Bioconnexion OatGrain 35
Bioconnexion OatGrain 35

Bioconnexion OatGrain 35

Product Details

OatGrain 35 is a special dietary formulation made from a combination of premium quality oat bran with 20% Beta-Glucan imported from Sweden and reinforced with 32 types of grains and herbs. Beta-Glucan fibre is clinically proven to reduce cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity to reduce the risks and symptoms of diabetes. This lowers the risk of coronary heart disease.

OatGrain 35 is a unique blend of grain is packed with nutrients your body needs, including dietary fibre, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folate) and minerals (iron, magnesium, and selenium). Dietary fibre from grains works to further decrease blood cholesterol, maintain healthy bowel functions and reduce constipation.

OatGrain 35 is also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which is important for brain growth, development and health, improving memory and attentiveness.

OatGrain 35 is the perfect supplement to a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

•Lower Cholesterol.
•Bone Health.
•Weight Management.
•Blood Sugar Management.
•Digestive Health.
•Lower Blood Pressure.
•Brain Development.

Facebook Page

  1. Nicholas NicNic
    3 reviews

    Very Nice

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 5, 2018

    I took it for few months and my cholesterol level are now lower than before.

  2. Syahmi Sakri
    3 reviews

    Impressive result

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 11, 2018

    I have bought this product for my parents a while ago. They are diagnosed with diebetes and hypertension. There are decrease in the blood glucose level. It really works!

  3. khalidrafe62
    3 reviews

    Pemakanan yang sihat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 11, 2018

    Sejak akhir-akhir ayah saya cenderung sakit dada dan doktor mengesahkan paras kolestrol pada tahap yang tinggi. Doktor menyarankan untuk ayah mengambil makanan tambahan yang boleh menurunkan paras kolestrol. Saya terlihat satu iklan yang menarik mengenai produk berasaskan oat iaitu Oat Grains. Setelah digunakan selama sebulan, ternyata produk ini sangat baik dan paras kolestrol ayah berada pada tahap optimum. Sejak itu, saya jadikan makanan harian untuk sarapan pada keluarga.

  4. cyleong198458
    6 reviews

    Easiest heathy choice

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 10, 2018

    It is the most easy healthy choice for me to begin my day

  5. Zack251554
    3 reviews

    Untuk kesihatan keluarga

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 8, 2018

    Kerap kali repeat beli produk ni. Sedap dan pada masa yang membantu dalam penjagaan kesihatan. Sangat sesuai untuk dijadikan makanan kegemaran bersama ahli keluarga yang lain. Makanan yang sihat, keluarga akan bahagia.

  6. Iqmal Hakim
    6 reviews

    Memberi tenaga

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 8, 2018

    Saya sudah amalkan produk ini, hasilnya saya lebih bertenaga

  7. Shahkarim69
    1 reviews

    Mengawal Tahap Kolestrol

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 7, 2018

    Saya membelinya untuk orang tua saya dan ia sesuai dan serasi dengannya. Tahap kolestrol orang tua saya berjaya dikawal dalam masa beberapa hari setelah mengambil minuman ini. Saya rasa memang berbaloi membelinya berbanding ubatam dari farmasi.

  8. Delly IV
    3 reviews

    love this

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 7, 2018

    very good and suitable for me because everyday before exercise i eat this first. it also good for my health

  9. Dea Dya
    4 reviews

    Mengawal penyakit ke tahap yang baik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 5, 2018

    Saya selalu membeli produk ini kerana saya dan keluarga saya sangat menyukainya..ia mengawal kolestrol yang tinggi ke tahap yang lebih baik.

  10. shamyazri7964
    3 reviews

    Sihat dengan oat grain

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 5, 2018

    Satu pemakanan kesihatan yang bagus untuk mengekalkan tahap kesihatan yang baik serta bermutu tinggi.

  11. Redzone200547
    3 reviews

    Menu yang bagus

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 4, 2018

    Sesuai untuk sekeluarga

  12. yadinmerang91
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 4, 2018

    This product always terrrrrrrbaik !!! Ma grandfather selalu ambil, walaupun selera makannya kurang, tetapi produk ini cukup membantu dia dlm mengurangkan sikapnya yg suka diet. haha, kununnya nakk diet, badan macam tiang lidi dah OAT GRAIN TERRRH BAIKKK..

  13. Kang Andy
    22 reviews

    Control cholesterol level

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 3, 2018

    My parents took it for few months and their cholesterol level are now lower than before.

  14. Izzat_amiruddin05
    3 reviews

    Saya semakin sihat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 2, 2018

    Setelah dua minggu bersarapan dengannya, saya rasa sihat dan bertenaga di tempat kerja, tiada lesu , tiada rasa letih hanya badan yang sihat dan ceria!^-^

  15. Ying Xiao
    9 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 2, 2018

    这麦片跟我以前喝的麦片比起来味道更好 而且帮助我解决了很多问题 所以我会继续使用并且介绍给更多的人知道

  16. Zalinah Yusof
    4 reviews

    Makanan berkhasiat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 31, 2018

    Oat berkhasiat untuk tubuh badan tanpa memudaratkan. Ia bukan sahaja bertindak sebagai minuman bertenaga tetapi juga pemakanan yang lazat. Pelbagai menu menarik boleh disediakan menggunakan bahan asas oat semulajadi. Hidup lebih sihat kerana ANDA ADALAH APA YANG ANDA MAKAN.

  17. Liew Ley
    6 reviews

    Low cholesterol

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 30, 2018

    Good to take everyday for both my parent as older age people need it. As cholesterol slowly down and not increase.

  18. Rainnie28
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 29, 2018


  19. MuhammadRafie01
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 28, 2018

    It really makes me happy when i found out that my cholesterol Level is now at a safe level, after consuming it for a period of time, the results is satisfying indeed.

  20. kamnurul0819
    9 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 27, 2018

    Nak diet? Sila guna produk ni. Bole membantu mengurangkan berat badan. Yang best pasaras kolestrol pun drop

  21. regainz53
    3 reviews

    makanan sihat sesuai untuk semua usia

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 26, 2018

    pertama sekali ianya adalah makanan yang sangat mengenyangkan buat pengguna. keluarga saya terutama mak dan ayah saya kerap membeli untuk diri sendiri dan untuk cucu. dibuat sarapan dan makan malam. makanan oat ini trbukti mampu rendahkan kolestrol dan tekanan darah tinggi kerana ayah saya sendiri menghidap sakit darah tinggi dan abanh saya kolestrol. sebuah produk yang terbaik!

  22. Ibtisamhusna02
    19 reviews

    Good for cholesterol and blood sugar level

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 26, 2018

    Saya sendiri dah mencuba produk ni .. And umi,walid , datuk dgn nenek saya pun dah mencuba.. Alhamdulillah produk ni memberi banyak kesan baik in lowering the cholesterol and blood sugar level. And produk oat ni sangat sedap .. Masa mula2 saya makan memang rasa pelik ,, but lepas tu rasa sedap sangat2 .???????????????

  23. Deen05
    3 reviews

    Makanan yang sihat dan mengenyangkan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2018

    Saya sudah mencubanya dan ternyata produk ini sangat berkesan ianya dapat mengurangkan tahap kolestrol saya..saya sangat berpuas hati dengan produk ini dan saya pasti akan membelinya lagi dan akan mencadangkan kepada keluarga dan rakan-rakan.

  24. Shah Tailor
    2 reviews

    Oat grain 35

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2018

    Makana tambahan oat grain membantu saya dalam melakukan diet permakanan disamping sarapan pagi setiap hari. Menambah tenaga melakukan kerja seharian perut selesa sehingga tengahari. Makanan tambahan yg baik.

  25. Xiwen Goh
    1 reviews

    Great product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2018

    My mom always say this is the best oat she tasted!

  26. saarastore35
    4 reviews

    Produk Tambahan yang sangat bagus

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2018

    Sangat bagus diambil,ia mampu mengeyangkan dan mampu mengawal berat badan saya

  27. Ahmad Sharizal
    25 reviews

    Best Product And Good For Your Healthty

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2018

    Saya sudah mencubanya dan ternyata produk ini sangat berkesan ianya dapat mengurangkan tahap kolestrol saya..saya sangat berpuas hati dengan produk ini dan saya pasti akan membelinya lagi dan akan mencadangkan kepada keluarga dan rakan-rakan.

  28. Melvin Eben
    3 reviews

    Good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2018

    Saya seorang yang obes tahap 2 dan ada masalah kekotoran kencing. Ini adalah produk yang sangat bagus kerana ia memberi kesan baik kepada kesihatan saya. Sekarang kolestrol dan kencing manis saya semua in control.

  29. pawehkontai9871
    3 reviews

    Best Product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2018

    Dulu selalu perut masuk angin dan tiada masa untuk makan makanan berat. Selepas makan oat grain ni perut saya tiada angin lagi dan cepat kenyang dan hadam

  30. Puden Kamarudin
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 24, 2018

    Membuat perut berasa kenyang dan sentiasa bertenaga

  31. vincents90136
    3 reviews

    so nice

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 24, 2018

    good and nice…i like tis prodect

  32. claireyab95
    3 reviews

    ???? Good for health

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 24, 2018

    I have cholestrol problem. My family suggest me to take this, after few week well i saw good result. It totally help decrease my cholestrol. I recommended everyone to take this. Suitable for whole family and for those whose have health problem such as, high cholestrol, obess, high blood, who want diet and many more.

  33. kristina9831
    3 reviews

    Good taste and healthty

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 24, 2018

    before drinking this product i try for another slimming products but no effect
    until now i already drinking this product 3 months,my weight was drop down from 76kg to 72.9kg

  34. dyton1932
    9 reviews

    Very good for people with low sugar diet

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2018

    The texture is milky-like so it is easy to prepare and drink. Have to say that the taste is a bit bland, but it does meet up the expectation to suit to person with diabetes or high cholesterol. Its a good choice for a morning drink.

  35. Ecca Eko
    2 reviews

    Good Product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2018

    5 out 5
    i really like this product as it easy to brew and this product can make me full easily and i have lose 2kg in 2 weeks. Which is good.

  36. Wong Lee
    3 reviews

    Nice taste, good for health

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2018

    The taste waste so nice, I bought for my mother drink, she like it so much, and very good for health instead of oily breakfast

  37. Sammy69
    3 reviews

    Nice taste

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 22, 2018

    Good for health and nice taste. Very recommend to who on diet or caring about healthy.

  38. Game00167
    3 reviews

    Great healthy produck

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 22, 2018

    Nice to drink, make healthy everyday. Suitable for family

  39. Lim Chin Hwa
    19 reviews

    Quality product for quality lifestyle

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 21, 2018

    Oat Grain 35-Delicious,yummy and healthy choice to consumer daily, combined with 32 types of grains and herbs. It is helpful to reduce cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity to reduce the risks and symptoms of diabetes. It helps on the coronary heart disease too. Based on above benefits, it become a better healthy choice.

  40. Li Min38
    3 reviews

    It’s good to my body

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2018

    Oat grain 35 can help me reduce the task of getting cholesterol disease. After had my body check, it make me felt happy because my body health in a good condition as no any problems on my body anymore thanks for it!!!!!! Recommend ya~~

  41. jety06
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2018

    this product is very easy to brew.
    it can make you very full after drink.after i use this product ,my blood test become a good report.and this product also very good taste.

  42. Yeap Chie Yang
    3 reviews

    Healthy oat drink

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2018

    Tastes good, recommended for all people to drink. There is no side effects when you over drank, so feel free to drink. You can also add milk power and sugar according to personal tastes without spoiling any nutrition. Me and friends always drink it every morning…yummy 😀

  43. Ooi Wei Jie
    23 reviews

    Good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2018

    Very good flavour and it makes me full after drinks it. Good suggestion for those busy person who dont have enough time to take proper meal. Good for health as well

  44. Andrew Ong
    4 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2018


  45. Achik05
    3 reviews

    Great product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2018

    Saya dan keluarga telah cuba product ini. Product ini baik untuk kesihatan anda.

  46. Joe65
    1 reviews

    A healthy supplement

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 19, 2018

    Lower Cholesterol.
    •Bone Health.
    •Weight Management.
    •Blood Sugar Management.
    •Digestive Health.
    •Lower Blood Pressure.
    •Brain Development.

  47. Awansavoc19
    2 reviews

    Bagus untuk kesihatan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 19, 2018

    Semua sudah sedia maklum makanan oat adalah jenis makanan diet dan bagus untuk kesihatan..selain dari diet,oat juga boleh mengurangkan darah tinggi dan kencing manis..sangat terbaik untuk anda yang memiliki pemyakit berangkai..

  48. Busman Tahir
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 18, 2018

    Saya pernah menggunakan produk oatgrain ini, ternyata ia nya berkesan mengurangkan masalah darah tinggi dan kolestrol saya, malah ia juga membantu saya untuk diet dan menjaga untuk cara pemakanan yang seimbang.

  49. Ejat09
    3 reviews

    Makanan selain nasi

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 18, 2018

    Siapa yang pernah try Oat memang tahu akan kelebihan dan khasiatnya untuk tubuh badan kita. Dengan 1 packet sahaja anda boleh rasa kenyang sampai ke petang. Sesuai untuk golongan yang kurang masa untuk breakfast/lunch/dinner, dengan adanya this kind of product, kita akan dapat hindari diri dari masalah gastrik yang teruk! Saya sudah mencuba, anda bila lagi?

  50. admsbrn82
    1 reviews

    Bioconexion Oat Grain

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2018

    Oat Grain memberi saya tenaga yang luar biasa. Sehari sebelum kerja saya akan minum oat grain utk memberi saya terus fokus waktu bekerja. Sangat memuaskan dan sesuai utk semua usia. Sangat digalakkan.

  51. asry21
    3 reviews

    Alternatif untuk nasi

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2018

    Terasa lapar tapi tidak mahu makan nasi oat grain boleh dijadikan sbgai ganti. Rasa yg tidak muak dan lembut mudah dimakan dimana-mana dan yanb pasti berkekalan rasa kenyang yg lama.

  52. MuhdDanial126
    1 reviews

    Great .it good for old people

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2018

    Ia sangat sedap dan memberi banyak tenaga kepade tubuh badan untuk seisi keluarga

  53. suzerman89
    3 reviews

    oat untuk mengekalkan kecergasan

    2 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2018

    oat makanan untuk pelbagai peringkat umur.senang untuk menyediakan dan dapat mengekalkan tenaga seharian.baik untuk mereka yang mahu bersahur untuk berpuasa

  54. aisyahibrahim87
    3 reviews

    Makanan berkhasiat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 16, 2018

    Produk yang sangat berkhasiat dan boleh diamalkan sebagai diet seimbang. Saya dan suami kini mengamalkan produk ini dan Alhamdulillah jadual diet seimbang kami teratur.

  55. ReenRichard26
    3 reviews

    Bioconnexion OatGrain 35

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 16, 2018

    I choose Bioconnexion OatGrain 35 as my recommendation this time because it has blended into my parents’s health food routine. Their healthy result is getting better by day since they consume it and will be continue consuming. ? Trust me its worth it!

  56. Jenap Wilson
    3 reviews

    cinta pandang pertama!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 16, 2018

    sangat sangat sangat membantu untuk my mom, memberi beliau tenaga sepanjang hari. selera makan berkurang sebelum ni tapi bila da start mkn oat ni tiada selera makan nasi pon badan masih lagi maintain. memang oat harian mak saya wajib ada!

  57. Firdausmorni82
    2 reviews

    Diet yang baik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 15, 2018

    Produk ini baik untuk diet dan mengurangkan kadar kolestrol jahat dalam badan.selain itu sistem pencernaan berjalan lancar.Ia juga sesuai untuk pesakit sembelit.

  58. SYARIDAN39
    1 reviews

    menjadikan cepat kenyang

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 15, 2018

    bagus untuk pemakanan tambahan bagi diet

  59. Shamsuhai10
    13 reviews

    Produk kesihatan terbaik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 13, 2018

    Saya dan keluarga memilih produk ini kerana baik untuk kesihatan terutama sekali menghindari dari pelbagai penyakit seperti sakit jantung dan kolestrol.

  60. Venis Ng
    2 reviews

    taste nice

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 12, 2018

    taste is nice, can help me to lost weight , easy to digest and low down my parents and my cholesterol.

  61. EmoYi Yuri
    1 reviews

    Produk yang baik

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 6, 2018

    Saya telah mencuba produk ini . Bagus untuk kesihatan dan cukup bertenaga

  62. anissmasri50
    2 reviews

    Baik untuk kesihatan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 3, 2018

    Siapa yang pernah try Oat memang tahu akan kelebihan dan khasiatnya untuk tubuh badan kita. Dengan 1 packet sahaja anda boleh rasa kenyang sampai ke petang. Sesuai untuk golongan yang kurang masa untuk breakfast/lunch/dinner, dengan adanya this kind of product, kita akan dapat hindari diri dari masalah gastrik yang teruk! Saya sudah mencuba, anda bila lagi?

  63. SyahmiDo23
    6 reviews

    rendah lemak

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 3, 2018

    Oat ini sangat baik untuk kesihatan.

  64. emilliakamarlis62
    210 reviews

    Mengurangkan sembelit

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 27, 2018

    Saya kerap mengalami sembelit. Tapi, setelah mencuba oatgrain 35 Dari Bioconnecxion ini,pemgkumuhan saya menjadi agak mudah untuk masa yang singkat. Malah, perut juga tidak terlalu memulas seperti biasa dan juga melegakan.

  65. Ng Ka Hou
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 27, 2018

    This oat are really good for our health. Suitable for the people who lazy to cook breakfast and oat is good in taste.

  66. Mark Kien
    4 reviews

    Oat grains

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 27, 2018

    Good delicious,it is very good and healty. it can for any people. for student, it can be a breakfast, for my grandmother, it can help them to decrease high blood presure,Saya telah mencuba produk ini. Sangat membantu untuk mengawal kolentrol dan memberikan enaga untuk kehidupan seharian. Saya dapat rasakan perubahan setelah menggunakan nya. Saya sangat rekemen pengguna lain utk memilh produk ini.

  67. Paranganjing58
    3 reviews

    Really worth it

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 27, 2018

    it is very good and healty. it can for any people. for student, it can be a breakfast, for my grandmother, it can help them to decrease high blood presure


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 26, 2018

    Saya telah mencuba produk ini. Sangat membantu untuk mengawal kolentrol dan memberikan enaga untuk kehidupan seharian. Saya dapat rasakan perubahan setelah menggunakan nya. Saya sangat rekemen pengguna lain utk memilh produk ini

  69. Limsooyen27
    3 reviews

    Good for our health

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 26, 2018

    Initially, I was a person who always Suffered from ulcer. Nevertheless, after drinking this, I have been away from ulcer from many months already

  70. Vinny Lam
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 25, 2018


  71. Raff Rafa
    3 reviews

    Mengurangkan tekanan darah tinggi

    3 out of 5, reviewed on September 25, 2018

    Ayah saya sering mengalami tekanan darah tinggi selepas makan makanan berat seperti daging, namun apabila ayah saya mengamalkan produk ini tekanan darah tinggi beliau menurun, bahkan dia dapat mengamalkan diet yang seimbang dan mengurangkan berat badan.

  72. helenchoy23
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 21, 2018

    it is very good and healty. it can for any people. for student, it can be a breakfast, for my grandmother, it can help them to decrease the darah tinggi.

  73. Jayalakshmi Jaya
    102 reviews

    Super delicious Bioconnexion OatGrain 35

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 20, 2018

    The moment when I try the Bioconnexion OatGrain 35 I feel so happy because it taste delicious and tasty. It has the natural oat grain taste which is good for health especially for people who want to lowers the risk of coronary heart disease and reduce the cholesterol as it really works wonders which should be tried by everyone. I always prepare the Bioconnexion OatGrain 35 drinks for my whole family as everyone at home can experience the amazing benefits. Besides that, it is good for bone health too, a great weight management blood sugar management digestive health as it can prevent the constipation because it is rich with fiber, lower blood pressure and good for brain development as it helps to improve memory and attentiveness. At the same time, I like the packaging of the box which is neat that comes with the sealed packets. In just few minutes I can served the drinks to my family members. As I am always busy with work I seems to fell tired but after drinking this Bioconnexion OatGrain 35 I feel so energetic to do work and also it makes me feel good all the time. As it contain all the nutrients so I would highly recommend this Bioconnexion OatGrain 35 drinks to everyone as it does not contain any colouring, no preservative, GMO free and lactose free. So try it and feel the super benefits of this wonderful product Bioconnexion OatGrain 3 together.

  74. Ibtisamhusna02
    19 reviews

    Mengawal kadar kolesterol n gula dalam badan.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 20, 2018

    Actually i dont like oat (yg type ni sbb obviously x sedap) sbb x sedap. But among of all oat ,, oat ni the best ever laah. Ayah saya yang try dulu and alhamdulillah after eat this ,, kolesterol dalam badan ayah turun ke tahap minimum. Lepas tu ,, saya cuba la pulakk and alhamdulillah kadar gula dalam badan semakin membaik . Dah nak masuk tin yang keempat ( sbb tunggu gaji masuk ) . ?????????

  75. Kaushelia Shelia
    367 reviews

    Bioconnexion OatGrain 35 is my favourite choice.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2018

    Bioconnexion OatGrain 35 is very delicious and tasty because it was formulated with natural ingredients as it is suitable for those who is on a diet as it helps to keep the bone healthy, strong, lower blood pressure, good for brain development, lower the cholesterol level, helps to control my weight, great for digestive health and also reduce the risk of getting diabetes. The dietary fiber from grains helps to maintain healthy bowel functions and reduce constipation as it helps to boost our immune system stay healthy always. The packaging is really super as the product indeed high quality and very convenient to use as it comes with separate packet which I can use each one of it easily to mix drinks every morning for breakfast. It contains 32 types of grains and herbs as it gives overall health benefifs. It boost my energy and makes me stay active always as it contains all the nutrients and fiber which my body needs. I can even drink at my office as I feel good all the time. OatGrain 35 is definitely perfect supplement to a healthy and balanced diet. As it is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids definitely it is good for brain growth improving memory and attentiveness. Just in one week I can see the difference as I do not feel tired and I feel very energetic to move around. The delicious taste makes me feel so nice to drink Bioconnexion OatGrain 35 which I highly recommend to everyone. I am truly happy to try this Bioconnexion OatGrain 35. Lets try it and feel the amazing taste as the whole family can stay healthy always.

  76. connienee30
    144 reviews

    One drink for whole family

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2018

    Bioconnexion Oat Grains 35 is the only drink get a thumb up from all of our family members, especially my grandma who has difficulty in chewing solid food and she cant tolerate with milk (Anle++ or En++++ Gold & etc). Bioconnexion Oat Grains 35 is another good option for her to get all necessary nutrients. It contains of dietary fibre, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folate), minerals (iron, magnesium, and selenium) and Omega 3 fatty acids.

    Its relatively much more cheaper than other brand or product and you can feel the difference in 1-2 weeks. Take a cup of Bioconnexion oat grains 35 daily helps my grandma to have a better reading in her cholesterol level, blood pressure level and most importantly, she felt more healthier, active and better attentiveness. She could spend longer time with us, able to have a morning walk and start nagging at us.

    The texture is light, not milky, good natural oat grain smell, smooth, easily absorption by our body, quick dissolve in water, short preparation time required and you will always want to have a cup every single day.

    Good product quality and we are on our second box of Bioconnexion Oat Grains 35 with FOS!

  77. kelvinlee260121
    109 reviews

    Perfect dietary drink after gym

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2018

    Bioconnexion Oat Grains 35 with FOS is the most delicious and healthy supplement drink i ever tried, compared to other drink.

    This drink is totally what i looking for to maintain my healthy lifestyle, premium quality oat bran with 20% Beta-Glucan and 32 types of grains and herbs. It gives me various of vitamins and minerals in a mug with just less than 3 minutes preparation time. I loved to go with my meal such as healthy boiled egg, boiled chicken breast, fruit and vegetable after gym. Its light texture, smooth, not sweet and good oat grain aroma. Pecfect mate with my meal and replenishing my energy swiftly.

    Definately i will introduce this to my gym friends and others who loves to have a healthy drink and lifestyle. Good product and i can easilly find it at supermarket or online platform. Worth a try if you are looking for a supplement after exercise.

  78. Eugenetong71
    10 reviews

    Unexpected Tasty!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2018

    I consumed it 14 day continously with hot water. It is in pearly white form of colour and comes with good aroma, this make you always desire one saschet of it every morning, sort of addicted to it. That is suprisingly tasty than what i expected. No strong taste and not stingy.

    Smell sweet but it is not sweet in actual, finely blend powder form allow quick dissolve in a glass of hot water. The texture is so smooth and it is like having a glass of perfectly brewed americano.

    I loved their idea of saschet pack, it was truly convenience to bring it everywhere and hygiene. Easy to prepare in just 1 minute and quite filling no matter breakfast, lunch or dinner time. Good to have one glass of it to go with my meal.

    Its give my good focusing, more energy, better bowel movement and it helps me bring down my cholesterol and sugal level back to perfect index. It worth every penny and attractive pricing level compared to other similar oat grain products. For sure to become a new fan of Bioconnexion and get ready to join your member club, if there is any in the future.

  79. Lui Chai Hoong
    67 reviews

    Bioconnexion Oatgrain 35

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 18, 2018

    Never try never know. It’s nice, not too sticky not too liquid. It’s very suitable for all people. For older people, it’s help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure etc. For working people it’s very good and healthy because they are rushing to work. For me, after I consumed I felt more energetic to work and quite full as my breakfast. So it can helps me for weight management too. Let’s try it! It’s better than you have a heavy breakfast which quite burden your body and make you feel tired.

  80. Maawardah Mohamad
    248 reviews

    Minuman bijirin yang berkhasiat dan lazat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 18, 2018

    OatGrain35 minuman campuran unik bijirin yang mengandungi pelbagai nutrien untuk keperluan badan. Rasanya sangat lazat dan tidak manis sesuai untuk kesihatan tubuh kita. Campuran bijirin ini mudah larut dalam air dan cepat untuk disediakan sebagai minuman awal pagi saya yang terkejar kejar melakukan tugas harian. Ia amat sesuai untuk gaya hidup yang sihat dan seimbang.

  81. Maira Hamid
    1 reviews

    Produk yang terbaik

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 16, 2018

    Makanan yang terbaik utk mendapatkan yang sihat dan bertenaga. Sangat sesuai untuk sesiapa yang ingin menjaga pemakanan untuk gaya hidup lebih sihat. Recommended!

  82. Huey13
    9 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 15, 2018

    Really ? product and those office staff should standby and keep one at office. Very useful and can used to temporary replace lunch during super busy time.
    Less sweet and nice taste.

  83. Chris San
    3 reviews

    Healthy Product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 15, 2018

    My mother intro to me when I started working after graduate. Once I consume this, I stated to love it very much! And until now i still using it!

  84. Nur Amalia Azman
    2 reviews

    The good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 15, 2018

    The good product

  85. Azizah Amirhamzah
    19 reviews

    Jom cuba

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 14, 2018

    Oat brain 35 bagus untuk diberikan kepada kedua orang tua kita. Dapat mengelakkan penyakit ibu bapa daripada menjadi teruk lagi. Belikan lah untuk kedua ibu bapa kita. Dapatkan di pasar raya yang berdekatan dengan tempat tinggal anda. Jom.

  86. nishxsbg437_02
    3 reviews

    produk terbaik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 14, 2018

    sangat berkualiti untuk semua peringkat umur . badan lebih cergas lepas makan produk ni .

  87. funzi12346
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 14, 2018

    I Buy this to my old grandma can’t eat anything beacaus she too old dint have teeth, now she eat this oat can move and active.

  88. Khairul SyakIr
    6 reviews

    Kualiti produk

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 13, 2018

    Produk ini sangat berkualiti dan amat sesuai untuk diguna oleh semua peringkat umur. Ia banyak membantu saya untuk mengekalkan kesihatan saya , malah ia juga membantu saya mencukupkan keperluan zat dalam kehidupan seharian. Ianya juga sesuai untuk orang yang berdiet.

  89. Katherine6956
    17 reviews

    Sangat bagus untuk kesihatan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 12, 2018

    Ia sangat bagus untuk kesihatan. Saya menggunakan oatgrain 35 sarapan pagi setiap hari. Ia mengurangkan kolestrol dan badan menjadi cergas. Sangat bagus untuk semua terutama orang tua.

  90. Tan Alan
    4 reviews

    very nice

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 11, 2018

    I like tiz product , haha

  91. Yin Chien Aik
    31 reviews

    Delicious and healthy drink!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 11, 2018

    Bioconnexion Oatgrain 35 smells really good when prepared with hot water, and the contents dissolve easily into a milky white colour liquid. It is not too sweet and not too thick. The suggested serving is 2 packets with 150ml of water but I only make 1 packet at a time because I prefer it to be smaller cup but still considerably fulfilling. The ingredients are really attractive as they are 100% natural with no preservatives, GMO nor colouring. It is also suitable for people who are lactose-intolerant and also vegetarian. I would recommend this drink to those who want to try a healthy drink for a change.

  92. 2701199652
    1 reviews

    Kualiti tinggi

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 10, 2018

    Produk ini berkualiti tinggi sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur yang mementingkan kesihatan.ingin sihat dan cergas minumlah minuman oat ini kerana ia bukan sahaja mengurangkan kolesterol malah sangat enak diminum.

  93. Hatim24
    3 reviews

    Product yang bagus

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 9, 2018

    Saya dah mengamalkan product ini sngat bagus untuk kesihatan saya bg menjalani hari hari di kelas dengan lebih sempurna..

  94. Azeerin71
    3 reviews

    Produk yang berkualiti

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 9, 2018

    Saya telah mengamalkan pemakanan oat ini pada setiap hari terutama waktu sarapan pagi. Kesan positif dapat dirasai apabila saya sendiri merasakan tahap kesihatan semakin baik dan badan bertambah segar bagi menjalani rutin harian.

  95. Somad12
    6 reviews

    Produk kesihatan yang baik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 9, 2018

    Produk yang bagus untuk darah dan tulang..lagi satu produk ini bagus kerana kurang kolestrol

  96. Thean Kuan Lee
    3 reviews

    Get rid of constipation

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 8, 2018

    I face constipation every week and this really help me to overcome my problem

  97. Pind69
    3 reviews

    Good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 8, 2018

    This product is very good.Since I use this product,it bring my life happily.Thank you

  98. Alice Luii Luii
    3 reviews

    good and healthy product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 7, 2018

    this oat product i ave tried many brands before, only this product im very satisfied due to this product can let my breakfast meal can let me full until lunch time. Besides, this product i have introduce to my friends they all tried after told me this oat meal also can maintance our body health.

  99. Lim Chin Hwa
    19 reviews

    Oat-Your preferred choice

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 6, 2018

    Oat Grain is my prefer choice for my breakfast. It is rich in fibre and good for health. It is delicious too with some bread. It is suitable for those people with diabetes and heart disease.

  100. Simyee32
    1 reviews

    Very good

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 6, 2018

    Saya sudah mencuba ini produk , keluaga saya pun cuba ini produk , mereka cakap minum ini sangat baik very good very nice good good good

  101. Wa Aizwa
    1 reviews

    Very delicious and good healthy

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 5, 2018

    saya sudah mencuba…ia bagus tuk kesihatan jantung.

  102. Jasmine JB
    29 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 5, 2018

    Delicious and easy to bancuh and drink! Good breakfast.

  103. Khalil Anas
    66 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 3, 2017


  104. Hafiz30
    11 reviews

    Mengawal penyakit ke tahap yang lebih baik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 2, 2017

    Saya sudah mencuba produk ini sendiri, bukan sahaja kepada kedua ibu bapa saya. Tetapi juga kepada isteri saya yang sedang sarat hamil. Pada kandungan kedua, isteri saya menghidapi kencing manis dan anemia ketika hamil, saya memberi isteri untuk mencuba produk ini dan isteri mengambilnya setiap pagi dan petang. Memang ada perubahan pada bacaan gula serta bacaan HB. Dulu bacaan gula 6-7, sekarang dah turun ke 5-4. Bacaan HB pula, dulu hanya 10, sekarang dah naik sikit ke 11. Boleh saya katakan, produk ini mampu mengawal penyakit ke tahap lebih baik jika diamalkan secara konsisten.

  105. UmarHarraz10
    116 reviews

    love it

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 5, 2017


  106. Kitaro Ishima
    11 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 4, 2017

    Bagus untuk jantung dan kesihatan anda

  107. irfan12345696
    96 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 4, 2017

    ibu bapa saya mengamalkan setiap pagi..perubahan yang ketara memang elok benda ni

  108. Hafiz30
    11 reviews

    Baik untuk kesihatan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 31, 2017

    Saya memilih produk ini untuk kedua ibubapa saya untuk membantu mengurangkan tahap kolestrol yang tinggi dalam darah, menyihatkan dan menguatkan tulang mereka. Tidak dapat dinafikan, setelah mengonsumsi produk ini, mereka bertambah sihat dan cergas.

  109. Azwana Mohd Ayob
    46 reviews

    Bagus untuk diet saya

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 31, 2017

    Saya obes type 2, dengan mengamalkan diet seimbang dan Oat ia sangat berkesan kini berat badan saya telah turun

  110. Lorma15
    50 reviews

    Mengurangkan kolestrol

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 30, 2017

    Ibubapa saya mengamalkannya.Setelah amalkannya,darah tinggi semakin menurun.

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