Achieving Optimal Digestive Health
Did you know that both the cause of digestive disorders and their cure lie in the foods you eat? Does “you are what you eat” ring a bell? Everyone would have at least one digestive complaint at any one time,…
Changing Your Lifestyle for a Healthier Digestive System
A healthy and properly functioning gastrointestinal system is essential for overall health and well-being. Researchers found the gut flora imbalance can impact the immune system and contribute to immune disorders, infections, obesity, heart disease, and even brain health. Diet and…
Can Air Filters Help With Asthma?
An air filter or room air cleaner may help you to breathe better if you have asthma symptoms. The same goes for those with hay fever (allergic rhinosinusitis) or COPD (emphysema or chronic bronchitis). If you live with a smoker,…
Big Swings in Blood Pressure
“Madam, your blood pressure today is high at 160/80mmHg,” I say. “But my blood pressure is always normal at home. I don’t have high blood pressure, doctor!” she objects. Does this conversation sound familiar to you? Have you ever wondered…
Let’s Make Homemade Body Wash
Before sharing a few homemade body wash recipes with you, Here are a few ingredients that you will need: Castile soap – Also known as vegetable soap, pure castile soap is one of the gentlest soaps available. It is made…
Controlling Cortisol – the Dos and Don’ts
Controlling Cortisol Cortisol can be managed through both supplements and diet, but the most important step in controlling this hormone is achieving a calm mental state and making healthy lifestyle changes. In order to best control your cortisol, here is…
Chill Out and Lean Out: How to make stress work to your advantage
Cortisol is often referred to as our “Stress Hormone.” The primary role of this hormone in natural production are anti-stress and anti-inflammatory, meaning that it causes the body to respond positively to stress by becoming a soothing mechanism, which helps…
What can pre/probiotics do for your tummy?
Prebiotics and probiotics supplements may have names that sound alike, but these two types of supplements are very different. Probiotics are naturally occurring nutrients found in plants and many common foods, especially fruits and vegetables, while probiotics are living microorganisms…
Juicers VS Blenders: Which is healthier?
Blenders and juicers are essential kitchen appliances. They both make the work of grinding veggies and extraction of juices easy. However each has distinctive features and uses. Let’s take a look at blenders. Blenders are kitchen appliances used to mix…
3 Simple Steps to Improve Brainpower
If you’re serious about improving your memory and your cognitive function, you’ll also want to know about these three important variables for brain health recommended by Dr. Mercola. Vitamin D Activated vitamin D receptors increase nerve growth in your brain,…