Lunavie Disposable Breast Pads Contest
Contest Ends In: [wpcdt-countdown id=”90463″] Lunavie Disposable Breast Pads are: Super absorbent & leak proof – day or night – Locks in moisture for optimum dryness and comfort Perfect fitting – Contoured 3D shape to provide perfect & discreet fitting…
Achieving Optimal Digestive Health
Did you know that both the cause of digestive disorders and their cure lie in the foods you eat? Does “you are what you eat” ring a bell? Everyone would have at least one digestive complaint at any one time,…
Kek Cawan Berkhasiat
Kek Cawan English Rose Bahan-bahan 125g mentega (dibiarkan pada suhu bilik) 125g gula kastor 2 biji telur ¼ sudu teh serbuk penaik 125g tepung naik sendiri 1 sudu teh esen vanila ¼ sudu teh esen ros Aising 125g mentega (dibiarkan…
Changing Your Lifestyle for a Healthier Digestive System
A healthy and properly functioning gastrointestinal system is essential for overall health and well-being. Researchers found the gut flora imbalance can impact the immune system and contribute to immune disorders, infections, obesity, heart disease, and even brain health. Diet and…
Can Air Filters Help With Asthma?
An air filter or room air cleaner may help you to breathe better if you have asthma symptoms. The same goes for those with hay fever (allergic rhinosinusitis) or COPD (emphysema or chronic bronchitis). If you live with a smoker,…
Contest Winners Announcement (18 – 25 Aug)
Congratulations to all the reviewers for Kath+Belle Newborn Products, Biolane Gentle Shampoo, Citrex Memoria, Wise Nutrition Kiwi Fibre Drink, Shapee Seamless Nursing Bra, Wise Nutrition NEM SJMM Capsules, Novalac Growing Up Milk and Biolane Essential Cleansing Emulsion! We will deliver the…
Sakit Puting & Penyusuan
Penyusuan tidak seharusnya menyakitkan bagi ibu yang menyusukan bayi. Namun, tidak mustahil jika ibu baru mengalami rasa sakit pada puting semasa awal penyusuan terutama bagi ibu yang pertama kali menyusukan anak. Walau bagaimanapun, kadar kesakitan bagi setiap ibu berbeza, ada…
Big Swings in Blood Pressure
“Madam, your blood pressure today is high at 160/80mmHg,” I say. “But my blood pressure is always normal at home. I don’t have high blood pressure, doctor!” she objects. Does this conversation sound familiar to you? Have you ever wondered…
Let’s Make Homemade Body Wash
Before sharing a few homemade body wash recipes with you, Here are a few ingredients that you will need: Castile soap – Also known as vegetable soap, pure castile soap is one of the gentlest soaps available. It is made…
Controlling Cortisol – the Dos and Don’ts
Controlling Cortisol Cortisol can be managed through both supplements and diet, but the most important step in controlling this hormone is achieving a calm mental state and making healthy lifestyle changes. In order to best control your cortisol, here is…