Didik Anak Cintai Alam
Pepatah ‘melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya’ memberi maksud bahawa anak-anak perlu diasuh sebaik mungkin pemikiran dan sikap mereka untuk menjaga alam sekitar serta mempunyai rasa tanggungjawab supaya menjadi amalan yang boleh dibawa sehinggalah mereka dewasa kelak. Selagi kita mengamalkan sikap…
12 Makanan untuk Kesuburan
Bagi pasangan yang merancang untuk hamil, perkara penting yang perlu anda ambil peduli ialah pemakanan anda! Pemakanan sihat yang lengkap dengan nutrisi bakal melahirkan bayi yang sihat dan cerdas. Walau bagaimanapun, harus diingat bahawa bukan hanya isteri sahaja yang perlu…
Perkataan Pertama Si Manja
Bayi sudah mula belajar tentang komunikasi sejak lahir lagi. Namun, dia masih belum dapat mengungkapkan melalui perkataan. Sebaliknya, dia menggunakan kaedah menangis, ketawa atau tersenyum bagi menunjukkan perasaannya. Maklum balas daripada anda boleh menjadi asas kepada perkembangan tutur bahasanya. Lazimnya,…
Early Mastery of Maths and Science
Young children know more about the world around them than you think. They are naturally competent with the basic concepts of math and science even before they are taught these subjects at school! Babies and toddlers, for example, can’t help…
Is Your Baby Getting Enough Breast Milk?
Most nursing mums can’t help but wonder if their precious little bundle is getting enough milk. While babies and crying are synonymous, the last thing any mum would want is to suspect that their baby’s cries is because of unfulfilled…
Holiday Adventurers: A Parent’s Perspective
Once upon a time, there lived a lady with her two young children and husband, in the concrete jungle of Kuala Lumpur. Every morning, as the sun rose and the lady would go about the nitty gritty of performing her…
Are you suffering from female pattern baldness?
Men are not the only ones who go through baldness. Many women can and do also lose their hair. While there is no cure to ending any kind of baldness, recognising the signs and being aware of available treatments can…
Beating Fertility Issues Through Diet
Most couples can’t wait to start a family and will try their best to conceive a baby. However, after trying really hard, charting out ovulation periods and having regular sexual intercourse; many couples are unable to conceive. Over the past…
Oral Care for Toddlers
Starting your toddler off with good dental care habits can help the little one keep a healthy set of teeth for decades to come. A baby’s primary teeth are already present in the jaws at birth. They begin cutting through…
Pelihara Kelembutan Kulit Si Manja
Penjagaan bayi bukan sahaja merangkumi tentang penjagaan kesihatan, bahkan juga termasuk soal penjagaan kulit si manja. Kita sedia maklum bahawa kulit bayi baru lahir adalah bersifat sensitif. Jika tidak dipelihara dengan baik, tidak mustahil kulit si manja yang halus dan…