Women can plan their motherhood years in advance
13 November 2018, Kuala Lumpur – Women in Malaysia are having children later in life. The Department of Statistics (DOSM) found that from 2001 to 2015, the mean age of first-time mothers increased from 26.6 years old to 27.7 years…
The Real Reasons Behind Pregnancy Cravings
Ice cream and pickles. Hot dogs and chocolate sauce. Chilli and cookies. While these particular food combinations may seem pretty strange for most of us, anyone who’s been through pregnancy cravings has undoubtedly felt the urge to consume something similar.…
Tips To Choose The Baby’s Sex
If one thinks that it is impossible to choose the sex of a baby the natural way, think again. More and more experts are claiming that there’s strong circumstantial evidence that parents can pre-determine the gender of their child. These…
The First-Timer’s Pregnancy Test Guide With Clearblue
The First-Timer’s Pregnancy Test Guide With Clearblue The winner of 100Comment’s Product Excellence Awards 2018, Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test With Conception Indicator delivers clear, accurate results every time. It can be an agonising wait to confirm if you’re pregnant. But…
5 Characteristics Of A Good Gynaecologist
Choosing a good gynaecologist can be tricky especially when it’s your first time having a baby. For many new mothers, meeting and baring all about one’s medical and sexual history to a stranger can be a daunting thought. However, since…
5 Smart Ways to Track Ovulation
When you’re ready to conceive a child, you’ll soon learn that it’s not just a matter of sticking Tab A into Slot B. You’ll want to put some planning into your pregnancy. Apart from taking care of your physical and mental…
7 Fun Ways To Break The Good News
Learning that a baby is on the way has got to be the most exciting news ever! Once you hit the 14th to 20th-week mark, it should be safe to announce your pregnancy and the fun part begins. It’s so easy…
Pentingkah Ibu Berurut Selepas Bersalin? Ketahui Apa Kelebihannya
Ibu bapa baru yang bakal memasuki alam keibuan pasti berasa buntu apakah persiapan yang perlu dilakukan bukan? Tambahan lagi jika ini merupakan anak pertama anda dan tanpa bantuan dan panduan dari orang tua, ianya sukar untuk ditempuhi. Kebiasaannya, ibu selepas…
Top 7 Tips You Need To Know To Get Pregnant Easily
Are you ready to conceive now? Once you have made the big decision to start a family, you probably don’t want to wait and can start planning ahead already. The key to getting pregnant fast is not only about having…
7 Common Signs of Ovulation
Ovulation occurs when a mature egg is released from the ovary to be inseminated by a sperm. This normally happens two weeks before menstruation. If you’re trying to conceive, knowing the signs of when you ovulate will increase your chances…