Wrigleys Doublemint Chewing Gum

Product Details

Enjoy the refreshing taste of Doublemint gum – the unique, minty flavor you can’t get anywhere else. Doublemint was launched in the U.S. in 1914 and has since become one of the world’s best-selling chewing gums, enjoyed by generations of consumers worldwide. Today, the classic Doublemint flavor lasts longer than ever.

  1. BumbleBee34
    321 reviews

    Menyegarkan nafas

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 29, 2019

    Gula getah nombor 1 kt Malaysia ni. Rasa mint dia menyegarkan. Nafas dan mulut pun boleh berbau segar lepas makan gula2 getah ni. Mula2 je rasa manis. Bila dah kenyal dia tawar. Buat belon pun elok tp tak boleh besar2. Belon dia cepat meletup. Bagus gula2 getah ni sebab saya selalu guna pembungkus dia semula untuk bungkus gula2 getah yg dah habis makan. Tak boleh telan tau. Bahaya.

  2. Suzanne Fong
    76 reviews

    not too minty, & oso the sweetness is juz nice

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 24, 2019

    my childhood favourite gum lolol, keep my mouth & oso my mind fresh while chewing it, not too minty, & oso the sweetness is juz nice, luv the taste & i juz stick with this chewing gum!

  3. Kaybin75
    7 reviews

    Penyegar nafas berwibawa

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 13, 2018

    Doublemint gula-gula getah telah membuktikan kewibawaannya sebagai penyegar nafas paling hebat sepanjang zaman! Terutama bagi perokok yang sering mempunyai masalah nafas berbau, inilah penyelesaiannya. Betul, banyak gula-getah yang terdapat di pasaran, tetapi tiada yang setanding Doublemint. Kudos!

  4. emilliakamarlis62
    210 reviews

    Menyegarkan nafas

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 10, 2018

    Doublemint chewing gum memang kegemaran saya. Meskipun harganya murah, namun ia berfungsi menyegarkan nafas dengan cara yang sangat mudah. Rasanya agak berangin dan manis. Namun begitu, pada saya rasa mint itu telah kurang berbanding dulu. Namun masih berbaloi untuk dibeli bila perlu.

  5. Yk06
    10 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 4, 2018

    有新口味还是会去尝试 但是比较喜欢原味.

  6. Swanny26
    3 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 10, 2018

    Sangat seronok dengan bau chewing gum ni sebab menyegarkan..setiap kali lepas makan mesti kunyah sebab nak elakkan mulut berbau dan selesa untuk berbual dengan orang serta lebih yakin untuk berbual.

  7. siffaz41
    6 reviews

    fresh and easy

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 2, 2018

    stay fresh as easy eating this chewing gum anywhere and anytime. its a must snacks in my handbag. try it !

  8. ferdizetty37
    491 reviews

    Rasa dan bau mint yg kuat & mnyegarkan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 13, 2017

    Sy mmg akn selalu beli doublemint chewing gum ni terutama ketika mmbawa kereta utk perjalanan jauh,selain mnyegarkan nafas ia membantu mngurangkan rasa mengantuk.Sensasi mintnya yg dingin mmg mnyegarkan,rasa dan bau mint pun sgt kuat,tidak terlalu manis.Harga murah & mudah didapati di kebanyakkan kedai2 biasa.

  9. Nur Arina
    812 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 28, 2017

    Memang selalu beli doublemint ni ketika zaman remaja lagi. Rasa mint dia masih akan terasa walaupun lama. Dulu selalu beli jika berada di dalam kelas dan ianya boleh membuatkan diri relaks dan nyaman sentiasa.

  10. Gee Gee
    321 reviews

    senaman muka dan segar

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2017

    bak kate orang untuk senaman muka kunyahlah chewing gum,jadi saya memilih chewing gum doublemint..ianya sedap dan harga pun murah…mulut juga terasa lebih segar dengan mengunyah doublemint chewing gum ni..bukan setakat sedap,segar tapi ia juga membantu saya membuat senaman muka,sentiasa ada dalam beg saya

  11. Afiza_Rahim60
    358 reviews

    Nafas segar dengan Wrigleys Doublemint Chewing Gum

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2017

    Kunyahan santai untuk otot2 pipi berfungsi dengan baik…Seronok kunyah chewing gum ni. Mulut jadi lebih segar dan nafas tidak berbau. Selalu juga makan kalau mengantuk. Dibawa kemana2 untuk lebih ceria…Boleh segarkan mata ni.Terbaik… 🙂

  12. cpyn18
    234 reviews

    Refreshing mint and gives my mouth a fresher breath

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 12, 2017

    I love Wrigleys Doublemint Chewing Gum as it gives me refreshing feel when it is in my mouth. It gives me the cooling feeling and gives me a fresher breath. I like to take Wrigleys Doublemint Chewing Gum whenever I am driving long distance journey.

  13. Anelia23
    137 reviews

    My mouth suppliment

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 10, 2017

    Must have item if going on a vacation. I like to chew this gum because it taste really good. Not so spicy and not sweet. Just so-so.

    It refreshing my mouth. If i fall asleep in a car, once wake up I will chew this gum. It makes me more confident.

  14. 溦溦 林
    473 reviews

    amazing taste

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 9, 2017

    Great gun, amazing taste that last long so it is my definitely my go too when I need something good the freshen up my mouth without sugar , It has all the freshness of a mint while still remaining a long lasting and flavorful gum.

  15. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Menyegarkan nafas dengan kesegaran mint

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 29, 2017

    Mmg selalu kena ada dlm beg tangan sy..ia sgt mmbntu mnyegarkan nafas sy dgn kesegaran bau mint..tekstur gula-gula getah dengan sensasi dingin..ia juga mmbntu saya kekal cergas terutama ketika memandu,dengan kunyah gula2 ni sy x mngantuk..bagi sy kunyah gula2 ni seperti exercise kpd pipi & muka sy..harga pun murah & senang nk dapat

  16. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Menyegarkan nafas dengan sensasi dingin mint.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 26, 2017

    Nafas sy lebih segar bila mkn gula getah wrigleys ni..teksturnya sgt nipis & berbau mint yg sgt wangi..selalu selepas makan tngahari,sy akn kunyah gula getah ni..selain mnyegarkan nafas ia juga mbersihkan sisa mknan yg melekat pada gigi bila makan..rasa sensasi dingin mmg mnyegarkan..walaupun dh kunyah dlm waktu yg lama pon masih terasa perisa mintnya..

  17. maryam18
    309 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 21, 2017

    saya amat suka kan Wringleys Double Mint chewing gum ni..Ia dapat menyegarkan mulut saya..Terasa lebih berkeyakinan untuk bercakap apabila sedang mengunyahnya..Mulut tebih terasa wangi dan menyegarkan..Selain dari dapat menyegarkan mulut,ia juga dapat menguatkan otot~otot muka kita apabila mengunyah..

  18. cikbunga49
    659 reviews

    Segarkan nafas

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2017

    Memang saya suka kunyah chewing gum wrigleys ni selepas makan bagi mengelakkan mulur berbau.
    Nafas segar dan nyaman selepas dikunyah. Rasa daun pudina memang nafas tidak berbau.
    Ia juga mampu membuat senaman muka agar melindungi muka dari kedutan.

  19. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews

    Refreshing your mouth

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 10, 2017

    I love this when I am still a teenage 10 years back. Till now, whenever I come across this Doublemint chewing gum, I will definitely buy one. It can help me to freshen my day and exercise my gums.

  20. may576076
    92 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 8, 2017


  21. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 7, 2017

    The main point I will taking a chewing gum is to keep my breath fresh & this is a good exercise for your muscle of your mouth too!

  22. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Menhilangkn Bau Mulut,Menyegarkan nafas

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 6, 2017

    Rasa doublemint yg mnyegarkan…sy mmg suka kunyah chewing gum ni utk menyegarkn nafas,mghilangkn mngantuk & hilangkn bau mulut…

  23. maryam18
    309 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 30, 2017

    saya amat suka kan chewing gum ni..Ia dapat menyegarkan mulut saya..Terasa lebih berkeyakinan untuk bercakap apabila sedang mengunyahnya..Mulut tebih terasa wangi dan menyegarkan

  24. Kellychan21
    503 reviews

    Make me awake and refresh my mouth and brain

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 13, 2017

    Normally i will take this chewing gum when I feel sleepy or dizzy. After chewing it in my mouth, I feel more refreshing and more awake. It is my favourite especially whhile driving long distance journey as it will make me awake while driving.

  25. penny41
    407 reviews

    my very first chewing gum

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 12, 2017

    i always like to eat this chewing gum since i’m little. After chew it, I can feel my breath so clean and fresh

  26. Niki Tay
    996 reviews

    Chewing Gum

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 11, 2017


  27. Jeff Tung
    71 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 10, 2017


  28. Gee Gee
    321 reviews

    sedap dan segar

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 2, 2017

    saya suka mengunyah wrigleys doublemint chewing gum kerana rasanya yg sedap dan menyegarkan…selain itu dengan kunyah chewing gum saya dapat membuat senaman mulut saya

  29. qisstiera75
    118 reviews

    Menyegarkan nafas

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 27, 2017

    Seronok kunyah chewing gum ni. Mulut jadi lebih segar dan nafas tidak berbau. Selalu juga makan kalau mengantuk. Boleh segarkan mata ni.

  30. Nur Arina
    812 reviews

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 25, 2017
  31. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews

    Fresh Breath & Good Exercise

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 20, 2017

    The main point I will taking a chewing gum is to keep my breath fresh & this is a good exercise for your muscle of your mouth too!

  32. sandlee51
    174 reviews

    Exercise Gums

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 22, 2017

    I love this when I am still a teenage 10 years back. Till now, whenever I come across this Doublemint chewing gum, I will definitely buy one. It can help me to freshen my day and exercise my gums.

  33. Betty Liew
    263 reviews

    A good exercise for my mouth

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 29, 2017

    How to loss your chubby cheek? One of it is Chew Wringleys Doublemint chewing gum as it will help exercise your mouth. I do it frequently and the chewing gum can prevent bad breath.

  34. aizaman46
    219 reviews

    Hilangkan mengantuk

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 18, 2017

    Chewing gum yang wajib ada dalam kereta saya.Untuk menghilangkan mengantuk dan beri kesegaran nafas.Rasa pudina yang sedap.

  35. LiLian39
    148 reviews

    Nice chewing gum

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 16, 2017

    I like to eat this when i feel my mouth is dry, it refresh my mouth to avoid smell when talking with people. When i eat this it will clean my teeth also. The doublemint taste it very good

  36. Kaushelia Shelia
    367 reviews

    My favourite chewing gum

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 15, 2017

    It is my favourite Doublemint chewing gum as I always have it inside my bag and bring along during travelling. It refresh my mouth and I feel so good. It is one of the way to give facial exercise as when I chew it my face tends to work at the same time. It tastes so delicious and yummy. I love the mint flavour that keeps me awake especially when I am so sleepy. It can be chew at anytime but just make sure does not reach the kids below age. The price is reasonable and can get it from any supermarket.

  37. Rebecca Koay
    150 reviews

    For my after-lunch presentations

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 15, 2017

    If I need a quick fix to freshen up my mouth cavity… my preferred choice is always Wrigley’s! This chewing gum really helps to give my mouth a fresh minty flavour for my after lunch presentations! However, you should keep this out of reach of children as gums shouldn’t be swallowed.

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