Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture ALOE VERA

Product Details

Soothing & Moisture Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel

  1. issey127
    2 reviews

    Simply The Best

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 2, 2021

    I was introduced by this product because of EXO back in 2014 so technically I’ve been using this product continuously for over 6 years now. At first, I bought this because of EXO until finally I totally fell in love with it because it suits my skin very well. For me, a tub lasts for about 3 months since I use it every day. My skin is looking so dewy and plump after I leave it on my skin overnight. The gel absorbs and hydrates my skin very well. I tend to chill the whole tub to get a cooling effect which is good to heal sunburned skin. Also, when the gel is chilled, it is best suited to cure redness and acne-prone skin since the cooling effect can minimize your pores. Definitely a must-have item and totally deserve the hype!

  2. huldaangel80
    2 reviews

    best product ever!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 30, 2020

    i really like using this aloe vera gel because it really helps my skin to stay hydrated and moisturized all dayy!! also, it helped me to relieve my sunburn and the gel so soothing ? it makes my skin felt calm. other than that, i also use aloe vera gel as my moisturizer hehe. last but not least, aloe vera has many benefits for our skin. highly recommended product! honest review from me?

  3. huldaangel80
    2 reviews

    Aloe Vera

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 30, 2020

    Sangat suka pakai aloe vera ni? saya pakai aloe vera dah lama sangat dah. sangat membantu untuk moisture my skin and dapat juga relieve sunburn. aloe vera ni banyak sangat kebaikannya? highly recommend!!❤️

  4. XSLBCCDKS9236
    3 reviews

    Nature republic aloe vera gel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 7, 2018

    Aloe vera gel ni best sangat, sejuk je bila pakai. Sesuai untuk guna siang dan malam. Boleh menghilangkan kesan sunburn dan parut jerawat. Harga pun berpatutan

  5. SunnyHere08
    13 reviews

    Best product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 3, 2018

    这款aloe vera gel 真的很好,我使用了一段时间后有更换其他品牌,但才用没多少天就换回这个brand的,真的很棒?

  6. carmen_osw21
    12 reviews

    Aloe vera gel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2018

    I always apply on my face during day and nighy or whenever i feel that my skin are dry. I also apply on my legs and hands as they get dry quite easily too. It also works to soothe my pimples and mosquite bites. The price is so cheap and I like it so much!

  7. Xiatian0457
    3 reviews

    Good for dry skin

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 27, 2018

    I have a dry & sensitive skin. But this aloe vera is applicable to all skin type and it’s a relief to me. By applying this continuously, my acne scar & pores are getting smaller and my face condition are getting better. Not only it has natural ingredients which is good for the skin, it also is more affordable.

  8. Monkeycool
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 26, 2018


  9. Ming Hui Tan
    4 reviews

    Good to apply after sunburnt

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 19, 2018

    I normally will apply a thick layer on my face after sunburnt, especially on my nose. It does help to calm my skin and reduce redness. Not only after sunburnt, I do it after I rub my nose whenever I had flu. A friend of mine told me it works very well to heal his burn (burnt by hot glue gun).

  10. paansktotk13
    6 reviews

    Good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 12, 2018

    Seriously. Pakai ni memang best. untuk kulit dan untuk rambut. Saya ada masalah parut jerawat, lepas pakai tidaklah hilang parut2 tu. Cuma berkurangan. Rambut pulak saya pakai waktu malam sebab rambut saya ni kering sangat2, memang bagus produk ni.

  11. Syahmi Sakri
    3 reviews

    Great product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 11, 2018

    Most of the time, i use this product on my face as a mask before i go to sleep. I can feel the difference to my face after cleaning up the next morning. It feels soft and soothing.

  12. Li Ping
    9 reviews

    Soothen my skin!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 10, 2018

    It’s an awesome product! Despite only use on face but I also use on body whenever there is redness or dryness . It’s very cheap too in terms of its good value. Love it !

  13. Intan Zulkeply
    3 reviews

    Best product of aloevera gel

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 8, 2018

    Produk ini melembapkan kulit muka dan membantu memulihkan kulit yang rosak akibat cahaya matahari, parut jerawat dan sangat membantu untuk kulit kering.

  14. Cullen34
    16 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 28, 2018

    A good moisturizer for the skin. Keep face in a good hydrated skin. Soothing to the face. My face has been flawless ever since I used this aloe vera gel. Very recommended to use this brand

  15. Sheena
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 27, 2018

    很棒的一個芦荟胶,可以用开敷到隔天,也可以敷個15-20分鐘后洗掉。不仅可以幫助保濕脸部,还可以幫助淡化疤痕。每当我身上一有伤口的疤痕,为了不让难看,就会涂上AloeVera 过几天疤痕就会慢慢淡化!保濕成分很高,可以幫我縮小毛孔,还可以美白,袪黑頭粉刺。放在冰箱拿出来用冰冰凉凉,很舒服。之前我爸爸身体被油烫伤,很大的疤痕在背后,手臂和脚上,每天拿出来涂,現在已经看不出疤痕了,我們也非常惊讶!非常推荐大家购买,便宜实惠,足量大。非常值得!

  16. Hanisnadia21
    3 reviews

    Best for skin

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 27, 2018

    Produk ini sesuai digunakan oleh semua peringkat umur. Aloe vera ini membantu menghilangkan parut jerawat dan membolehkan kulit muka anda sentiasa segar. Produk ini juga boleh dipakai pada muka dan tangan.

  17. Apam9526
    3 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 24, 2018

    Been using this product for 2 months and the feedback after used of this product is shocking superb. Nice and really help me out especially on my skin face. It is also work very well on other skin as well. It is so natural and the ingredients of the product is so satisfied. Looking forward to keep using this product. Highly recomended.

  18. claireyab95
    3 reviews

    Power of Aloe Vera ?

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 24, 2018

    I had been used this produt for 2 years. Well it give me a good result for my skin. No regret because it really help my skin to be more healthy and be more smooth. This produt not be used for skin only, its also can be used for hair. For those want a healthy and beautifull skin, i recommended you all to get this product. Made from nature plant and tottaly have a very good and high quality ???!

  19. Izan67
    3 reviews

    Pelengkap hidup wanita

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2018

    Ramai wanita tidak tahu keajaiban pelengkap hidup kegunaan produk ini dlm kecantikan..Sy selalu gunakannya sebelum meletakkan make-up…hasilnya, kulit sentiasa lembap dan natural serta make-up tahan lama..

  20. fatihatunnaimah98
    3 reviews

    best products ever

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2018

    saya amalkan produk ni dah dua tahun. sangat best! i love it. produk ni boleh hilangkan kesan parut di muka dan membantu untuk mosturize kan kulit saya yg kering. saya betul betul recommend this product memandangkan harganya yg murah membolehkan semua orang mampu memilikinya.

  21. Nurul Atikah62
    2 reviews

    Nature republic aloevera gel

    3 out of 5, reviewed on October 19, 2018

    After so much hype on the internet, i thought i should give it a try for my acne prone sensitive skin. Unfortunatey, this aloevera gel is not for myskin. Firstly the alcohol scent is too strong. Secondly, my face feel sting and itchy everytime i apply it. I thought i should not applied this as a moisturizer. So i make it as a mask but i really hate the feel of my skin after i wash it off. It make my skin drier. However, i gave it to my sister, and she love it. I can see positive effect on her skin. I prefer benton aloe propolis gel than this

  22. weesuen34
    6 reviews

    经济实惠 而且好用

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 24, 2018

    这应该是最适合学生用的其中一个牌子了,保湿效果超级好,前一阵子我的皮肤特别干燥,用了这个产品后 皮肤真的有改善 所以很推荐这个产品

  23. BroJeff80
    1 reviews

    Worth of Money

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 7, 2018

    On all skin care product I use. So far this product really help my problem with sensitive and moisture my skin. Really recommended people to buy this simple and cheap yet solve almost every skin problems my family and I have. Thumb up???

  24. quinnamanda9640
    9 reviews

    good for akin

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 7, 2018

    ive been using this product since im in middle school , there is one day i go for holiday by the ocean , so my skin got irritation and sunburn , it make my skin dark and peeling , since i googled some article said to apply aloe vera , but i didnt like the sticky thing on my face , so i used this product , it good to relieve my skin , in a few days my skin back to normal , and ive been using it untill now.

    but its hard to identify which one is the fake ot not , i once had using the fake one (been lied by the seller) causing irritation on my skin , hope can improve bout this prob , tq

  25. kyhzt79
    3 reviews

    Super moisturizing and not sticky

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 6, 2018

    I had been using this products for few months and the result is surprisingly good! It hydrates my skin and after applying it, my skin becomes super smooth. This product is not sticky and absorbs quickly. It has a good scent where I love to apply it everyday on my face or skin. It has multipurpose where it can be applied on hair for moisturizing effect as well. I would definitely purchase it again.

  26. Chong Melvin
    3 reviews

    very nice aloe gel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 5, 2018

    i very like it because it is very gentle and also not sticky at all. It got multi function, i normally take it as night mask or for moisturize purpose

  27. Rache04
    6 reviews

    Very good for dry hands!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 16, 2018

    It is a very hydrating gel that won’t let you feel sticky. I use it before going to bed, applying on hands and legs, sometimes on face after a hot day outing. Very smooth, good smelling and hydrating, kind to skin and makes me feel relax.

  28. Lylylyd8728
    1 reviews


    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 15, 2018

    Produk ini saya telah lama gunakan dan ia sangat berkesan utk kulit muka saya yg berminyakbdan berjerawat. Saya akn menggunaknnya sebelum tidur. Bila bangun bagi, kulit saya akan teresa lembab dan lembut. Jerawat di muka pun cepat kecut. Produk ini juga sesuai utk mereka yg mengalami masalah sunburn.

  29. vincy92024
    3 reviews

    worth to buy

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 14, 2018

    I apply this mask every night before go to bed. it is really go to moisten my skin and help to prevent oily face and also growing of pimple. it can be use as mask which need to clean after 20 minutes or it can also used as skin care by apply only thin lauer on face for whole night without cleansing. i love it so much.

  30. Jia Yee
    3 reviews

    Scar removal

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 14, 2018

    Had an accident two weeks ago and left a scar on my neck. Applied this gel to the affected area 3 times a day and the scar is getting lighter. People can hardly notice the scar now.

  31. Daci31
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 13, 2018


  32. Bibianals20
    3 reviews

    All time favourite products

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 12, 2018

    Aloe Vera has help me in improving my skin and prevent wrinkles on my face. Previously I’ve a very bad skin and bad pimples attack which make me lack of confidence to face the public. The feeling of having a bad skin is very ambarrasing and has letme down?
    Luckily, I’ve been brave enough to try this product ALOE VERA. Natural cure!

  33. ng26
    3 reviews

    The only one

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 10, 2018


  34. Bebeyoong37
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 9, 2018


  35. Mabel Eng
    3 reviews


    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 9, 2018

    买了很多次用了没有很大的效果,可是有助cooling, 当被晒伤的时候可以用,保湿就还好。

  36. esterhee01
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 8, 2018


  37. chehou53
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 8, 2018

    皮肤很干的我 一直以来皮肤都不太好,幸运是姐姐介绍给我用之后有很大的变化 皮肤好了很多 到现在还在用

  38. Chenny Ang
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 7, 2018


  39. Mei Mei
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 7, 2018


  40. Ellenww80
    4 reviews

    Value for money

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 7, 2018

    Reasonable price. Can apply on both face and body very moisturizing. The skin won’t not feel dry. Recommended to use day and night.

  41. Ainaa81
    3 reviews

    Great product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 7, 2018

    I’ve been using this gel since 2014 and it works well on my skin especially when I was bite by mosquitos. I do have eczema but this product suits me very well. I like it so much and i always keep on repeating order. No other gels work best for me than this!

  42. penmerah91
    6 reviews

    Best soothing product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 7, 2018

    I have a sensitive and often redness on my skin. Thanks to this gel, my redness problem was solved. This is my best soothing product. It reduced my redness, my acne scars, and my skin become smooth. The cooling sensation is I love the most.

  43. kianzi951510
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 5, 2018


  44. xy87
    16 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 2, 2018


  45. 萱铃 吴
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 29, 2018

    Aloe vera ini sangat bagus .masa nak keluar sapu sikit cukup hari itu tangan berdarah saya sapu ini pun boleh tahan pastu harga pun ok murah sahaja sangat suka boleh cuba kalau yang tak pernah beli

  46. cazzmanis83
    3 reviews

    Best Soothing Cream Ever

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 27, 2018

    I like to treat it as my sleeping mask before I go to bed. It’s really can cooling down my sensitive part and also calm my redness face. Love it!

  47. Pee Thang Tan
    6 reviews

    natural republic soothing gel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 27, 2018

    i have been using this natural republic soothing gel for so many year. i like the texture a wont feel sticky. my skin very fast to absorb and able to use for sunburn skin.

  48. yunzhen1973
    3 reviews

    Best soothing gel ever!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 26, 2018

    This gel really helps to soothe your skin. Whether your skin is burned or dehydrated, it cools your skin and make your skin more hydrated. Suitable for people with dry skin. You can store it in your fridge for better results.

  49. agneslim6603
    8 reviews

    Cool Aloe Vera

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 24, 2018

    Again the alor vera product, can use as cool mask, making yr face so moisture and refresh after use it, but is too sticky, seldom use it but is good in use it if gt sun burn

  50. agneslim6603
    8 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 24, 2018

    Excellent products, can moisture skin and make skin cooler

  51. adlynatasha98
    3 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 23, 2018

    Product yang bagus! I already used it for quite some time. This is my third purchase..

  52. nmark98881
    4 reviews

    Useful Skincare

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 20, 2018

    my dry skin feel moisturizing & cooling after apply it everyday.
    Use range from hair to toe. feel better after apply on my insect bite, heat burn & scar.
    recommended to others.

  53. nmark98881
    4 reviews

    Useful Skincare

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 20, 2018

    skin feel refreshing & moisturizing after apply it. Use range from top to bottom, hair to toe. always bring it along, very good for insect bite, heat burn & scar.

  54. nurin9995
    3 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 20, 2018

    Really love this beacuse it has many functions. Can be use on face, hair and nails. This product is really great at moisturizing. I used this before applying my sunblock.

  55. Wendylimm62
    3 reviews

    Suitable for the whole family

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 20, 2018

    Really love this product! I use this when I sleep in an aircon room. It also helps with burns! Suitable for all ages as well!

  56. Xin Hui Seow
    3 reviews

    100% recommend

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 18, 2018

    It’s very comfortable and cooling if you put in chiller before use it.
    Really nice for cooling, bleeding.

  57. Calvin12381
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 18, 2018

    強力推薦 曬傷後使用效果很不錯 隨身必備 皮膚好和濕潤

  58. Tanjiaying82350
    3 reviews

    Good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 18, 2018

    I usually use when I got sun burn. It works well n reduce the pain. I even use when got mosquito stung, it totally work n reduce the reddish of

  59. Candies See
    24 reviews

    smooth like baby

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 17, 2018

    sometime my face will look very dry, but after using this, i look like a baby.
    because my skin become smooth and soft like baby.
    This product is worth to use.

  60. Candies See
    24 reviews

    no dry face

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 17, 2018

    sometime my face look very dry, but after using this, my baby face is back.
    This product is worth to use.

  61. Syafina Aina
    3 reviews

    Reduce sunburn

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 17, 2018

    I was in recruit for 3 years and got worse sunburn. But when I applied this aloe vera to my face, it soothes and moisturizes my face. It feels cool. I applying this aloe vera every morning and night before sleep. My redness effected from sunburnt reduce in a short time.

  62. Cy82
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 17, 2018


  63. sellyteo73
    6 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 17, 2018


  64. Bernice ChenXian
    10 reviews

    Easy and good to use

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 16, 2018

    I always use the aloe vera gel for my skin care. I use it on my face and body when needed. It can be the soothing gel also after hair removal.

  65. huiyi212759
    9 reviews

    Nice soothing and cooling gel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 16, 2018

    I start to use this aloe vera gel when my beautician recommended me (student) as an affordable moisturizer or as a leave-on mask. Normally I store the gel in the fridge so that it stays cool whenever I use it. The cooling sensation on my skin feels so good every time I put it on. Besides, whenever I want to use it as a leave-on mask, I will put the gel double layer and as thick as possible.

  66. Anum9274
    1 reviews

    Best soothing gel

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 16, 2018

    I have a super dry and sensitive skin. My friend suggested to this product and guess what, this gel is worth to buy. Nature republic soothing and moisturising aloe vera gel helps my skin to stay hydrated most of the time. Now my skin is no longer dry and less sensitive

  67. Zozo87
    18 reviews

    My favourite !

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 16, 2018

    This natural republic soothing and moisturising aloe Vera has been the cream that I am using for the last 5 years. It’s very gentle and comfort. I literately put it beside my bed , in my office and in the living room. It heals my dry skin and keep my hands n feets smooth . Also , I can apply on the edge of my hair to maintain smoothness . Besides , I love the smell of the cream. It’s very natural and healthy . I don’t get allergy to it . Lastly the product is in reasonable price . It definitely a good choice for adults and children . My family are all using it .

  68. Fatinzzzzz78
    3 reviews

    Very good for sunburn

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 6, 2018

    I used to have sunburn due to actively involved in sports. So i used this product and apply it on my face and neck for 4 days straight and my sunburn is gone on the fifth days.

  69. Arin35
    5 reviews

    Very good

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 6, 2018

    Setelah hampir saya menggunakan produk ini,kulit saya yang kering kembali lembap.produk ini dihasilkan dari ekstrak aloe vera asli.ia juga sesuai digunakan di seluruh tubuh.saya juga telah mencuba memakainya ke rambut,dan ia membuatkan rambut saya yang agak kering kembali sihat.saya sangat menyukai produk ini.

  70. Leesinyi56
    3 reviews

    Soothing gel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 28, 2018

    I used to have a sensitive and dry skin and this product indeed works out pretty well. I’ve been using this product for years

  71. lmm_love40
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 28, 2018


  72. ernanea58
    3 reviews

    pelembap terbaik untuk muka!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 2, 2018

    pelembap terbaik untuk muka. jimat dan mudah di gunakan. muka akan jadi sejuk dan selesa.

  73. ashley22270
    5 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 17, 2018


  74. Mt03
    18 reviews

    Best aloe Vera gel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 12, 2018

    I have been using this aloe Vera gel for 1 year, I love it so much. It comes in big amount with affordable price. It relieves face redness and moisturizing my skin without feeling sticky. I used it as a mask too. It helps to soothe my sunburnt skin.

  75. dayahteiha29
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 11, 2018

    Sebelum ni muka mmg kering gila… Sampai kawan2 pon pelik tengok… But they concerns about me… So dia org perkenalkan produk ni… Alhamdulillah kulit tak ada kering teruk sgt… Pakai pun sejuk je…

  76. syxzleen56
    3 reviews

    Pelembap muka paling best

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 5, 2018

    Sebelum ni kulit muka saya kering. Lepas guna aloe vera nature republic ni muka dah tak kering. Boleh jadikan mask. Guna sebagai base sebelum make up pun boleh. Banyak lagi kegunaan dia jadi tak membazir lah kalau beli sebab boleh guna dekat semua anggota badan.

  77. Sabirah9752
    3 reviews

    Feel soft, cool and calm

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 2, 2018

    my face seems full or acne scars before. but fortunately I found this aloe vera soothing gel from Nature Republic! this gel is really different than others because I have been using a few soothing aloevera gel for other brands before but this time this gel from NR is even make my face feel cool, and smooth and most important makes me sleep tight at night. I feel so stress free since the smell is sooo natural. Never try never know, right? love ?

  78. ElynnChin_971269
    12 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 2, 2018


  79. ha17
    1 reviews

    moisturizer skin

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 2, 2018

    everybody knows that aloe vera has a lot of useful and it can be used anywhere even for those who have sensitive skin . This product helps me moisture my skin and become my sleeping mask so when i wake up , my skin feels very smooth and not dry . This can also help reduce burnt on your skin caused when you expose on sunlight too much.

  80. Fyza Dani
    46 reviews

    Loves it.Great product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 21, 2018

    Banyak khasiat dan kegunaan.Utk muka badan kaki rambut.Totally semua la…yg paling saya suka letak kt muka sejuk dan nyaman sekali.Dapat membaiki testur kulit muka saya dan melembutkan kulit.Loves it

  81. Eilyn96
    10 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 18, 2018


  82. yewbisheng20
    9 reviews

    Useful and Worth it !

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 11, 2018

    Are you suffering the problem of red spots? This is the best solution for it ! Apply it on your skin overnight and the red spots will fade away soon! It can also be used as a moisturizer, mask, exfoliant (when you mix it with sugar), and the price is really worth it !

  83. Zhe Yoong
    6 reviews

    Value-for-money product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 11, 2018

    It is absolutely worth the price! I love using this product to moisturize my skin before or after a long day. It is very cooling and will not be sticky after applying on your skin. It has multiple usage too- relieve sunburn, reduce face redness, cure itchiness and etc. Overall, it is a great product that can be used for the whole body.

  84. Kahying98
    3 reviews

    best moisture

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 8, 2018

    This product is very nice. When I have sunburn ,I put it in refrigerator to let cool then use it on my face so that can quickly repair my skin

  85. Khairul_Rahman58
    95 reviews

    Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture ALOE VERA

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 8, 2018

    Saya mencuba tester Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture ALOE VERA di website.Lepas menggunakannya saya tertarik untuk membeli seberkas dan order direct di Korea.Saya sapu pada muka tangan,kulit tidak kering,sesuai disapu ditempat2 kering seperti siku,Lutut,belakang leher dan pelipat.Awas dengan Produk tiruan di Pasaran,Pastikan beli di Website Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture ALOE VERA yang sah untuk mendapatkan result yang asli.Harga mampu milik sesuai dibawa kemana mana.Satu rumah satu botol.

  86. Tey Wen Hui
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 8, 2018


  87. pheixia9483
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 8, 2018


  88. ferdizetty37
    491 reviews

    Memberikan efek dingin yg mnyegarkan.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 7, 2018

    Gel Aloe Vera Nature Republic ni mmg mampu melegakan iritasi dan sunburn di kawasan wajah dan tubuh sy.Tekstur gel ni mmberikan efek dingin yg mnyegarkan bila disapu.Baunya juga teramat wangi.X mnyebabkan iritasi pada kulit wajah sy yg sensitif dan sy perasan gel ni juga mampu mencegah pertumbuhan jerawat dan mengawal kulit wajah sy dari bnyak berminyak.Best sgt guna gel ni.Boleh digunakan pada seluruh badan,sy mmg sgt syorkan gel ni.Harga utk 1 jar besar pun berpatutan & mampu milik.

  89. szechee64714
    3 reviews

    A must after showering

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 7, 2018

    I apply this gel every time right after my shower as it moistures my dry skin. It is also useful for minor sunburn as it has cooling effect. Love it!

  90. Amira48
    3 reviews

    I loveee this!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018

    This is my first aloe vera product that i had tried before and i really love this! I have combination skin which prone to oily , so this gel suit me the best. It is fasf absorbing and won’t leave any sticky feeling after using it.

  91. teoailing68
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018






  92. Nyee548468
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018

    Produk yang baik untuk golongan yang selalu terdedah kepada cahaya matahari. Boleh rawat sun burn

  93. Novita Fitriani
    3 reviews

    Penyelamat hidup!!!

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018

    Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture Aloe Vera betul2 menjadi penyelamat. Selalu terdedah kepada cahaya matahari,membuatkan kulit menjadi merah, tp dgn nature republic, membuatkan kulit sentiasa dilindungi. Dingin aloe vera tidak menjdkn kulit sentiasa sejuk dan bebas dari sinaran uv.

  94. jenny18390
    12 reviews

    Good product!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 6, 2018

    I like to use this product after I squeeze pimples as it will help to reduce redness. It can also sooth sunburn skin to prevent pain and itchiness. It is also not burden and sticky if applied at sufficient amount.

  95. Kiew29
    3 reviews

    Aloe Vera

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 5, 2018


  96. saerah09
    2 reviews

    boleh rawat sunburn

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 5, 2018

    apply benda ni time muka sunburn..rasa sejuk sangat.

  97. Tang Sok Yin
    9 reviews

    Good to use

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 3, 2018

    When this aloe Vera gel introduced to Malaysia It went viral on social media. A lot of people are talking about this. Basically it can be used for whole body. For example apply on face when I got pimple. Apply on body when got allergic or sun burn.

  98. Amirajoe05
    1 reviews

    Good product give the best result

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 3, 2018

    For the first time im using this aloe vera i like it. Because we can use for whole our body. When apply on my face it give more moisture make my skin healty.if i going outside and my skin become burn, i use this aloe vera to recover. I also use on my hair it can control from hairfall. Love it!

  99. XiiaoChen47
    4 reviews

    worth it

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 2, 2018

    the price still can be accepted, for me, the quality with this price is worth. i recently use it, so after 2/3 month i need to buy it again.. after cleansing the face will use it..

  100. keeonn98
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 23, 2018


  101. Jamsi56
    7 reviews

    Best Moisture

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 20, 2018

    It can be used for any skin type and moisture enough.

  102. jeilx108
    3 reviews

    Worth to buy

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 18, 2018

    The best moisturizer and worth to buy. The texture is non sticky and absorbed fast on my skin. It also good for sunburn! I really love this aloe vera gel. I’ve been using it for 2 years already. The price is also affordable

  103. Eyna Mnm
    3 reviews

    Multipurpose and economical

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 16, 2018

    Great moisturiser! The texture really light and give a cooling effect. I used it after I’ve got sunburn and it’s works wonder! I also used it at collouses area of my skin to smooth it out. It’s also brighten up my skin after getting sunburn.

  104. Michelle103180
    9 reviews

    Aloe Vera Skincare

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 15, 2018

    推荐的保湿产品,每晚睡前都会涂上一层,凉凉的。隔天起身脸都会滑滑的,真开心! 而且户外晒伤时也可以涂在晒伤的位置,就不会红肿了。

  105. Hanisah Salihin
    13 reviews

    How to buy original in good price

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2018

    This product is famous and very good. When you work during day and feel burn on your face, it’s okay, use this during night and aloe vera will soothing your face in 6 minutes! fact says that. Okay you can buy it online for cheeper price in or okay. 2 tub for this aloe vera will maintain for more than 2 months ! Have soothing on your face dear !

  106. knockknock8746
    6 reviews

    Moisturise skin

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 14, 2018

    This is a very good moisturiser. It gaves cool feel n not sticky. Very good absorption to the skin. I love it very much.

  107. Shinyee31
    6 reviews

    My Favourite Product

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 11, 2018

    This good moisturiser for me ,I use as face mask before bed

  108. iztehyz54
    6 reviews

    Cause breakouts

    1 out of 5, reviewed on February 11, 2018

    Although it is cheap but it causes rashes and acne on my skin. I will not recommend others to buy because it does not worth it. Maybe try other brands instead of this.

  109. aizanmaya09
    3 reviews

    good product

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 11, 2018

    it is a good product with an affordable price. it is worth to buy as it comes with large quantity and can use for many things.

  110. Ming Jie
    3 reviews

    Worth for money

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 10, 2018

    Good product! Large amount, can be used for a few months even if you apply everyday. I have dry skin but this product moisturize my skin well. Can also be applied to your body, it has some cooling effect, good for sunburn too.

  111. Lauren01
    3 reviews

    Fungsi untuk pelbagai jenis kulit

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 10, 2018

    Jenis kulit kering sangat sangat patut pakaiii. Ease lembap je nanti, best sangat. Sebab tekstur dia sejukkkk

  112. 123404
    5 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 10, 2018

    Really like this one, every day I use it before go to bed, it also feels soft on my skin.

  113. Shareen Kuck
    3 reviews

    Recommended skin care product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 9, 2018

    This aloe vera gel is really good to use on skin even face also suitable. It can use as cooling, soothing and even have a cut on your finger also can heal very fast. The quality of the aloe vera gel suit to the price. Is a recommended skin care product for adult and child.

  114. Vivian Ho Ern
    3 reviews

    Multipurpose aloe vera gel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 9, 2018

    this aloe vera gel is the boom as it is multipurpose and it really provide great moisture to my face. I use it as a face mask at night and also use it as moisturizer for my face and legs.

  115. Mimiyoe56
    11 reviews

    This is very nice

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 9, 2018

    I use this product everyday since i first bought it. I used to have very dry skin (to the point that it cracks) but using this fix it! My skin is smooth and moistherized now. I usually use it after i washed my face andd it’s also good to use after a hot day in the sun to cool down your face.

  116. nisadime82
    3 reviews

    Very Good

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 9, 2018

    I use this product everyday since i first bought it. I used to have very dry skin (to the point that it cracks) but using this fix it! My skin is smooth and moistherized now. I usually use it after i washed my face andd it’s also good to use after a hot day in the sun to cool down your face.

  117. Jia Yi Lee
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 9, 2018

    睡前使用醒来后能够明显feel 到皮肤好很多。尤其是sun burn 过后用能够镇静晒伤的皮肤。

  118. Wying Jeskie
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 8, 2018


  119. Winnie Pang
    11 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 8, 2018

    I like to use it before bed, it help me to moisturize my face and hand.

  120. Wong59
    9 reviews

    Worth to buy

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 7, 2018

    It is cheap and worth to buy. This product has many functions and very useful. It is can be used in many ways. It’s really moisturizing and soothing my skin. Mostly, it can be applied on all the body parts.

  121. Atikah Rasid
    21 reviews

    Must have product!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 7, 2018

    This pure original aloe vera made my skin soft, gentle, moist and repair my skin itself. I love to apply this during morning and when its time to sleep. It also can be used as a face masak while sleeping and you woke up with a very soft and moist face! Trust me!

  122. Kwai Xian
    4 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 7, 2018

    Is a good product that is affordable and suitable for daily use. I have apply this from head to toe and it’s easy to bring out oversea. Highly recommended to all.

  123. Vickey Tiong
    78 reviews

    Highly recommended

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 7, 2018

    This aloe Vera moisturizer gel is very good and smoothly… it make you feel fresh and cold after apply it… it can apply for daily and it is good especially use it after sunburn


  124. YTLee29
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 7, 2018

    这个产品不错 一大罐 每次敷只需一点点不用太多就可以了 可以用很久 效果:烫伤,晒伤 loition 睡前也可以搽 一罐顶好多产品 物超所值 搽时还有凉爽的感觉不会给人黏黏那样

  125. Jessica Nathalie
    4 reviews

    Very Good To Use as Night Mask

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 7, 2018

    I use as night mask every night on my face and leave it until next morning before I wash with warm water. My skin is more moisture and my pore has minimize. It is not oily at all. You will feel cold and moist on the face

  126. Ainyfara42
    3 reviews

    Kulit terasa lembut

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 7, 2018

    Sebelum makeup saya akan pakai gel ni dulu ..buat kulit rasa segar dan lembut ..saya suka sangat .

  127. Kahmun07
    6 reviews

    Excellent skin care

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 6, 2018

    This moisture skin care product actually safe me and my husband when we encounter sunburn after an outing. It is not sticky and it smells good too. Suitable for all parts of body. Highly recommended.

  128. Akma16
    3 reviews

    Good for sunburn

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 6, 2018

    Since i’m always involve with an outdoor activity, i get sunburn very easily. That is terrible. My friend tell me about this product so i bought it and the result is amazing. It helps to reduce my sunburn and i loved it ?

  129. bongfara36
    3 reviews

    Feeling refresh

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 6, 2018

    I bought this aloe gel when I when to Korea last year. I never had intention to buy any before, but since my skin is getting dryer due to low temperature in Korea at that time (autumn turns winter season), I tried one after being persuaded by the sales person at Natural Republic shop in Myeodong. I immediately putting some to my dry skin, and I am amazed on how it works. My skin feels refresh and cooling. The scent is quite okay. I had no regret buying this. I brought this home, and my sister love it too and we use it regularly especially for my sister.

  130. Becky Leong
    8 reviews

    Aloe Vera Gel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 6, 2018


  131. fyan10
    5 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 6, 2018


  132. Jasmine JB
    29 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 6, 2018

    This is one of the most cooling product I’ve ever used for a sensitive skin person like me, this one reduce redness and ease the itchiness.

  133. ElynnChin_971269
    12 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 6, 2018


  134. Elsa Chin
    10 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 6, 2018


  135. Syida Rey
    6 reviews

    produk yang bagus

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 6, 2018

    saya ada masalah kulit kering..saya mula cuba produk ini atas daripada review kawan saya yang mengatakan produk ini bagus untuk kulit muka yang kering. bila pakai, kulit muka saya terasa nyaman sangat. dan tak ada rasa berminyak dan lekit2.

  136. Dianessss25
    3 reviews

    Perfect for dry skin

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 5, 2018

    I am absolutely love this product! Perfect for dry skin like me. Can be a very good moisturiser and doesnt give me an oily texture for the skin. Love the smell as well!! Highly recommended for those who have dry skin

  137. SookShan75
    10 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 5, 2018

    这个产品 搽在脸上后 冷冷 很舒服 而且又不会有黏黏的感觉 每天晚上都搽一次 好用 价钱又合理

  138. shazanamohdpiah28
    2 reviews

    Truly Good

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 2, 2018

    My skin is dry especially on the forehead and nose edges. When i used this product i felt my skin is softer even though i use for 1 day.. i really love this product..

  139. Jingwen31
    12 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 23, 2018


  140. Koh Hoong Chai
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 22, 2018

    oh I love this really really much! it really functioning on moisturising, calming and soothing my skin. even when i apply it on my scar, my scar gets disappear (lol). and it has a really nice smell~
    apart from that, if i feel my hair get damage, i can just apply it on my hair to repair the damaged part.

  141. Slothnosound86
    3 reviews

    Worth it!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 19, 2018

    I’ve been using this in my skincare routine for a year now and it’s safe to say that it helped overall with many aspects of my skin. I usually put a layer on my face and any irritations on my skin before I go to bed, and this helps a lot with the moisturising and the curing since my skin is dry and sensitive. This is one of the best products I’ve used so far!

  142. Amira Roseli
    3 reviews

    Muka burn must use !

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 18, 2018

    Everytime I masuk kawad sekolah , bende ni paling wajib terkam lepas balik latihan kawad . Muka pedih sebab kene matahari then taruk je aloe vera ni . Sumpah lega , nyaman , sejuk ! Selain tu dapat kurangkan kesan burn

  143. Samantha35
    9 reviews

    One of the best moisturizer

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 16, 2018

    I love this product! I was introduced by my friend who went to Korea often and she bought quite a few back. And once she give me one pack as a gift and I’ve been using it since! It’s really moistured your skin ,you won’t feel any stickiness. After it absorb into your skin it’s feel so cooling and moist. Recommend product!

  144. jujurei9648
    3 reviews

    aloe vera ni best!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 16, 2018

    Komen jujur eh serious korang akan jatuh cinta once lepas pakai ni. Sesuai utk apply kat kulit yg sunburn and mengurangkan rasa sakit sunburn tu. Plus menghilangkat jeragat dekat muka amalkan 2 kali sehari well it take times. Sabar ok? Serious aloe vera ni sejuk lembut, menyegarkan dan melembapkan kulit. Harga pun mampu milik. So wajib beli ni..

  145. Fatin Nabilah
    2 reviews

    Superb !

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 15, 2018

    Its a great item and feel so good at your skin. Love to use it as a mask before i sleep. Always leave my skin supple and moisture the next day.

  146. Candies See
    24 reviews

    Good and saving

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 14, 2018

    It is a good product. It also saving my cost instead of buying other product as it can use for a long time not like other product which more expensive but only can use 2/3 months only

  147. allision68
    6 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 13, 2018

    feel fresh and smell good

  148. Cik_9171
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 13, 2018

    Meh nak share review tentang aloe vera 92 ni .. Memang BEST sangat BEST serius tak tipu yang mana belum tryboleh try sekarang once kita apply dekat kulit, dia akan jadi watery essence. Lepastu dia akan lembap sejuk je, and tak melekit

    Kalau kulit muka ke tangan ke terasa kering and panas dek bahang haba, just apply and nikmati kesejukan dan kelembapan. Serius memang awesome sangat produk ni ???

  149. aaisya20
    3 reviews

    melembapkan muka

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 12, 2018

    bahan asas produk ini iaitu aloe vera mempunyai pelbagai kebaikan kepada kulit. dengan penggunaan produk ini ia mampu melembapkan kulit saya. malah jika mengalami sunburn, saya hanya menyapu produk ini muka. dalam beberapa hari ia mampu mengurangksn kesan sunburn yang saya alami 🙂

  150. Sueee73
    4 reviews

    Moisturizer for everything!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 12, 2018

    Been using this product for years, and I love it. It’s inexpensive, not oily and works like a charm! I even use is as a facial moisturizer most days ? this brand in particular isn’t too thick, just nice.

  151. Farrah12382
    3 reviews

    My Favourite Skincare

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 11, 2018

    I pernah guna about 4 bekas. Time i main volleyball, kulit i mengelupas and sunburn teruk. I saja nak try this product. And its work! Makin hari makin elok kulit i. And i selalu suggestkan dkt kawan i yg pernah sunburn tu, dia pun kata memang elok guna aloe vera ni.

  152. Yinyeecyy96
    14 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 11, 2018

    芦荟胶真是个多用途的产品 除了保湿 还可以当面膜用 烫伤 晒伤 也适用

  153. Limchingyi60
    3 reviews

    Nature Republic Aloe Vera Gel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 11, 2018

    This is my favourite skin care product. I apply on my face and skin day and night. I use it as lotion and moisturizer. It helps moisturize my skin effectively. And sometime I will apply on my wound as it helps recover my wound fast. Some more, I will use it on my hair because it can reduces and solves my hair dry and hair loss problem. My mother also will apply it on foot and massages untill it fully absorb to cures her foot crack problem. The only problem I face is many non-authentic product on market.

  154. Nor Adila
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 11, 2018

    I use this product as a skin mosturiser and hair gel

  155. PYii01
    4 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 11, 2018

    本身很喜欢这个mask. 我觉得用了皮肤很好的不会刺激皮肤因为我的脸是属于综合肤质所以一用到不适合的产品就会痒。可是用这个并不会还很好用呢!肌肤干燥也适合用不只是在脸上身上也行:)

  156. Emily Koh
    4 reviews

    Good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018

    A lovely gentle gel that feels amazing on the skin. Works well as a face moisturiser aswell, although leaves face feeling a little sticky.
    This aloe vera is currently everything for my skin care. it is great as a moisturiser as well as to treat my hair I use this once in a week, which makes my hair shiny, silky and manageable.

  157. maggielow38
    6 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018

    always my choice for aloe vera gel! its soothing & non-greasy effect works very well on my skin i even apply it on my whole body! single application on my face when i feel “malas” to apply too many steps. Good one

  158. Audrey Stephen
    3 reviews

    Very Soothing!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018

    I’ve been using this product since 2016. Anyway, before this i can say that my face suffered from redness and a lot pimple around my jaws and forehead. When i use this product my face became smoother, less redness and my pimples… they’re disappeared! Of course my skin still breakout but not as bad as before. This aloe vera totally saved my skin! Oh and since I’m very active on sports that requires me to soaked under the sun, once again the product helped sooth my sunburnt. Forever my fav!

  159. Syara Syarafina
    6 reviews

    Good for Eyelashes and Hair

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018

    Im using this product everyday by applying to my eyelashes. Little by little it did the magic. My eyelashes now are more volume and grow longer. Besides, im also applying at my hair root. Significantly there are improvement as my hair grow more and it look really healty. Recommended for people face problem with hair losses and want more beautiful and thick eyelashes

  160. Aini Jalz
    3 reviews

    Bye bye sunburn!!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018

    This is a very good product to prevent sunburnt. Apply before going outside or if you have already have the sun burn. Or it can be used before make up tp contain the moisture of your face. This is a very good product. It cools down your skin and ease the feeling.

  161. Wen Wen
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018

    Is a best moisturiser for sun-burnt.
    Good for dry lips, as a hair gel for hair and dry skin also

  162. horyee31
    4 reviews

    Daily Moisturizer

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018

    Use as moisturizer for day and sleeping mask at night. Easy to absorb, not heavy. Comfortable and no sticky after apply. Great product for simply daily moisturizing use.
    However, not really deep hydrating, only suitable for basic daily use. Not suitable for special hydrating treatment or serious dry skin problem.

  163. Yvonne P'hng
    5 reviews

    Aloe Vera Nature Republic-Soothing ..fresh

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018

    I\’m have sensitive skin and is its Great for just putting on the go, and it absorbs on skin and hair so fast! Love it!!!

  164. Gan Sherlyee
    3 reviews

    Aloe Vera natural republic

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 9, 2018

    I have been using this aloe Vera for years and I am still using it now because it is so amazing
    I put it on a really thick layer in my face everyday like a mask at the night before I go to sleep and I wake up with a beautiful and moisture skin

  165. Jing Wen Yap
    3 reviews


    3 out of 5, reviewed on January 9, 2018


  166. QueeNie SooNg
    7 reviews

    Best product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 9, 2018

    如果脸部是干性肌肤和不容易吸收,可以建议搽了这个再搽moisturizer 哦,效果比较好,头发干也能搽上去,不油不腻哦

  167. Jasmine JB
    29 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 9, 2018

    I have serious acne problem so this product is very soothing for me and I like the feeling of it even suitable for overnight. I

  168. irenetan58
    7 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 9, 2018


  169. Jacklyn Ng
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 9, 2018

    从产品出到现在 回购了超过5罐 超级好用 敏感用了直接消红每天晚上涂了睡觉 隔天早上起来脸不油皮肤也很漂亮 超级推荐!

  170. RenNurfatihah50
    137 reviews

    Kulit lembut dan halus

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 13, 2017

    Nature Republic Soothing & Moisturizer ni sangat bagus. Bila diapply kulit akan jadi lembut dan halus. Ia cepat meresap ke dalam kulit dan tidak melekit. Baunya juga menyenangkan. Sangat berkesan untuk melegakan sunburn. Kanak² pun boleh menggunakannya. Tapi, Kita kena berhati-hati ketika membeli produk ini kerana agak banyak produk yang meniru packaging ini.

  171. Afiza_Rahim60
    358 reviews

    Great Soothing & Moisture ALOE VERA

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 4, 2017

    Gel alovera ini sy sapu pada tangan kiri utk lihat perbandingan tangan kanan..Ternyata tangan sblh kiri lebih lembut dan halus..gel meresap masuk ke dalam kulit dgn mudah.bau wangi..suka la..Apabila sy pakai di muka,kulit semakin Tegang dan pori2 mengecil dan boleh dijadikan pelembab muka base sebelum pakai makeup foundation dan bedak..ringan je rasa…love it!! ♡♡♡ nyaman dan segar..last sy apply bawah mata untuk menutup lingkaran bawah mata..mmg bnyk kegunaan..♡♡♡.Terima kasih Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture ALOE VERA☆☆☆☆☆

  172. Rachel94
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 2, 2017

    这个是我去韩国疯买最多的产品牌子,这个全身都可以涂,而且连我老爸也叫我帮他买几罐回来给他老人家用因为真的很有效他的手一直干和脱皮擦很多Lotion多不会好,这个涂几次就有效果了而且价钱也不会贵的,我超喜欢这个Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture ALOE VERA,我想给10个星~~~

  173. Zoeyeoh14
    4 reviews

    Multi function product

    3 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2017

    Soothe and smooth dry or sensitive skin. It can be used to mildly moisturize various parts of the body such as the face, arms,hair, body and hair. If apply too thick it will felt very sticky.

  174. desmondtaw9963
    5 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2017

    在我还没遇到这产品的时候 我的脸是非常痘痘的产生而且很油 ,幸好有尝试使用这个产品让我的皮肤不再那么油痘痘也没有了 ,如果有痘疤这个产品非常的好朋友很快就消掉了 ,这个产品也非常的保湿 很好的一个产品 ??????

  175. Hanumaddin02
    4 reviews

    Great Moisturiser!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2017

    Ive been searching for the moisturer that is suitable for my oily skin. After tried out several products then i found this nature republic moisturiser. It really makes my skin moist but my face is not oily anymore. I have oily skin at the t zone area but elsewhere is dry. So great moisturiser for my face.

  176. Izzah Ilias
    1 reviews

    Kulit lembut macam baby baru lahir

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 25, 2017

    Saya suka sangat aloe vera ni! Kalau nak kulit glowing setiap pagi kan, setiap malam saya akan amalkan pakai aloe bera dekat muka sebelum tidur.. Sejuk dan rasa selesa je nak tido..esok paginya muka akan rasa segar dan juga dapat kurangkan eyebag tau!

  177. chean36
    14 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 25, 2017


  178. Angelline Pang
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 26, 2017


  179. Gigagisters50
    1 reviews

    Best product ever

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2017

    I used this product for the past month and its really soothing and make my face glow and alsi glosless. This is also good for night mask where u place onto your face for about 5 to 10 minutes and rinse it with water. This product also good use for mousturiser every morning before you apply any makeup on your face.

  180. Huiyi Chang
    1 reviews

    Favourite aloe vera gel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2017

    Soft smell, I applied it to my face as a mask before I sleep so that my face won’t feel so dry under air conditioner bedroom. It also can use from head to toe, basically is just whole parts of your body. Highly recommend.

  181. sun15
    1 reviews

    the best product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2017

    selepas sa ya guna saya rasa kulit tak berminyak sangat dan menjadi putih 。 biasanya saya guna pada malam and sebelum tidur. saya telah guna 2-3 tahun semakin suka aloe vera ini dan selepas guna ini saya dapat menghalang pimper

  182. Anelia23
    137 reviews

    Bau tersangat wangi ?

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2017

    Saya sangat suka Aloe vera gel dari Nature Republic ni. Bau dia memang sangat2 wangi. Bau sangat lembut dan tahan lama. Bila pakai badan rasa segar ja.

    Aloe vera gel ini sangat sesuai dipakai untuk kulit kering. Dia cepat menyerap dan masuk ke dalam kulit. Water based membuatkan saya jatuh cinta sebab tak berminyak. Lepaa pakai ni, kulit mula jadi lembap, lembut dan licin bila dipegang. Tak kasar dah. I’m so in love.

    Mak saya, adik saya pun pakai aloe vera gel Nature Reupblic ni. Satu bekas 300ml tahan berbulan lamanya. Harga pula sangat murah. Memang jimat bila guna gel ni sebagai pelembap muka.

    Selain guna untuk muka, saya juga guna dekat rambut saya. Rambut makin berkilau dan lembut sekarang. Rambut juga senang disikat dan mudah diurus.

    Aloe vera ni dalam bekas plastik bulat. Senang dibuka dan dipakai. Tapi kalau terjatuh memang rugi lah. Kalau datang dalam bekas tiub lagi bagus rasanya. Tak senang tumpah. Apapun memang Aloe vera gel dari Nature Republic ni menyelesaikan masalah kulit kering dan kasar saya. Terima kasih Nature Republic ?

  183. Khalil Anas
    66 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2017


  184. Syarifah Fyairus
    104 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2017


  185. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Gives an instant glow to my face

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 17, 2017

    The gel is a transparent, in not-too-thick consistency. It smells very pleasant, very mild. While applying, the gel might seem little bit less thick than other aloe vera gels, but it is very easy to spread on the skin. It is not at all greasy, very light gel. It also gives an instant glow to my face and looks very fresh.

  186. Miko Tan
    324 reviews

    Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture ALOE VERA

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 1, 2017

    Been using this for 2 months actually . Love it! I used this as moisturizer. I noticed that my pores become smaller .

  187. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 29, 2017

    My baby experienced sunburn where both cheeks are superbly red. I applied this day and night on my baby’s skin, and it able to soothing my baby’s skin. I can see that my baby are more comfortable after using it. Less reddish on both cheeks after applying it.

  188. cikbunga49
    659 reviews

    Rambut lembut jerrr..

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 25, 2017

    Saya suka gunakan gel aleo vera ini untuk rambut kerana rambut saya mengalami masalah kekeringan dan bercabang dihujungnya.
    Kawan saya memberitahu bahawa gel ni bagus dan saya terus mencubanya.
    Setelah mencuba beberapa hari memang berkesan,rambut jadi lembut,lembap dan senang disikat.

  189. Lorma15
    50 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 25, 2017

    Dapat mengatasi kulit kering,murah dan mudah didapati di mana-mana pasaraya.Hanya perlu simpan dalam peti sejuk jika mahu baik diguna.

  190. chanhoiyee36
    77 reviews

    Very Soothing

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 24, 2017

    I love this product so much. This products is very good!!cheap and worth. Is more nice if u put in refrigerator before using it.

  191. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews

    Seriously best 

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017

    Seriously best very soothing and moisturizing,Smells very nice and refreshing damn love this i buy a lot this i think more than 15pcs ~ high high recommend this

  192. Nur Arina
    812 reviews

    Kulit lembap kembali

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 16, 2017

    Saya gunakan aloevera ini pada tangan saya dan selepas seminggu penggunaan, saya telah melihat perubahan yang bagus iaitu kulit saya tidak kering lagi dan kembali ke asal. Saya sangat sukakan aloevera ini. Selain daripada lembutkan kulit,saya juga jadikan ia sebagai pelembap pada rambut saya. Sangat harum baunya dan sesuai digunakan pada pelbagai peringkat umur.

  193. Niki Tay
    996 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 3, 2017

    这个是我去韩国疯买最多的产品牌子,这个全身都可以涂,而且连我老爸也叫我帮他买几罐回来给他老人家用因为真的很有效他的手一直干和脱皮擦很多Lotion多不会好,这个涂几次就有效果了而且价钱也不会贵的,我超喜欢这个Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture ALOE VERA,我想给10个星~~~

  194. ashly18
    59 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 23, 2017


  195. Miko Tan
    324 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 19, 2017

    超好用,可一全身都可以涂 ,涂在脸上很清爽不会感觉到粘腻。也可以当sleeping mask来用哦。

  196. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews

    bought from Korea

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 19, 2017

    I bought this from Korea. This is a moisture & clear liquid that you can apply in every where from your body skin even your hair.

  197. lysleoi
    93 reviews

    excellent soothing effect

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 18, 2017

    provide excellent soothing and calming effect. really good to use for sunburn & sensitive skin.

  198. CelineFung97
    27 reviews

    Very Soothing

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 15, 2017


  199. Winnie Chong
    10 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 13, 2017

    im using it now ask face mask and lotion cz my skin very dry… after apply it on whole body and feel moistured… help my husband apply on his body too!

  200. Ayuni70
    83 reviews

    Sleeping mask

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 9, 2017

    I have been using this product as my sleeping mask and the result is superb! My skin improves a lot and no more scaly and dry skin. I love It

  201. jet68
    75 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 8, 2017


  202. marytan64
    30 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 16, 2017


  203. Rebecca Koay
    150 reviews

    In love with this cooling product!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 12, 2017

    I have rashes outbreaks every now and then as my skin is sensitive to dust. My friend first passed me a bottle of Aloe Vera from Nature Republic so that it can help to soothe my skin and prevent my rashes from being itchy. Ever since then, I always have one of these in my fridge (for extra cooling effect!). Thank you Nature Republic Aloe Vera! You’re my lifesaver!

  204. sandlee51
    174 reviews

    Effective on soothing sunburn

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 11, 2017

    My baby experienced sunburn where both cheeks are superbly red. I applied this day and night on my baby’s skin, and it able to soothing my baby’s skin. I can see that my baby are more comfortable after using it. Less reddish on both cheeks after applying it.

  205. Chin Ying Qian
    16 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 9, 2017

    这款芦荟胶很好用而且也不贵。它的香味很好闻而且涂在脸上很清爽不会感觉到粘腻。我都把它当作sleeping mask来用哦。

  206. Shafyqah Azahar
    74 reviews

    a must have skincare

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 7, 2017

    mampu melembabkan kulit yang kering dan tidak melekit dan boleh digunakan untuk memanjangkan bulu mata

  207. cherrylee
    73 reviews

    nice & moisture

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 4, 2017

    This good mosturiser for me, after used my skin won’t so dry as before. Last time my mother’s hand kena hot water when cooking, so using this to cool down her skin & this make her skin scar faster recovery,

  208. Zhongk3391
    144 reviews

    Best application for burnt/wounded area

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 24, 2017

    I would recommend this to be part of any medical first-aid kit simply because of the natural ability to soothe and moisturize skin surfaces that has either been burnt or cut. The gaping wounds need to be covered as quickly to prevent bacteria from forming. Using this, I apply a little layer over it to seal the wound with a gel like protective layer, in whcih the natural healing properties of aloe vera comes in. It’s best to store in cool temperatures before applying because the effects can be greater to burn areas. I applied some during my vacation in Australia and it helped the soreness and stop the peeling of skin due to high temperatures. Great soothing gel and can be used for various types skin protection.

  209. Leeleongwai41
    31 reviews

    Good for dry and sensitive

    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 23, 2017

    Grooming to men also important. Maintain a good skin built up reputation. I need Aloe Vera gel to keep my skin stay moisture. It helps to sooth my sensitive skin to prevent irritation of the skin. Highly recommend.

  210. Jayalakshmi Jaya
    102 reviews

    Amazing product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 3, 2017

    I have been using for more than one month and I can feel the great results. I am just totally in love as it is suitable to use for face, hair, lips and whole body too. It is not greasy and absorbs quickly into the skin. I feel my skin is so soft and smooth all the time. It is a good moisturise product. Worth to purchase it.

  211. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Cooling Sensation

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 27, 2017

    The feeling of sunburns are dreadful in any trips. After a whole day of enjoying the trip, you realized the sunblock you put on wasn’t enough and you come back home like a lobster. I had a terrible experience once while hanging out in the sea at peak afternoon, I came out with skin cracked and burned. I applied Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture Aloe Vera and it more than soothe my skin tremendously. Despite the severity of the burns, it helped to replenish my skin and provided intensive moisture so that my cells could relax and repair itself. A must-have product during any travels.

  212. janicesn0w
    13 reviews

    Use this on everyday basis

    3 out of 5, reviewed on February 24, 2017

    The product that was raved be mostly everyone! This is very multi functional because you can literally use it on the face, body and even on your scalp! It is suitable for tropical countries like Malaysia because of it’s lightweightness. You won’t feel greasy at all after applying it and it absorbs really well into my skin! I normally apply it on to my scalp because of itchiness and it helps reduce it and helps to cure up my scalp too! The only downside is that it contains alcohol in it and it’s only 92% aloe in it, so if you’re not a fan of alcohol then you might want to skip this!

  213. anajingga
    20 reviews

    Pastikan Beli Yang Asli dari Nature Republic

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 23, 2017

    Baru-baru ini viral mengenai produk soothing gel yang palsu, korang kena berhati-hati,pastikan beli dari Nature Republic yang benar-bebar asli. Soothing jel ni pelbagai kegunaan. Ana gunakannya sebagai pelembab muka di waktu malam. Sesuai juga sebagai losyen untuk melakukan urutan di tangan dan badan. Ia melembabkan kulit dari kekeringan akibat penghawa dingin di rumah.

  214. Betty Liew
    263 reviews

    The Benefit of Aloe Vera

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 20, 2017

    One of my favourite products. It helps to sooth my sensitive skin after extraction. It helps for small cut as you just apply a thin layer on the cut area. The recovery time is faster. Worth for money and one bottle can last for 2 months.

  215. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Maximum moisturization

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 20, 2017

    This is a lighter note of aloe vera gel that seaps and moisturizes my skin effectively on days where my skin gets dry. A few drops is more than enough to cover my whole surface area for my hands. It also helps a lot during when my skin got sunburnt! I remember having to rush to use this product immediately whenever I got burnt or had a rash because it soothe my skin almost immediately. Very versatile product and convenient to use.

  216. LiLian39
    148 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 19, 2017

    This products is very good!!cheap and worth. Is more nice if u put in refrigerator before using

  217. penny41
    407 reviews

    Worth for the money!!!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 17, 2017

    No doubt. This aloe vera gel with big portion (400ml) can be used at any part of our body. Face, hair, lips and even the whole body as moisturizing function.

  218. huiming04
    2 reviews

    nice to use

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 31, 2017

    Very soothing! If you get a bad sunburn, I highly recommend. This is mild, light scented, instant absorption and non-sticky. I usually put a few different layers. It works well burnt skin like acid burn or sunburn, and gets rid of the burn/itchyness

  219. cheongmeiyee10
    4 reviews

    Versatile gel for all problems

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 13, 2017

    I bought the ever famous Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture Aloe Vera Gel at the Nature Republic store while in South Korea. I love the versatility of this gel from treating dry skin, using it underneath the makeup and as hydrating mask. I even use it when my kids have mosquito bites to cool down the itchiness. This aloe vera gel is useful to calm skin if you have sunburn. The gel absorbed rapidly without stickiness. It is suitable for the whole family.

  220. Carrie Zoey
    141 reviews

    Must have multipurpose aloe vera gel

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 22, 2016

    This is my daily skin care nowadays – it is quite close to the fresh aloe vera gel. Mild scented and lightweight aloe vera gel is gentle to the skin. This gel is also very versatile and non greasy/sticky on skin, gets absorb super fast too.

    1. Used on sunburnt skin – soothing and calming feeling
    2. On dry and dandruff scalp – keep scalp nourish and solve dandruff problem
    3. Acne – reduce redness of the acne
    4. Apply thick layer at night as aloe vera face mask
    5. Moisturises skin and makes skin looks healthier
    6. If get hot oil on ur skin, immediately use this gel to avoid forming of blister and redness also reduce
    7. If hair dry and got split ends, sometimes i apply this aloe vera gel

  221. EvelynL59
    4 reviews

    Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture ALOE VERA

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 9, 2016

    I love this product so much , Been using for 2 years . Last years I had a small operation at my leg , My friend told me this product not bad, can TRY! so I buy 3 bottles for try. Beginning will feel abit itchy on my skin ( May be is new Scar ) , after 2 or 3 months , I found out it started reduce my scar , I believe if I continue to us , my scar will gone soon . Thanks

  222. CatherineWong21
    5 reviews

    my favarote skin care

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 9, 2016

    give me more Moisturise in my dry skin

  223. zulaikha08
    289 reviews

    1001 benefits

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 9, 2016

    Multi purpose. Can be use from head to toe. Healing redness & burnt skin. Moisturise hair, skin, lips & toe. I use as face mask before bed. Very soothing. Whole family can use it.

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