Product Details

Its advance formula builds 24/7 protection against tooth sensitivity, removes plague with regular brushing and contains flouride to prevent tooth decay. Its minty taste keeps mouth feeling clean and fresh.

Direction For Use:

Brush twice a day and not more than three times. Children under 12 years of age: consult with a dental professional or physician.

  1. lynnimaan02
    64 reviews

    Ubat gigi terbaik untuk gigi sensitif saya

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 9, 2021

    Sensodyne sangat membantu meringankan rasa sakit yang disebabkan oleh gigi sensitif sekaligus memberikan perlindungan dari rasa ngilu akibat gigi sensitif.

    Saya memang mengalami masalah selalu ngilu gigi bila minum atau makan makanan sejuk. Rasanya sungguh tak selesa. Selepas mencuba ubat gigi dari Sensodyne ni, rasa ngilu tu dah kurang, yang paling best nafas berbau segar je setiap kali lepas memberus gigi. Ubat gigi ni kurang buih dan rasa nya yang mild saja tak terlalu kuat sangat bagus utk gigi sensitif.

    ? Membuat nafas lebih segar
    ?Memberikan perlindungan yang lebih lama terhadap gigi sensitif
    ?Membantu mengurangi timbunan plak
    ?Mengandung fluoride untuk membantu mencegah gigi berlubang

  2. Serene8813
    6 reviews

    only Choice for sensitive teeth

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 30, 2020

    Protect my sensitive teeth. I can eat ice-cream and ice beverage anytime I like. Feeling fresh after using and most important, not so expensive.

  3. Shika88
    687 reviews

    gigi sensitive

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 17, 2020

    SENSODYNE FRESH MINT terasa fresh and berangin pada texture ubat gigi selepas dan semasa memberus … texture tidak begitu terasa pedas dan sangat pekat so senang semasa memberus ubat gigi tidak begitu cair and terasa sempurna semasa memberus… SENSODYNE FRESH MINT nafas lebih segar dan dapat kurangkan masalah nafas berbau akibat kerosakkan gigi atau gigi berlubang… harga berpatutan dan sesuai digunakan dari umur 12 tahun… masalah gigi sensitive saya dapat dikurangkan dan saya suka menggunakan SENSODYNE FRESH MINT time ada masalah pada gusi atau sakit gigi… makan ais cream pun gigi tak terasa nyilu sangat …

  4. nurul_zayana8767
    40 reviews

    Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth & Prevention Cavity

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 18, 2020

    My husband has sensitive teeth so i suggested him to use Mint Sensodyne toothpaste. Sensodyne can protect against cavities, sensativity relief, freshen breath & clean and SLS Free..

  5. Candies See
    24 reviews


    2 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2018


  6. Maawardah Mohamad
    248 reviews

    Gigi sensitif tiada lagi dengan sensodyne

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 21, 2018

    Ubat gigi sensodyne ini dapat menghilangkan rasa gigi sensitif saya apabila menikmati makanan sejuk. Dengan rasa pudinanya ia membuatkan gigi saya kekal segar dan saya mampu menikmati makanan yang sejuk tanpa masalah lagi. Sensodyne terbukti berkesan.

  7. Summer195
    9 reviews

    Bye bye sensitive teeth

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 17, 2018

    I used to have sensitive teeth until I start using this. My teeth gradually less sensitive to hot or cold foods, now I hardly have this discomfort when eating those food. The downside would this it is relatively more expensive than normal toothpastes. But it worth the every penny spend on.

  8. Stephncx12
    3 reviews

    For sensitive teeth

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 1, 2018

    This has never failed me with my sensitive teeth. Although the price is more expensive compare to normal toothpaste.

  9. vionlee80
    3 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 5, 2018

    My teeth is so sensitive before I try sensodyne. Everytime when I ate hot and cold food can trigger the nerve. After try up sensodyne I found minimization swallowing and spit out. My teeth gum really get protect.

  10. myho15
    15 reviews

    My Lovely Toothpaste!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 13, 2018

    This toothpaste is very good for my sensitive teeth. It also leave my mouth breath cool and fresh enough after brushing. I always use it for brushing after meal and really love it so much!

  11. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews

    I love this toothpaste!

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 31, 2017

    I love this toothpaste! It’s minty taste is different to most and leaves my mouth feeling refreshed. My teeth aren’t sensitive after using this. I’ve bought this multiple times and it is a brand I always find my self reaching for.

  12. tangicey15
    66 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 16, 2017


  13. Nur Atikah
    66 reviews

    Melegakan gigi sensitif

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 3, 2017

    Saya mempunyai gigi yang sensitif apabila meminum minuman yang sejuk. Selepas mencuba produk ini, saya amat berpuas hati dengan kesan yang saya alami sekarang. Gigi saya kurang sensitif dan saya boleh meminum minuman yang sejuk semula. Ini kerana produk ini membantu membaikpulih dengan memberi perlindungan di permukaan gigi yang sudah nipis yang akan mengakibatkan rasa sensitif.

  14. Syera Syera
    138 reviews

    Horrible taste

    3 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2017

    I received a sample of this from my dentist because I have very sensitive teeth. My teeth were hurting from both cold and hot things I would eat. I started brushing twice a day with Sensodyne Toothpaste, and I noticed decreased sensitivity after a few weeks of using it. It didn’t totally get rid of the sensitivity, but it made it much more tolerable. It recommends brushing for at least one minute, and I brush for two minutes. I was happy to have decreased sensitivity, but I was very unhappy with the flavor of this toothpaste. It is the worst tasting toothpaste I’ve ever tried! I actually started dreading brushing my teeth because of it. I also didn’t like the way my mouth tasted after I finished brushing. It didn’t really feel like my teeth were clean. After finishing the sample, I switched to another brand of sensitive toothpaste. I get the same results without the horrible taste.

  15. NURELINA89
    173 reviews

    Bagus Untuk Gigi Sensitif Saya

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 6, 2017

    Selepas makan ais krim pasti gigi saya berasa ngilu kerana sejuk..Saya mengatasinya dengan ubat gigi Sensodyne Fresh Mint..Kesan ngilu hilang serta merta walaupun baru sekali menggunakannya..Anda yang mempunyai rasa ngilu selepas makan ais krim wajib cuba..

  16. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews

    Less Bubbles

    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 10, 2017

    Sensodyne toothpaste is recommended by dental for a sensitive gum.
    I have tried this out, it really reduce the blooding problem in brushing my teeth but the bubbles is less.

    Mint flavor is better than the blue packing (repair & protects) because it is more freshness after brush teeth.

  17. penny41
    407 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 5, 2017


  18. Nik Zulaikha Shah
    289 reviews

    Berkesan untuk gigi sensitif

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 27, 2017

    Hanya yang mengalami gigi ngilu setelah memakan makanan sejuk, masam & manis sahaja yang tahu bagaimana rasanya. Dengan menukar kepada ubat gigi yang khas untuk gigi sensitif, tidak menjadi masalah lagi untuk menikmati makanan kesukaan. Lagipula denvan fresh mint sememangnya menyegarkan nafas.

  19. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Removes dirt and whitens teeth effectively

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2017

    Trying so hard to brush off the tiny residues of food stuck between your teeth is always an issue for me because of my teeth structure. To combat it, my dentist recommended me Sensodyne Toothbrush, Mouthwash and the Fresh Mint toothpaste as I told her I loved all things minty. It was a really great experience after using the toothpaste, leaving my mouth breath feeling fresh and clean. I can see a difference in my teeth’s complexion after each brush. Hence, it cleans really well without overly adding lots and lots of excess toothpaste in order to escalate its effects. It can be easily found anywhere and it isn’t that costly too. What I may not like about it is the fact that the mint taste doesn’t last a very long time. Often, I can barely taste it after a few brushes, but it is still really good for my teeth.

  20. Nur Arina
    812 reviews

    Kualiti produk yang dijaga dan sangat bagus

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 15, 2017

    Saya suka gunakan sensodyn kerana mampu mengurangkan sakit gigi yang saya alami. memang tidak dapat merawat sepenuhnya tetapi sedikit sebanyak mampu mengurangkan rasa sakit dan selesa. sensodyn menjadi pilihan saya sejak dulu lagi

  21. LiLian39
    148 reviews

    Good for sensitive

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 12, 2017

    I always use this and darlie toothpaste together. I like this because after using do not have the toothpaste smell inside. But i dont like is this toothpaste is less bubble. But this really good for those have sensitive teeth.

  22. Leeleongwai41
    31 reviews

    Cure my sensitive teeth

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 24, 2017

    Sometime you feel frustration when your teeth feel numb when you take too cool or too sour food. This is because I have sensitive teeth. Sensodyne toothpaste protect my gum and teeth become strong. The mint flavor keep my mouth breath fresh. Now I can take my favourite ice cream.

  23. Kesuma Dewi
    147 reviews

    Kesegaran dengan Sensodyne

    3 out of 5, reviewed on February 27, 2017

    Diperakui untuk memberikan penjagaan gigi yang berkesan dan kesegaran berpanjangan

  24. Zhongk3391
    144 reviews

    Minty goodness

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 27, 2016

    Fresh and cooling sensation plus it cleanses very well, before and after meals, it helps keep the teeth pearl white with added benefits to keep your gums healthy too!

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