Eagle Balsem Gosok
Eagle Balsem Gosok

Eagle Balsem Gosok

Product Details

Eagle Balsem Gosok with its cooling effect provides fast and long-lasting relief to minor aches, pains of muscle and joints associated with arthritis, strains and bruises.

A powerlifter in the massage balm category, Balsem Gosok emanates heat that will deeply penetrate the skin and muscles to warm it up, thus relieving the pain almost instantaneously.

Its main ingredient, eucalyptus oil, boasts of multiple healing properties including being anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, and antiseptic qualities, among others.

A product by the renowned Eagle Brand, Balsem Gosok comes in a portable size so you can bring it everywhere you go and is affordable to boot. The light-green balm can be easily applied to the affected areas too, leaving a pleasing and refreshing scent to invigorate you as your sore muscles heal.

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  1. Norsabariah85
    140 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 30, 2020

    Bukan setakat lenguh otot, angin badan & gigitan serangga je boleh guna balsem ni. Tapi ia juga membantu menghilangkan loya & pening ketika saya travel jauh seperti balik kampung. Best sangat!

    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 4, 2020

    Minyak Balm Eagle ni penting buat saya.. Dah lama saya guna..Antara salah satu benda yang wajib ada dalam beg untuk dibawa kemana sahaja kerana untuk waktu-waktu tertentu kita tidak tahu bila kita akan perlunya untuk sakit kepala.. Mabuk.. Mual atau lenguh-lenguh.. Dan saya akan terus gunakannya..

  3. Faizazmi82
    1 reviews

    Good for all

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 22, 2020

    This medicine is so good when you have migrain or sick after full day play football.It always the best for all age plus good for comfortable sleep after a day in work.

  4. Fauzi Abdul Wahab
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 19, 2020

    Kelegaan dalam masa yang singkat. Eagle Balm membantu dan memudahkan saya apabila di saat memerlukan di dalam pekerjaan harian..saya sentiasa membawanya di mana jua saya berada

  5. Muhd Juan
    1 reviews

    Good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2020

    The product is good value for money

  6. Heman'mj TizRock
    6 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 10, 2020

    It is useful when get mosquito bite, it helps to relieve pain and itchy in a very short time. I always put inside bag to get use anytime.

  7. Mohamed Isahak
    6 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 21, 2020

    Eagle bum really smooth and helps people alot!

  8. xorex763647
    1 reviews

    Balm gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 30, 2020

    Boleh menghilangkan rasa length dibadan. Ia Kecik Senang nak dibawa kemana2. Baunya menyenangkan.

  9. NichiArana67
    1 reviews

    The Power Of Balsem

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 18, 2020

    Secara jujurnya saya seorang pengguna yang setia menggunakan Balsem ini. Untuk saya Balsem ini sangat bagus untuk kulit yang sensitif seperti kulit kering, gatal dan lain2. Selain itu ia juga sangat terbukti memberi kesan yang boleh dirasai kehangatannya untuk sakit perut, pening kepala dan banyak lagi. Tetapi bagi saya cuma ada dua perkara yang tidak dapat memuaskan hati saya ialah harga dan saiz kerana harganya yang dijual dipasaran semakin meningkat yang tidak padan dengan saiznya. Saiznya sangat kecil dan cepat habis diguna. Kebaikkan yang dapat saya lihat ialah balsem ini dapat melembabkan kulit yang mati seperti di siku, buku lali dan tapak kaki kerana saya dapat rasa seperti pakai valselin. Akhir sekali ialah Balsem ini ringan dan boleh di bawa kemana mana sahaja dan bila bila masa.

  10. Mohd Samier
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 17, 2020


  11. DanialH2538
    6 reviews

    Mudah Dan Melegakan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 15, 2020

    Saya dan ayah adalah sering menggunakan Eagle Balsem Gosok ketika mengalami kesakitan di bahagian lutut dan bahagian bahu. Ia mampu menghilangkan rasa sakit dalam sekelip mata sahaja. Setelah disapu berulang kali di bahagian yang sakit tersebut, sakit lutut atau sakit belakang mula merasa baik semula. Lama kelamaan sakit lutut kami berdua mula semula. Rasanya yang panas apabila disapu dibahagian lutut itu mampu mehilangkan rasa kesakitan yang berpanjangan. Sekarang ayah mula melakukan aktiviti sehariannya dengan senang tanpa rasa sakit lagi setelah menggunakan Eagle Balsem Gosok Ini

  12. Nur izana
    39 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 24, 2020

    Mudah di gunakan saat sakit
    Tidak melekit pada kulit
    Memberi kelegaan yang cepat
    Membantu lenguh-lenguh badan tetapi baunya kurang menarik minat saya.
    Apapun ianya berkesan untuk sakit2 ringan di badan.

  13. wan_mohd_shahril75
    14 reviews

    Eagle Balsem Gosok

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 16, 2020

    This wonderful Eagle Balsem Gosok is such a great remedy to overcome the muscle pain and leg cramps at night. Plus, I gain a comfort and tight sleep with no more sleep disturbance and painful leg cramps; no more “Panda eyes” as the sleepless issue is solved by using this product.

  14. Lui Chai Hoong
    67 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 14, 2020


  15. Soo Yoke Ching
    2 reviews

    Eagle Brand Balsem Gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 13, 2020

    Eagle brand Balsem Gosok is a multi purpose balm to use for headache and insect bite as well.I love the smell because it’s have aromatic fragrance.I always easily get muscle pain ,but when after I had applied it , it’s relief the pain.Really highly recommended.

  16. idazali84
    12 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 13, 2020

    Sangat cepat melegakan sakit kepala dan sendi2.. Sy akan sentiasa bawa ke mana-mana.. Juga tidak meninggalkan kesan minyak atau melekit..

  17. Nur Sa'adiah
    17 reviews

    Super best

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 13, 2020

    Balm ni salah satu favourite keluarga saya. Baunya masih sama. Balm ni bagus sangat. Ianya melegakan segala jenis sakit2. Recommended sangat

  18. Jackiee8101
    1 reviews

    Great product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 12, 2020

    The smell can’t be forgotten, it smells nice. It’s easy to carry and it relives my joint pain in a period of time.

  19. Lawlawlaw64
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 12, 2020

    I like this balsem gosok so much. I normally use it when bruises come up. The cooling effect for me is so satisfying, almost feel like the bruises is healing quickly. Bruises are healed after regular use.

  20. Joeyyy12219
    6 reviews

    Balsem gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 12, 2020

    It helps with relieving muscle pain after a day of static position at my working desk. Try it out everyone for yourself.

  21. Kenneth Loh
    2 reviews

    Value for money

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 11, 2020

    I always carry it in my gym bag as it helps greatly in reducing muscle aches after a good workout. Just apply it liberally on the affected areas for instant cooling relief. Smells good too!

  22. Yip8952
    2 reviews

    Good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 11, 2020

    Good for relieving muscle pain or headache. The smell is nice as weell

  23. Yee Woon
    2 reviews

    Good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 11, 2020

    It’s nice to use and it make my muscles feel better after using it

  24. Zhiyan Hew
    2 reviews

    Gosok gosok

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 11, 2020

    Good to realeas muscle pain, headache, the smell can make me feel comfortable as well. I like it so much.

  25. Felixxx5595
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 11, 2020

    I’ve struggled with muscle discomfort on my shoulder from work, I would regularly apply this balm to my shoulder. It definitely relived the pain in my shoulder at least partially not fully. I would recommend this anyone.

  26. DanieulHeng38
    1 reviews

    A good one!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 11, 2020

    It’s good for bruises, achieving a relieving function. The smell is still the same from many years ago, I like it so much. Overall, it’s effective on my bruises from accident and it smells nice too.

  27. Elaine8962
    2 reviews

    Satisfying product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 10, 2020

    Had some minor injuries with my muscle and I apply some of the product to it. It healed instantly! Really loving this product and it smell quite nice as well.!

  28. jason9874
    2 reviews

    Very effective

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 10, 2020

    Used it whenever I have headache and it helps to relieve my pain very fast. I used it to prevent mosquito bite as well and it works fine. The package is also very convenient for me.

  29. edmund25
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 9, 2020

    Good for reliving muscle pain after working out! Can be used for mosquito bite as well.

  30. Nik Zulaikha
    289 reviews

    Legakan gigitan serangga.

    3 out of 5, reviewed on March 9, 2020

    Sapukan sedikit pada kesan gigitan serangga seperti semut api atau nyamuk, ia melegakan. Kesan bintat juga semakin menghilang dengan cepat. Memang bagus dibawa dimana sahaja. Juga melegakan pening kepala ringan & lenguh2 sendi.

  31. sarahkay9280
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 9, 2020

    Love this product. It’s very effective especially for mosquito bites.

  32. Joann
    2 reviews

    Eagle Balsem

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 9, 2020

    This balsem is very good especially for mosquito bites, been putting on the bites and it’s subsiding.

  33. andrewww98
    2 reviews

    good product to own

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 9, 2020

    it’s good and effective in relieving bruises. easy to carry, smells good.

  34. davong85
    6 reviews

    satisfied with the product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 9, 2020

    awesome product. you can feel the cool effect once u apply it on minor injuries in your affected joint area. I think the effect is what that relieve the pain u will feel. overall, im satisfied with the product. try it!

  35. amirulfirdaus97
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 8, 2020

    I use it when I have a headache and it is effective in relieving pain. It can also cure joint pain and so on. I also had travel drowsiness while traveling long distances, which helped me greatly in times of emergency.

  36. Jing Hui
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 8, 2020

    味道好闻 好喜欢

  37. kaixinlim17
    2 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 5, 2020


  38. Jhjhjh25
    20 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 5, 2020

    Instant cooling and soothing effect for my muscle pain. The size is also good for travel use.

  39. pheobe93
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 5, 2020

    Instant effect!! Like it so much

  40. Yu QiNg
    4 reviews

    Nice Product~!

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 5, 2020

    I apply it on my skin when there was a mosquito bite. It’s really work and relief my itchiness. I also use it when suffering from muscle pain. The smell is good and price is affordable. It’s worth to buy as it’s an effective product.

  41. Yu QiNg
    4 reviews

    Nice product~!

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 5, 2020

    I apply this on my skin when there was a mosquito bites. It really works and relief my itchiness. It also help my wound recover in a shorter period. The smell is good and it’s worth to buy as it is an effective product.

  42. Yeoh Kah Keong
    4 reviews

    Nice thing

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 5, 2020

    Eagle Balsem Gosok is good for me and after few minutes my nose is back to normal. It soothes and calms the itchiness that my nose experiences. Another way that I use this is to apply when there was a mosquito bite. It helps to ease the itch quickly and appear less swollen.

  43. Yeoh Kah Keong
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 5, 2020

    Never regret if using it, its suitable for anywhere and it’s convenient to carry on.

  44. Syl
    2 reviews

    good value

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 5, 2020

    one of my favorite stuff to carry in my purse. it soothes bad knees incredible and effective. works good and smells good

  45. 王堇 木易
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 3, 2020

    这个万金油是我随身携带的必需品 到户外踏青还可以用来防蚊子 即时被叮了也不怕 擦一擦就好了 一级棒的产品

  46. Akky18
    2 reviews

    works like magic

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 3, 2020

    didn’t expect it to work so effectively, the ointment was soothing to the affected area, and the cooling effect was instant and relieving, works wonderfully with mosquito bites too

  47. Mickey
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 3, 2020

    清香不刺鼻 喜欢睡前闻它的味道 还可以帮我通鼻子阻塞 非常有效 还可以舒缓肌肉疼痛 是我的首选 家里的必备良药

  48. Zheng Hao
    2 reviews

    Eagle brand balm, useful balm

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 1, 2020

    Eagle is useful in relief the muscular pain and mosquito bite. It is small and easy to bring during travelling. Love it

  49. Anis89
    68 reviews

    Awesome balsem

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 27, 2020

    I love how this balsem help me during my hard time on pain..it soothing my pain even in a few of minute ..i loved the texture and it now sticky on my skin..easy to apply..loved it

  50. Mary12360
    2 reviews

    Must buy!!!!!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 27, 2020

    It is so useful!!! It not only can relief itchiness by mosquito bite, it also helps to reduce muscle aches, relief for sensitive nose, reduce headache and so on. Must buy Balsem Gosok!!!

  51. MieraKamarul69
    13 reviews

    Melegakan lenguh-Lenguh dan pening kepala

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 27, 2020

    Membantu melegakan sakit kepala dan lenguh-lenguh.Dengan bau yang menyenangkan dan cepat melegakan.

  52. jasonwong12106
    2 reviews

    Nice product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 27, 2020

    using for several days and the smell is spicy with freshness but it is acceptable for human and I found that it is very effective for mosquito or insects bites, It will reduce the pain and itching very fast in just fer hours.

  53. Fyzadani01
    72 reviews

    Wangi dan bagus untuk penjagaan kesakitan luaran

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 25, 2020

    Saya suka baunnya yang wangi dan menyegarkan.Sangat bagus untuk menghilangkan lenguh2 di sendi dan perut kembung.Di samping melegakan ketegangan otot dan sakit urat.Saya juga gunakan balsem ni untuk kulit yang lebam akibat jatuh.Tidak terlampau panas just nice.Sesuai digunakan untuk seisi keluarga.Penggunaanya pun sedikit sahaja dah menghilangkan ketegangan otot..

  54. Jeskuku83
    22 reviews

    Balsem gosok cap lang

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 25, 2020

    I like this ointment,the smell is spicy with freshness. It is very effective for mosquito or insects bites, after apply relief from itchness but due to is spicy to eye must keep out of children.

  55. IntanSafinas8672
    2 reviews

    Eagle Balsem Gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 25, 2020

    Saya sangat suka baunya. Balsem ini juga tidak melekit. Sangat sesuai untuk kegunaan saya bila saya mengalami sakit pinggang serta lenguh lenguh badan. Kesannya juga cepat. Saiz yang kecil memang sangat sesuai dibawa kemana-mana. Saya sangat sukakannya.

  56. Syuhadahalim87
    6 reviews

    Eagle Balsem Gosok sangat rekomen kepada semua

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 25, 2020

    Eagle Balsem Gosok juga sangat sesuai melegakan sakit-sakit sendi dan lenguh-lenguh badan saya. Balsem ini juga boleh digunakan semasa saya sakit kepala, selsema dan gatal-gatal akibat gigitan nyamuk dan serangga.Hanya perlu sapukan sedikit sahaja cukup untuk melegakan.Teksturnya tidak melekit dan menenangkan apabila digunakan. Saiz botolnya juga kecil dan mudah dibawa kemana-mana dan digunakan ketika saat-saat diperlukan.Boleh digunakan untuk seisi keluarga dan sangat rekomen kepada kawan-kawan saya untuk mencubanya.

  57. mooiimm
    78 reviews

    Boleh mengurangkan kesakitan sendi

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 25, 2020

    Eagle Balsam Gosok ini sangat berkesan untuk melegakan kesakitan sendi terutamanya sendi lutut. Setelah sapu akan merasakan kepanasan di area itu, kemudian akan mengurangkan kesakitan sendi. Saya juga sapukan Eagle Balsam Gosok di bahagian dada untuk meringankan selsema. Saiz ini pun sesuai untuk dibawa ke mana-mana saja.

  58. Baizura
    2 reviews

    eagle balsem gosok melegakan lenguh2 ringan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 25, 2020

    Rutin harian yang padat menyebabkan saya kerap sakit leher dan pinggang tapi semenjak menggunakan balsem ini,lenguh2 badan dapat diatasi.sangat berguna semasa sakit leher dan pinggang.cuma perlu sapu nipis dan kesannya boleh dirasai.bau yang tidak terlalu kuat juga sangat membantu dari menggangu orang sekeliling.

  59. Mashitah Hamid
    34 reviews

    pengguna setia

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 25, 2020

    saya pengguna setia eagle balsem gosok,kerana saya suka dengan baunya, ia menyegarkan dan menyamankan.. kadang-kadang bila sakit kaki lenguh2 dibadan, saya sapukan saja eagle balsem gosok.. ia cepat melegakan… eagle balsem gosok memang terbaik

  60. Blqshqr9081
    31 reviews

    So great and nice Balsem!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 25, 2020

    This is one of my childhood memory. My late grandma used to have Eagle Balsem Gosok. I often see her used it. And now, I’m continuing to use it. It does help me to heal nausea, headache and many more. I love the scent and it feels refreshing. I also bring this balm anywhere. Easy to carry and need a small space only. I can use this great ointment whenever I need it. So great and useful!

  61. nadzirah98
    2 reviews

    My must have travel companion!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 25, 2020

    Eagle balsem gosok is my life savior in relieving my motion sickness and dizziness upon long hours of travelling. I just rub it on my neck and forehead, walaa! Prevent me from vomiting and being in my worst condition. Its has cooling effect provides fast and long lasting relief to minor aches if you like this kind of mild hotness level.

  62. CikSue
    819 reviews

    Berangin dan suka bau balsem ni

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 25, 2020

    Balsem eagle ni sangat sesuai untuk sapu2 bila sakit sendi atau urat atau lenguh2 badan yg ringan. Sapu sikit je. Bau dia memang best. Saya suka sangat. Rasa berangin tu ada tp x kuat. Org sebelah pun tak rasa bau ni memggangu bila pakai. Bau kekal agak lama. Sapu calit2 sikit je jangan tebal2. Saya sentiasa bawak kemana2. Senang nk guna. Lagipun selalu sakit2 sendi otot dan urat.

  63. Kgyeo25
    8 reviews

    Natural product for you

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 24, 2020

    Im a frequent person who always went to gym and this product really help out a lot to relief of minor aches and pain of muscle. The smell is so nice and make me feel refreshing. I would be strongly recommend my friend and family to use this awesome product

  64. aimydyana
    3 reviews

    Eagle Balsem Gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 24, 2020

    I’m one of the loyal customer for this products. Have been used this balsem since secondary school. Always use to helps me when i’m having headache, period pain, muscle pain, stomach ache and skin itchiness. Besides, also use when i got mosquito bites and really works well on my skin. Love to smell it when having flu because of the menthol smell.♥️♥️♥️

  65. Tasyashahrin29
    1 reviews

    Serba Guna

    3 out of 5, reviewed on February 24, 2020

    Sangat bagus untuk sakit perut, sengugut, sakit kepala. Sangat sangat berkesan .

  66. Sharina Rahim
    10 reviews

    Great Balsem

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 24, 2020

    I like the smell because it is not strong and has that calm and soothing smell. I usually feels dizzy when applying ‘minyak angin’ because of the smell but this one is nice and can last a long time, only need to apply just a little and it does the job well. Cures my joint pain. i love it

  67. Shernice43
    2 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 23, 2020


  68. 伟宏 郑
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 23, 2020


  69. peici091549
    2 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 22, 2020

    如果你有淤青,这东西不能少。我实验过好几次, 每一次都有好的效果和改善。 它的包装也很好携带,去到哪里都可以使用。自己用不上,你的身边的人遇到 肌肉拉伤,关节微疼痛或者淤青还有蚊子叮咬都可使用。很推荐。

  70. Luis
    2 reviews

    Best of the world

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 22, 2020

    Every time when I am driving, I will always apply it to my nose to make me feel awake. Not only that, the smell is so fresh and smooth that I couldn’t escape from it. And the green color is so natural, I believe this product can protect the earth so well!

  71. sataysotong1080
    2 reviews

    Eagle Balsem Gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 20, 2020

    This is a brilliant product from the eagle brand, I feel that this balm lasts long on the foreskin, so if you are having muscle pain, i would recommend to give this a try. Never try u never know how good this product can be.

  72. 190585294
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 20, 2020

    I always apply it on my muscles after an intense workout as it effectively helps to relieve muscle aches. It is easy to use and smells good too.

  73. Shaw Huang
    2 reviews

    good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 20, 2020

    recommended to everyone if you facing muscle pain problem, it will relieve the pain and makes you comfort.

  74. Maawardah Mohamad
    248 reviews

    Balsem menyejukkan

    3 out of 5, reviewed on February 19, 2020

    Saya gunakan balsem gosok ini untuk sakit otot, urat, pening kepala. Ia kurang berminyak Baunya agak menenangkan, rasa sejuk selepas digosok. Namun kulit saya agak sensitif apabila terlebih sapu. Kulit saya menjadi sedikit kemerahan. Jadi saya hanya dapat membuat sapuan nipis sahaja.

  75. PopiaSmoria86
    2 reviews

    Fantastic product.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 19, 2020

    Worked like a charm. It never fails to cure muscle cramps & fatigue. Suitable to apply after jogging or extreme sports.

  76. Marozini49
    17 reviews

    Rasa Cepat Lega, Berangin dan Tenang.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 19, 2020

    Dah jatuh cinta dengan Eagle Balsem Gosok ni ??. Bau dia boleh buat rasa tenang. Tambah lagi bila pakai kat sendi2 yang lenguh2. Sangat cepat rasa lega dan agak berangin.Syok sangat?? Very recomended to try it!! ??

  77. SitiNurjalina48
    56 reviews

    Best !!!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 19, 2020

    saya suka sangat..rasa berangin tapi bau tidak terlalu kuat..sangat sesuai untuk sakit sendi..gosok tempat yang sakit,sekejap akan rasa baik..saya rasa sesuai juga bila pening gosok dengan balsem ni..sekejap rasa lega..bau dia best..rasa segar berangin..

  78. NuhaMohd27
    76 reviews

    My family's favourite balm

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 19, 2020

    This is one of my family’s favourite balm. I have been using this for more than 3 years now. I love how it gives cooling feeling once applied on muscle and joints. Really effective in reducing pain. Sometimes will use it for stomach ache. The medicated smell is ok compared to Eagle Brand Medicated Oil. Definitely one of my family’s must have everywhere we go. A bit difficult to find bigger size of 40g nowadays. That’s why I will always buy more than 3 bottles of 20g size. Definitely the best balm ever.

  79. Lai Tommy
    2 reviews

    good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 18, 2020

    这膏真的很好用!! 味道不会很刺鼻, 而且还可以用来驱蚊! 我真的很喜欢它的薄荷味 真的很棒!!

  80. Thathaaaaaa13
    2 reviews

    Good product

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 18, 2020

    It is useful when get mosquito bite, it helps to relieve pain and itchy in a very short time. I always put inside bag to get use anytime.

  81. AsryMansor43
    7 reviews

    Balm Gosok Cap Helang

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 17, 2020

    Melegakan sakit otot dan sendi seperti salah urat dan lebam.rasa sejuk memberikan kelegaan cepat dan tahan lama kepada sakit otot dan sendi..menenangkan dengan bau aroma yang wangi.. Membantu melegakan sakit kepala, selsema, sakit sendi, terseliuh, memudahkan pernafasan dan gatal akibat gigitan serangga.. Balm kurang melekit..

  82. Wany Ban
    19 reviews

    Balsem Gosok Sangat Best dan Berangin

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 17, 2020

    Saya sangat suka kan Balsem Gosok ini! Bau nya sangat best dan berangin bila di pakai. The best balm i pernah jumpa.. bila lenguh2 badan atau sakit sendi saya sapu kat tempat sakit dan dia sangat selesa dan memberi kesan yang cepat. Saya juga gunakan untuk sapu di dada kerana saya mempunyai asthma dan ia sangat sejuk dan selesa. Bangun pagi badan pun selesa! Terbaik brand

  83. ermyzaerien01
    21 reviews

    Eagle Balsem Gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 17, 2020

    Eagle Balsem Gosok sangat sesuai untuk melegakan sakit otot yang ringan dan sakit yang berkaitan dengan sakit sendi,salah urat dan lebam.
    Eagle Balsem Gosok dengan rasa dingin memberikan kelegaan cepat dan tahan lama kepada rasa ngilu akibat sakit otot dan sendi. Dengan bau aroma yang wangi dapat menenangkan si pemakai..selain itu, membantu melegakan sakit kepala, selsema, sakit sendi, terseliuh memudahkan pernafasan, dan gatal akibat gigitan serangga. Balm ini kurang melekit dan memberikan keselesaan pada si pemakai..

  84. Weisheng Teoh
    2 reviews

    Balsem Gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 17, 2020

    good quality,the smelling not so heavy,once i use this brand,i won’t change to any brand

  85. Sinyee Liong
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 17, 2020

    我蛮喜欢的风油膏,涂上去冰凉很舒服而且又很万能 不管肚子痛还是给蚊子叮 还是伤风鼻子塞着难受涂了就舒服了!小小瓶很可爱,丢进包包就可以了 方便~

  86. Kai Xin
    2 reviews

    Eagle Balsem Gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 17, 2020

    It has a lot of functions such as relieving pain, soothing aches, stopping sneeze and relieving itchiness of mosquitoes\’ bites. It comes with good scented so it is very comfortable when using. Also, the effectiveness is impressive. Hence, it is very user-friendly.

  87. Adamfromlim31
    2 reviews

    works great and easy to carry

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    I’ve been using this tiny bottle of balm whenever I need it. I apply it mostly on my wrists, as I have to work in front of a computer at all times, so it helps to relieve the pain to continue to work, which is what it should do. Please try it for yourself, it’s good.

  88. Fern Janisata
    2 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    Can use when my bone pain, headache and stomach pain also. Smell so good. My family like to use this also. This brand balm and oil are good .

  89. nadjwa51
    114 reviews

    Melegakan sakit tekak

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    Saya menyapukan Eagle Balsem Gosok di bahagian luar tekak kerana saya mengalami sakit tekak selama seminggu. Selepas menyapu Eagle Balsem Gosok tekak saya berasa sejuk dan beberapa hari selepas guna saya sudah tidak sakit tekak lagi. Ianya sangat berkesan untuk saya dan saya dapat tidur lena pada waktu malam selepas menyapu Eagle Balsem Gosok di bahagian tekak. Baunya agak menyenangkan dan selesa untuk dipakai.

  90. Abby Than
    2 reviews

    awesome! 5 out of 5

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    It is so effective , what a good product! Smells good too!

  91. William Wong
    36 reviews

    A good one!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    The balm is scented with a great smell, but most importantly it’s useful to relieve mosquito bite. Definitely a good product to use during the night when mosquitoes attacks on you if you are at home or travelling since it’s so small in size, which means it’s easy to carry.

  92. 太渊 宋
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    Eagle balm的味道不難闻也不刺鼻,放在包包里也不會不方便。當被蚊子叮時涂上 就会很快很有效的止痒。

  93. Wilsonnnn09
    2 reviews

    Recommended product!

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    It’s good on me because I’m a person who take regular exercises in a week. it really helps me to relieve my muscle pain and allow me to perform exercise as usual. Salute to this good product.

  94. CK Lye
    2 reviews

    Traditional product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    Its very useful and efficient to put at the wound that bite by mosquito. Its also niec and good to reduce pain of the muscle and joint

  95. Qiyee Gui
    1 reviews

    Eagle medicated oil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    I had used this eagle medicated oil for a long time ago.
    This is really good for people to reduce headache and can help to calm down their muscle pain. ??

  96. Jerry Kong
    2 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    出远门方便携带,被蚊子叮还是头痛都很有效下 不错不错

  97. 俊銘 邱
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    包装小又方便携带,用起来效果很好很好 味道也很舒服 超喜欢 大人小孩都可以用

  98. Kong Suet Yee
    15 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    Eagle baml very very good to use when I sakit otot. The smell of it also comfortable to use. I use it every night before I sleep.

  99. qing74
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    这款Eagle Brand Balsem Gosok我已经使用了一年。我很推荐因为这产品对我的头痛很有效。涂抹后可以感觉到有凉凉的感觉,有效的帮助我缓解头痛。它的味道非常好闻也不刺鼻。小小容量很方便携带而且价格实惠。

  100. Zane Tan
    2 reviews

    Eagle Brand

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    An essential item for those who facing muscle pain after doing exercise and suffering from arthralgia especially senior citizens. Has a cooling effect after applying it and it does not have pungent smell.

  101. Good Healing

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    I have been used this products more than a years. And it is very useful for me and my family. This products is a lifesaver for me whenever I feel pain or headache. This is a great products that have been produced by the company. And it is suitable to use by anyone. It’s portable to bring it to anywhere and anytime.

  102. Kaveen82
    2 reviews

    Eagle Balsem Gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    Love how this product relieve my muscle pain very fast and it does not have a very strong smell too

  103. sitieyzue43
    21 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    Walapun kecil tapi sangat memuaskan, sakit sendi saya hilang dalam jangka masa yang singkat setelah saya sapu minyak ini.

  104. Siew Yin29
    7 reviews

    Eagle Balsem Gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2020

    This product is good for temporary relief of muscle and joint aches. I was surprised at its effectiveness as my muscle pain was soothed not long after applying some of the ointment. For someone who constantly suffers body aches from doing house chores daily, this is an essential item to have!

  105. Soo Chin Tee
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 15, 2020

    我很喜欢鹰标万金油的气味 睡前我都会闻一下促进睡眠 上班觉得困和累也可以闻一下提神醒脑

  106. Aliceqiao12
    34 reviews

    鹰标万金油 Eagle Brand Balsem Gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 15, 2020

    我喜欢Eagle Brand Balsem Gosok是因为这产品对我的头痛确实有很大的帮助。涂抹鹰标万金油后可以感觉到有清凉的感觉,可以有效的帮助我缓解头痛。鹰标万金油也容易携带,随身放在手提包。在外被蚊虫叮,我把鹰标万金油涂上, 感觉不痒了。这产品鹰标万金油我蛮推荐的:)

  107. Afiza_Rahim60
    358 reviews

    Eagle Balsem Gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2020

    Eagle Balsem Gosok lebih mudah meresap bila gosok dan bau yang menyenangkan.Saya sapukan pada bahagian leher dan tengkuk ketika malam dan berangin kulit merasa selesa.Bila waktu keadaan kecemasan dan di waktu tidak diduga sangat perlu dan ada.Terbaik.

  108. Jayee Kay
    23 reviews

    Effective Product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2020

    Eagle brand products always my first choice. This balm is easy to apply and doesn’t smell strong. I also use it to relief my muscle pain after jogging. Love it!!

  109. Teng Ooi
    4 reviews

    Eagle balsem gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2020


  110. Atreyu420306
    8 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2020

    Love this eagle balsem gosok as it can be use for my daily routine! It is good for mosquito or insect bites, stomachache, headache, and blocked nose. I will definitely repurchase! Love the cooling sensation. I love to use it when I have a stomachache, very useful and soothes my stomach fast! Thank you!

  111. Suhaila281192
    9 reviews

    Eagle balsem gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2020

    Sampel yang saya dapat kecil. Tapi saya sukakannya kerana saya gunakan produk ini ketika saya mengalami selesema di kawasan hidung ataupun ketika kulit saya digigit nyamuk. Ianya dapat melegakan kulit yang gatal dan selesema.

  112. nurul_zayana8767
    40 reviews

    Senang dia bawa ke mana - mana dengan size yang kecil

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 13, 2020

    Bekerja di hadapan komputer dalam masa yang lama membuat kan saya sakit kepala dan belakang leher,dengan ada nya minyak angin cap lang & balsem gosok dapat mengurangkan rasa sakit kepala & leher.. saiz yang kecil mudah di bawa ke mana – mana di dalam handbag.. kadang saya sapukan balsem gosok pada gigitan nyamuk..bau yang wangi..saya sangat suka..

  113. Qihan20
    41 reviews

    Relief itchiness by mosquito bite

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 13, 2020

    I use for relief itchiness of mosquito bite it work immediately after applied it. The fragrance is so calm and nice. My parents use it for muscle pain relief after regular exercise in the morning jogging.They love it much because it is useful and effectiveness relief discomfort and smells good as well!

  114. Mandy Teh
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 13, 2020


  115. Shika43
    687 reviews

    Beri keselesaan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 13, 2020

    Eagle Balsem Gosok bau mirip dengan Eagle brand medicated oil tapi YG ni lebih halus Dan lembut bau nya… Texture juga meresap dengan baik pada skin just terasa melekit sikit2 je pada kulit so cukup sapuan nipis sahaja…beri effect hangar selesa sbb tidak terlalu panas so jika Ada masalah sakit otot atau bahu memang sesuai sangat sapu Eagle Balsem Gosok… Suami selsema pun just sapu pada dahi and belakang telinga mampu buat lebih selesa Dan tidur nyenyak… Tips terbaik jika jenis berdengkur tu boleh sapukan Eagle Balsem Gosok pada dahi Dan atas batang hidung so tidur lebih selesa..dengkur pun xde kuat sgt ? bauan sangat best and kesan juga very effective…pening pun cepat reda to me Eagle Balsem Gosok sesuai untuk Saya lebih lagi time sakit kepala yg terlalu sgt… Lepas pakai Eagle Balsem Gosok Bantu berikan rasa tenang… Pilihan terbaik untuk kegunaan seisi keluarga…

  116. sherryever71
    278 reviews

    Relief feeling

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 13, 2020

    having flu and glad to have this in time, yeah I applied on my chest too. Small size bottle just nice for travel use and I like the cooling effect of it. Having headache also can use this, just apply a bit is enough. Sometimes mosquitoe bite no oilment then I use this to apply .

  117. ng1813
    2 reviews

    Balsem Gosok

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 12, 2020


  118. Ai Fen
    37 reviews

    Relief for my sensitive nose

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 12, 2020

    I use this for my sensitive nose. Every morning, I tend to sneeze non stop. I will apply a minimal of the Eagle Balsem Gosok and after few minutes my nose is back to normal. It soothes and calms the itchiness that my nose experiences. Another way that I use this is to apply when there was a mosquito bite. It helps to ease the itch quickly and appear less swollen.

  119. 晓慧 黄
    2 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 11, 2020

    我很喜欢用这个鹰标万金油 因为它能有效的帮我在蚊子叮过的地方止痒。我还喜欢在我感到头晕时 把它涂在太阳穴。

  120. Yammie Leong
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 11, 2020

    我喜欢随身携带它 方便我使用 我可以用来搽在蚊子叮的地方 还可以解除肌肉酸痛和淤青 超级棒

  121. SyarifahSyafinaz76
    9 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 11, 2020

    Walapun kecil tapi sangat memuaskan, sakit sendi saya hilang dalam jangka masa yang singkat setelah saya sapu minyak ini.

  122. Ariel
    312 reviews

    Achy Muscles Be Gone!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 21, 2020

    I always carry it in my gym bag as it helps greatly in reducing muscle aches after a good workout. Just apply it liberally on the affected areas for instant cooling relief. Smells good too!

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