5 Alasan Pilih Sekolah Antarabangsa Islamik
Adakah anda berhasrat untuk menghantar anak ke sekolah antarabangsa? Namun, rancangan anda tergendala kerana memikirkan si anak juga perlu mendapat pendidikan formal tentang Islam di sekolah. Usah risau Mama! Ketahui 5 alasan utama untuk masukkan permata hati anda ke sekolah…
Penjagaan Rambut Si Manja
Berapa kali anak anda syampu rambut dalam seminggu? Syampu jenis apa yang si manja gunakan? Tahukah anda bahawa soalan-soalan ini penting untuk memastikan anak anda mendapat penjagaan rambut yang betul. Berbanding dengan rambut orang dewasa, rambut bayi dan kanak-kanak adalah…
Tarikan Kanak-kanak: 12 Destinasi di Lembah Klang
Bercuti di bandar raya bukan hanya membuka peluang untuk ibu bapa membeli-belah, akan tetapi banyak tempat menarik khusus untuk kanak-kanak terdapat di sini. Ketahui 10 destinasi tarikan kanak-kanak di sekitar Lembah Klang. 1. i-City Theme Park Terletak di Seksyen 7,…
Women’s Skin Care – A Lifelong Quest
All skin care is not created equally! Women’s skin care differs from that of children and men, and among women, skin care even differs at various stages of life. A woman’s appearance on the outside is generally a good indication…
Meal Replacement – Eat Yourself Skinny
What is a meal replacement? Meal replacement are nutritionally–balanced foods in which the constituent portion are controlled, with the sole aim of reducing the quantity of energy consumption and with the eventual purpose is aimed at ensuring that you lose…
Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight
Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. It is estimated that over 4 million Americans have glaucoma but only half of those know they have it. In Malaysia, some form of glaucoma affect about 1 in 2,000…
Busting a Gut – Work Stress
“Butterflies in your stomach”, “a hungry man is an angry man” and “gut-wrenching experience” are but a few expressions with one common denominator: they strongly suggest that our emotions are very much connected to our stomach and gut, both incidentally…
17 Everyday Chemicals Linked to Breast Cancer
Certain chemicals that are common in everyday life have been shown to cause breast cancer in lab rats and are likely to do the same in women, U.S. researchers suggest. The paper in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives lists…
Collagen Supplements – Do they actually work?
I’ve had many patients come to me and say they take excellent care of their skin, with a regimen that includes regular beautician visits, expensive skincare and that latest must-have – collagen supplements. Usually available in a drink, and costing…
Always Itchy: Eczema
At some point in your life, you may have encountered people, especially children, who always have patchy reddish skin on their cheek, scalp, insides of the elbow or behind the knees. They often feel itchy and have the tendency to…