Are Malaysians Healthy?
Close to 70% feel their health has worsened over the last 5 years 61% want to lose a substantial 8.5 kgs but they are not doing enough to reach their goals Malaysians desire to do more, and welcome guidance and…
Masalah Rambut Gugur Selepas Bersalin
Dalam pada anda sibuk dengan aktiviti untuk menurunkan berat badan selepas melahirkan bayi, ibu baru juga tidak terkecuali daripada mengalami masalah perubahan tubuh lepas bersalin. Bukan perut, pinggul dan peha sahaja perlu ditumpukan kerana ‘mahkota’ anda yang satu ini juga…
Sipping to a Slimmer You
Well, let us admit it; “weight loss” is the biggest dream when it comes to body maintenance. With each passing year, achieving body goals has become an intermittent challenge, even harder, and more so intimidating with colleagues uploading pictures of…
Heart Tests – When Do You Need to Have One?
What is heart test? And who needs to do heart test? Well, the answer is, if one leads a healthy life-style, probably no need to do heart test. There are many types of heart test, all with pros and cons.…
Young and Dangerous: Heart disease when you’re fit and healthy
Most sudden cardiac cases are related to an underlying cardiac condition, most commonly ischemic heart disease “heart attack related” or myocardial and structural related conditions. Sudden cardiac death (SCD) has been estimated to be responsible for around one million deaths…
Kehebatan Otak Kanan
Dari segi kapisiti kemampuan otak, otak kanan mempunyai 90% berbanding otak kiri 10 -12%. Fungsi utama otak kanan adalah mengawal bahagian tubuh kita terutamanya bahagian kiri badan seperti saraf sensori dan pergerakan tubuh serta kesedaran akan anggota tubuh. Selain itu,…
Impingement Syndrome and Rotator Cuff Tear
Pain in the shoulder joint can come from many structures around the joint but the most common problem occur in a narrow space between the bone of the shoulder. Between this space lies the rotator cuff and it bursa. Rotator…
Can Stretch Marks Be Removed?
Stretch marks, or striae, are lines found on the skin that develops because of the tissue right below tear due to over-stretching or rapid expansion. Stretch marks are usually associated with a temporary increase in weight from bodybuilding and other…
The Wellness Revolution: Global Wellpreneaurs Set To Create Positive Social Change
The wellness industry is booming. Why? Because the majority of the first world’s population is suffering the effects of stress, techno toxins and blind living. However, the recent injection of digital marketing has developed the cohesion of a community of…
Oats: Health In A Bowl
Oat (Avena sativa) is a type of grain. Oats are eaten by people in the form of rolled oats, oatmeal, oat milk, oat bran and oat flour. Oats require processing before they can be consumed by humans. They have an…