Selangor, 30 October 2018 – On 27 October 2018, over 10,000 of fitness enthusiasts across the country and people of all ages gathered at the Watsons first Get Active Festival 2018 held in Setia City Convention Centre. Boasted with many…
Nutrition for Teens: 7 Ways to Keep Them Healthy Away from Home
A parent could give their child all the produce in the garden and they may still eat junk when they’re away from home. For teenagers, access to unhealthy food, busier social schedules and peer pressure can all make eating healthy a challenge.…
Beyond Pigments – Colours that Signify Unity and Pride and a Sense of Belonging
Over the years, numerous research has concluded that colours do indeed affect us. From boosting I.Q. to soothing nerves1, colours play an important role in influencing our day-to-day lives. As experts in the craft of making paints and coatings, AkzoNobel…
Me Books Asia Launches First-of-Its-Kind Interactive Storytelling App in Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, 20 October 2018 – Me Books Asia today announced the launch of their interactive storytelling app on The App Store and Google Play Store recommended for children aged two to nine years old. The launch of the Me…
Top 5 Special Needs Child Centers in KL and Selangor
Most parents would agree that taking care of your children is a difficult job. But just imagine how much harder it can be for someone taking care of a special needs child. Raising a special needs child can feel very…
Breaking Through Barriers By Transforming One Child At A Time
When a child with special learning needs is happy and thriving, the whole family and community benefits. Normally, such families have restricted lives because the child of such needs has difficulties integrating with things going on outside the home or…
Kiddy123.com: Malaysia’s Leading Early Childhood Education Directory
Kiddy123.com is Malaysia’s leading early childhood education directory that maintains the most complete, accurate and up-to-date list of accredited preschools, enrichment centres and local resources to assist parents to make informed educational decisions. There are more than 70,000 Malaysian parents…
Rahsia Orang Jepun Didik Anak Mereka Menjadi Kreatif
Jepun adalah satu negara maju yang dikagumi oleh semua orang. Rakyatnya amat tertib, bersopan-santun dan juga maju kehadapan dari pelbagai segi termasuklah pendidikan dan juga daya pemikiran yang kreatif. Rakyat Jepun ini boleh dikatakan berada dalam kelas pertama jika dibandingkan…
Which Preschools Are The Best in Kuala Lumpur?
Choosing the right preschool for your child is not really difficult but it does need scrutinize thinking and observation to ensure that you have made the right choice. The key to choosing the right preschool is going into the process…
Help! My Child Does Not Want To Go To School
Does your child always complain of a stomachache or a headache right before going to school? Do they always use the same excuse and do you realise there is a pattern of them not going to school? Once you let…