uniqo Chia Seed Powder

Product Details

Uniqo Chia Seed Powder, XIA POWDER- 435 is a multifunctional fiber concentrate extracted from the Chia seed that has a total dietary fiber content of up to 55%, as well as a 25% high biological value protein and 4% Omega-3.

XIA POWDER- 435 is made from the finest quality Chia Seeds and can be added to a little liquid and taken daily, making a great addition to a superfood smoothie. This also make a perfect choice for baking, even substituting eggs.

Uniqo Chia Seed Powder can be used by Vegans, athletes, bodybuilders or anybody want to supplement protein into their diet.

  • GMO-free
  • ALLERGEN-free
  • High in dietary fibre
  • High in protein (Protein helps build and repair body tissues ; Protein is essential for growth and development ; Protein provides amino acids necessary for protein synthesis)
  • Free of sodium
  • High in thiamine (vitamin B1)
  • High in niacin (Niacin is needed for the release of energy from protein, fats and carbohydrate)
  • High in calcium (Calcium aids in development of strong bones and teeth)
  • High in magnesium (Magnesium promotes calcium absorption and retention)
  • High in zinc (Zinc is essential for growth)
  • A great supplement for athletes and bodybuilders

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  1. Afiza_Rahim60
    358 reviews

    uniqo Chia Seed Powder

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 12, 2018

    Chia seed powder saya gunakan dalam masakan dan minuman air kosong seharian.uniqo Chia Seed Powder menjadikan penyediaan chia seed dengan sangat mudah! Kini saya tidak perlu membazirkan masa untuk soak chia seed ni. Saya menambahkan chia seed powder ni untuk meningkatkan kandungan nutrien dalam sarapan pagi saya. Saya menambahkan satu sudu chia seed powder ke dalam masakan sayur dan makanan berkuah yang saya buat. Chia seed powder saya sangat mengesyorkan kerana adalah sumber asid lemak omega-3 yang sangat baik yang melindungi kita daripada serangan jantung dan strok. Selain itu, Chia seed juga kaya dengan antioksidan,serat, besi, dan kalsium yang membantu kita menjalani gaya hidup yang sihat.Harga mampu milik dan berkualiti tinggi.Dijamin halal dan suci.

  2. Mawaddah Sultan
    3 reviews

    One of the best chia seed powder

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 17, 2018

    Usually when i buy chia seed. They are in the form of seeds but this one it is in the form of powder whicch make ot easier for me to eat when i mix it in my oatmeal breakfast and of course it taste tasty.

  3. Afiza_Rahim60
    358 reviews

    uniqo Chia Seed Powder

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 7, 2017

    Chia Seed yang terkandung dalam ini adalah dalam bentuk serbuk, jadi senang nak bancuhMemandangkan khasiat yang terkandung dalam chia seed ini sangat tinggi boleh dicampurnya dengan jus buah buahan buah.Harga mampu milik.menggalakkan penyerapan kalsium dan mengekalkan. Sangat bagus untuk pertumbuhan dalam badan agar kekal mantap dan menarik.Boleh dipelbagaikan hidangan dengan serbuk Uniqo Chia ini.Chia seed boleh diletak dalam air kosong minum begitu sahaja…

  4. Loges DeSilva
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 2, 2017

    Works well for me with digestion and in my diet, try it you can never go wrong. Really healthy stuff. Take it in the morning, it works best. It’s really tasty similar like jelly, goes well with freshly squeezed juices or even protein shakes. Help with my dietary and digestion a lot, try it! You can never go wrong with chia seed and plus it’s full of nutritional beneficial, don’t like healthy stuff, try this with desserts…. yummm

  5. Nur Arina
    812 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 28, 2017

    Uniqo chia seed memang sangat menyihatkan. Saya selalu masukkan serbik chia seed ni didalam hidangan pencuci mulut saya.memang bagus.untuk diet juga berkesan. Tiada kesan sampingan sebab ianya daripada makanan tulen

  6. An War
    51 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 28, 2017

    Serbuk chia seed ni sangat sedap dan saya suka. Bagi orang bekerja seperti saya,saya rasa memang sangat sesuai untuk menggunakannya dan memang sangat berkualiti.

  7. Xiao Long
    210 reviews

    Little tiny gem

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 17, 2017

    Taste: 4-star
    Tiny bits of chia seed but full with vitamins and nutrients. A well-known for it\’s nutrient rich, antioxidant properties, protein and fibre. Got to know this product from a friend and amaze with the taste. I included 2 tablespoons daily in my drinks during breakfast and another 2 tablespoons with my protein shake after workout. Taste really good and yeah it\’s healthy.

  8. Adilla Dilla
    63 reviews

    Membantu untuk menurunkan berat badan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 26, 2017

    Chia Seed ini dalam bentuk serbuk, jadi senang nak bancuh.Tapi rasanya saya kurang suka..hehe..tetapi memandangkan khasiat yang terkandung dalam chia seed ini saya ambil alternatif dngan mencampurnya ke dalam jus buah.Harga mampu milik.

  9. Gee Gee
    321 reviews

    semakin kurang berkesan

    3 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2017

    saya pernah minum chia seed powder ni,pada mulanya ianya memang sangat2 berkesan dengan membancuh dan mnum setiap hari,tetapi semakin lama ianya semakin kurang berkesan mungkin mengikut hormon badan,mgkin juga badan saya tidak sesuai..ianya juga susah untuk larut didalam air

  10. cpyn18
    234 reviews

    Great supplement for good health

    3 out of 5, reviewed on October 6, 2017

    Uniqo Chia Seed is good for health. It contains high fibre, high magnesium, high calcium, high protein and others nutrition which is good for our health. It is in powder thus you only need to put 2 tea spoons and some water in your cup. Do not put too many tea spoons of powder as it will become sticky like glue and it is very yucky if you drink like that.

  11. 溦溦 林
    473 reviews

    我喜欢粉状的chia seed

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2017

    我喜欢把它放在我早晨的冰沙果汁里面 我喜欢粉状的chia seed,因为种子总是被咬在我的牙齿看起来很不舒服的,我也会把它加入进我的早餐谷物放在一起吃,他也有很好的健康益处太多了。我很高兴有了它可以添加到我的早餐上的冰沙,沙拉,水果,蔬菜基本上你可以添加到任何东西。

  12. Kaushelia Shelia
    367 reviews

    Good product uniqo Chia Seed Powder

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 6, 2017

    uniqo Chia Seed Powder is a great product which gives lots of benefits and perfect choice for baking, even substituting eggs. The special thing is I do not need to soak it as I previously do it which took lots of time which makes me lots of work. Now my job is easy and I have it anytime I want. The packaging is very nice and the price is reasonable which is worth to purchase. Highly recommend.

  13. good, good and good!!!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 23, 2017

    chia sedd for of beneficial. really love to have a glass of plain water and 1 spoon of chis seed, good for my dietry. and this brand easy to found in supermarket.

  14. FARA34
    97 reviews

    LOVE IT!!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 19, 2017

    Uniqo chia seed powder best sangat. Bukan sahaja membantu menurunkan berat badan tapi juga memberikan tenaga ketika dalam proses berdiet. Saya memang syorkan kepada kawan kawan dan ahli keluarga. Alhamdulillah produk yang terbaik dan kesan yang selamat kepada tubuh badan kita.

  15. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews

    chia seed powder no bad

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017

    this is powder no like as noraml chia seed need to wait the chia seed expand , this chia seed powder after i eat i feel my body weight is reduce .

  16. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017

    Uniqo chia seed powder provide many nutrients to our body which rich in fiber, omega-3 fats, protein, vitamins, minerals and many more.

    I love to mix the uniqo chia seed powder into my beverage and believe that consume it regularly can improve our health in numerous ways.

    Let’s start a healthy lifestyle with these tiny seeds that pack a powerful nutritional punch.

  17. Easy prepared food for diet

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017

    Despite their tiny size, chia seeds isone of the most nutritious foods. They are loaded with fiber, Omega 3, protein and various micronutrients that body needs. The Uniqo taste is good, though, if mixing in larger amount of water and adding some protein powder will be absolutely great stuff

  18. jazlan59
    144 reviews

    chia seed

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 14, 2017

    produk chia seed bagus diamalkan kepada sesiapa yang ingin tampil kurus. kerana chia seed dapat membantu anda melawaskan pembuangan dan dapat mengekalkan berat badan ideal.

  19. mizarifin91
    136 reviews

    uniqo chia seed

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 12, 2017

    uniqo chia seed bagus untuk penghadaman dan kecantikan kulit. membantu melawaskan pembuangan dan kesan jangka pnjang menjadikan kulit yang sihat dan cantik. boleh diletakkan dalam minuman seperti sirap. sedap

  20. Isha Ismail
    14 reviews

    Uniqo chia seed powder mmg best???

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 8, 2017

    Uniqo chia seed powder memang best sangat. Ia bukan sahaja boleh membantu menurunkan berat badan tapi memberikan tenaga even kita berdiet. Saya memang syorkan kepada kawan kawan dan ahli keluarga. Alhamdulillah produk yang terbaik dan kesan yang selamat kepada tubuh badan kita.

  21. Azyan12580
    55 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 7, 2017


  22. Kellychan21
    503 reviews

    Good for health

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 4, 2017

    It is a great supplement to my family. It contains high fibre, high magnesium, high calcium, high protein etc which is good for health. It is good for those who has digestive problem.

  23. Shannie53
    1 reviews

    One of the popular supplement ~ uniqo chia seed powder

    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 3, 2017

    Uniqo chia seed powder provide many nutrients to our body which rich in fiber, omega-3 fats, protein, vitamins, minerals and many more.

    I love to mix the uniqo chia seed powder into my beverage and believe that consume it regularly can improve our health in numerous ways.

    Let’s start a healthy lifestyle with these tiny seeds that pack a powerful nutritional punch.

  24. Mohd Gz
    19 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 1, 2017


  25. Gee Gee
    321 reviews

    membantu melawaskan pembuangan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 31, 2017

    saya menggunakan uniqo chia seed powder ni setiap hari diwaktu pagi,saya kan bancuh dan campurkan dlam minuman yg berjus,ianyaa membatu saya melawaskan pembuangan,saya suka mengamalkan uniqo chia seed powder ini..ia juga bagus untuk diet saya,berat badan saya menurun sejak amalkan chia seed,sebab sebelum ni cuma tahu yg biji2 saja,lepas dapat uniqo chia seed powder ni,hasilnya lebih pantas

  26. Betty Liew
    263 reviews

    A healthy day start with Chia Seed

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 28, 2017

    I have habit taking Chia Seed. Sometime I blend into my drink or Oat. Chia Seed provide varieties vitamin or nutrient that require from our body. Especially, it lower down cholesterol and increase body calcium. I will highly recommend it.

  27. SalinaSalihudin
    80 reviews

    Sungguh mudah dan berkhasiat, penambah serat dalam minuman dan makanan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 27, 2017

    Sebelum ini, saya hanya menggunakan biji Chia Seed yang biasa yang perlu direndam beberapa minit sebelum boleh diminum. Namun, setelah mencuba Chia Seed dalam bentuk serbuk, saya tidak menyangka ia semudah ABC kerana sejurus menbancuhnya, ia boleh terus diminum atau dicampurkan ke dalam jus buah-buahan.. sungguh mudah dan berkhasiat, memperbaiki sistem imun badan dan menagawal berat badan, kalori dan gula dalam darah.

  28. Alana34
    15 reviews

    The 21st Century Health Booster On The Go

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 27, 2017

    Eversince I was a kid , my mom would soaked this Chia seed early in the morning before prepared it for us for school. It would be a hassle but thinking for its health benefits mommy will do it every single day without any complaint. Thanks to the modern technologies and R&D team for developing this Chia seed powder , it save alot of time and a true meaning CHIA drinks on the go. Now the whole family can enjoy every single bits of this treasure without a hassle and playing the waiting game… Thank you UNIQO!

  29. 溦溦 林
    473 reviews

    best chia seed powder

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 26, 2017

    this chia seed powder is not bad , taste nice and smooth so more this chia seed powder It is so easy to drink no need to waiting the the chia seeds to expand just can drink it , very suit for me always is rush go work .

  30. LiLian39
    148 reviews

    Get healthy!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 25, 2017

    Its the first time i start to consume chia seed powder…firstly i smell it i doesn’t like the smell of it but of course its a healthy products..i have to eat this in order to have a healtheir body….after consume for few days i actually does it helpful to my body anot??? but i still have to continue it??

  31. peikyein8271
    59 reviews

    A great supplement for my family!

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 25, 2017

    Uniqo Chia Seed Powder is a multifunctional fiber concentrate extracted from the Chia seed. It is good for health as it contains High in dietary fibre, High in protein, High in vitamin B1, high in calcium, High in magnesium etc. It is a great supplement to my family. I also no need to waste time waiting for the the chia seeds to expand/gel anymore. It is so convenient.

  32. May Mei12345
    104 reviews

    Super Food

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 24, 2017

    The chia seed powder is a excellent super food with many nutrional benefits. It also helps suppress appetite naturally.

  33. Danny Tiew
    5 reviews

    love uniqo chia seed powder

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 24, 2017

    This chia seed powder makes using chia very easy! As it’s powder, adding it to smoothies cuts the time it takes to “loose the crunch” of the seeds. The chia is less gel-like for those who don’t really like the gel texture. In baking it is wonderful!! Just adding a 1/4 cup of chia seed powder increases the nutrient value greatly. It also works very well as an egg replacement (for binding and texture) for recipes that are egg-free. It’s “good stuff”! 🙂

  34. Niki Tay
    996 reviews

    第一次吃粉状的chia seed

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 21, 2017

    谢谢100 comment 让我有机会体验吃到粉状的chia seed,平时吃的都是1粒1粒的chia seed ,这个粉的可以很快就和水融合在一起了,开始喝有点不习惯的喝多几次就觉得不错下,而且粉状的chia seed可以拿来做面包更加的方便。

  35. sabarina37
    378 reviews

    Serbuk diet saya

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 16, 2017

    Serbuk Uniqo Chia adalah salah satu makanan tambahan bagi menggantikan telur (protien) ke dalam makanan. Ia sangat bagus untuk saya yang sadang berdiet. Fiber diet tinggi protein membantu membina dan membaiki tisu-tisu badan. Ia juga membantu pembebasan tenaga daripada badan. Membantu menguatkan gigi dan tulang kerana serbuk Uniqo tinggi kalsium. Ia menggalakkan penyerapan kalsium dan mengekalkan. Sangat bagus untuk pertumbuhan dalam badan agar kekal mantap dan menarik. Boleh dipelbagaikan hidangan dengan menggunakan serbuk Uniqo Chia ini. Boleh di letak ke dalam buah potong, mahupun ke dalam air kosong.

  36. Aliceqiao12
    34 reviews

    Chia seed powder ni lebih senang untuk disediakan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 16, 2017

    Chia seed powder ni menjadikan saya menggunakan chia seed dengan sangat mudah! Kini saya tidak perlu membazirkan masa untuk soak chia seed ni. Saya menambahkan chia seed powder ni untuk meningkatkan kandungan nutrien dalam smoothies pagi saya. Saya menambahkan satu sudu chia seed powder ke dalam smoothies yang saya buat. Chia seed powder ni saya sangat mengesyorkan kerana ia adalah sumber asid lemak omega-3 yang sangat baik yang melindungi kita daripada serangan jantung dan strok. Selain itu, Chia seed juga kaya dengan antioksidan, serat, besi, dan kalsium yang membantu kita menjalani gaya hidup yang sihat.

  37. Vicky Low
    255 reviews

    Chia seeds on the go...

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 15, 2017

    Chia seeds are well known of it’s antioxidant and rich in nutrient properties and I used to put 2 spoonfuls of chia seeds into my drinking bottle and consume daily but usually at the end of the day, the seeds expanded like gel balls and I feel “geli” to swallow.

    Uniqo Chia Seed Powder is a different story. The chia seeds are grounded into fine powder and I just need to mix a teaspoon into glass of water and drink all. None goes the sink and wasted and I get all the benefit from it. No worry, taste is good and acceptable. Bear in mind that, once the powder mixed with water, it is adviced to consumer immediately for it’s optimum effects.

  38. may576076
    92 reviews

    很细的chia seed 粉!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 14, 2017

    我喜欢把chia seed 用在烘焙上,因为可以增添营养,让面包变得更营养丰富…这款粉状的chia seed完全不影响面包的口感,因为它的质地非常的细…

  39. Elizabeth Kam
    52 reviews

    Taste nice and smooth

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 14, 2017

    the texture is smooth and convenient to use and consume because of the powder form

  40. Olivia32
    6 reviews

    Loving it. Best chia seed ever!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 29, 2017

    I have been taking chia seeds for its health benefits, but after trying out Uniqo chia seed powder, i fell in love with it. It is so easy to drink and i do not need to waste time waiting the the chia seeds to expand/gel anymore!

    I also start using it to make kuih 🙂

  41. nikitan7874
    2 reviews

    Uniqo chia seed powder

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 19, 2017

    I love uniqo chia seed powder, suit for weight loss of me, coz high in dietare fibre,
    High in protein,Free of sodium, High in niacin
    High in calcium (Calcium aids in development of strong bones and teeth)
    High in magnesium (Magnesium promotes calcium absorption and retention)
    High in zinc (Zinc is essential for growth)
    A great supplement for athletes and bodybuilders, healthy food suit for on diet of me.

  42. Pauline Abdullah
    16 reviews

    The amazin Health Beanefits of Chia seed powderto our body

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 13, 2017

    Uniqo Chia Seed Powder, XIA POWDER- 435 is a multifunctional fiber concentrate extracted from the Chia seed that has a total dietary fiber content of up to 55%, as well as a 25% high biological value protein and 4% Omega-3.

    XIA POWDER- 435 is made from the finest quality Chia Seeds and can be added to a little liquid and taken daily, making a great addition to a superfood smoothie. This also make a perfect choice for baking, even substituting eggs.

    Uniqo Chia Seed Powder can be used by Vegans, athletes, bodybuilders or anybody want to supplement protein into their diet.

    High in dietary fibre
    High in protein (Protein helps build and repair body tissues ; Protein is essential for growth and development ; Protein provides amino acids necessary for protein synthesis)
    Free of sodium
    High in thiamine (vitamin B1)
    High in niacin (Niacin is needed for the release of energy from protein, fats and carbohydrate)
    High in calcium (Calcium aids in development of strong bones and teeth)
    High in magnesium (Magnesium promotes calcium absorption and retention)
    High in zinc (Zinc is essential for growth)
    A great supplement for athletes and bodybuilders

  43. KaraYap86
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 5, 2017

    The most frustrating thing about chia seed is, it needs to soak for a half hour before consuming. It really consumes a lot of time! After I replace my chia seed to UNIQO Chia Seed powder, I feeling so happy as I have more time for other important things now~

    Excellent product to introduce to friend and family?? ?? ??

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