English Programmes for High Achievers
Mastering the English language is like having a secret superpower in the realm of high achievers. It is the key that opens doors to a world of limitless possibilities, where children can confidently chart their future success. Despite the undeniable…
Teaching Children to Speak with Impact
For many young learners of the English language, the act of speaking in English can be an intimidating endeavour. This feeling is compounded when it comes to the daunting task of speaking on a public stage. However, mastering public speaking…
Effective English Education for Young Learners
Established in 2007 by Ms Florence Tee, a mother, educator, and NLP Certified Trainer, IGS English is a well-known name among Malaysian parents. The language centre has been instrumental in helping students of all ages improve their spoken and written…
Malaysia Techlympics 2023 Aims 1 Million Participation This Year
The prestigious technology competition, Malaysia Techlympics 2023, has set a target of one million registrations this year, with the current number of registrations already surpassing 1,000,000. Malaysia Techlympics showcases six categories divided into 39 competitions, encompassing various technology-based contests such…
Generali Malaysia Empowers Leaders of Tomorrow to Pursue Their Dreams
Generali Malaysia, one of the largest general insurers and an emerging life insurer in Malaysia, has announced its first batch of scholarship recipients for the “Generali Malaysia Volare Scholarship Programme”. 7 deserving students were awarded with scholarship grants to pursue…
Meet the Terengganu-based Champions of Smart Innovation
A team of talented students and their teacher from SMK Dato’ Razali Ismail, Terengganu, collaborated to develop an eco-friendly, solar-powered thermos named FOODDECK, which helps to maintain food in optimum temperatures. The thermos can be regulated through an app to…
Start with Montessori and Inspire Children Towards Excellence
Montessori Education is an early childhood education method developed by Italian psychologist and educator Maria Montessori. The philosophy practiced under the umbrella of Montessori education is to guide children to learn from life, taking into account their interests and innate…
Achieving Excellence in Learning and Skills
Is your child unable to keep up with school and finding it tough to complete homework? Don’t have the time to guide them through it? Don’t worry! Excellent Education provides after-school tutoring solutions for busy parents, with hopes for every…
Transformation in Education with Learning Robots and Ai Pens
The first 2,000 days of a child’s life is important for their brain development. This is when children develop the skills they’ll use for the rest of their lives, so, it’s important to invest in effective learning tools, like ACTIVBOT,…
Top 10 Best Learning Apps for Kids
As a parent, you are no doubt dedicated to providing your child with the best education possible. However, in today’s fast-paced world, it can be difficult to find the time and resources necessary to give your child the support they…