Alpro Healthy Recipes: A Healthier Twist to Our Local Favourite Dishes
Three nutritionists from Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy, Alpro Pharmacy, have come together to create healthier versions of much-loved breakfast dishes in Malaysia. The initiative which aims to encourage more Malaysians to eat healthier features Alpro’s expert dieticians and nutritionists creating…
Take A Coffee Break with Häagen-Dazs
Love the mix with a new limited-edition coffee-flavoured creation and the return of an old favourite this September Get the best of coffee and ice cream in one with the new Häagen-DazsTM flavours. The Barista Collection welcomes a new limited-edition…
Skincare Tips for the Frontliners – How to Combat Skin Deterioration from Prolonged Hours in PPE
Attributed to Dr Lim Ing Kien of SkynFyx in collaboration with With the continuingly high number of daily COVID-19 cases in Malaysia the healthcare sector has been flooded with an immense workload and pressure to keep our nation…
Twistshake Introduces No Fuss, No Struggle Designer Baby Products To Malaysia
Baby products, Swedish design: Let parents focus on the moments that matter. From the country with the happiest people on earth, Swedish baby brand Twistshake has officially arrived in Malaysia. The award-winning brand offers Swedish designer baby products to make…
Hada Labo’s Upgraded Premium Whitening Range Provides Triple Skin Brightening Effect
Glowing skin that is achieved by employing proven brightening ingredients is a timeless trend. After all, healthy-looking skin never goes out of style. Hada Labo, Japan’s skincare brand that goes with the philosophy ‘Perfect X Simple’ understand this principle and…
“Too Good Duo” Emerged as Malaysia’s Country Champions in The 3M Inspire Challenge
The team will present their Sustainability-themed solution in the Regional-Level Finals, and vie with five other regional teams for the top spot Two students from The National University of Malaysia better known
Jordan Step 1: A Clean, Healthy Start, From The Very First Tooth!
Remember being a child and feeling scared to visit the dentist? Well, there are actually many ways to look at this, but the route we’d like to take today is the one that advocates good dental and oral care habits…
Good Oral Care Habits: The Younger They Start, The Better – Find Out Why!
Self-image isn’t just an issue that adults face in their lives, but kids too will eventually have to deal with it. If you have ever seen or heard of little children (some as young toddlers!) shy away from others due…
Get Rid 99.97% of Indoor Pollutants and Breathe Clean Air with Samsung Smart Air Purifier
Most of us already know the benefits of keeping our homes clean and germ-free, but for the past 18 months, this has become more important than ever. From disinfecting surfaces, sanitizing your hands and possessions to keeping your home as…
Hada Labo’s New Kotojyun Serum Mask For Glowing, Soft, Smooth & Supple Skin
Contains High Penetrating Serum & Hyaluronic Acid for a Long-Lasting Hydrated Skin Hada Labo’s new Kotojyun Serum Mask collection is an elixir for youthful radiant skin, that instantly hydrates the skin with a single application. The result is glowing, smooth…