F&N SEASONS Nutrisoy

Product Details

Tags: F&NMilk

The ever-popular F&N SEASONS Soya Bean drink is now known as F&N SEASONS NutriSoy and is an improved formula packed with more soy goodness. It is made using whole soy beans in a proprietary manufacturing technique that reproduces the same freshness and authentic taste of homemade soya bean drink.

Whether you are caring for your family or looking for hearty enjoyment, F&N SEASONS NutriSoy is a great choice every day. With soy protein that helps lower cholesterol, F&N SEASONS NutriSoy assists you maintaining a more wholesome lifestyle. F&N SEASONS NutriSoy does not contain preservatives and it is a lactose free food and low in fat soya drink.

Drink F&N SEASONS NutriSoy every day. It’s rich with natural soya taste and full of goodness for you and your heart.


  • Soya Bean Milk Regular
  • Soya Bean Lite
  • Rose Soy
  1. AkuHudHud27
    159 reviews

    2nd choice

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 27, 2021

    Minuman soya mmg kegemaran saya lebih-lebih lagi yg dingin sejuk. Tp F&N Seasons ni 2nd choice saya berbanding jenama Yeo’s. Tak tahu lah kenapa mungkin tekak saya lebih cenderung kepada rasa soya yg lebih menyerlah. Soya F&N Seasons ni cair sedikit dan agak manis.

  2. ferdizetty37
    491 reviews

    Kurang terasa keaslian rasa kacang soya

    3 out of 5, reviewed on February 25, 2018

    Bagi saya,minuman soya F&N SEASONS Nutrisoy ni agak manis dan kurang terasa lemak manis kacang soya asli dlm minunan ni.Saya lebih memilih jenama Homesoy yg lebih terasa keaslian rasa soya yg asli berbanding yg ni.Tapi masih berbaloi dibeli la krn harganya lebih rendah.Sedap diminum sejuk dan dinikmati bersama cincau.

  3. Lor Ma Loy
    31 reviews

    Aroma soya yang menyelerakan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 5, 2018

    Kandungan tanpa kolestrol dan laktosa membuatkan minuman ini sesuai untuk dijadikan minuman kesihatan.Sumber protein yang terdapat akan memberi sumber tenaga yang mencukupi.Ia juga tidak ditambah pengawet dan perisa membuatkan ia berasa dan bau seperti soya sebenar.

  4. Niki Tay
    996 reviews


    2 out of 5, reviewed on November 30, 2017

    这个F&N SEASONS Nutrisoy 我觉得有点甜的,不是那么的喜欢喝的,而且豆奶的味道也不是那么的香的不过价钱就比较便宜些

  5. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Aroma soya yg wangi

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 24, 2017

    Mmg sy selalu beli air soya jenama F&N ni..suka tekstur air yg tidak cair & agak pekat,kaya dgn rasa kacang soya yg lemak manis..ia juga x trlalu manis,sesuai utk semua golongan umur..aroma wangi air soya yg mmbangkitkan selera..sedap dicampur cincau utk rasa lebih istimewa.

  6. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Light and delicious

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 25, 2017

    This is what I call a humble soya bean milk drink that does not need anything extra to help with its flavor. The taste is not the richest nor is it the creamiest, but is at best average, which is sometimes way better than the really diluted types of soya bean milk or the cloudy ones. So, this soya bean is a safe bet. It comes at a ridiculously cheap price as well, making it an affordable soya bean drink, especially when the market price for it has risen.

  7. Kesuma Dewi
    147 reviews

    F&N Soya

    3 out of 5, reviewed on June 12, 2017

    Saya tidak begitu menggemari susu soya ini kerana pada saya ia agak manis dan kurang rasa soyanya.Ianya telah di pek baru namun tiada perubahan dari segi rasanya.

  8. yenhock31
    34 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 18, 2017

    It made from improved formula packed with more soy heavens. The freshness and authentic taste is retain as it follows the appropriate manufacturing procedures. Contains no preservatives, lactose free and low fat soya drink that we can enjoy anytime and anywhere we like.

  9. Rebecca Koay
    150 reviews

    Nice to go with cereal!

    3 out of 5, reviewed on May 9, 2017

    A tasty product from Seasons. Nutrisoy is great to be drank on its own or even as a milk replacement with cereal or cornflakes. However, I do find it a bit too sweet to my liking. Price-wise is decent for its taste and texture.

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