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Recent review: Tropicana Frutz Sparkling Apple has been my all time favourite drinks as it makes me feel fresh and good always. It tastes so delicious and good for the health too as it is made with the real fresh juice. The…
Kaushelia SheliaRecent review: Sebab apa best.sebab rasa limau dengan pulp oren tu bila minum tu puas hati la tak yah susah susah nak kupas potong limau.kalo blend sendiri limau pon buat rugi je sebab pulp oren hancur takleh nak letus letus dalam mulut.minum…
Roza17Recent review: Saya mula mncuba minuman coklat The Milk Story ni setelah kandungan susu badan sy mula berkurangan dan sy letih nk mnyusukan bayi pertama sy 3 bulan lepas.Minuman coklat The Milk Story ni mngandungi ekstrak halba(Fenugreek) yg membantu penghasilan susu badan.Mmg…
NurulDeng08Recent review: Pokka Jasmine green tea is my wife’s first choice. Her first taste was in Singapore. This drinks is not bad, not too sweet and the fragrance of jasmine and green tea very rich. This brand quite hard to get from…
leekahseng12Recent review: Nampak air Pokka Honestbee ni macam air honey lemon biasa-biasa je. Dengan warna lemon honey dia yg light2 je warna dia. Tengok macam ala biasa je. Bila minum terasa honey lemon dia. Tak berapa manis just manis2 honey dan masam2…
BumbleBee34Recent review: My dad once bought this for my family to try during the holidays and we did not like it. The taste was just too sweet and overwhelming that we ended up purchasing water to dilute the concentrated drink. Without ice…
fionayyl03Recent review: Saya penggemar rasa orange.Jika ditambah pulpa dan rase orange lagi pasti lg sedap dan menyelerakan.Tanpa gula tambahan bagus utk kesihatan
Fyza DaniRecent review: Twinings Pure Camomile dibuat dari 100% kelopak bunga camomile & bukan dari daun teh, sehingga bisa disebut sebagai "Infusion Tea" yang bebas dari kafein. Aroma bunga Pure Camomile yang lembut memberikan rasa tenang & nyaman sewaktu dihirup, cocok sebagai minuman…
sabarina37Recent review: Susu wildan ni sedap susu kambingnya. Lepas minum ia sangat mengenyangkan. Saya minum 2 hari sekali. Pagi sekali dan malam sekali. Bagusnya susu wildan ni dia tidak bau hamis kambing. Telan laju je kat tekak. Wildan antara susu kambing pilihan…
AkuHudHud27Recent review: Best choise for body heat!