NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt

Product Details

Tags: NestleYogurt

NESTLÉ FAT FREE YOGURT  with more fruity in taste and packed with with the goodness of real fruit pieces swirling with Fat Free milk and Live Cultures that helps to maintain a good digestive system. Its 99.8% Fat Free and taste delicious. You can enjoy it while controlling your fat intake.

  1. Goldfishroad
    40 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 9, 2022

    I like this yogurt because it has many flavours I can choose!
    strawberry is my all-time favourite, it tastes so delicious.
    Sometimes I will add some yogurt into my overnight oat milk.
    I love it

  2. Arein1450
    22 reviews

    My Favourite Yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 23, 2022

    I love the taste , so yummy, I like it so much

  3. Fadzliana29
    8 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 5, 2020

    I love yougart so much.there are lots of favorite is mango.

  4. Nestle Fat Free Yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 25, 2020

    It’s tasty yogurt. Help me with my daily diets. Got many flavor but mango is my favourite.

  5. Clara Kong
    8 reviews

    Nestle yoga

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 1, 2020

    So yummy and help me on diet

  6. Shika43
    687 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 16, 2020

    NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt pelbagai rasa buah dan saya menyukai rasa strawberry serta dapat merasai gigitan buah sebenar ketika makan NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt… Saya juga selalu buat smoothies dengan NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt…kek juga lebih gebu jika dicampurkan dengan NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt disamping mendapatkan khasiat terbaik untuk kesihatan…

  7. Suzanne Fong
    76 reviews

    healthy snack

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 24, 2019

    not only healthy, & oso delicious!! nicee

  8. Jessie Koo
    132 reviews

    Choose the fat free yogurt - peach flavoured

    3 out of 5, reviewed on July 11, 2019

    Nestle is one of the brand that I like for fat free yogurt and i personally like the peach flavoured. I do not like the strawberry flavoured as it taste a bit artificial. overall, a good food to have to protect tummy after a spicy meal.

  9. norathirah19089342
    6 reviews

    Sedap dan lazat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 21, 2018

    Bila nak diet atau nak kurangkan pengambilan makanan ringan saya akan mengamalkan salah satu kesukaan saya.setiap minggu wajib beli 3-4 pcs

  10. Crystal64
    12 reviews


    3 out of 5, reviewed on November 20, 2018

    Nestle yogurt 是对健康很好的优格。价钱很公道而且外型很方便携带到很多地方。里面有真正的草莓果肉,味道也很香。适合大人和小孩吃。

  11. AustinOoi85
    4 reviews

    One of my choice of breakfast

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 15, 2018

    Sometimes when I just like to take smtg light for my breakfast, Nestle flavoured yoghurt is the best choice!

  12. cikaxx1159
    13 reviews

    sesuai untuk diet

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 12, 2018

    sesuai diambil ketika terlalu sibuk dengan tugasan. ia mengenyangkan dan mudah didapati.. rasa nya juga sedap dan enak…

  13. fasha08
    3 reviews

    Nice & nutritious

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 8, 2018

    Like the taste. Very delicious. I remember the days where you can buy 3 in 1 combo set of these yogurts. Now no more.

  14. mimizaidi93
    16 reviews

    My breakfast

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 7, 2018

    Saya lebih suka membeli nestle fat free yogurt ini sebagai alas perut saya di waktu pergi terutama sepanjang perjalanan saya pergi ke kerja. Ianya sangat mengenyangkan selain membantu melancarkan sistem pencernaan saya. Rasanya juga sangat sedap dan rasa tidak complete sekiranya saya tidak mengambilnya buat sekian lama.

  15. evimei7971
    10 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 5, 2018

    nestlé yogurt 是我早餐必吃的食物。它不但健康而且也帮助蠕动我的肠胃让我解决了便秘问题

  16. KaiXiang Tan
    3 reviews

    Great yogurt brand

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 4, 2018

    This is my favorite yogurt brand all the time! I enjoyed very much to have it as my breakfast everyday! Great product with great pricing, recommended for everyone!

  17. Broamin48
    3 reviews

    Favorite yogurt!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 1, 2018

    This is my fav go-to yogurt to kill out the hot sweaty weather in Malaysia

  18. dayahIshak90
    7 reviews

    Great yogurt

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2018

    Nestle yogurt one of my favourite yogurt. Harga yang berpatutan dan rasa pun sedap. Yogurt bagus untuk sistem percernaan..??

  19. Nazreen Hashim
    4 reviews

    Santapan Ringan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 19, 2018

    Sekali hadap tak sampai 2minit dah licin. Hantu yogurt macam saya silap2 boleh licin satu tesco.

  20. Nurul Amirah
    3 reviews

    The best yogurt !!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 19, 2018

    My baby like this yogurt so much . Kalau pergi pasaraya msti akan beli yogurt jenama ini . Takan guna jenama lain . Alhamdulillah sgt sedap & sgt memahami citarasa baby & mak ayah baby pon suka . Thank you kerana keluarkn produk yg sangat sedap ini ?

  21. Zozo87
    18 reviews

    Best yogurt !

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 18, 2018

    I absolutely love this fat free yogurt ! As it’s has named , it’s fat free and no condemnation while having this yogurt ( best choice for diet person like me ). The contain are absolutely delicious . The packaging are very attractive and most importantly The prIce is very reasonable . My whole family can have it together . It’s definately a good choice for everyone .

  22. 81072412584002
    5 reviews

    Yogurt pilihan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 8, 2018

    Setiap kali ke pasaraya saya akan membeli yogurt ini untuk di makan. Saya suka kan rasanya yg mengandungi buah ianya makanan yg membantu saya relax setelah bekerja seharian

  23. Nurul Khairun Moin
    5 reviews

    Go to yogurt

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 2, 2018

    Anytime i feel hungry , this is the first thing that i would prefer to eat . Yummm

  24. Cheree Chua SeeYin
    3 reviews

    Like a peach

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 26, 2018

    There are tons of assortments to pick from, but my best-loved is the Peach Fat Free Yogurt. Inside, there are bits and pieces of peaches together with the yogurt and sometimes if your lucky, big chunks at once. The quality of the yogurt maintains it’s best, being silky but not dense. With so many to choose from, and each variant having real pieces of fruit inside together with live cultures, it’s easy on the digestive system. Being 99.8% fat free is a bonus for those conscious about fat intake!

  25. Alina Ismail
    3 reviews

    Magical taste

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 23, 2018

    Nestle fat free yogurt are so good when you are having a bad day..its magical taste can make you feel like you are in your mother’s hug. Feel free to try it bro as i believe you will “fly” on your first spoon.

  26. Li Fong Goh
    4 reviews

    Most suitable food when no appetite

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 22, 2018

    I very like this yogurt even though I sensitive to lactose. It always becomes my breakfast and dinner when I have no appetite. It contains a lot of nutrients almost same to milk. It totally instead of milk in my life.

  27. Ibtisamhusna02
    19 reviews

    Never disappointed

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 21, 2018

    Nestle yogurt x pernah mengecewakan. Sedap and of course fat free. Kalau boleh setiap kali beli tu nak buat stok terus. Senang ,, x payah susah2 pegi kedai nak beli yogurt ni. ????????????????????????????

  28. Nur Shakila Amira
    3 reviews

    Nestle fat free yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 14, 2018

    This yogurt came in few flavour. My favourite flavour is the mixed berries. This yogurt really help me to get fit. I really really like this yogurt. It doesn’t really sour like other yogurt.. really recomended.. ❤️

  29. Cheney Chai
    28 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 6, 2018

    I like Nestle so much, because it is a healthy yogurt as well as fat free dessert.

  30. Mohd Effandi
    3 reviews

    Yougort sedap

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 16, 2018

    Yougort bebas lemak sesuai untuk yang menjaga kesihatan. Walau bebas lemak, rasanya tetap enak. Anak-anak gemar menikmatinya. Selalunya tak sempat simpan dalam peti sejuk, habis dimakan.

  31. Amanda Tan
    6 reviews

    Nice snack

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 13, 2018

    Sometime during my job when I feel sleepy, I will always go to my office fridge to take one of it,it make me feel fresh for the whole day so I can done my work in time!

  32. Kang Andy
    22 reviews

    the first choice of my snack

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 25, 2018

    yogurt is always my first choice of snack and nestle yogurt taste smoother than other brand. Furthermore, it is a fat-free which is more healthy option.

  33. Joannafong9202
    3 reviews

    Best yogurt ever

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 20, 2018

    Recently ive been trying to keep myself healthier by choosing the right food. Nestle yogurt has been one of the top must buy in my usual grocery shopping list. Not only it is afforable,it is also great for eating on its own or pair up with oats and other food of your choice. It also comes in lots of flavor too!

  34. Cheney Chai
    28 reviews

    Healthy snack

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 17, 2018

    It is considered as a healthy snack due to fat free yogurt that help me to keep fit.

  35. Yjy04
    4 reviews

    My favourite breakfast

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 16, 2018

    I really like this type of yogurt as the taste of yogurt is fulfill me and my family if compared with other brands. Besides, the price is quite cheap. The most favourite that i like is strawberry.

  36. Kvian87
    3 reviews

    Better taste than other yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2018

    I’m quite scare of the taste of yogurt but this brand with strawberries flavour is totally make me crazy. I will have one everyday after meal.

  37. aziemohdnoor20
    6 reviews

    Yoggurt bersama buah buahan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 7, 2018

    Yoggurt nestle selalu menjadi pilihan hati saya..walau berjuta jenama lain yang ada dipasaran tapi tidak mampu menandingi yoggurt nestle..rasanya yang cukup padu, pekat dan yang paling saya gemari ada campuran buah buahan hidup seperti strawberi, blueberri, aleovera dan sebagainya..semoga nestle akan menambahbaikan lagi perisa sedia ada..mana tau nanti ada yogurt perisa durian dari nestle? I wait for it.. ?

  38. Janet04
    16 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 7, 2018


  39. Sorayadam78
    6 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 5, 2018

    Apabila ke pasaraya saya pasti membelinya, rasa yang enak dan mengenyangkan. Dapat membantu diet yang seimbang. Kenyang dan mudah hadam bagus untuk sistem pencernaan

  40. IngIng Tiong
    6 reviews

    My snack

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 5, 2018

    NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt is like my snack or dessert. I like to eat, but due to calories intake, I will choose nestle fat free yogurt. It have so many kind of flavour for me to choose. The most important one is “FAT FREE”. I can control my diet and at the same time can enjoy nice food…

  41. abdulmutalib18
    6 reviews

    My kids like it very much

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 3, 2018

    My kids like Nestle fat free yogurt strawberry flavor mery much. Every time I’m going to supermarket, I will not forget to buy it for my kids. Beside that not just the kids like it, me myself also love it very much.

  42. Jing Jing
    15 reviews

    Healthy dessert

    3 out of 5, reviewed on May 2, 2018

    I always like to have dessert after meal. But dessert is always cause me gain fat. Until I found this nestle yoghurt. They have different flavor and all taste nice. Now I can enjoy my after meal dessert without worry gain weight.

  43. Tong Xin Ling
    3 reviews

    Various flavours

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 2, 2018

    I am totally falling in love with this yogurt. Not only it’s delicious, it provides various choices of flavours such as strawberry, blueberry and even mix flavours. For me I always had it after meals. It is so satisfying.

  44. Eirazafirah47
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 22, 2018

    Nowday my weight decrease because i always take this fat free yogurt early morning before take breakfast. Fat free make your body take loa calori, sugar and fat.. Suitable for those need to diet

  45. Tashakamarudin03
    27 reviews

    Baik untuk kesihatan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on April 21, 2018

    Salah satu produk tenusu yang terbaik yang pernah saya ambil. Secara jujur, ianya mengenyangkan bagi mereka yang sedang ingin diet dan juga baik untuk sistem perkumuhan badan kerana ianya kaya dengan vitamin dan kalsium. Tambahan pula, ianya satu bonus kerana ianya tanpa lemak dan sekaligus dapat mengekalkan tubuh badan yang kurus.

  46. Li Jean
    10 reviews

    Fruitful yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 16, 2018

    Nestle fat free yogurt definetly is my first choice. It comes with variety of fruit flavours, and one of my favorite will be the mango. No worries about put on weight as it is a fat free yogurt. It is also good for digestion.

  47. ctie8594
    3 reviews

    Nestle fat free yogurt

    4 out of 5, reviewed on April 7, 2018

    Great taste wih great flavour.
    Usually taken as dessert after lunch time.
    Suitable to eat during breakfast but not suggested for those who in diet plan as it contains high level of sugar.

  48. Yeushing59
    4 reviews

    Nestle yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 5, 2018

    Nestle yogurt is a healthy yogurt. It can eat as desert. It is suitable to eat for everyone include the children. I like it very much. It’s taste very nice.

  49. Yeushing59
    4 reviews

    Nestle yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 5, 2018

    Nestle yogurt got a lots of flavor, I like every flavor.. It is healthy and the taste is quite nice.. It is suitable to eat for everyone include children. It is a best desert for me.

  50. Sherly39
    1 reviews

    NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 2, 2018

    Good taste, healthy food, my favorite yogurt

  51. Jcca09
    3 reviews

    Its not for diet

    2 out of 5, reviewed on March 20, 2018

    Its healthy but not for diet, contain sugar level quite high

  52. The best choice of all!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 17, 2018

    Always been my favourite and the taste is good besides its healthy. So nyummy..

  53. Mia Szczesri
    3 reviews

    Healthy choices

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 14, 2018

    Great choice to choose from as it is super delicious, healthy and affordable. Very rich in taste with slices of stawberries in it. First thing to buy if i go for groceries. They also have some flavours to choose from. For those who is in diet should try. Much preffered ????

  54. Emily Ong
    9 reviews

    healthy dessert

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 13, 2018

    whenever i go supermarket, sure search for yogurt, treat it as a dessert, and no worries abt fat. different flavour to choose from, all taste delicious.

  55. Wong59
    9 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 10, 2018

    It is a low fat yogurt. You can even taste the fresh strawberry in the yogurt. Not too sweet or sour. The taste is just nice. It is worth to buy and will not hesitate to purchase once again.

  56. weilingling31
    6 reviews

    Super nice yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 8, 2018

    The first thing I will grab from the chiller whenever I go for grocery! I like original strawberry taste in this yogurt. It pairs the best with other healthy food such as granola. It’s easy to get from most of the groceries and price is affordable

  57. Jennylim25
    6 reviews

    NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 7, 2018

    this taste good and not too sweet or sour for me. I always have original before but these days i have tried the strawberry flavour and what suprised me is that it have real strawberry fruit inside the yogurt.

  58. Kianlok89
    3 reviews

    My favourite since 2000

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018

    My mom told me when i was just one years old , im already like to eat this yogurt. Its the best food when u playing you phone .So , why dont give it a try?

  59. Adraina35
    6 reviews

    Healthy and tasty

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018

    It won’t taste gok sweet as other brands. You can taste the natural sweetness of strawberry when eating this yogurt. Really love it. Best when you wan to start dieting

  60. Ira Iera
    16 reviews

    Sedap dan berkhasiat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018

    Pilihan sekeluarga…anak2 pun suka makan..wajib beli setiap kali ke pasaraya

  61. Faaaaarara09
    11 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018

    My everyday breakfast! Sedap + boleh add on fruits & nuts kalau nak lagi sedap. Saya makan dengan cereal. Anak2 pun suka, size just nice, price pun murah. Product yg wajib ada dalam trolley setiap kali grocery shopping

  62. Cynthia Tay
    16 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 3, 2018

    I very like to eat Nestle yogurt as it come with different flavor. The packaging size is just right. It can be serve directly or you can add in some other fresh fruits as you like. Children will definitely love it. It can be a healthy dessert for all.

  63. Maizatul05
    31 reviews

    Nestle yogurt fat free terbaik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 3, 2018

    Saya sangat suka yogurt fat free sebab bagus untuk usus sekiranya ada masalah dengan pencernaan..sehari dua kali makan yogurt fat free perisa strawberry..bagus untuk diet yang seimbang

  64. K Ren Ln
    7 reviews

    nice taste

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 2, 2018

    saya sangat suka yogurt. nestle yogurt ni sanga sedap. taste terbaik. lepas makan ni x paya makan nasi. buat kita kenyang. rugi x cuba. yogurt ni baik untuk kesihatan terutamanya bahagian pencernaan. save la banyak banyak kat icebox tuk bekalan hari hari

  65. Jing Fen
    10 reviews

    My favourite!!!

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 2, 2018

    Nestle fat free yogurt is always my favourite!! It is so nice and available in everywhere. I consume one cup one week. Nestle yogurt also available in different flavour.

  66. Janet04
    16 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 2, 2018


  67. Husna848618
    24 reviews

    Sedap dan mengenyangkan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 2, 2018

    Rasanya yang sedap dan lengkap dengan rasa buah-buahan sebenar. Sudah semestinya penuh dengan khasiat yang diperlukan oleh tubuh badan kita. Ianya paling sesuai dimakan pada waktu panas dan juga boleh dijadikan sebagai pencuci mulut dan bahan masakan. Dengan harga yang berpatutan, semua lapisan masyarakat dapat menikmatinya.

  68. joeycjy49
    2 reviews

    Great for breakfast!

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 2, 2018

    It is a super nice product as my grab and go breakfast.
    I do not need to wake up early to prepare my breakfast. I just need to open my fridge and take this yogurt!
    It is yummy with smooth taste. I really enjoy eating yogurt because it helps with my digestive system.
    Besides, I also like that it contains bits of fruits inside. Overall, it it good!

  69. ysanphang60
    6 reviews

    Nice taste

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 24, 2018

    I like this yogurt so so much! It is good for our digestive system and the taste is good!

  70. BumbleBee34
    321 reviews

    yogurt buah

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 20, 2018

    selain susu saya mengambil yogurt nestle ni dalam diet pemakanan saya. utk sumber kalsium dan juga kebaikan penghadaman. yogurt nestle ni tak manis sangat dan mudah dimakan. terdapat sudu disediakan. best sebab ada gabungan buah2an. rasa masam manis buah tu membuatkan yogurt ni tak muak. sedap sangat. harga berpatutan. saya suka semua perisa.

  71. farhan97
    3 reviews

    Strawberry & mango

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 11, 2018

    The only brand of yogurt that I love and my favourite flavours are strawberry and mango. Best eat when chilled, creamy and good for digestive system.

  72. Sheily Choo
    5 reviews

    pilihan utama yogurt nestle

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 11, 2018

    yogurt nestle sedap dimakan dan menjadi pilihan utama keluarga saya.

  73. Ann Aeza
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 8, 2018

    I love yogurt so much since I was a kid. Because it taste fun and east to eat. Now when i growing up, helps in my digestion and becoming a healthy food for me. Eat it while with friends and eat it anywhere. Strawberry is the best! Plus u can make any new receipe with yogurt. Maybe make a smoothie and ice cream. Try it and u won’t regret it!

  74. Jaeney Goh
    4 reviews

    Healthy snacks

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 8, 2018

    Taste good with the fruits inside.. not too sour yet not too sweet, love the strawberry and mango flavour so much.. highly recommend

  75. Yummilicious

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 8, 2018

    I love the taste especially the fruit inside the yogurt so yummeh..

  76. jessychoa32
    13 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 7, 2018

    Product quality is OK . Inside got real food, is why I like it?! But, the price is increase.. Increase and increase
    Then now I just wait my boss or my family buy it @@ I memang Ada kedekut sikit lol ..

  77. Raymond Heng
    3 reviews

    Nice yogurt ever

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 22, 2018

    Like this so much.i keeping fit also can happy

  78. Candice Chin
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 22, 2018

    我喜欢这个yogurt因为不会太甜 而且是fat free的 里面还有果粒 我最喜欢mix berry的口味了

  79. aininanuar6520
    3 reviews

    My favourite yogurt ?

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 18, 2018

    Sedap dan menyihatkan. Sentiasa menjadi pilihan saya semasa bekerja. Flavour strawberry pilihan saya.

  80. syaza84
    15 reviews

    Masam tapi sedap

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 18, 2018

    NESTLE Fat Free Yogurt merupakan salah satu makanan yang wajib dibeli sekiranya ke pasar raya. Rasanya yang masam dan Bersama pelbagai jenis buah membuatkan tidak mampu menolak untuk dimakan. Ianya membantu saya dalam masalah penghadaman.

  81. plbeh8901
    3 reviews

    Delicious and Healthy snack

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 12, 2018

    If you feel you need something healthy yet yummy but guilty about indulgence, lets start trying Nestle Fat Free yogurt. Best selling flavour strawberry followed by mixed berries. Good for digestion and cooling effect during hot day.

  82. virgiecpl15
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 11, 2018

    Love this tasty yogult so much. It always is my 1st choice. Love the taste and the fruits inside the yogurt

  83. Yana O Physics
    9 reviews

    Membantu dikala gastric

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 11, 2018

    Saya sangat suka yogurt nestle dan menjadi pilihan saya jika saya mengalami sembelit ataupun gastric. Ianya membantu sistem pencernaan saya. Harganya juga berpatutan dan rasanya sedap. Yogurt low fat akan tetap menjadi pilihan.

  84. cikwin79
    9 reviews

    For your tummy

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018

    When it comes to fat free yogurt, only NESTLÉ is my forever favourite. Had tried other brands but definitely can’t compare to this brand. It’s the perfect choice for your tummy too.

  85. Norul Roslan
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018

    Nestle fat free yogurt memang sedap..bukan saja sedap malah dia rendah lemak dan memang sesuai untuk sesiapa saja yang nak diet..jenama yogurt kegemaran saya semestinya nestle..tiap kali saya ke pasaraya, memang saya akan beli nestle fat free yogurt

  86. ngwy198172
    4 reviews

    Hmmm I like it

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 9, 2018

    It’s a wonderful yogurt. I have it every morning as my breakfast. This yogurt always in my weekly shopping list. I feel my skin getting better after consume it daily. Like it very much.

  87. KJ Cheah
    224 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 18, 2017

    我家人都很喜欢优格,尤其是Nestle 的。它的味道酸酸甜甜,每一口都可以吃到一块块的水果, 很美味。有时我也会拿优格来做yogurt melt, 这是小孩超爱的甜点之一。

  88. rozaliaalik56
    100 reviews

    Sedap dan murah

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 7, 2017

    Pencinta yogurt seperti saya mesti pernah merasa yogurt nestle ni. Yogurt ni antara yogurt yang sedap juga . Harga pun berpatutan. Memang selalu beli untuk makan masa tengok tv , baca buku dan sebagainya . Perisa kegemaran saya semestinya perisa strawberi 🙂

  89. ferdizetty37
    491 reviews

    Yogurt dengan isi buah sebenar

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 29, 2017

    Yogurt NESTLÉ ni mmg sgt mmbantu sistem penghadaman sy.Rasanya sgt sedap terutama yg perisa strawberi dan berries,kaya dgn perisa.Dlm yogurt ni juga ada hirisan buahan sebenar yg menambahkan rasa.Rasa masam manis dan tidak mnyebabkan sy merasa muak bila nikmatinya.Yg penting yogurt NESTLÉ ni mmpunyai kandungan lemak yg rendah,sesuai utk org yg mnjaga berat badan.Harga pun berpatutan utk dibeli dan mudah didapati di kebanyakkan kedai.

  90. Hewpikxin52
    5 reviews

    My love it

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 24, 2017

    Everytime go shopping or market,I will buy this many put at house!Everyday I bring to school…Yummy

  91. Elizabeth Kam
    52 reviews

    healthy diet snack

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 30, 2017

    The yogurt is so creamy and delicious, goods to health and also improve the digest system. Most important it is the first choice as healthy diet snack.

  92. 溦溦 林
    473 reviews

    It is my favorite yogurt brand.

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 27, 2017

    I love this yogurt. It is my favorite yogurt brand. their yogurt is very creamy and has bits of strawberries.I eat it for breakfast, snack, at lunch, it goes with every meal.

  93. FARA34
    97 reviews

    Terbaik untuk diet saya

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2017

    Saya mengambil yogurt nestle antara menu dalam diet harian saya. Rasanya yang sedap berbanding yogurt jenama lain.

  94. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    Yogurt nestle lazat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 24, 2017

    Yogurt nestle terutamanya yg fruity taste ni mmg sedap. Sesuai utk saya yg sukar minum susu. Bagus untuk kesihatan kerana terdapat bakteria baik yg akan membantu kesihatan usus. Kepekatan yg cukup menyelerakan dengan ketulan2 buah2an yg bila digigit terasa keaslian buah bersama yogurt. Walaupun bebas lemak rasa yogurt ni cukup lemak dengan warna yg memikat hati. Senang nk dimakan kerana telah disediakan sudu siap2 pada pek. Aluminium penutup juga bagus sealed supaya produk tidak tercemar. Rasa juga kurang manis. Fruit chunk lagi banyak lagi sedap. Sesuai sangat untuk yg tengah diet. Cadangan hidangan juga dinyatakan. Best served chill. Kalo tak chill bakteria baik tk efisien nk bertugas. Org yg payah minum susu mcm sy ni pn boleh makan yogurt ni dengan slumber je. Tidak memualkan daan tidak muak.

  95. Mimi81
    177 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 21, 2017

    Pengamal diet seperti saya memilih Nestle Yougurt ini sebagai pengambilan harian. Ianya tanpa lemak, sedikit masam, diperkaya dengan rasa buahan asli, pembungkusan yang kompak dan harga berpatutan. Terbaik.

  96. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2017


  97. ctiey94
    134 reviews

    free fat and tasty

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 14, 2017

    saya sangat gemarkan nestle fat free yogurt kerana rasanya yang sangat sedap dan terdapat dalam pelbagai perisa. Ia juga mengandungi pieces of fruit swirling serta 99.8 bebas lemak. Ia juga membantu dalam proses pencernaan serta sangat membantu dalam diet pemakanan seharian saya.

  98. cpyn18
    234 reviews

    one of my diet food

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 12, 2017

    NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt is fat free so it is suitable for my diet plan. Its taste is yummy too. Sometimes i will add it into my oatmeal so that I can have full feeling.

  99. mizarifin91
    136 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 22, 2017

    yogurt nestle ini adalah fat free dan tanpa pewarna tiruan. disebabkan fakta inilah saya tertarik dengan yogurt jenama ini. rasa yang sedap masam manis dengan campuran kiub buah didalamnya memang sedap dan menyegarkan. saya gemar makan yogurt sebab perut rasa selesa dan senang menbuang. mungkin kerana yigurt mengandungi kultur hidup yang mana baik untuk usus.

  100. maryam18
    309 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 9, 2017

    Saya amat sukakan rasa yogurt strawberry ini..Rasa yang lemak masam amat sedap bagi saya

  101. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 5, 2017

    There are tons of assortments to pick from, but my best-loved is the Peach Fat Free Yogurt. Inside, there are bits and pieces of peaches together with the yogurt and sometimes if your lucky, big chunks at once. The quality of the yogurt maintains it’s best, being silky but not dense. With so many to choose from, and each variant having real pieces of fruit inside together with live cultures, it’s easy on the digestive system. Being 99.8% fat free is a bonus for those conscious about fat intake!

  102. jess_kitkat28
    6 reviews

    I love it

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 31, 2017

    I love the yoghurt but would prefer if there are more fruit chunks inside. I will definitely buy again.

  103. emilliakamarlis62
    210 reviews

    Berbaloi dan berkhasiat

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 31, 2017

    Yogurt Nestle sentiasa menjadi pilihan saya kerana rasa buahnya yang sebenar dan juga tidak terlalu manis. Rasa yang berlemak namun tidak rasa muak untuk terus menikmatinya sehingga habis. Pelbagai perisa dan saya amat sukakannya.

  104. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Fat Free Yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 25, 2017

    Mmg suka yogurt nestle nie..rasa yogurt sngt sedap & berlemak ditambah dgn potongan buah sebenr mmg sedap.Ia juga kurg manis & tanpa lemak,sesuai dmkan sbgai snek harian.

  105. cikbunga49
    659 reviews

    Lagi sedap kalau tambah strawberi segar

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 25, 2017

    Yogurt nestle ni memang kegemaran saya sejak dulu dari zaman sekolah lagi sehingga kini.
    Rasanya masih sama seperti dulu,sedap dan tidak muak.
    Makan banyak pun tak jemu dan paling best makan masa sejuk.

  106. my favourite

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 23, 2017

    iam yogurt lover, i love almost all the flavours, and very – very good as breakfast and yummy. love the taste and very easy to have while driving to work.

  107. Rendah lemak dan sedap

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 22, 2017

    Yogurt original yan rendah lemak dan sedap.sesuai untuk yang berdiet

  108. Chan Lean
    7 reviews

    Best for diet

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 7, 2017

    I always bring this yogurt to office and eat this as my snack. It’s low fat and definitely best for diet. The taste is very nice too.

  109. SalinaSalihudin
    80 reviews

    For a healthier and slimmer me

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 2, 2017

    I always took yogurt as my essential meal during breakfast because it’s healthier than nasi lemak as it fat free and also makes me feeling full quickly. It’s also good for our digestion because it has a lot of good bacteria and vitamins. I will make sure that i take it consistently for a healthier and slimmer me.

  110. alc340
    46 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 26, 2017


  111. Niki Tay
    996 reviews

    oatmeal 必放的。

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 21, 2017

    如果要做oatmeal 一定要放这个才会好吃,酸酸甜甜的草莓味,再放几粒 fresh的草莓下去更加的赞美味的哦。

  112. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews

    blueberries & mango flavour

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 17, 2017

    I like their blueberries & mango flavour. I use it to make a pancake for my little one every weekend.

    141 reviews

    NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 16, 2017

    saya kini mengandung 10 minggu, tekak selalu loya semua makan tak masuk rasa nak muntah.. tetapi bile saya mencuba NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt saya boleh makan smpai licin & tidak merasa loya langsung ia juga mmbantu pemghadaman saya yang tidak selera makan makanan yang lain.

  114. Fong Fong
    318 reviews

    great yogurt

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 24, 2017

    I take it as snack, breakfast, desert. I like Nestle fruit yogurt because each little cups tend to have a big serving of fruits in it.

  115. sandlee51
    174 reviews

    Part of Diet Plan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 22, 2017

    My favourite is MANGO fat free yogurt. Just love the taste of the yogurt mixed with mango. This yogurt is always part of my diet plan. Manage to keep fit and healthy with this yogurt everyday.

  116. Zhongk3391
    144 reviews

    Like a peach

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2017

    There are tons of assortments to pick from, but my best-loved is the Peach Fat Free Yogurt. Inside, there are bits and pieces of peaches together with the yogurt and sometimes if your lucky, big chunks at once. The quality of the yogurt maintains it’s best, being silky but not dense. With so many to choose from, and each variant having real pieces of fruit inside together with live cultures, it’s easy on the digestive system. Being 99.8% fat free is a bonus for those conscious about fat intake!

  117. miera97
    132 reviews

    NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 12, 2017

    kepada sesiapa yang terlalu sibuk dan tidak ada masa untuk makan boleh lah siap-siap sediakan NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt, mengenyangkan dan sangat baik untuk badan kita. sesuai juga untuk mereka yang selalu diet.. NESTLÉ Fat Free Yogurt kegemaran saya

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