SERI-AJI® is a menu specific seasoning that helps to prepare delicious home cooked dishes in a quick and easy way at home. It is complete mix from variety of high quality ingredients and seasoning to gives complete and delicious taste to dishes. So, can prepare dishes easily by just adding it into dish which also helps to save time; moreover, satisfying the family taste bud. It also can be use to prepare others menu. It is also oil free which is cleaner to prepare if compared to paste-based seasoning. Mix from selected real anchovy powder to gives you mild spicy & delicious anchovy flavour fried rice.
SERI-AJI® Anchovy Flavour Fried Rice
Terasa keaslian rasa ikan bilis
Kegemaran saya
Perencah nasi goreng ikan bilis
Sedap dan disyorkan
Perencah berbentuk serbuk senang di masukkan ke dalam nasi,sebelum ni saya guna perencah nasi goreng jenis paste,cepat hangus kalau api besar dan terlambat masukkan nasi. Tapi dengan seri aji tak risau masalah hangus.
Perencah peket kecil ni boleh goreng untuk 2-4 orang makan. Memang sedap,rasa ikan bilis sedap dan aroma pun wangi .
Harga pun murah. Memang saya syorkan sape yang suka makan nasi goreng untuk cuba perencah ni. Sedap!!
Seri Aji Ikan Bilis
Concentrated anchovy flavour with kick
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