Kimball Spaghetti Basil & Garlic Pasta Sauce – A rich and chunky tomato sauce with tangy sundried tomato, fresh garlic and Italian basil – perfect with penne pasta and freshly grated Parmesan cheese.Free Shipping across India & Quality Guarantee. 1 Pack= 350 gm Total Pack= 700 gm


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With the addition of basil and garlic, it allows a fresher appearance. But, the flavours are mostly the same. I understand the need of just making spaghetti with ready-made sauce without needing to go to the supermarket to get ingredients. But, I firmly believe that the tomato sauce needs help from the fresh department. Without it, it gets heavy. When I rolled my spaghetti into the sauce, it coats really well, without being diluted. So, the tomato taste is there, but just felt less appetizing overtime the more I took more bites.

tidak terlalu masam dan sedap

saya dan keluarga semestinya memilih sos spaghetti jenama kimball kerana rsanya yg tidak terlalu masam dan sedap...memang tidak pernah tukar jenama lain..sentiasa ade stock dirumah..hrga juga lebih murah

Sos Spegeti Kimball Senang digunakan...

Anak saya suka makan spegeti... selalunya saya akan gunakan sos spegeti Kimball, ia mempercepat proses memasak... rasa tomato yang asli seperti makan spegeti di Itali he he he

Sos Spaghetti Kimball

Salah satu sos spaghetti kesukaan saya.Rasanya tidak terlalu masam dan ada rasa tambahan basil dan juga bawang putih.Sedikit kelainan namun tidaklah ketara dari segi rasanya.Juga datang dengan harga yang berpatutan.Saya biasanya menggunakan sos ini untuk dua kali masak memandangkan keluarga yang kecil


贪便宜买的,结果味道真的不大好。 很酸,还是prego的好吃。

Rasa agak masam & kurang sedap

Saya pernah mncuba sos pasta Kimball Basil & Garlic dan yg Cendawan.Utk rasa,sy kurang sukakan rasa tomato sos pasta ni yg terlalu kuat & agak masam bg sy.Rasa basil & bawang putih pun tnggelam dgn rasa sos yg masam.Saya hnya pernah mncubanya sekali krn harganya mmg lebih murah dr prego,tapi utk rasa sy lebih memilih prego utk sos pasta sy.

Harga lebih murah dari jenama lain,tapi rasa biasa saja.

Harganya mmg lebih murah brbanding jenama lain..tapi rasanya bagi saya biasa saja..boleh beli utk buat pasta dgn koscyg lebih murah..tapi untuk rasa,sy lebih prefer sos pasta prego..rasa sos tomato dlm kimball sos pasta ni trlalu kuat & menenggelamkan perisa lain yg buat ianya rasa sprti sos tomato pasta biasa..teksturnya ok,pekat & mudah disediakan.

More or less the same as the original

With the addition of basil and garlic, it allows a fresher appearance. But, the flavours are mostly the same. I understand the need of just making spaghetti with ready-made sauce without needing to go to the supermarket to get ingredients. But, I firmly believe that the tomato sauce needs help from the fresh department. Without it, it gets heavy. When I rolled my spaghetti into the sauce, it coats really well, without being diluted. So, the tomato taste is there, but just felt less appetizing overtime the more I took more bites.

Very Cheap but Sour

I bought this during promotion period because it is very cheap! Tried this out with macaroni but the taste is not as my expectation. This Kimball sauce taste is more sour than others brand. Maybe it will more suitable for those who like sour taste, but not me.

Cheap price

Kimball spaghetti pasta sauce is very cheap in price if compare with the Prego brand. But the taste is huge different also, Kimball taste more in sour! I will prefer to use Prego because the taste is more suitable for me.


这个牌子的Spaghetti Pasta Sauce不好吃的,煮了出来整个面浪费了,味道很酸不是我喜欢的口味。

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