Enjoy the New Low Acid Coffee mix in Malaysia which is rich in aroma, great tasting, and easy on your stomach.
Made from selected high quality Arabica and Robusta coffee beans, it goes through a controlled roasting process at low temperature to ensure that the coffee beans are perfectly cooked. The process also reduces the acidity of the coffee beans. Thus, you can freely enjoy as many as delicious cups of Kopiko L.A.Coffee whenever you want!
Sedap, manis, ketagih
Low acid
Kelainan yang enak
Rasa kopi sebenar
Kopi asid rendah yg tidak mnggangu perut
Low acid coffee
Kopi rendah asid yg beraroma wangi dan sedap
Nice smell
Tidak kena dengan selera
Not my favourite
Delicious and tasty cofee
Good for coffee lover
Low acid, low problems
kopiko L.A coffee terbaik
May try this
For those stomach-sensitive coffee lovers
Kopiko L.A kopi ada umphhh!!!
Kopi yang sedap dan kurang acid.
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