Naturel Blend Cooking Oil
Naturel Blend Cooking Oil

Naturel Blend Cooking Oil

Product Details

As we emerge from the shadows cast by the Covid-19 pandemic, adopting a healthy lifestyle has become a topmost priority of every Malaysian. Greetings and conversations among family members and friends often tend to revolve around reminding each other to prioritise hygiene and to stay safe and healthy now. The pandemic certainly made us re-evaluate the state of our physical health, underlining the importance of building a stronger immunity system.

Naturel’s ‘Join the Naturel Living’ brand proposition continues to inspire consumers to ‘Eat Right, Keep Fit & Beat Stress’, a mantra that remains ever relevant and resonating with each of us.

Over the years, the award-winning Naturel brand’s range of healthy cooking oils and spreads have grown steadily in popularity across Malaysian households, taking their place amidst daily cooking and food repertoires. In fact, its flagship product, Naturel Blend Cooking Oil, is commonly spotted in kitchens for meal preparation. Highly recognisable with its apple green packaging, Naturel Blend Cooking Oil offers the right balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 nutrients that is good for health.

Fueled by its brand mission of driving healthy living, Naturel continues to innovate products to meet the needs of 21st century consumers. Building on the success of Naturel organic pastas and organic gluten-free pastas, loyal users can expect a lot more organic plant-based products to arrive on the Malaysian shores.

Susulan usaha untuk bangkit dari bayangan pandemik Covid-19, pengamalan gaya hidup sihat mula menjadi keutamaan setiap rakyat Malaysia. Perbualan dalam kalangan ahli keluarga dan rakan-rakan kebelakangan ini rata-rata saling mengingatkan satu sama lain untuk mengutamakan kebersihan, kekal selamat dan sihat. Pandemik ini telah meningkatkan kesedaran orang ramai untuk menilai status kesihatan fizikal kendiri dan kepentingan untuk membina sistem imuniti yang lebih kuat.

Penjenamaan Naturel yang bertemakan ‘Jom Sertai Hidup Sihat Naturel’ amatlah relevan dengan situasi kini dan terus memberi inspirasi kepada pengguna untuk mengamalkan ‘Pemakanan yang Sihat, Meningkatkan Kecergasan Diri dan Mengatasi Stres’ demi mencapai gaya hidup yang lebih sihat.

Dalam beberapa tahun ini, rangkaian minyak masak dan sapuan sihat jenama Naturel yang memenangi anugerah semakin berkembang popular dalam kalangan isi rumah di Malaysia sebagai sebahagian daripada masakan harian dan repertoir makanan. Produk utama jenama ini, Minyak Masak Naturel Blend sering dijumpai di dapur rumah untuk penyediaan hidangan sihat. Amat dikenali dengan pembungkusan botol berwarna hijau epal, Minyak Masak Naturel Blend turut menawarkan khasiat Omega-3 dan Omega-6 yang seimbang untuk kesihatan yang baik.

Seiring dengan misi jenamanya yang mengalakkan pengamalan gaya hidup sihat, Naturel meneruskan usahanya dalam inovasi produk untuk memenuhi keperluan pengguna abad ke-21. Berlandaskan kejayaan daripada pelancaran produk pasta organik dan pasta organik bebas gluten, pengguna setia Naturel boleh menikmati lebih banyak produk organik berasaskan tumbuhan yang akan diperkenalkan di pasaran Malaysia.

为走出新冠肺炎疫情的阴影,实践健康的生活方式已成为大马人民的首要关注;家人和朋友之间的问候,也更多的是互相嘱咐彼此需注意卫生、保重身体。这一场疫情让人们开始审视自身的健康,并深深体会到建立良好免疫力的重要性。因此,“加入Naturel 健康生活行列”提倡“饮食正确、保持健美、对抗压力”的健康生活理念,显得更紧贴当下大马人民的新常态。

作为获得多项奖项的Naturel 品牌,其健康食用油和面包油产品越来越深受消费者的喜爱、并在日常烹饪中占据一席之地。Naturel 的旗舰产品,Naturel 花油Naturel Blend Cooking Oil)是家家户户厨房必不可少的健康煮食油。Naturel 花油具有高辨识度的苹果绿瓶身包装;且蕴含均衡的Omega-3和Omega-6不饱和脂肪酸,是备受公认的健康食用油。

Naturel 以 “打造健康生活”为品牌使命,一直不遗余力地致力于产品的持续创新,以迎合21世纪消费者的不同需求。藉着Naturel 有机意大利面系列以及有机无麸质意大利面系列推出的成功,大家可以期待更多的有机植物性食品陆续登陆马来西亚!

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  1. Iris Tan
    32 reviews

    Nature Premium Omega 3 & 6

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 4, 2022

    Besides olive oil, i using this oil too. For fried egg, bacon, chicken and pork because this oil is healthy and no bad smell after used it. It blend with canola and sunflower oil. Affordable price for everyone too so everyone can enjoy healthy food with not too costly.

  2. Mazalina Hua
    1 reviews

    Naturel Blend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 11, 2022

    Minyak yang berkualiti, bagus untuk seisi keluarga saya. Bukan untuk menggorwng nasi, malah goreng cucur pun boleh. Walaupun pakai dalam kuantiti yg sedikit. Berbaloi dan harga berpatutan

  3. ChengWei32
    31 reviews

    Healthy and safe

    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 26, 2021

    Naturel Blend oil is the oil that I love the most! Their oil is made from pure and natural ingredients and it also contain omega 3 & 6 which is important for our body. I really love to use this oil to cook. But of course, just a little bit is enough. I will use this oil to fry nuggets and fries as I feel the nuggets and fries will not absorb more oil compare to other brands. Btw, Thank you 100comments for having this amazing giveaway.

  4. Venus Ng
    6 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 25, 2021

    谢谢100 comments的giveaway 我超爱用这个油来煮饭以及烘焙!他们家的油健康又好用 已是我家常年的最爱。有烘培的朋友们可以选这款油。开始用来准备年饼咯。谢谢100omments!

  5. zhiqin032042
    1 reviews

    I love health oil?

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 21, 2021

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil is made from pure and natural ingredients, and it is an original blend of Canola and Sunflower oils. It contains Omega 3 & 6 that are essential to the well-being of our body. It also has monounsaturates, naturally rich in Vitamin E and is cholesterol free. I also love to use this cooking oil prepare food for my chidren. This my healthy choice ?

  6. noraini46
    1 reviews

    Naturel Blend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 21, 2021

    Thank you@100Comments for gift giveaway Natural Blend, minyak masak Natural Blend sangat-sangat bagus sebab ia diperbuat daripada bunga canola dan bunga matahari ia juga mengandungi Omega 3 dan 6 bagus untuk kesihatan ? Ia juga membuatkan masakan kita lagi sedap dan berkhasiat ?


    IG @aniheri85

  7. Nor Binti Husin
    8 reviews

    Naturel Blend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 21, 2021

    Thank you @100Comments for gift giveaway Natural blend, minyak masak Natural blend sangat² bagus sebab ia diperbuat daripada bunga canola dan bunga matahari ia juga mengandungi omega 3 & 6 bagus untuk kesihatan ? ia juga membuatkan masakan kita lagi sedap dan berkhasiat ?

    Recommended ?

    IG @aniheri85

  8. Nor Binti Husin
    8 reviews

    Natural blend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 21, 2021

    Thank you @100Comments for gift giveaway Natural blend, minyak masak Natural blend ni diperbuat daripada bunga canola dan bunga matahari ia juga mengandungi omega 3 & 6 bagus untuk kesihatan dan membuatkan masakan kita lagi sedap dan berkhasiat ?

    Recommended ?

    IG @aniheri85

  9. Nor Binti Husin
    8 reviews

    Natural blend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 20, 2021

    Thanks you @100Comments for the gift giveaway Natural blend,sangat² bagus minyak masak Natural blend sebab ia diperbuat daripada bunga canola dan bunga matahari ia juga mengandungi omega 3 & 6 bagus untuk kesihatan ? ia juga membuatkan masakan kita lagi sedap dan berkhasiat ?

    Recommended ?

    IG @aniheri85

  10. Nor Binti Husin
    8 reviews

    Natural blend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 20, 2021

    Thanks you @100Comments for the gift giveaway Natural blend,sangat2 bagus minyak masak ni sebab ia diperbuat daripada bunga canola dan bunga matahari ia juga mengandungi omega 3 & 6 sangat bagus untuk kesihatan ? ia juga membuatkan masakan kita lagi sedap dan berkhasiat ?

    Recommended ?

    IG – aniheri85

  11. Nor Binti Husin
    8 reviews

    Natural blend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 20, 2021

    Thanks you @100Comments for the gift giveaway Natural blend,sangat² bagus minyak masak ni sebab ia diperbuat daripada bunga canola dan bunga matahari ia juga mengandungi omega 3 & 6 sangat² bagus untuk kesihatan dan membuatkan masakan kita lagi sedap dan berkhasiat ?

    Recommended ?

    IG- @aniheri85

  12. Nor Binti Husin
    8 reviews

    Natural blend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 20, 2021

    Tqsm @100comments for the gift giveaway Natural blend, sangat² bagus minyak masak ni diperbuat daripada bunga canola dan bunga matahari ia juga mengandungi omega 3 & 6 sangat² bagus untuk kesihatan dan membuatkan masakan lebih sedap dan berkhasiat ?

    Recommended ?

    IG _ @aniheri85

  13. Nor Binti Husin
    8 reviews

    Natural blend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 20, 2021

    Tqsm @100comments for the gift giveaway Natural blend,sangat2 bagus minyak masak ni diperbuat daripada bunga canola dan bunga matahari ia juga mengandungi omega 3 & 6 sangat² bagus untuk kesihatan ?

    Recommended ?

    IG @aniheri85

  14. Nor Binti Husin
    8 reviews

    Natural blend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 20, 2021

    Tqsm @100Comments for the gift giveaway Natural blend,sangat² bagus minyak masak Natural blend sebab dia diperbuat daripada bunga canola dan bunga matahari,ia juga mengandungi omega 3 & 6 sangat² bagus untuk kesihatan.

    Recommended ?

    Instagram @aniheri85

  15. IbuInahQilah42
    1 reviews

    Minyak Naturel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 20, 2021

    Minyak masak Naturel ni dapat hadiah contest 100Comments kat ig. Kena buat review. So, makcik reviewlah sikit ya.. Kat ig pun dah post.

    Untuk kesihatan yang lebih baik saya gunakan minyak masak Naturel ni. Sangat sedap masakan saya. Minyak masak Naturel ni daripada bunga canola dan bunga matahari kaya dengan Vitamin E.

    Menu yang masak ni Ayam Sambal Lemon, ayam tu saya goreng dengan minyak Naturel tu sehingga separuh masak. Ayam lemon saya lebih sedap dan lazat. ?

    Sayur pakcoi tu pulak saya tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih dengan minyak Naturel jugak. Sayur pakcoi Say pun lebih sedap dan berkhasiat. ?

    Saya juga sediakan lempeng pisang. Sapu sedikit minyak Naturel pada kuali dan tuang adunan lempeng. Wahh, lempeng pisang saya juga sangat sedap.

    Akhir sekali saya cuba buat kek pisang. Kek pisang saya juga saya masukkan 1/2cawan minyak Naturel. Alhamdulillah kek pisang saya lebih gebu dan lembut.

    Jom dapatkan minyak masak Naturel ni.. ???


  16. Natural Blend Omega oil 3&6 Oil love it ❣️

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 15, 2021

    First of all, thank you for choosing me to review this the best product for me. I love this Naturel Blend Cooking Oil is made from pure and natural ingredients, and it is an original blend of Canola and Sunflower oils. It contains Omega 3 & 6 that are essential to the well-being of our body. It also has monounsaturates, naturally rich in Vitamin E and is cholesterol free.
    I use this to cook vegetables food and it definitely taste good and also contains healthy components compare to other brands cooking oil. It’s also suitable to deep fry the test so delicious and healthy for me??
    Some cooking oil are smells but this Omega oil so far the test and smell are natural not to strong smell & we love it… No wonder the price is expensive because very healthy oil suitable for healthy food. Really recommended ✅
    IG: marlissa_hanan

  17. Icewong8786
    12 reviews

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil

    1 out of 5, reviewed on December 14, 2021

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil is made from pure and natural ingredients, and it is an original blend of Canola and Sunflower oils. It contains Omega 3 & 6 that are essential to the well-being of our body. It also has monounsaturates, naturally rich in Vitamin E and is cholesterol free. I love to use this cooking oil for cooking. Becouse I can enjoy delicious food with this healthy oil.

  18. yuienpeng69
    8 reviews

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 12, 2021

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil is made from pure and natural ingredients, and it is an original blend of Canola and Sunflower oils. It contains Omega 3 & 6 that are essential to the well-being of our body. It also has monounsaturates, naturally rich in Vitamin E and is cholesterol free. My mother love to use this cooking oil for cooking. All the food cook by Naturel Blend Cooking Oil is so delicious and healthy.

  19. JSFChok61
    9 reviews

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 11, 2021

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil is made of pure and natural ingredient which contains Omega 3 & 6, rich in Vitamin E and cholesterol free. It does not contain any smell which will not change the taste of my dish. It enhance the flavour which makes my homecooked meals with great taste. To contribute for a healthier well being, Naturel is my No 1 choice.

  20. sy_chen39
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 10, 2021

    我本身甚少吃煎炸食品,我家人也一样。不过,这些解冻的素叉烧,经过采用NATUREL BLEND 慢煎以后,卖相很不错。同一时间,用NATUREL BLEND来爆香蒜酱葱,也非常的香。

    由于它集合了菜籽油和向日葵油,含丰富维生素E,Omega 3 和 6,不含胆固醇,所以在炒饭的时候,我也不需要过于担心,可以多下点油,让米饭粒粒分明。卖相好,家人的胃口也自然会好。

    网上资料显示,天然纯净的芥花油和中的不饱和脂肪酸比例适宜,有降低血液中胆固醇的功能,有助人体的新陈代谢。 而葵花籽油中的亚油酸等人体必需的不饱和脂肪酸,可以促进人体细胞的再生和成长。另外,芥花油和葵花籽油对防止心血管疾病也起着作用。因此,在我们家,对近80岁的老人家来说,是很好的选择。而维生素E是一种脂溶性维生素,具有很好的抗氧化抗衰老,美容养颜的功效,看了也心动。

  21. Niknoraty59
    11 reviews

    Naturel blend cooking oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 9, 2021

    I like Naturel Blend Cooking Oil because its original blend of Canola and Sunflower Oils.Its contain omega 3 &6 which are essential to the well -being of our bodies. Help to reduce bad cholesterol on our body.Suitable for vegetarian .Highly recommended

  22. Angel_lim50
    2 reviews

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 8, 2021

    I like Naturel Blend Cooking Oil because it is
    made from pure and natural ingredients. Naturel Blend cooking oil is an original blend of Canola and Sunflower oils. It contains Omega 3 & 6 that are essential to the well-being of our body. It also has monounsaturates, naturally rich in Vitamin E and is cholesterol free.Thus it’s a healthier choice for family and highly recommended ???.


  23. Snoopyin92
    20 reviews

    Great and healthy way of cooking with Naturel Blend Cooking Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 6, 2021

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to try this Naturel Blend Cooking Oil and I like this because it’s made from pure and natural ingredients, and it is an original blend of Canola and Sunflower oils. It contains omega 3 and 6 which are essential to the well-being of our bodies. It is also cholesterol free trans fat free and naturally rich in vitamin E. It is suitable for vegetarians and all types of cooking. Being a light tasting oil it brings out the natural taste of your dishes. It’s great for my everyday cooking and not forgetting delicious.

  24. Snoopyin92
    20 reviews

    Great and healthy way of cooking with Naturel Blend Cooking Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 6, 2021

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to try this Naturel Blend Cooking Oil and I like this because it’s made from pure and natural ingredients, and it is an original blend of Canola and Sunflower oils. It contains omega 3 and 6 which are essential to the well-being of our bodies. It is also cholesterol free trans fat free and naturally rich in vitamin E. It is suitable for vegetarians and all types of cooking. Being a light tasting oil it brings out the natural taste of your dishes.

  25. Ushalni39
    17 reviews

    Natural blend cooking oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 5, 2021

    The oil is really good and healthy as i can use for my toddler and she can have a good digestion. Other than that it is also good for my parents who are old and make them healthy

  26. JerryWan85
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 5, 2021

    I would like to thanks 100comments for giving me an opportunity to try on this Naturel Blend Cooking Oil. It is cholesterol free trans fat free and naturally rich in vitamin E. It is suitable for vegetarians and all types of cooking. Being a light tasting oil it brings out the natural taste of all my dishes. It definitely is my ‘healthier choice’ for my family.

  27. Tiffany Foo
    1 reviews

    Highly recommend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 5, 2021

    Thank you 100comments for giving me a chance to try on this product. I love this Naturel Blend Cooking Oil because it made from pure and natural ingredients. It is an original blend of Canola and Sunflower oils. It contains Omega 3 & 6 that are essential to the well-being of our body. It also has monounsaturates, naturally rich in Vitamin E and is cholesterol free. I will definitely recommend to my friends and family.

  28. Asniza95
    18 reviews

    Minyak terbaik!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 4, 2021

    Pilihan saya dan keluarga. Sangat sesuai kerana rendah kolesterol dan tidak mudah cepat berbau hapak. Sangat menjadi pilihan kami sekeluarga. Sesuai digunakan dalam pelbagai masakan dan nuadah enak. Pastinya berbaloi hntuk dimiliki . Setiap hidangan pasti membuka selera. Berbau harum saja jika digunakan ketika menumis. Saya suka

  29. Sheryl Ting Phang
    4 reviews

    Healthy cooking oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 3, 2021

    Thank you 100Comments for letting me win this Natural Blend Cooking Oil. I have been using this oil for cooking and food has not tasted oily. I like the ingredients of this cooking oil as the importance of Omega 3 & 6 Essential for normal growth in children, and in aiding regular cardiovascular and neurological functions and also the importance of Monounsaturates
    which helps reduce bad cholesterol in the body. Great cooking oil for my family and also for my babies to maintain great health.

  30. stephanielow01381
    4 reviews

    Naturel blend健康食用油

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 2, 2021

    我很喜欢Naturel Blend 食用油,我喜欢用它来烹饪和做蛋糕,Naturel Blend 食用油是由纯天然成分制成,里面包含了菜籽油和向日葵油,Omega 3 和 6,不含胆固醇,对我们的身体健康有很大的帮助。

    #naturelblendmy #my100comments

  31. Stephanie Low
    4 reviews

    naturel blends cooking oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 2, 2021

    我很喜欢Naturel Blend 食用油,我喜欢用它来烹饪和做蛋糕,Naturel Blend 食用油是由纯天然成分制成,里面包含了菜籽油和向日葵油,Omega 3 和 6,不含胆固醇,对我们的身体健康有很大的帮助。

  32. Stephanie Low
    4 reviews

    naturel blend健康食用油

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 2, 2021

    我很喜欢Naturel Blend 食用油,我喜欢用它来烹饪和做蛋糕,Naturel Blend 食用油是由纯天然成分制成,里面包含了菜籽油和向日葵油,Omega 3 和 6,不含胆固醇,对我们的身体健康有很大的帮助。是我最喜欢的一款食用油❤️

    #naturelblendmy #my100comments

  33. Stephanie Low
    4 reviews

    natural blend健康食用油

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 2, 2021

    我很喜欢Naturel Blend 食用油,我喜欢用它来烹饪和做蛋糕,Naturel Blend 食用油是由纯天然成分制成,里面包含了菜籽油和向日葵油,Omega 3 和 6,不含胆固醇,对我们的身体健康有很大的帮助。

    #naturelblendmy #my100comments

  34. Stephanie Low
    4 reviews

    Naturel Blend 健康食用油❤️

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 2, 2021

    我很喜欢Naturel Blend 食用油,我喜欢用它来烹饪和做蛋糕,Naturel Blend 食用油是由纯天然成分制成,里面包含了菜籽油和向日葵油,Omega 3 和 6,不含胆固醇,对我们的身体健康有很大的帮助。
    #naturelblendmy #my100comments

    47 reviews

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2021

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil is Made from pure and natural ingredients, Naturel Blend cooking oil is an original blend of Canola and Sunflower oils. It contains Omega 3 & 6 that are essential to the well-being of our body. It also has monounsaturates, naturally rich in Vitamin E and is cholesterol free.
    got a good combination of fats, and has the good monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and is low in bad saturated fats. It’s a good all-purpose oil for cooking and I think it works particularly well for Asian foods that are prepared in the wok.
    #naturelblendmy #my100comments

  36. Suhaila281192
    9 reviews

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2021

    Saya suka menggunakan Naturel Blend Cooking Oil dalam masakan saya terutamanya ketika menggoreng kerana produk minyak masak Naturel ini bebas kolesterol dan mengandungi omega 3 dan omega 6. Justeru, makanan bergoreng saya lebih berkhasiat dan keluarga saya dapat makan makanan yang menyihatkan. Naturel blend cooking oil sememangnya terbaik. Di sini saya menggunakannya untuk menggoreng cekodok pisang untuk minum petang saya sekeluarga.

    47 reviews

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2021

    Naturel Blend Cooking Oil is made from double fractionated super palm olein, blended with the finest and specially selected NATURAL groundnut and sesame oil. The fine aroma of the oil that comes from natural groundnut and sesame is different from those using ARTIFICIAL FLAVORING.
    Neptune makes a healthy difference to your food. It is totally free of any ARTIFICIAL colouring, preservative & cholesterol, and rich in natural VITAMIN E.
    #naturelblendmy #my100comments

  38. Yvonne P'hng
    5 reviews

    Good Cooking Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2021

    I liked this “Naturel Blend Cooking Oil because it’s
    made from pure and natural ingredients, is an original blend of Canola and Sunflower oils. It contains Omega 3 & 6 that are essential to the well-being of our body. It also has monounsaturates, naturally rich in Vitamin E and is cholesterol free. It is a great natural blend cooking oil …. I use this for cooking and frying .But the bottle is a bit thin so it can be difficult to pour so I’d recommend transferring it to a sturdier bottle.

    Overall, this is a great value and works well for cooking, frying & baking and ….It wasn’t to thin, and my food tasted real fresh after cooking with it! Very affordable price! I certainly recommend it.

  39. Lee Aiyin
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2021

    Hello ? l want to review This Good product ( NATURAL BLEND OMEGA 3&6 OIL). It’s a cooking oil made from pure and naturel ingredients,it is an original blend of Canalo and Sunflower oils. Naturel is a good oils give a great taste to my food. Is can use to fry food also because also good to our bodies.

  40. mellsmy72
    20 reviews

    Naturel Healthy Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 7, 2020

    Healthier choice for someone who needs better healthy diet, not only healthy but also can transform your dishes delicious.

  41. shiya
    8 reviews

    Love it

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 23, 2020

    For deep frying I prefer using this oil as it gives a great taste to my food without making them taste overly greasy. The quality of the oil is good as it is easy to clean my plates afterwards without using too much detergent or water.

  42. Kah Yee
    23 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 10, 2020

    使用Naturel葵花籽油炒菜比其他的食用油就更健康 无胆固醇 是家里的首选食用油

  43. BumbleBee34
    321 reviews

    Awesome cooking oil

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 2, 2020

    The cooking oil shining its light yellowish color and I love looking at it. First of all, I like the design as it\\\’s easy for me to hold during cooking. The weight also weightlifting by one hand. Usually, I cook dishes with palm oil but this one is a blend of canola and sunflower oil. A new experience for me. The oil is very light. I decided to cook stirr fried vegetables and the oil not easily going darker in colour. Even it\\\’s an oil but for me it isn\\\’t too greasy easy to handle. Unfortunately, if i didn\\\’t receive it in bad condition I would rate it full stars. But need to deduct 1 star as the oil bottle I received had a bent neck. And I couldn\\\’t even fix it back to normal. Worry I might broken the bottle too. Overall, other than that everything was fine.

  44. JimmyTan26
    10 reviews

    Eating fried food without worries

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 2, 2020

    When I received this bottle of Naturel Blend cooking oil from 100Comments with love, I decided to give it a try by frying some potatoes?
    To my surprise, I discovered that Naturel Blend cooking oil is very different from other cooking oil and here’s what I discovered:

    1?Although the potatoes were fried for a long time, I could see that they were not “Burnt” unlike other cooking oils.

    2?Food is less oily even after cooking it with a lot of oil (I fried my potatoes with a lot of oil but they didn’t end up getting very oily.

    3?The plates are not so oily and easier to wash.
    Normal cooking oils make plates hard to wash.

    Because I’ve learnt that Naturel Blend cooking oil contains Omega 3 & 6 that are essential to the well-being of our body, monounsaturates, naturally rich in Vitamin E and is cholesterol free, I would recommend this oil to my neighbours?
    With Naturel Blend Cooking Oil, I can eat fried food without worries because it’s truly a healthy cooking oil which every household must own?

  45. sitieyzue43
    21 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 28, 2020

    Saya sentiasa menggunakan minyak naturel ni. Minyak yang berkualiti yang sangat bagus digunakan untuk seisi keluarga. Minyak ni buatkan masakan saya bertambah sedap & kaya dengan vitamin. Yang paling penting selamat digunakan. Saya recommended produk ni. Terbaikk

  46. Ariel
    312 reviews

    Tastes great

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 19, 2020

    Food just tastes better with Naturel Blend Omega 3 & 6 Cooking Oil. Many of us lack Omega 3 in our daily diets and this is a good way to increase its intake into our bodies. I love how it makes my food taste, whether it is frying the meehoon, stir-frying the vegetables and air-frying the fries, they all taste delicious!

  47. Nur Sa'adiah
    17 reviews

    Minyak masak untuk kesihatan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 16, 2020

    Saya sentiasa menggunakan minyak naturel ni. Minyak yang berkualiti yang sangat bagus digunakan untuk seisi keluarga. Minyak ni buatkan masakan saya bertambah sedap & kaya dengan vitamin. Yang paling penting selamat digunakan. Saya recommended produk ni. Terbaikk

  48. liying2972
    3 reviews

    Great healthy oil

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 26, 2018

    Always use this to cook vegetables for family and it definitely taste good and also contains healthy components compare to other brands cooking oil. It’s suitable to cook with any vegetables or meat that you like. Sometimes I will even use it for baking if it’s needed.

  49. Jacklin08
    13 reviews

    Healthy cooking oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 20, 2018

    This natural blend is one of the healthy cooking oil. This oil although is expensive but is really worth for it price. This oil is high quality and is highly suitable for cooking for those healthy lifestyle people. So just have a try !

  50. Ann57
    6 reviews

    Sihat dan sesuai digunakan dalam masakan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 27, 2018

    Produk ini bukan saja baik dikonsumsi tetapi ia sangat sesuai digunakan dalam masakan terutama dalam penyediaan juadah keluarga. Saya sering menggunakan produk ini dalam menghasilkan pelbagai jenis juadah yang lazat dan baik untuk kesihatan. Sesuai digunakan untuk seisi keluarga.

  51. Naddia Zakaria
    6 reviews

    Baik untuk kesihatan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2018

    Baik untuk kesihatan.

  52. Thh Leo
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2018


  53. sal93
    12 reviews

    Eat for health

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 28, 2018

    Love this cooking oil . My mom always buy this dan harganya juga mampu milik . This product also have free gift sometimes. You guys boleh jimat dengan dapatkan free cooking oil .

  54. Lim Chin Hwa
    19 reviews

    Healthy oil for family

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 17, 2018

    It’s a healthy choice of cooking oil, natural blend Omega 3 and 6. Most applicable to housewife who always cook for his family. The food is delicious, rich in vitamin E and free from cholesterol by cooking through this oil. Prepare a healthy ingredients by selecting this oil, definitely will beneficial from it.

  55. dreen89
    12 reviews

    Minyak masak yang sihat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 26, 2018

    Menggunakan minyak ini kerana kandungan minyak yang sihat until seisi keluarga. Sangat sesuai untuk memasak pelbagai hidangan.

  56. ctie8594
    3 reviews

    Naturel blend oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 7, 2018

    Saya selesa menggunakan minyak ini.
    Kandungan omega 3 & 6 membuat kan saya yakin untuk terus menggunakan minyak ini.
    Kandungan yang terdapat dalam minyak ini sesuai untuk seisi keluarga terutamanya kepada kanak kanak yang sedang dalam proses pembesaran.

  57. Pinky Bibi
    44 reviews

    Naturel Blend Omega 3 & 6 Oil

    4 out of 5, reviewed on April 6, 2018

    这个Naturel Blend Omega 3 & 6 Oil是我们全家大小都爱使用的健康油,每次我们炒菜我们都会使用他的,炒了的才比较香不会像一些油的味道很重的。

  58. Afiza_Rahim60
    358 reviews

    Naturel Blend Omega 3 & 6 Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 4, 2018

    Saya suka menggunakan Naturel Blend Omega 3 & 6 Oil dalam memasak resepi kegemaran saya.Minyak masak tanpa kolestrol yang mengandungi Omefa 3 & 6 yg baik untuk kesihatan badan.Minyak natural blend ini diperbuat dari bahan suci & semulajadi menjadikannya selamat digunakan untuk semua peringkat umur selain kaya dengan vitamin E.Harganya sedikit mahal sesuai dengan kualiti setanding bagus dan selamat digunakan.

  59. Syahmi Hayat
    3 reviews

    Minyak Masak Untuk Kesihatan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 15, 2018

    Kalau dulu, keluarga selalu gunakan minyak masak biasa. Tapi bila ada ahli keluarga yang ada masalah kesihatan jantung, family kami cuba cari pilihan lain. Naturel ada Omega 3, baik untuk jantung. Produk Pilihan lepas Sakit, sepatutnya pilihan sebelum Sakit lagi dah patut guna.

  60. AdamAmsyar95
    81 reviews

    Kandungan Omega 3 & 6 yg banyak kebaikan utk tubuh badan.

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 7, 2018

    Minyak Naturel Blend ni merupakan pilihan terbaik utk org yg mnjaga kesihatan.Sy mnggunakan minyak ni sbg alternatif utk mngurangkan kadar kolestrol sy.Kandungan Omega 3 & 6 yg terkandung dl minyak ni juga mmpunyai bnyak kebaikan utk tubuh badan.Warna minyak sgt jernih & mmpunyai aroma semulajadi yg mnjadikan masakan sy lebih beraroma dan sedap.Ia juga berkualiti,x mudah berbau dan boleh digunakan bnyak kali.Cuma 1 je kekuranggannya iaitu harga yg mmg lebih mahal berbanding jenama lain.Tapi dgn kualiti dan kandungannya bg sy ia masih berbaloi utk dibeli.

  61. AdamAmsyar95
    81 reviews

    Kandungan Omega 3 & 6 yang banyak kebaikan utk tubuh badan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018

    Minyak Naturel Blend ni merupakan pilihan terbaik utk org yg mnjaga kesihatan.Sy mnggunakan minyak ni sbg alternatif utk mngurangkan kadar kolestrol sy.Kandungan Omega 3 & 6 yg terkandung dl minyak ni juga mmpunyai bnyak kebaikan utk tubuh badan.Warna minyak sgt jernih & mmpunyai aroma semulajadi yg mnjadikan masakan sy lebih beraroma dan sedap.Ia juga berkualiti,x mudah berbau dan boleh digunakan bnyak kali.Cuma 1 je kekuranggannya iaitu harga yg mmg lebih mahal berbanding jenama lain.Tapi dgn kualiti dan kandungannya bg sy ia masih berbaloi utk dibeli.

  62. nurlyanakhan56
    12 reviews

    Natural blend oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 16, 2018

    Ianya bagus untuk kesihatan.. Mempunyai omega 3 dan 6 bagus utk tumbesaran otak.. Minyak ini juga boleh digunakan dalam pelbagai jenis masakan serta rasa nya tidak terlalu kuat seperti minyak sawit yg lain.. Ianya juga bagus untuk mereka yang mengawal pemakanan serta kolestrol.. Ianya juga diperbuat dari bahan yg halal serta suci…

  63. AidaAzanie51
    6 reviews

    Daily healthy oil

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 13, 2018

    Naturel Blend adalah minyak masak canola dan sunflower cooking oil yang mengandungi omega 3 dan 6. Saya tidak lepas membeli minyak ini sekiranya membeli barang-barang dapur kerana minyak kurang kolestrol. Masakan harian saya menjadi lebih sihat kerana pengunaan minyak ini amat berbeza dengan minyak lain dari segi kandungan kalorinya.

  64. Xiao Long
    210 reviews

    Healthy Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 29, 2017

    Same production company of the famous Knife (cooking oil). Naturel would be another option if you concern about health. It contains Omega 3 & 6 that are essential for our body. Come in 3 different types of oils, blend, sunflower oil or Canola oil. I started to change to using Naturel Blend for cooking few years ago. The oils very clear in colors. The only downside is the price is much more expensive now. Although it comes in 3kg bottle but i can use it certainly longer than cheaper brand. A little bit of oil for stir fried would be sufficient. Try to stock up when there\’s promotion.

  65. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews

    it is a healthier.

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2017

    The taste is really mild, it is a healthier. This is a really good product I use this for cooking it’s better to use this then the other oils I would recommend this product

  66. NurulDeng08
    470 reviews

    Minyak dari bahan suci dan semulajadi

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2017

    Minyak naturel blend yg kaya dgn omega 3 & 6 ni mmg pilihan yg berkhasiat untuk keluarga saya..walaupun harganya lebih mahal berbanding jenama lain,tapi bagi saya ia masih berbaloi dibeli kerana kebaikan minyak naturel ni yg diperbuat dari bahan suci & semulajadi yang mnjadikannya selamat digunakan utk semua pringkt umur selain kaya dengn vitamin E.

  67. Afiza_Rahim60
    358 reviews

    Naturel Blend Omega 3 & 6 Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2017

    Naturel Blend Omega 3 & 6 Oil sangat tinggi khasiatnya kolestrol yg mngandungi Onefa 3 & 6 yg baik untuk kesihatan badan.Minyak natural blend ni diperbuat dari bahan suci & semulajadi mnjadikannya selamat digunakan urk semua pringkat umur selain kaya dengan vitamin E.Tp minyk ni hrganya agak mahal sikit.Boleh digunakan seisi keluarga…

  68. nadnaz02
    43 reviews

    Kurang sedap

    3 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2017

    Saya tak suka bau and rasa minyak ini..bau yang kurang enak sewaktu menumis dan rasa tidak berapa ummmmm makananan kita..tapi bagaimanapun saya guna minyak ini untuk makanan anak kembar saya kerana minyak ini mempunyai omega 3&6

  69. tangicey15
    66 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 9, 2017


  70. cikbunga49
    659 reviews

    Kaya dengan omega 3 & 6

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 1, 2017

    Minyak yang terbaik kerana penuh khasiat untuk kesihatan.
    Minyaknya wangi bila digunakan untuk memasak makanan.
    Makanan bergoreng juga warna menjadi cantik keperangan bila menggunakan minyak ini.
    Paling terbaik ia kurang kolesterol.
    Memang saya syorkan.

  71. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 5, 2017

    This cooking oil is enriched with Omegas 3 & 6 which is vital for brain development. The oil holds well and has a neutral taste, so it can be used across different dishes and cuisines without worry. A cholesterol free oil.

  72. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Minyak tanpa kolestrol

    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 31, 2017

    Minyak masak tanpa kolestrol yg mngandungi Onefa 3 & 6 yg baik untuk kesihatan badan.Minyak natural blend ni diperbuat dari bahan suci & semulajadi mnjadikannya selamat digunakan urk semua pringkt umur selain kaya dengn vitamin E.Tp minyk ni hrganya agak mahal sikit.

  73. 溦溦 林
    473 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 21, 2017


  74. penny41
    407 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 15, 2017


  75. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 14, 2017


  76. Kellychan21
    503 reviews

    Healthy cooking oil as it is made from pure and natural ingredients

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 13, 2017

    Naturel cooking oil is made from pure and natural ingredients. It has Omegas 3 & 6 which is vital for brain development too. This blended cooking oil is good for health. However, I still prefer Knife cooking oil which is much more cheaper and the taste of the food cook using Knife cooking oil is much more tasty than Naturel cooking oil.

  77. Niki Tay
    996 reviews

    Naturel Blend Omega 3 & 6 Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 14, 2017

    This cooking oil is with Omegas 3 & 6 constructive vitamin that will keep you healthy ,compare with other brand this brand oil is more expensive but our health is more important than money so i definitely recommend for this brand because is safe and healthy.

  78. King87
    15 reviews

    Cooking Oil.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 2, 2017

    Definitely recommend for its safe and healthy alternative given to the rest on the shelf. Try it and you’ll confirm its benefit.

  79. sandlee51
    174 reviews

    Healthier but Costly

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 23, 2017

    I use this oil when I am frying nuggets and fries for my kids. This oil is more healthier than other oil, hence when preparing meal for my kids, I will use this oil. The price is costly but more healthier.

  80. LiLian39
    148 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 1, 2017

    What a good natural cooking oil , this is more heathier compare other cooking oil. But i still prefer knife because its make the dishs more nice smell

  81. Aznor Azizul
    153 reviews

    The Perfect Blend For The Perfect Cooking

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 8, 2017

    If you want to try something new and definitely healthier then this blended cooking oil should be your first choice. It blends the canola and sunflower oil to makes your food fill with constructive vitamin that will keep you healthy no matter what.

    What i know it also makes your cooking taste a lot different and transform your daily cooking into an extraordinary gourmet show!

  82. Annette Rowena
    30 reviews

    Great With Any Dish and Healthy Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 8, 2017

    This cooking oil is enriched with Omegas 3 & 6 which is vital for brain development. The oil holds well and has a neutral taste, so it can be used across different dishes and cuisines without worry. A cholesterol free oil.

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