Hair SOS!
Although the tips and habit-changes on the previous pages can be very useful and easy to implement, what if they came too late for you? Hair problems can happen to anyone, but when you follow the right procedure your problems…
How to read food labels
It is a supersized world out there, and most people are surprised to find that their idea of a single serving is actually two or three You cannot measure every morsel that passes your lips, but it is a good…
5 Tips to Drop 10 Pounds in 6 Weeks
Whether you want to get rid of the additional pounds you’ve put on during the holidays, or to fit into a new dress for the upcoming dinner, dropping a few pounds is not so difficult. Joy Bauer, recognised as a…
Powerfoods: Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera: The Miracle Plant This is one of the most impressive herbs (Garlic would be another) that has been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes. Sumerian tablet dating back to 2100 B.C. has even recorded its healing ability.…
Home Made Hair Masks
Of course there are a lot of hair masks to be found in the stores, but have you ever tried to make one yourself? It is way more fun to experiment with products from your own kitchen. Besides, you know…
Acid & Alkaline – An Overview
I have been teaching the importance of understanding acid and alkaline for more than 25 years. It’s a great concept, and is getting more and more attention. We know that pH is the measure of acid and alkaline (or basic)…
Panasonic TH40E400K Full HD LED TV Worth RM1,749 Contest
Contest Ends In: [wpcdt-countdown id=”100184″] Here’s your chance to win one unit of Panasonic TH40E400K Full HD LED TV worth RM1,749! Panasonic TH40E400K Full HD LED TV is a slim LCD TV with edge LED backlight that features a full 1366…
Sun: The Burning Facts
Protect Yourself From The Sun’s Damaging Rays Sunshine is an important component of most outdoor activities and a great mood enhancer, but excessive exposure to it can lead to much damage. As your skin is the largest organ in the…
Powerfoods: Dragon Fruit
Dragon Fruit: A Flaming Favourite It has many names; Night Blooming Cereus, Strawberry Pear, Belle of the Night, Conderella plant, Mood Flower, etc. The dragon fruit, also known as Pitaya, is a tropical fruit that belongs to the climbing cacti…
Healthy Hair: Your Crowning Glory
It’s a misconception to assume that only through expensive treatments at the salon can one achieve great looking hair. Here’s the truth. With proper (and relatively simple) care right in your home, you can have luscious hair in no time.…