Top 10 Caterers in Klang Valley for Your Event
Organising an event, be it a large corporate function or your sister’s baby shower, is no easy task. But let’s not kid ourselves – while guests appreciate the decor, company and entertainment, they’re really there for the food! So get…
Yu Yee Oil Contest
Contest ends in: [wpcdt-countdown id=”123532″] Yu Yee Oil is used traditionally for relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints, symptoms of stomachache and cold. We have 7 units to give away.Here’s your chance to win it! How To…
Enjoy the Easy Convenience of the Top 5 Best Sandwich Makers
Sandwiches, paninis, toasted sarnies… whatever you call them, few meals are as quick and simple as the humble sandwich. Simply take two slices of bread, stuff whatever you want in the middle, and viola! The perfect snack to get you through…
Enjoy Your Breakfast with the Top 5 Best Toasters
Gone are the days of bland and lifeless toasters – and good riddance! Apart from your coffeemaker, your toaster might be one of the most important small appliances in your kitchen. After all, a disappointing breakfast has the potential to…
Avail Green Fit Herbal Drink Contest
Contest ends in: [wpcdt-countdown id=”123112″] Avail Green Fit Herbal Drink is made of healthy ingredients such as Lignin, Oligosakarida, Chlorophyll Alfalfa, Wheat Grass, Spirulina, Aloe Vera, Wheat Powder, Sekam Benih Silium and Apple Powder. The winner of Readers’ Choice Awards Natural…
Enjoy Delicious Meals With These Top 6 Best Slow Cookers
Slow cookers are economical to buy, easy to use and are great for making the most of budget ingredients. They offer a healthier, low-fat method of cooking and can produce delicious dishes with the minimum amount of effort. Really, what’s…
How To Wear Perfume That Last Long
Perfume defines your true self. It defines your character, and it has become a part of your everyday routine. You might not notice this, but your perfume is actually your signature that can provide a sense of familiarity and even…
Prepare a Proper Dinner with the Top 5 Best Rice Cookers
Cooking rice on the stove is a tedious, time consuming process. You always have to stay close. Adjusting the burner level, avoiding water splatters, worrying about burning… all in all, preparing rice the “old-fashioned” way is just too troublesome. Fortunately,…
Keep Calm and Make Some Tea with the Top 5 Best Electric Kettles
No one likes waiting for water to boil. Whether you’re brewing a cup of tea, coffee, or milo, the two minutes it takes for the kettle to do its job can feel like forever. If you can’t stand the thought…
Top 10 Confinement Centres in Penang That Give Warm Hospitality
Postpartum is a crucial period for both new mothers and babies. Mothers need time to recover and relaxing time while rejuvenate and recharge their body to the normal state. Babies, on the other hand, need extensive care so that they…