Little Oak Tree: Committed to a holistic early education for little ones
Parents have a lot on their plate when it comes to picking out the best preschool for their child. After all, most parents are well aware of the importance of their choice, for their child’s early education has the power…
Apa yang anda perlu tahu tentang kedai mainan online bernama Malaysia Toys hari ini!
Semasa era pandemik ini, cara masyarakat menjalani kehidupan telah berubah, di mana kita telah mula menghargai dan memelihara perkara-perkara kecil yang sebelum ini kita anggap biasa, antaranya termasuklah kebebasan untuk bersiar-siar di bandar bersama keluarga, membawa anak-anak kita ke taman,…
Mainan Kayu Mumu (Mumu Wooden Toys): Merangsang Imaginasi Mereka
Mainan kayu adalah barangan klasik yang masih dan sentiasa relevan semasa zaman kanak-kanak. Koleksi mainan kayu Mumu sangat luar biasa dari segi kualiti dan penggunaannya serta direka untuk mendorong kreativiti dan mengeratkan lagi ikatan hubungan ibu bapa dengan anak-anak. Setiap…
Help Them Build Better Problem-solving Skills with Singapore Math Academy
Have you as a parent ever thought of how you could give your child the benefits of Singapore’s Math Syllabus while still residing in Malaysia? Well, now you can. Singapore Math Academy has 6 branches in Klang Valley, Ipoh, Penang…
Stellar Hybrid Learning: Transitioning into a New Learning Style
A new trend in education Many individuals are slowly adapting to their new reality in the midst of the pandemic. Adults are no longer going to the office and are working from home. The same is applicable in the education…
Four Key Areas for Academic Success in Childhood Education
A young child’s mind is like a sponge; they are able to absorb an immense amount of information and gain knowledge from their environment. This is why it’s so important to provide them with the best quality early education available.…
A Safe, Loving Environment, Conducive for Growing and Thriving
Many new parents are torn between enthusiasm and fear when it comes to deciding whether or not to enrol their child in a child care centre. Although there is a glimmer of exhilaration, this is often overpowered with anxiety, mainly,…
Penjagaan Lengkap dan Penuh Kasih Sayang
Pusat penjagaan merupakan perkhidmatan yang paling penting bagi ibu bapa masa kini, khususnya bagi keluarga di mana kedua-dua ibu bapa berkerjaya professional, usahawan atau terlibat dalam 2 hingga 3 kerja dalam satu-satu masa. Apa yang lebih utama ialah, memilih pusat…
What learning Mandarin could mean for your child: Cubs Mandarin Early Years
Mandarin is the most widely spoken native language in the world, with 960 million people using it as their first language. Mandarin has remained the lingua franca of China and Taiwan for hundreds of years, despite the country’s diverse regions, language…
Cubs Early Years: For the enriched learning experience your child deserves
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected practically every facet of daily living, but families with young children are particularly affected. Closures of preschools and child care centres have made it difficult for parents to meet all of their children’s developmental needs…