7 Ways to Get Rid of Flabby Arms
When you wave someone goodbye, is it not just your hand that moves but your arms jingle along with it too? Are you are embarrassed by how your flabby arms wave back and forth or how wide they are when…
How Daily Habits Can Have Big Health Payoffs
We all struggle when it comes to using will-power to make changes in our lives. We might manage if for a day or two, but it’s not long before we simply give up. Do you feel the same? Perhaps you…
Life’s ‘Simple 7’ to save your heart!
The American Heart Association, for the first time, has defined what it means to have ideal cardiovascular health, identifying seven health and behaviour factors that impact health and quality of life. We know that even simple, small changes can make…
Losing Your Battle on Obesity? Natural Medicine May Hold the Answer
Obesity is a chronic condition defined by an excess amount of body fat accumulation. Body Mass Index [BMI] is a common method used to measure the obesity degree in population. BMI can be measured by a person’s weight (in kilograms)…
Natural Oils for Radiant Hair, Skin and Nails
Natural oils have been glorified for centuries due to their effectiveness when it comes to enhancing one’s hair, skin and nails. Natural oils, have been used to aid in scalp, hair and nail nourishment as well as soothe, smooth and…
Do’s and Don’ts to Naturally Eliminate Wrinkles
Many of us look into the mirror and worry about the lines and the tiny folds that start appearing on our face especially around the eyes and mouth. Wrinkles are the inevitable product of ageing. They are part and parcel…
Do’s and don’ts of ageing
So what if you now realize that you are guilty of committing one, or worse, several of the “mistakes”? It is never too late to change. While you can’t reverse the damage already done, you can prevent further ageing by…
Boost Your Brain Power 24 Hours a Day
Our brain is the most important organ of our body. Every process that takes place in our body is the result of our brain’s activity. Not only does it function as a centralized ‘control centre’ for the other organs in…
5 tips for a trimmer waistline
1) Plant-based fats and lean meat is the way to go At each meal, go for lean sources of protein such as chicken breast, fish and egg white. Other food that promote weight loss are almond butter, avocado, tofu, soy…
10 More Ways to Fire-Up Your Walking Workout
Add some intervals Increase your speed for brief “bursts” during a walk and you can double your calorie burn. Use either time (alternate between three minutes at a steady pace and one minute at a speed walk) or landmarks (pick…