious when dunked in hot coffee or tea.

  37. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews

    Jacob’s Weetameal

    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 17, 2017


  38. Stevenphuah04
    34 reviews

    Jacob’s Weetameal: healthy and delicious

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 14, 2017

    I frequently purchased Jacob’s weetameal as my breakfast /supper choices. It not oily and is healthier compare to other brand. My family members love it very much.

  39. Kellychan21
    503 reviews

    Ddelicious taste of wheat cereal

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 13, 2017

    Jacob wheatameal is yummy as compared to Jacob Hi-Fibre biscuits. Jacob wheatameal has some salty taste and you can just bite it like that without dipping it into your drinks. I put a tin of Jacob wheatameal in office and i will eat it whenever I am feeling hungry in office.

  40. penny41
    407 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 12, 2017


  41. Niki Tay
    996 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 11, 2017


  42. Lui Chai Hoong
    67 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 31, 2017

    It’s so delicious. No added sugar, I super like it. No sweet very suit me, especially for the diet person. It’s quite cheap and good texture. Jacob’s Weetameal cracker can give feel full. I prefer to eat when my tea time with my colleagues.

  43. penny41
    407 reviews

    My breakfast companion

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 31, 2017

    Every morning, i like to dip the Jacob’s Weetameal into my oat+milk drink. This biscuit is a little big tasty compare to other Jacob’s biscuit flavor. It is also suitable eat it as a healthy snack too.

  44. mooiimm
    78 reviews

    Healthy Weetameal

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 31, 2017

    My family members very love to eat Weetameal. It’s nutrition and tasty. My son love to grab few pieces during tea time with plain water. It’s able to give him energy instead drink milk. Luckily he love this wheat cereal crackers.

  45. qisstiera75
    118 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 27, 2017

    Biskut ni menjadi pilihan sebab rangup dan tidak terlalu tebal. Cicah dengan air Milo ataupun teh memang sedap. Sangat berkhasiat bagi yang sedang diet.

  46. kellylee81
    2 reviews

    Nutritious and Healthy

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 27, 2017

    I have this Jacob’s Weetameal for my tea time in most of my afternoons. Serve with coffee and it makes a perfect combination. Usually I will dip the biscuits into the coffee and it taste nice too. The price is not too costly.

  47. Fong Fong
    318 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 9, 2017

    Jacob\’s weetameal is my daily breakfast which take together with white coffee and fresh up my day.

  48. Kesuma Dewi
    147 reviews

    Jacob Weetameal

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 5, 2017

    Biskut yang bagus untuk melengkapkan hari saya kaya dengan bijiran gandum.Rasanya berlemak dan sesuai dinikmati bersama susu segar ataupun kopi O.Biskut ini menjadi pilihan saya sekiranya tiada mood untuk makan nasi.Cukup mengenyangkan dalam tempoh masa yang lama.

  49. Zhongk3391
    144 reviews

    Weetameal that’s as good as a MEAL

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2017

    My primary choice of choosing a biscuit is for it’s taste, not the health properties. It can be quite hard to find one where both combines into one biscuit snack. Jacob’s Weetameal proved me wrong. I had it over at my friend’s grandparents home and it really changed how I though biscuits with no preservatives, colouring and added sugar can be that scrumptious. Being a cereal cracker, it works well when dipped into oats and milk, and with that lower calorie and better nutrition content, it can be a meal by it’s own. Overtime, I switched to more healthier variants such as this because I know that I can still enjoy eating biscuits without fussing too much on the negative artificial stuff that other conventional biscuit has. Great and affordable biscuit for sure.

  50. Eugeniecyc
    37 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 17, 2017


  51. Annette Rowena
    30 reviews

    Nutritious Crackers for the Whole Family

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 9, 2017

    This biscuit has no preservatives, colouring and added sugar. It’s a cereal cracker, yet with a lighter taste. Perfect for teatime or when you want to nibble on a healthy cracker for a change. My monthly grocery list never comes without Weetameal.

  52. sabarina37
    378 reviews

    Jacob's Weetameal yang sedap

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 8, 2017

    Biskut Jacob’s Weetameal memang makanan snek yang menjadi amalan keluarga saya.Mengandungi 75% wheat cereal.Tidak mengandungi gula tambahan.Anak-anak saya sukakannya.Kalau makan sampai tak ingat dunia.

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