Powerfoods: Olives
Olive Olive (Olea europea) oil is a natural juice which preserves the taste, aroma, vitamins and properties of the olive fruit. Olive oil, like wine, has been around forever. For people of the Mediterranean, it has had medicinal, even magical…
Fish Oil: A Modern Day Miracle Cure?
“Fish oil is good.” “Take fish oil”. For years, we heard people saying the same phrase again and again. Some even go so far toward taking them just because people said it is good. But have you ever wondered how…
8 Best Foods to boost the immune system
As life expectancy has risen tremendously over the last century complemented with a falling birth rate in some countries, we will soon see an increasing number of elderly, who will soon outnumber the young ones. There is much for an…
Super Foods for a Slimmer You!
Now, you can eat all you want and lose weight, by eating the right food… Losing weight need not be done the hard and expensive way. Instead of exercising, starving yourself or going for slimming treatments that might not even…
Fasting: How Far Can It Help In Weight Loss?
Why do people fast? When the word “fasting” is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is either of a religious practice or a way to diet and lose weight. Fasting, in simple definitions, means the abstinence of oneself…
The Enzyme Factor: The Natural Boost for Your Digestive Problems
Do you occasionally experience bloating, gas or indigestion? If you have occasional problems with your digestive tract, you’re not alone. Some of you may lose out on the pleasure of sitting down to a tasty meal because you know the…
Soy – a safe hormone replacement therapy alternative?
Soy and soy products are found everywhere and used daily in our Asian cooking. Soy is often used as alternative to dairy milk for lactose-sensitive people. It’s perfect protein food for vegetarians. As in any wholefoods, soy is not completely…
9 Foods that help Prevent a Stroke
In a landmark study involving thousands of women, called the Nurses Health Study, consuming more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and fish – the same foods that guard against so many other diseases – lowered stroke risk by 30 per cent…
Stressed Out? Tricks to Avoid Emotional Eating
Eating can be a complicated thing. It’s more than something we do to give our bodies vital nutrients. We can turn to certain foods to buffer ourselves against certain emotions: Anger, Sadness, and Boredom. Experts estimate that 75% of overeating…
Fruits Everyday, Keep Diseases Away
A renowned dietitian talks about the benefits of consuming fruits to alleviate common diseases Fruit has always been recognised as one of the healthiest foods there is. Anthropological studies show fruits have been an important part of the human diet…