How your vision changes as you age
Are you holding the newspaper farther away from your eyes than you used to? Join the crowd—age can bring changes that affect your eyesight. Some changes are more serious than others, but for many problems, there are things you can…
Manfaat Melukis dan Mewarna
Faedah melukis dan mewarna Tahukah anda, kebanyakan pertandingan atau aktiviti yang melibatkan kanak-kanak adalah berkaitan dengan lukisan dan mewarna. Hal ini kerana, kebaikan yang diperolehi daripada aktiviti tersebut dapat membantu perkembangan kanak-kanak. Selain itu, aktiviti ini juga memberikan kanak-kanak pengalaman…
Do you know how to care for your eyes?
The skin around the eye can be 1/10th as thick as the skin on the rest of the face. Due to the lesser amount of oil glands around the eyes, this part of the face is more likely to show…
Beautiful Eyes – No More Aging Signs
Age-proof your eyes with these turn-back-time tips and treatments Your eyes can tell so many stories about you. As you age, over time, eyelid skin becomes thinner, more lined, and less toned, creating the impression of fatigue. Your eyes can…
Kath + Belle Contest
Contest Ends In: [wpcdt-countdown id=”79487″] **New reviewers only** If you have never left a review in 100Comments, this is your chance to win these awesome Kath + Belle products! GermsFree Handwash Hair Conditioner Top-To-Toe Cleanser Face & Body Lotion Hair…
Fabulous 20s, 30s, 40s… Finding the right skin care for every age
When it comes to skin care, most of us fall into one of two camps. There are those of us who never change our routine, using the same ill-suited face wash and moisturiser from our high school days. Then there’s…
Aging Skin – Skin Care to Avoid Wrinkles
Skin ageing and wrinkles are a person’s two worst enemies. Although there is little one can do to prevent these tell-tale signs of ageing, there are ways to delay their appearance. Skin begins the ageing process almost from the moment…
Need a Drink? Grab a glass of water!
Water is essential to good health, yet needs vary by individual. These guidelines can help ensure you drink enough fluids. How much water should you drink each day? It’s a simple question with no easy answers. Studies have produced varying…
The Milk Story Lactation Cookies Contest
Contest Ends In: [wpcdt-countdown id=”79487″] The Milk Story Lactation Cookies is made of natural, nutritious ingredients and is great for boosting breast milk production. Here’s your chance to try it! How To Win: 1) Like our Facebook page and share this post with…
Eggstraordinary! Choosing the best egg type for you
Whatever would we do without eggs? They’re the perfect food. Whether it’s just for breakfast, as a stand in for a quick lunch or supper, blend raw into holiday nogs, or as an ingredient in all kinds of sweet and…