Naturel Olive Oil
Naturel Olive Oil

Naturel Olive Oil

Product Details

The trend of improving awareness of overall health and wellness resulted more Malaysians to adopt healthier oil in their regular diets. Here’s where olive oil is always the preferred choice. Freshness matters in choosing the right olive oil.

The award-winning Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil has built a strong reputation amongst Malaysians as the olive oil of choice when it comes to getting a fresh quality olive oil for their family. In addition, it comprises three of the most sought-after olive fruit cultivars, namely Hojiblanca, Arbequina, and Picual (HAP), which grow in the pristine groves in Andalucia, Spain. Within 24 hours of olive fruit harvest, they undergo cold-pressed oil extraction to preserve freshness, purity and healthy antioxidants. Upon passing a stringent quality process, they are then filled and packed into bottles, and shipped directly to Malaysia. Naturel strives to bring healthier and fresher olive oil to the consumers, just as if you’re in Spain!

As part of its continuous innovation effort, Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil is also available in a convenient spray format that is ideal for light cooking. To expand the use of olive oil sprays, Naturel also presents two other olive oil spray variants, namely Avocado Olive Oil and White Truffle Olive Oil.

Trend kesedaran terhadap penjagaan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan kendiri menjurus lebih ramai orang untuk mengamalkan penggunaan minyak masak yang lebih sihat dalam diet seharian mereka. Oleh itu, minyak zaitun sentiasa menjadi antara pilihan utama. “Kesegaran” merupakan elemen yang amat penting dalam memilih minyak zaitun yang baik.

Minyak Zaitun Naturel “Extra Virgin” yang memenangi pelbagai anugerah telah membina reputasi baik dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia sebagai minyak zaitun pilihan No.1, kerana produknya mempunyai kualiti segar terkawal dan konsisten. Tambahan pula, minyak zaitun ini dihasilkan dengan gabungan tiga jenis kultivar buah zaitun, iaitu Hojiblanca, Arbequina dan Picual (HAP), dan pokok-pokok buah zaitun ini tumbuh subur di dusun buah zaitun semula jadi di Andalusia, Sepanyol. Dalam tempoh 24 jam selepas penuaian, buah-buah zaitun melalui proses pengekstrakan minyak secara “cold pressed” untuk mengekalkan kesegaran minyak zaitun tulen dan nutrisi yang sihat. Sejurus sebelum diisi dan dipek ke dalam botol, minyak zaitun tulen ini akan melalui proses kawalan kualiti yang ketat. Ia kemudiannya dihantar terus ke Malaysia. Jenama Naturel berusaha untuk memastikan minyak zaitun yang lebih sihat dan segar disediakan kepada pengguna, seumpama anda menikmatinya terus di Sepanyol.

Sebagai usaha untuk memenuhi kehendak pengguna, inovasi produk dikembangkan di mana Minyak Zaitun Naturel juga didatangkan dalam format semburan mudah yang sesuai untuk masakan ringan. Bagi meluaskan kepelbagaian pilihan, jenama Naturel turut memperkenalkan variasi Minyak Zaitun Avokado dan Minyak Zaitun Truffle Putih.


屡获殊荣的Naturel 特级初榨橄榄油(Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil)深受马来西亚人民爱戴,一直是大家购买新鲜、高质量橄榄油的最佳首选。Naturel 特级初榨橄榄油选用了西班牙三大最佳的橄榄果品种,分别是 Hojiblanca、Arbequina和 Picual(HAP);三者皆源自西班牙安达卢西亚的原始橄榄树林。这些新鲜的橄榄果在经过采收后的24小时内,会以冷压榨方式处理,以最大程度地保留其新鲜度、纯净度和健康的抗氧化物质。然后,通过严格的品质监控程序,新鲜的橄榄油将完成灌装及封瓶包装,并直接运抵马来西亚。Naturel 多年来力求为消费者带来更健康、更新鲜的橄榄油,犹如您身处在西班牙的橄榄油享受!

Naturel 一直以来追求创新,推出了喷雾式罐装橄榄油(Naturel Olive Oil Spray),不仅适合烹调美味轻食,更是健康餐的好拍档。为了扩大喷雾橄榄油的产品种类,Naturel 还推出了两种不同配方的喷雾橄榄油:牛油果橄榄油和白松露橄榄油,为您的菜肴带来精致和浓郁的风味。

Facebook Page

  1. Iris Tan
    32 reviews

    Naturel Olive Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 4, 2022

    Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. This fatty acid is believed to have many beneficial effects and is a healthy choice for cooking.

    I started to use olive oil when I’m preparing to have baby. I love the olive smell. Is not too oily after cooking by using olive oil. The best if cook Aglio Olio Pasta, so nice smell.

    The most important is to keep me and my family healthy.

  2. Wajeha2545
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 17, 2022

    I really enjoy using this oil because it’s healthy and flavourful . It enhances my meals

  3. Fak3010
    19 reviews

    Adding a better taste to the meals

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 15, 2022

    I have had used other brands but Naturel Olive Oil always stands out and that’s why I have been using this brand for so many years. Naturel olive oil has a smooth fragrance and a natural aromatic taste which is healthy, tasteful, and most importantly, affordable pricing as compared to other olive oils around with the same quality. Hence, one should go for Naturel Olive Oil.

  4. yhlim
    28 reviews

    Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2022

    来自西班牙的 Naturel Extra Virgin Olive oil 是最纯洁的橄榄油,它保留了最完整的营养成分。口感顺滑自然,卡路里低不油腻,丰富的维他命E等等。抄好的意大利面再添加Naturel Extra Virgin Oliver Oil,美味可口。

  5. tomorrow_esther
    103 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 13, 2022

    橄榄油炒菜用很好,最近吃减脂餐炒菜什么的都会放它吧?橄榄油炒菜很香,炒菜不油腻,低脂健康。而且橄榄油煎鸡排烟点很高 很不错,感觉风味更提升!


    感觉还不错,Naturel 非常值得信赖的品牌,质量有保障,❤价格还亲民,相当满意,味道很正!品质很好!从全家人健康角度出发买的,橄榄油的好处多多,经常吃对全家人的健康有帮助。

  6. Jennifer Goh
    17 reviews

    Naturel Olive Oil

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 10, 2022

    I use it for my salad, my spaghetti and mix it with vinegar when I have my sourdough. Nice texture, smell and taste! Haven’t used it for cooking (not sure if it’s meant for that as I read that olive oil is not recommended for that).

  7. Yasmin Sarah
    12 reviews

    Rasa Sihat dengan menggunakan minyak Naturel Olive Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 8, 2022

    Minyak zaitun banyak manfaat kesihatan, semua orang tahu hal ini. Ini kerana lemak terkandung di dalamnya adalah lemak baik. Selain itu, ia mengandungi antioksidan yang bagus dalam mencegah penyakit berbahaya seperti jantung, stroke dan diabetes.
    Saya menggunakan minyak Naturel Olive Oil dengan pelbagai cara, menumis, jadikan dessing pada salad juga untuk sapuan pada roti .
    Rasanya agak luar biasa yang pastinya anda tidak berfikir fikir tentang khasiat apa yang and makan..emmang sedap..tambahan pula saya adalah seorang yang penggemar salad, anak anak pula suka makan spaggeti , jadi hasilannya amat bagus.
    Di samping itu saya and anak anak sihat!
    Jom! cubala Naturel Olive Oil , so recomended!!!:)

    Naturel Olive Oil terbak!

  8. Jennifer Goh
    17 reviews

    Naturel White Truffle Olive Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 6, 2022

    Naturel has a few types of spray such as extra virgin olive oil spray, avocado oil spray and grapeseed oil spray. I use this extra virgin olive oil spray with white truffles extract for my salad. It combines the best olives from Spain with white truffles extract gives you an earthy gastronomic perfection with gentle hints of spiciness to give an added flavour to my food. It is a good way to enhance the taste of our vegan food with such flavoured oil. Not to mention, the triple action spray system (Drip, Stream, Spray) allows you to smoothly distribute and control the amount of oil desired.

  9. Mooi Leng
    46 reviews

    Natural olive oil

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 6, 2022

    This olive oil is the best olive oil out there! I use it to make aglio olio all the time and it always turns out fabulous! I also use it to make bruschetta and it makes all the difference. The oil has a slightly fruity note with a bit of spiciness, so you can sometimes escape using chili flakes on your aglio oilo. It is not, however, a neutral oil, so don’t use it if you don’t want any of that olive flavour and spice to impart itself into whatever you’re cooking. For anything else you would want to use this oil to impart that fruity flavour and take your food to another level. Buy this oil if you don’t want to be left wanting!

  10. Bernard15
    6 reviews

    good product

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 24, 2022

    love to shower this olive oil into my pasta!
    It gives an additional a taste to my pasta.
    Here and there I will utilize it to cook my most loved aglio oglio!
    It can likewise utilized in baking treats.
    I use it to splash on the baking plate before I put my treats into baking to stay away from treats staying on the plate.

  11. Suraini Abdol
    2 reviews

    Spraying The Olive

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 21, 2022

    First up, I like that they use a light casing instead of glass. Frankly, this is my first time using a spray system to deliver olive oil, hence, it was a new experience and a good one. This is because the spray system allows for smooth and even distribution of oil. It also mitigate over use of oil. Unintentionally, it encourages us to use olive oil more often in our meal preparation. There is nothing that I dislike about it. This product delivers what it claims and intended for. In term of comparison, I’m sure there are comparable products out there, but this is the first one I got to use an olive oil spray product.

  12. Enasyaz93
    6 reviews

    Naturel Olive Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 21, 2022

    Sangat best olive oil ni..
    Sedap mkn ngn salad
    Sihat & tak perlu risauuu
    Nice taste??

  13. Sarahhamzah68
    8 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 20, 2022

    Minyak olive oil yang sihat dan mudah. Semua jenis makanan sesuai digunakan termasuk membuat salad!

  14. tomorrow_esther
    103 reviews

    健康轻食喷一喷Naturel 橄榄油喷雾装!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 13, 2022


  15. Goldfishroad
    40 reviews

    Love olive oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 2, 2022

    I love to spray this olive oil into my pasta!
    It gives an extra taste to my pasta.
    Sometimes I will use it to cook my favourite aglio oglio!
    It can also used in baking cookies.
    I use it to spray on the baking tray before I put my cookies into baking to avoid cookies sticking on the tray.

  16. sitieyzue43
    21 reviews

    Virgin olive oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 28, 2021

    I love to use extra virgin olive oil in my cooking as it is incredibly healthy. I choose Naturel because it contains 100% extra virgin olive oil and suitable for marinades, roasting, grilling and stir-fry!

    In addition, the nozzle spray packaging is so convenient as I can control the amount of oil that is needed. My perfect helper in the kitchen

  17. ChengWei32
    31 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 27, 2021

    市场上好用又亲民的橄榄油大家都知道不容易找。Naturel olive oil就是那个我找了很久好用又亲民的橄榄油!这个橄榄油超级好用。最重要的是健康!这款橄榄油有很丰富的维他命,饱和脂肪含量低,也是纯度最高的橄榄油。而且也很好吃。我经常用它来煮aglio olio,也会拿来配白粥吃。

  18. Yippie30
    22 reviews

    Easy to use

    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 26, 2021

    I have try other brands before, but I really love naturel olive oil spray. First, this is olive oil. Olive oil contain a lot of vitamin that benefit to our body. Second, the amount of the oil that we spray out is ngam ngam! Means will not over or lesser. I really like to use this for my salad. For medium portion, 1 or 2 spray is enough. Also, for those who are diet can choose this as it contain less calories. You can take the fat that you need on that day but not over.

  19. Jessie Koo
    132 reviews

    Convenient and wide coverage

    3 out of 5, reviewed on December 24, 2021

    I had tried for 2 weeks now and this is very very convenient. I like the face that its spread and spray evenly to the food and best for salad bowl.
    As for stak or pan cooking, the sprayed oil may be up to over the pan area and will need some cleaning. I love it for outdoor bbq use, or indoor use with food in the bowl. Need to target the oil correctly to the center of the food. Guess practice makes perfect and good that we dont need utensil or mess up the oil pouring – whether too much or too little. 1 spray to cover evenly. Like it.

  20. FIRDAUS9036
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 21, 2021

    Thank you for this awesome products of new spray oil by Naturel. I really love this product just spray it on the pan so easy and save our cooking time. This Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil is so GOOD and HEALTHY for my family.

    This EVOO is the best products ever because it is lower in saturated fat and full nutritious and good fats. This unique triple spray system is so GOOD and EASY that allow us to smoothly used and control the amount of oil we want to use.
    This 1 spray < 9kcal that means low in calories.
    So, it's the BEST CHOICE for our kitchen. Choose NATUREL make your food DELICIOUS.

  21. marhanaaaaa
    6 reviews

    Natural Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 21, 2021

    choose health, high quality but reasonable price for Natural Extra Virgin Olive Oil yg hana campurkan dlm my salad. Not only salad,spegeti, grilled salmon and puree baby pon Hana guna Natural Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

    Natural Extra Virgin Olive Oil ni Hana suka sbb ianya best olive oil dari Spain, high quality olive and ready to go bottle. Spray je settle! Very nice packaging. Sekali spray sama dgn 1 table spoon. Nk tapau bwk g office pun sng.

    Rasa olive yang sedap and just nice bila combine dgn masakan atau makanan. Certain brands kadang2 ade rse tak best kan. Tp dgn Natural Extra Virgin Olive Oil mmg sedap.

    @my100comments #my100comments

  22. Emily Moey
    7 reviews

    Perfect kitchen helper

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 20, 2021

    I love to use extra virgin olive oil in my cooking as it is incredibly healthy. I choose Naturel because it contains 100% extra virgin olive oil and suitable for marinades, roasting, grilling and stir-fry!

    In addition, the nozzle spray packaging is so convenient as I can control the amount of oil that is needed. My perfect helper in the kitchen

  23. Sooi Ping Lim
    3 reviews

    Unique olive oil with white truffle spray

    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 20, 2021

    I prefer to use extra virgin olive oil in my cooking as it is one of the healthiest food for heart health and I choose Naturel for its quality and mild taste. I find the triple spray system very unique as I can drip, stream or spray by applying different pressure. It works wonders during baking, grilling or pan fry because I don’t have to worry about using too much oil like the time when I pour from the standard bottle. I can’t really tell if I tasted white truffle but it is just as tasty.

  24. Julia
    1 reviews

    Oilve oil spray (normal)

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 20, 2021

    Tak tahu la kenapa bila guna Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray ni lagi rasa termotivasi nak amalkan pemakanan sihat. ?

    Botol comel sangat praktikal. Bau extra virgin olive oil sedap. Spray sikit je untuk dressing salad. Senang nak kawal kalau spray macam ni. Bagus untuk yang nak kurangkan pengambilan minyak dalam makanan. Kalau nak guna untuk bakar makanan dalam air fryer atau non stick pan sangat la sesuai. Juju lagi suka yang spray macam ni lagi mudah nak guna. highly recommended. ??

  25. Rex Rex Yong
    2 reviews

    The best ever olive ? oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 20, 2021

    Naturel Extra Light Olive Oil Is quality Spanish olives, it has a subtle olive flavor and a smooth and delicate taste that is prefect for baking and frying.
    Infused with a touch of fig leaves for a sweet, smooth taste with gentle hints of spiciness. It is ideal as a dip or for salad dressing,with White Truffle
    The best olives from Spain, combined with white truffles extract gives you an earthly gastronomic perfection with gentle hints of spiciness.
    Naturel Pure Olive Oil has a mild fruity flavour. It is ideal for marinades, roasting, grilling and stir-fry.
    Naturel’s rannge produced from a blend of popular varietals including Hojiblanca & Picual from Andalucia in Spain,this is the best ever quality olive ? oil,I strongly recommend u guys??

  26. Jo.
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 17, 2021

    一直都是Aglio Olio的爱好者,喜欢吃也喜欢煮。

    由于Aglio Olio的煮法非常简单,所以过程中所选用的各种食材也就相对变得非常重要。

    Aglio Olio最主要的食材乃橄榄油,而Naturel的Extra Virgin Olive Oil一直都是我的不二选择

  27. Erica7739
    7 reviews

    Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 15, 2021

    Thanks to 100comments for the Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray trial. Personally I like it as this is so much convenient, less hassle with just a spray and it’s a healthier choice oil which perfect for my salad dressings and pasta. With the spray too, we able to distribute onto the salad more evenly and at the desired amount. Love it as it is Trans-Fat free and Low in calories (1 spray < 9kcal). It is definite a good choice in the kitchen for healthier eating lifestyle .

    The spray was a bit tight on the first spray, afterwards, it worked alright.

  28. Seri Nur Nadia
    3 reviews

    Healthiest choice ??

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 15, 2021

    When it comes to the health of my family especially my little one, I absolutely don’t want to compromise and wish to give the best ??‍? That\’s why I am volunteering myself to try this Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil, as I am aware with the magnificent benefits of using EVOO in cooking ?️

    This is by far the best oil, and contains all the nutritional properties of olive. Usually I will just hold the bottle and drizzled over the food. But now with pressure-sensitive nozzle attached, I can easily control the amount of oil conveniently. 1 ml spray is equal to <9KCAL. Just simply spray it, as easy as ABC! Wow ?

    So guys, make sure you have this bottle sitting in your kitchen because Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil tastes good, smells good, looks good, definitely good for you, and brings out wonderful flavours as well as maximum nutritions in your meals ??

  29. Tanmarilyn8892
    5 reviews

    Healthy Olive Oil

    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 15, 2021

    Tried on my egg sandwiches, sprayed generous amount of olive oil with white truffle to it and my rating as per below (out of 5 rating)
    Taste ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Smell ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Packaging ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Price ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Overall the taste and smell are not strong that will overshadow the food original taste which I like it. However I couldn’t really taste the white truffle flavour in it and it was actually normal when I googled about it.

    The packaging I find it simple and easy to be used just that the nozzle spraying is different from others as the head of the nozzle is slightly high, so couldn’t spray correctly the first time I used it. Just need to ensure the nozzle head to be slightly lower in position when spraying. still love the packaging coz it’s so much easier to handle during baking, grilling or even dressing.

    Price wise is reasonable as well, uand could easily get from Shopee or Lazada.

    Would definitely buy one once I finished this bottle as every single drop will be “fully” utilised . No wastage.

  30. @BunnyBee88808
    1 reviews

    Falling in ❤️ with Olive Oil Spray

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 15, 2021

    I have been used Naturel Olive oil for quite some time in my daily cooked as this is a very good oil consumption to burn bad fat in our body and reducing cholesterol level.

    When encountered this Olive Oil Spray, I founded it’s Very Handy in my kitchen ?
    I tried use for my baking purpose, by spray it to grease my baking pan.
    Very good oil and nice results when I unmould the pan ?
    Totally Hasle Free and very recommend product ?

  31. Liewsoohui
    37 reviews

    Healthy yummy olive oil spray

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 14, 2021

    Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil is made from Spanish olives. It contains 100% extra virgin olive oil ,infused with a touch of fig leaves for a sweet smooth taste with gentle hint of spiciness. I love this spray bottle as it is designed with new triple action for user to control the amount of oil desired. I spray some extra virgin olive oil into kale and mix them gently, then I put them into oven to make kale chips. I enjoy using this olive oil as salad dressing too. Olive oil makes food taste great and it is a healthy choice.

  32. HelenLimy76
    7 reviews

    Versatile and unique taste

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 13, 2021

    My children are big fans of Aglio Olio pasta with lots of olive oil in it. I made a batch of it today and for finishing touch, I added on a spritz of Naturel Olive Oil with White Truffle on each bowl. First of all, the spray is so easy to use and one spray was enough for a bowl of pasta. Full of goodness and the Truffle oil brought out more flavours into the pasta. My kids liked the taste even more and suggested me to use the oil in other dishes too.

  33. Belindasoo8791
    15 reviews

    Olive Oil Spray

    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 13, 2021

    Yeah, started my healthy meal with olive oil in my meal dressing and baking on last week. I find it so useful, easy, and convenient to use (suitable for first-time learners like me) as I can know the exact amount of oil in my meal preparations. As well, it taste real good and turns out great in both of my dressing and baking. Overally, highly recommended to own ones for a healthy meal for everyone at home ?.

  34. HuiWei Lau
    10 reviews

    Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 10, 2021

    This is the first time for me on using oil spray. Initially thought it was standard packaging of extra virgin olive oil that I usually purchased. Tried on my lunch salad, and I really love this one compared to standard packaging as it give smooth and equal distribution of olive oil on my salad. And I no need to stir in order to mix the oil with salad. Can’t wait to try on roasted / grilled chicken!
    For the first timer of using oil spray, need really careful on pressing as it might lead to over spray.

  35. MeiMeiOng42
    1 reviews

    Naturel Spray Oils

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 10, 2021

    Naturel Spray Oils is very easy and convenient to use. The spray head is pressure sensitive giving you 3 types of spray. Drip, stream or spray. As it is suitable for grilling and baking, I sprayed it on my grill. I can control the amount of oil I need. I personally find the taste of Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil light and mild making it perfect for my cooking.

  36. Koay Joo Bee
    8 reviews

    Light and convenient olive oil spray

    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 7, 2021

    This is my first time using a spray type of Olive Oil and I find it very useful and convenient. It’s great because spraying gives me just the right amount of oil I want. I find this Extra Virgin Olive Oil by Naturel light and does not have a strong smell. It’s great for salad and stir fries.

  37. Nana Chang
    72 reviews

    Good olive oil spray. Healthier!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 7, 2021

    Net Content: 200ml and little cute spray bottle. Very ease to use. Precautions, nutritional information, guidelines of spray according to pressure are well labeled.

    ?? ???????
    This Extra Virgin Oil are suitable for dressing, grilling and baking. It infused with a touch of fig leaves for a sweet smooth taste with gentle hints of spiciness. The oil are great and the sprayer is pretty tight, might be still new and i believe if continue using this, it will loosen. Food are well sprayed when aiming. This is best option when minimal oil use as it spray a very fine layer like salads, chicken, fish. It works much better than trickling in olive oil from a bottle. Besides, it much healthier than tons of oil and because easily to control the amount of oil that comes out, food wont end up too oily. I believe it works much better than the empty spray bottles that are sold to be able to turn your own oil into spray. Those clog all the time and this one never did. Recommended product ?

  38. Aliceqiao12
    34 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 6, 2021

    Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil spray带来甜美顺滑的口感,并带有淡淡的辛辣味。Naturel 喷雾油不含反式脂肪,热量低,非常适合用于家庭烹饪。它安全卫生,不论是早餐煎蛋还是煎鸡排都不需要再用刷油了。做饭的时间能节省一些,直接喷就能啦。橄榄油含有适量的维生素 E 和 K,其中一些具有强大的健康益处。Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil spray,我推荐给你,太喜欢了❤。

  39. Fara_adila
    19 reviews

    Produk natural olive oil yg sangat bagus

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 6, 2021

    Natural olive oil sangat bagus digunakan dalam pelbagai jenis masakkan. Aneka masakan bisa dikreasikan dengan menambahkan natural olive oil. Selain menambah cita rasa khas dari minyak zaitun, aneka olahan makanan semakin sihatt dan kaya nutrisi. Natural olive oil boleh diolah dalam aneka masakan, seperti berikut menumis, memasak pasta, sup, memanggang, dressing salad. Cara penggunaan juga telah diberi tahu pada pek botol olive oil untuk cara pengambilan nya,. Banyak khasit yg boleh diperoleh dari olive oil ini. Botol yg ringan & kecil mudah untuk dibawa, pack yg sangat bagus! Sangat recommend bagi yg baru nk mencubanya!! ??

  40. Sarahhamzah68
    8 reviews

    Produk Yang Sangat sihat!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 6, 2021

    Minyak yang sangat sihat untuk dimasak pelbagai hidangan.

  41. lynnimaan02
    64 reviews

    Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 5, 2021

    I’ve been using this Naturel Extra Virgin Olive oil for my baby’s dishes since she start solids, and now shes already 20months old! Never skip add a tea spoon of this oil into her meals, it’s really make the food taste better, helps with my child digestion system, make her easy to poop and tambah berat badan jugak!

    Dah berapa botol pakai tak terkira!?
    Selain digunakan untuk anak, saya gunakan jugak utk buat salad, makanan diet, masakan harian. Semestinya pilihan yang lebih sihat untuk saya sekeluarga! Recommended .

  42. Amy No
    7 reviews

    Naturel extra virgin olive oil spray

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 5, 2021

    Thank you 100comments for sending me this product to try.
    What I liked about Naturel extra virgin olive :
    – The smoke point is somewhere around 190–207°C, so it a good choice for most cooking methods
    – it’s also can be added directly on all off my plate to remind me a little bit the taste of south of France
    – olive oil is very healthy has high vitamin E and high omega 6, I also use this oil for my baby’s food
    – The spray is really convenient, and easy to dose one spray = 1 teaspoon perfect size.

    The downside is the price definitely for the spray version (more than 20Rm for a small bottle) .

    I would buy this product again but bottle version but it’s cheaper, this extra virgin olive oil is definitely a healthy and tasty choice.

  43. Reese Tcy
    1 reviews

    Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil With White Truffle

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 4, 2021

    Naturel has a few types of spray, this is my first time trying out Naturel Extra Virgin Olive oil with white truffle extract. Spraying a perfect amount on the potato cubes and grilled at 200’C for 15 minutes, topped on the scramble eggs as appetiser.
    It has a gentle hints of spiciness that enhance the taste of the dish. Love it right away!
    This is a healthier choice, high in good fats olive oil.

  44. Boon Yi Tee
    6 reviews

    Naturel olive oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 3, 2021

    Happily received the item with good condition. It is easy to use and super healthy. i love it.

  45. MusLynnMusa69
    3 reviews

    Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil with White Truffle

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 2, 2021

    Thank you 100comments give me sample of Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil with White Truffle. It’s a heart-healthy cooking spray perfect for my salad and pasta sauces. It also combines the best olives from Spain with white truffles extract to give an added flavour to my food especially for dressing, baking and grilling. Also good quality from others brand. Love it so much ❤?.

  46. Bernard15
    6 reviews

    the best oil brand for grilled and cook

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2021

    This olive oil enhances the taste of my food and is healthy, high quality but reasonably priced. Naturel is grown, processed and shipped here, so it’s not only affordable, it’s also a high quality product. Picual, one of the three types of olives used in Natural, is already considered one of the best olives in the world. I try to use its characteristic which is unsaturated fat to grilled the salmon. After using it, I am satisfied with the result. The salmon is juicy and tasty than the previous corn oil I used. This is totally suit to my favourite dishes and it comes to my first choice whenever I want to cook dishes related to salmon. Thank you natural olive oil for giving us an wonderful taste on dishes.

  47. Ariel
    312 reviews

    Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 16, 2021

    This is a high quality olive oil that is my go-to for salads, spaghetti and light, healthy frying. It makes these dishes taste amazing. I also enjoy it as a dip for my bread coupled with balsamic vinegar. Truly satisfying at an affordable price, too.

  48. Ariel
    312 reviews

    Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Truffle

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 16, 2021

    The spray bottle design makes it very convenient to spray my sandwich maker with a light coating of flavourful olive oil. There is a subtle truffle flavour to the oil that makes my sandwiches taste gourmet. It helps me control my oil consumption, which is good news to those who does not want to consume too much calories like me!

  49. owengtang59
    120 reviews

    Tasty and Healthy

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 17, 2020

    This olive oil increases the taste of my dishes and more healthy too, good quality but with reasonable price. Love to use it when I cooking spaghetti, taste and aroma the best, my first choice!

  50. ShiHsia9729
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 17, 2020

    The olive oil gives us the healthy skin and avoid constipations. The skin won’t come out the biji biji and look rough. The oil is the plant oil and no contain the steroids.i usually use for cooking spaghetti

  51. shiya
    8 reviews

    My favourite cooking oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 23, 2020

    Using Naturel Extra Light Olive Oil has transformed my dishes. I love that my family is enjoying their meals in such a healthy way. It is also good for my waistline being extra light!

  52. CT
    34 reviews

    Healthy and good

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 23, 2020

    It’s suitable for use for lightly frying fish. Now I can indulge in my favourite fried foods with no worries. They taste good too!

  53. tomorrow_esther
    103 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 22, 2020

    因为我自己一向来都有用橄榄油煮菜,所以很想和大马人,特别是大马家庭主妇分享有关橄榄油的健康饮食习惯!尤其是大部分人都不了解为啥要买那么贵的油,可能随便买便宜油就好了,但是这是错误的!其实油是生活煮食中一定不能少的产品,要用就要用健康的,选用上等品质的橄榄油才是对家人的健康生活有所保障!特别推荐信心保证的Naturel 品牌的西班牙生产的特级橄榄油。最近在用的是这一瓶的特级淡味橄榄油Extra Light Olive Oil,口味和颜色比较淡,很适合混蔬菜沙拉、沾面包或一些清淡菜式哦。不过营养成分是和特级初榨橄榄油一样。大家要特别注意选用橄榄油一定要看生产地啊,别花了很多钱却买到不是橄榄出产国的,目前世界上最好的橄榄油产区是西班牙、希腊和意大利,而Naturel 的就是西班牙产地,最棒是价格很优惠!

  54. cindybindy27
    44 reviews

    My health matters, now more than ever

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 19, 2020

    I have always been fascinated with cooking and preparing food in healthy ways. Being recently diagnosed with the big C, I am convinced that good quality olive oil is one off the many factors that will assist me in getting my health back on track. Studies by the world renown Dr William Li has suggested that olive oil is one of the many foods categorised as cancer fighting, but as we all know, good olive oil can be pricey. I am fortunate that Naturel is not only affordable due to being grown, processed and shipped here directly, it is also a high-quality product. Picual, one of the 3 olive varieties used in Natural, has already been regarded as one of the best in the world. Thank you, Natural, for being an integral part of my journey back to wellness ❤

  55. wwko17
    36 reviews

    A healthy choice

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 10, 2020

    Naturel olive oil is the go to choice for my whole family. The great use of it in cooking will contribute to good health. It’s rich in vitamin E to prevent oxidation. Olive oil is really suitable for many ways of cooking as well like typical way we cook, for grilling too.

  56. Kah Yee
    23 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 10, 2020

    除了食用油之外 我也喜欢使用Naturel橄榄油 非常适合患有高血压的家人吃 十分健康

  57. Kong Suet Yee
    15 reviews

    Nature olive

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 10, 2020

    Naturel olive oil is really really suitable to everyone especially old people. It is a healthy daily cooking oil. But olive oil is more use for cook vegetables. Its can help our food more tasty also.

  58. Jhjhjh25
    20 reviews

    Best product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 10, 2020

    Makes my meal extra tasty and healthier. The smell is also nice. Recommended brand for cooking oil.

  59. Shika88
    687 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 22, 2020

    Naturel Olive Oil membuatkan hidangan saya sediakn lebih berkhasiat dan lebih sedap… Naturel Olive Oil perapan ayam atau daging lebih lembut jika tambah perapan dengan Naturel Olive Oil.. dan sos perapan lebih sedap dan menyerap dengan lebih sempurna kedalam isi ayam.. Naturel Olive Oil mempunyai pelbagai khasiat terbaik untuk kesihatan tubuh badan… bagus diamalkan secara consistent.. masakkan juga bila makan tidak terasa terlalu berat so lebih Menikmati makanan..

  60. Ariel
    312 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 19, 2020

    It makes my salads taste good and is a healthier alternative to the other overly-processed salad dressings out there. I normally pair it with my balsamic vinegar for an added oomph and dip it with my bread. It is great for healthy stir-fries and air-frying, too. I will spray it onto the cooking pan and directly on the food, respectively.

  61. Nur Sa'adiah
    17 reviews

    The best product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 16, 2020

    Saya sangat sukakan Naturel Olive Oil kerana membuatkan masakan saya bertambah sedap terutamanya buat kudapan seperti kek yang sangat lembut, sedap, gebu. I love Naturel Olive Oil

  62. Shika43
    687 reviews

    Bagus untuk kesihatan ?

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 16, 2020

    Saya sangat menyukai Naturel Olive Oil untuk digunakan dalam masakan especially dessert.. buat kek menggunakan Naturel Olive Oil membuatkan kek lebih sedap dan lembut serta gebu…amalan permakanan sihat adalah dgn Naturel Olive Oil… Diet lebih mudah lebih lagi menggunakan Naturel Olive Oil yg sedap ni dalam membuat salad…skin juga lebih gebu dan cantik… Kulit juga lebih lembap jika amalkn minum minyak zaitun setiap hari… kesihatan jantung juga dapat dijaga…

  63. Easter Wong
    17 reviews

    Healthy Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 10, 2019

    This is the BEST tasting olive oil I’ve tried. It cooks foods so well and is much healthier than veggie or corn oils. I also use this for bread dipping and salad dressing. T

  64. Yivonheng80
    3 reviews

    Best cooking oil ever

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 29, 2018

    It is my favourite cooking oil ever since olive oil it better for our health compare to others brand oil. I always use this or sunflower oil for all my cooking.

  65. shirley122829
    3 reviews

    Naturel Olive Oils

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 28, 2018

    I have been using the brand for so many years. Within the year, I have tried to other oil, like coconut oil and other brand, yet I finally come back to thia brand. I like Naturel for its aromatic, its healty ingredient and the most important, the affortable pricing.

  66. azzuri916
    6 reviews

    Minyak zaiton terbaik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 12, 2018

    Kami sekeluarga sangat suka olive oil naturel kerana kami amat mementingkan kesihatan. Goreng telur pun pakai minyak zaiton ini.

  67. Hidayat Mustakim
    3 reviews

    Minyak Zaitun Pilihan Keluarga

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 28, 2018

    Naturel Olive Oil adalah pilihan utama keluarga kerana ia berkhasiat dan mudah dibeli di pasar raya terdekat. Ia juga harga murah dan memudahkan urusan dalam memasak atau menumis bahan-bahan masakan. Juga digunakan dalam masakan harian. Dibeli sekali setiap bulan.

  68. SHUFUN57
    7 reviews

    Feel healthy

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 24, 2018

    To reduce cholesterol, my husband and I start using olive oil for all home cook. This make us feel more healthy and having yummy home cook food.

  69. louislee0002
    3 reviews

    Good for cooking spaghetti

    3 out of 5, reviewed on October 24, 2018

    I use this brand when I cook spaghetti. It has normal taste like any other brand. However, I recommend to use this due to its smaller serving size if you do not cook often like me.

  70. Hazz82
    3 reviews

    An alternative cure for gallstones!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 21, 2018

    My mom had a gallstones last year and would go for a minor surgery to remove it. Worried to go through a surgery, my mom tried a home remedy; a spoon of olive oil added with lemon and some other ingredients. Surprisingly, after a few weeks my mom had a scanning and the gallstones was gone! I kinda mindblown by the result! A very big THANKS to Naturel Extra Virgin Olive Oil for helping my mom going through those hard times. Besides it’s deliciousness, there’s something more to explore with Naturel. ?

  71. fathbond25
    4 reviews

    Suit with pasta

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 7, 2018

    I recently bought this to cook aglio olio spagetti and found that it was perfectly suit my family and I taste palates. The dish was so aromatic and blend well with other ingredients (i used meat as based not sure if using chicken) . The price was affordable and worth the value of usage.

  72. rcjj10
    3 reviews

    Best Choice

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 3, 2018

    If ure nt a fan of greasy oily food Natural Extra Virgin Olive Oil has got to be ur best choice..

  73. Derekg48
    3 reviews

    Best olive oil ever try

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 24, 2018

    Best for low heat cooking. Not recommended for high heat cooking

  74. Fyza Dani
    46 reviews

    Untuk Kesihatan Yang Sempurna

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 18, 2018

    Saya guna Olive oil ini untuk masak sayuran untuk sekeluarga.Saya juga amalkan minum 1 sudu pg dan malam untuk sistem dalaman dan untuk membuang toksid di dalam badan.Sangat bagus untuk melebatkan rambut dan melembabkan kulit bayi.

  75. Healthy food buddy

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 11, 2018

    Opting for healthy lifestyle, I would choose Olive Oil to compliment my cooking. Naturel Olive Oils became my choice as I love the mild taste of the oil, which goes well with my salads. Fried food also taste better with the olive oil.. 🙂

  76. Cheng69
    3 reviews

    Diy hair growth treatmenT

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 9, 2018

    Was using this Olive oil and mixed with Coconut oil & Fish oil my hair has been growing longer and thicker after I apply this treatment atleast 1 or 2 a week.

  77. Lyt9879
    3 reviews

    Healthy oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 7, 2018

    I like this oil because it is a healthy oil, olive oil is good for our body especially for people who are in diet, a good choice for a family suitable for everyone

  78. Tifa Ong
    3 reviews

    Cheapest olive oil you can get

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 7, 2018

    Naturel olive oil is one of the cheapest olive oil you can get in the supermarket. I’ve compared prices of many brands and most of them are imported. Naturel, a local product offers a cheaper price for the same quality of olive oil.

  79. Ray Lim
    9 reviews

    Healthy Choice

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 30, 2018

    Olive oil is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats which help to reduce inflammation and beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer. Monounsaturated fats in olive oil are also quite resistant to high heat making it a healthy choice for cooking! Anti oxidant loaded in olive oils also help fight serious diseases.

  80. Emma Zulkifli
    20 reviews

    Haruman harum dalam masakan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 18, 2018

    Saya sentiasa menggunakan minyak olive dari naturel ini apabila memasak masakan seperti sayur..pasta ..spagetti .. western grill..haruman dari minyak olive ni sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan selera dan menarik perhatian keluarga saya…. minyak nya bersih dan jernih juga tidak meragukan saya dalam penggunaan nya yang berkhasiat …

  81. Turtlez46
    3 reviews

    Healthy and delicious

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 29, 2018

    My mother will always use this natural olive oil in everything she cooks.From frying sunny sideup eggs to even adding it to salads,it is delicious and healthy.I highly recommend this natural olive oil.

  82. dayahyusof9816
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 20, 2018

    My mom has always been a fan of olive oil especially from this brand. It is an affordable one and we use this a lot in our cooking !

  83. Yazmin Zakaria
    3 reviews

    Healthy and affordable

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 11, 2018

    I have been using this olive oil for so many years. For the past year, I have been more health concious and have been cooking using more and more of olive oil. This product is always my go to olive oil because it’s not only healthy but also affordable if comparing with other brands.

  84. Eloise Seng
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 4, 2018


  85. mellsmy72
    20 reviews

    Teman sihat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 12, 2018

    Berbotol-botol dah guna, first my mom used this for cook, so, saya pun cuba guna sendiri dirumah, saya suka sangat… sangat berbeza dgn minyak biasa yg sering saya guna… but too bad, slalu kehabisan stok…

  86. syazani633871
    3 reviews

    Healthy Oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 9, 2018

    Natural Olive Oil merupakan minyak pilihan dalam penyediaan masakan saya. Minyak in terbukti berkhasiat berbanding minyak lain kerana kandungannya kaya dengan monounsaturated fatty acids yang bantu mengawal/kurangkan kolesterol LDL (kolesterol jahat) tanpa mengurangkan kolesterol HDL (kolesterol baik). Aromanya yang memikat turut menyebabkan masakan menjadi lebih sedap

  87. janc011506
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 6, 2018


  88. lyla8989
    3 reviews

    Healthy cooking with naturel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 14, 2018

    Cheapest olive oil on the market, this product makes healthy cooking less costly. Olive oil makes food taste better so I like using it in all my cooking, not just for pasta.

  89. Qurratu Ain Nabila
    2 reviews

    Bagus untuk kesihatan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 14, 2018

    Tahu tak minyak zaitun ni bagus tau. Dia bukan sahaja kurang kolestrol tapi dia boleh menongkatkan metabolisme kita…saya kalau nak buat kek ke apa saya guna minyak ni, confirm jadi..maka jom ramai2 kita guna produk ini

  90. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Minyak tahan lama & tidak mudah rosak

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 8, 2017

    Saya gunakan minyak zaitun naturel ni utk masakan goreng dan grill.Baunya lebih beraroma dan mmpunyai bnyak khasiat berbanding minyak biasa.Minyak ni juga sgt sesuai utk mmbuat makanan bayi.Mmg sgt berbaloi dibeli walaupun harganya sedikit mahal.1 botol pun tahan lama dan minyak tidak mudah rosak.

  91. Afiza_Rahim60
    358 reviews

    Naturel Olive Oils

    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 6, 2017

    Minyak Naturel Olive saya gunakan untuk memasak sayur dan telah menjadi minyak diet pilihan keluarga kerana dapat mengurangkan lemak dalam makanan harian keluarga..Selain rasanya yang sangat sedap, ianya mudah didapati di setiap pasaraya.Sesuai dengan pesakit Diabetis dan kolestrol tinggi,minyak masak Naturel Olive Oils sangat sesuai dalam penyediaan menu harian anak anda…

  92. Xiao Long
    210 reviews

    Perfect for Aglio Olio

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 29, 2017

    It has very mild fruity flavour. Ideal for stir frying especially making italian food. I love to make spaghettie aglio olio using this olive oil. It makes my spaghetti smooth and not soggy. Perfect for cooking salmon too, Just apply some on the salmon skin before start to fry them, it turn out crispy and smell nice.

  93. ferdizetty37
    491 reviews

    Minyak zaitun pelbagai kegunaan.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 29, 2017

    Saya gunakan maturel olive oil ni utk memasak makanan ank sy.Tekstur minyak ni mmg mnghasilkan aroma yg sgt wangi,terutama bila sy mnggunakannya utk menumis.Minyak zaitun yg sgt bnyak kebaikannya,rendah lemak dan sememangnya pilihan terbaik utk ank sy.Selain gunakan dlm masakan,sy juga gunakan naturel olive oil ni utk rambut sy.Bnyak kebaikannya,berbaloi dibeli walaupun harganya sedikit mahal.

  94. KJ Cheah
    224 reviews

    Naturel Pure Olive Oils

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 22, 2017

    买了Naturel Pure Olive Oils 来准备宝宝的餐点,它的味道不会很浓所以宝宝还可以接受。橄榄油的好处很多,它可以促进消化系统功能,缓解便秘,促进婴儿骨骼和大脑的成长发育,柔滑皮肤。宝宝吃了几个月,现在都健健康康的。

  95. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews

    My favorite Olive Oil

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2017

    My favorite Olive Oil & the ONLY olive oil I have used in years. My mom uses it for special cooking & I use it mainly for my hair growth, works miracles.

  96. Anelia23
    137 reviews

    For my baby meals

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 13, 2017

    I use this for my baby meals because this oil more healthy and more efficacy than other cooking oil. It don’t have fat like palm oil.

    I notice when use this my baby food become more smooth. And the taste also more delicious.

    This oil come in glass bottle so must handle with care. If fell down not so high it will not easily broken. It easy to use because at the mouth of the bottle got one small tube. So can control how much oil want to use.

    It’s not too pricey. Just okay.

  97. noorazri07
    194 reviews

    Naturel Olive Oil

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 8, 2017

    Sememangnya Olive oil memang bagus untuk kesihatan,saya gunakan Naturel Olive Oil dalam penyediaan makanan sekurang kurangnya sekali seminggu, Minyak terbaik untuk memastikan kesihatan keluarga terjamin,bukan sahaja sedap ditambah dalam masakan malahan berbaloi untuk saya.

  98. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 5, 2017

    I use olive oil to prepare meal for my baby. Is more healthy and make the food smooth taste.

  99. NURELINA89
    173 reviews

    Minyak Diet Pilihan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017

    Minyak Naturel Olive menjadi minyak diet pilihan keluarga kerana dapat mengurangkan lemak2 dalam makanan harian keluarga..Selain rasanya yang sangat sedap, ianya mudah didapati di setiap pasaraya..

  100. penny41
    407 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 15, 2017


  101. sitirohaida81
    44 reviews

    Minyak zaitun untuk baby

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 15, 2017

    saya gunakan minyak zaitun dari anak saya pandai makan bubur,memang bagus untuk penghadaman bayi.

  102. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Adds a new layer of deliciousness to your meals

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 24, 2017

    I have stuck to Naturel Olive Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil on most occasions, making it the most common oil I use in my daily cooking. Specifically, I use the Extra Virgin Olive Oil variant because it is infused with figs, a sweet fruit, which adds a new dimension to the oil’s flavour. It coats the vegetables very well, giving it an additional robust and lingering flavour that the normal olive oil cannot provide. It heats up very well and has a smooth finish to it, but beware as it has a lower boiling point which makes it easy to burn. Use the normal olive oil in this case. Both are exceptional and is a much cheaper variant, but equally good quality for the middle-class olive oil range.

  103. Kesuma Dewi
    147 reviews

    Kebaikan minyak zaitun

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 24, 2017

    Minyak terbaik untuk mengekalkan kesihatan badan.Saya gunakannya untuk mengurangkan penggunaan minyak masak biasa.Tumis sayuran perapan daging dan lain lain terasa lembut apabila menggunakan minyak zaitun ini.

  104. Fong Fong
    318 reviews

    Olive oil

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 22, 2017

    I use olive oil to prepare meal for my baby. Is more healthy and make the food smooth taste.

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