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Recent review: It has helped to restore and maintain my overall gut health. It does not have a funky taste and is easy to consume. After I recieved the product I remembered that I have tried this previously after recommended by a…
Michelle ChoongRecent review: air mineral spritzer ni rasa dia sedap berbanding drinking water..segar je rasa
Chuyachedin8553Recent review: Sesekali minum air mineral Evian ni memang nyaman sangat. Kandungan mineral dia tinggi berbanding air mineral biasa2 tu. Sebab tu harga dia boleh tahan mahal. Best minum sejuk. Hilang haus kenyang perut. Suka design botol air dia. Nampak kemas dan…
BumbleBee34Recent review: 入口清爽,不会卡卡地 每次出去玩口渴了一定会买的矿泉水。 很多地方都有在卖
GoldfishroadRecent review: 我通常会买一些Jantzen Cup Water放在公司里的,当有一些客人到来的时候我可以请他们喝的,价钱也不会贵的又方便的可以请人喝。
Niki TayRecent review: Recommended by a friend, after taken few times it work and can reduce heat. Feel fresh after drink, especially when long hours under the hot sun, it helps to reduce body heat. No harm to drink when you encounter body…
小曈Recent review: I love Drinho chrysanthemum drinks especially if it is cold. I feel so refreshing and cooling after drinking the cold Drinho chrysanthemum drinks. The drinks is not too sweet and the taste is nice. I always buy it to stock…
haohao21Recent review: I tried other brands of mineral water before but Spritzer indeed give me the best experience. I dont like the mineral taste but most of the mineral water has it, but the mineral water from Spritzer is different, it just…
Diamond43Recent review: Spritzer Sparkling Natural Mineral Water campur dengan perahan lemon menjadikan rasa lebih fresh Dan sedap... Mampu berikan tenaga dan kesegaran... Spritzer Sparkling Natural Mineral Water pilihan terbaru mineral water YG bergas dengan rasa yg natural...
Shika43Recent review: Spritzer Natural Mineral Water – 1500ML X 12 memudahkan untuk membawa kemana-mana Dan boleh diminum pada bila-bila Masa... Spritzer Natural Mineral Water – 1500ML X 12 mudahkan Saya anytime nk keluar rumah just spare sebotol 2 dlm kenderaan Dan senang…