Your weaning questions… SORTED
Should I continue giving milk feeds once my baby starts solids? The recommended weaning period for a baby is at six months old. Breastmilk, infant formula or follow-up milk should still remain as baby’s main source of food to meet…
10 Ways to Deal with a Picky Eater
Mealtime doesn’t have to be a battle. Consider these tips to help the fussy eater in your family eat a balanced diet. 1) Follow a routine Kids thrive on routine. Serve meals and snacks at about the same hours everyday.…
12 ways to eat for two
Making a few simple changes to what you eat, instead of how much, helps you and baby get off to the healthiest start. Dietitian Catherine Kong shares how. Your Old Habit: Skipping your breakfast Switch To: Just a packet of…
Let the Mess Begin: Weaning Your Baby
Let the mess begins! Get your camera ready and snap away as baby takes her first few spoons of cereal. Among the things to remember include: Time it right Many parents find that the best time to introduce solids is…
Starting Solids
It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for: your baby decked out in a new bib, propped up in his highchair and ready to mouth his first spoonful of mush. Once baby moves on from just milk, mealtimes will never be…
Tasty and Nourishing Feast For Mini-Me’s
This month, our baby food chef Yeoh Leng Swee shares tips on to preparing the nutritious avocado purée for your baby as well as easy and yummy recipes in conjunction with the Festival of Light. For The Love of Avocados!…
What’s Your Flavour?
Every month, Baby Ambrosia’s chef Yeoh Leng Swee, stirs up some yummies for the little tummies with these great recipes. Introducing your baby to lots of different flavours will help prevent her from turning into a fussy eater. Not…
Berry Delicious!
High in nutrients and low in calories, berries are more than just pretty colours. From strawberries, blueberries and raspberries to blackberries, boysenberries and gooseberries, they are packed with carbohydrates, vitamin C, potassium, folate, fiber and fluid. The phytonutrients in berries…
Powerfoods: Lime
Lime Limes, Citrus aurantifolia, can either be sour or sweet. Sour limes possess a greater sugar and citric acid content than lemons and feature an acidic and tart taste, while sweet limes lack citric acid content and are sweet in…
Powerfoods: Turnips
Turnip Turnips are thought to have originated in North Europe around 2,000 BC and were one of the first vegetables to have been cultivated. They were a very important food for the Romans and a staple across Europe before the…