Menjaga rambut, mata dan kulit bayi anda
Tahukah anda? Rambut bayi adalah lebih halus dan lembut berbanding rambut orang dewasa, lalu menjadikan ia lebih mudah kusut dan putus. Mata bayi yang baru lahir adalah sangat sensitif kerana proses pertumbuhan mata mereka masih belum sempurna. Kulit bayi yang…
Introducing the new Botaneco Garden Baby
Guardian, the largest pharmacy, health and beauty retail chain in Malaysia is delighted to introduce the Botaneco Garden Baby range, expanding its Botaneco Garden line that uses ingredients harvested from nature, to serve and help protect the skin of littlest…
Kulit Si Manja Kering? Ini Solusinya!
Penjagaan kulit bayi dan kanak-kanak berbeza dengan orang dewasa. Si manja memerlukan produk yang khusus untuk kulitnya yang sensitif. Losen bayi, salah satu produk wajib ada untuk setiap orang termasuklah bayi dan kanak-kanak. Dengan pelbagai jenis losen bayi yang ada di…
Taktik Didik Anak Tidak Cerewet Makan
Bayi usia setahun ke atas lazimnya sudah pandai cerewet makan. Jika dibiarkan berterusan, hal ini akan menyebabkan bayi kehilangan nutrisi yang diperlukan untuk tumbesaran dan perkembangan mereka. Justeru, bagaimana untuk mengajar si kecil menyukai makanan berkhasiat? Berikut merupakan taktik untuk…
Nurturing A Safer Future
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to purchase baby products knowing that they are safe and of great quality? That day will come sooner than we think thanks to Baby Product Association of Malaysia (BPAM). The association introduced the BPAM code of…
How to Protect Your Baby’s Skin From Dryness with Eubos Haut Ruhe Protective Cream
Babies and young children have such vulnerable skin which is found to easily dry out or break out in rashes due to a number of factors. Disturbances in the skin’s natural barrier, growth and colonisations of unhealthy microorganisms, lack of…
Soothe an Itchy Baby with EUBOS Haut Ruhe Lotion
If your child is scratching herself more than usual and has severe itchy red patches on her skin, it’s possible she has eczema. Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, may start out with tiny bumps, which naturally become scaly, red…
Stay Germ-Free With Naturally Kinder Sanitising Water
We love to keep our baby nursery clean, fresh, germs and toxic Free. We believe you are the same and will find Naturally Kinder Sanitising Water indispensable. An Effective Germ Killer Naturally Kinder Sanitising Water is specially formulated with 100% plants based…
Gentle Cleansing for Skin and Hair
EUBOS HAUT RUHE Cleansing Gel Skin and Hair has dual purposes – moms would only need a bottle to cleanse their baby’s sensitive body skin and hair without worrying about drying or irritating the skin further. It contains aloe vera…
BabyOrganix Rub Rub Balm Ensures Baby’s Comfort During Coughs and Colds
These days, the environmental pollution and nasty bugs have wreaked havoc to our immune system. It would seem that there are children and adults coughing, sneezing and sniffling away everywhere we go. It is even more heartbreaking when our baby…