Cocoon Postpartum Care
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Description: Cocoon Postpartum Care Centre is the first step in ensuring both Mommy and Baby have the best possible recovery and growth during this crucial postpartum period. Bringing a bundle of joy into the world is no easy task and as…
First Month Confinement Centre
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Description: First Month is a postpartum retreat centre which specialises in the provision of traditional Chinese confinement services to mums and her newborns in a high quality and private accommodation setting. Providing high-quality care in a comfortable retreat environment to rejuvenate the…
EC Month Confinement Retreat Centre
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Description: The best confinement centre which provides ample care for moms during confinement, the most critical month after delivery. Having a proper post-natal care is going to be one of the greatest gifts from a mom to her baby! The arrival of…
Mom Retreat
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Description: A place for you to Rest and Relax, to Recover and Rejuvenate your Health and Well Being, to Heal and Regain your Beauty. Mom Retreat offers packages which may meet the comfort that you have always wished for. Often new mothers…
MamaLee Confinement Centre
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Description: First month for a mom and baby are very crucial in the long and exciting journey of raising a baby. In MaMaLee, we don’t just take care of you and your baby, we have a team of well train and…
Hug Postnatal Care & Confinement Centre
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Description: Hug Postnatal Care Centre at Bandar Sunway presents the ‘new age’ of postnatal confinement. Founded by a father who realised the importance of after-birth postpartum care, Hug offers affordable packages with a unique stay experience during confinement month. The founder’s…