Introducing the new Abbott Pediasure – Nutrition has never tasted sweeter
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, May 16, 2017 — Abbott Malaysia has today introduced PediaSure® Honey, a new flavour of the nutritional supplement that provides complete nutrition for children. Recognising that proper nutrition is important for a child’s optimal growth and development, Abbott…
Taktik Didik Anak Tidak Cerewet Makan
Bayi usia setahun ke atas lazimnya sudah pandai cerewet makan. Jika dibiarkan berterusan, hal ini akan menyebabkan bayi kehilangan nutrisi yang diperlukan untuk tumbesaran dan perkembangan mereka. Justeru, bagaimana untuk mengajar si kecil menyukai makanan berkhasiat? Berikut merupakan taktik untuk…
Get Your Raya Rush ON!
KUALA LUMPUR: Its only ONCE in a year and it’s happening from May 1 till June 30! Yes, we’re talking about Juice Works’ RAYA RUSH! Made with crushed cranberries and watermelon, mixed with a combination of low fat vanilla ice…
Nurturing A Safer Future
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to purchase baby products knowing that they are safe and of great quality? That day will come sooner than we think thanks to Baby Product Association of Malaysia (BPAM). The association introduced the BPAM code of…
Don’t Break a Sweat – Putting a Stop to Body Odour
There can be nothing more embarrassing than seeing people holding their noses and getting away when you enter because of your body odour. Stinking after a hard day’s physical labour is understandable, but having a body odour that doesn’t leave…
Stop Being So Sensitive!
According to research, around 1 in 3 people suffer from sensitive teeth – a condition also known as dentine hypersensitivity. Characterized by sharp, sudden pains in the mouth, this condition can cause a sufferer discomfort during otherwise normal daily activities…
Contest Reviewers Announcement (3 – 9 May)
Congratulations to all the reviewers for Provite Multivitamins & Minerals, Combi Nail Trimmer, Carrie Junior Refill Packs and Poise Organic Wellness Studio! Kindly email your details as mentioned below to receive further instructions and delivery of your product: FB…
The Super Shower Showdown: Bar Soaps VS Body Wash
Who doesn’t love a nice, cleansing wash shower at the end of a long day? The experience leaves us feeling refreshed and relaxed, and surprisingly, healthy too. However, how healthy exactly are your showering habits? Before you reach for that…
The Liver: Like it, Love it, Try Not to Lose it
Do you know how much your liver cares for you? For those who don’t know about the liver, it’s one of those oh-so-useful squishy bits inside your body that keeps you alive. Weighing about 4 pounds, the liver is the largest…
Heart of a Woman: 5 Ways to have a Healthier Heart
Did you know that by the time a woman reaches 65, she has a 1 in 3 chance of developing coronary heart disease (CHD)? Did you also know that this deadly disease kills 2.5 times more women than all cancers…