Abbott PediaSure®
Abbott PediaSure®

Abbott PediaSure®

Product Details

With the Sure3 System, PediaSure® Complete provides complete and balanced nutrition for children ages 1 to 10 years old with feeding concerns. Some common examples of children who are hard to feed include:

  • Eats very little.
  • Very active but eats little
  • Accepts only a few types of food.
  • Highly selective in food intake
  • Eats few fruits and vegetables.
  • Refuses to try new foods.
  • Disrupts or prolongs mealtimes.
  • Poor appetite.

PediaSure® Complete is also suitable for children who:

  • need a nutritious snack or supplement.
  • are lactose intolerant.
  • are recovering or have recovered from medical conditions.

Children undergo an increase in physical development between the ages of 1-10 years old. Understanding the growth of your child, can help you take active steps towards ensuring your child’s growth is on track. Gaps in nutrition can affect growth especially in the first few years of life. Help your child achieve their optimal growth potential with PediaSure – formulated with Arginine & Vitamin K2 as well as proteins, minerals and vitamins for a complete, balance nutrition.

Pediasure child nutritional supplement, can help your child gain appetite, as well as improve in weight and height with sustained proportional growth. Your child will also experience less sick days with the added nutritional benefits.

MAL.2022.34322.PDS.1 (Exp: 01/25)

  1. GPX51
    7 reviews

    Kids Grow - PediaSure

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 6, 2023

    I have given my kids trying many brands of milk powder, this PediaSure is the most my kids like it.

    Its suitable from age 1 to 10 years, with the formula PEPTIGRO SYSTEM helps children achieve their growth with complete and balanced nutrition.

    Thank you 100comments for giving out this product to try, now my kids very active eat more and good of appetite.

  2. Elaine Edi
    4 reviews

    Nutritional supplement for picky eater

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 22, 2023

    With picky eater at home who refuse to drink fresh nor powder milk after weaning, I have tried many different brands of milk but failed.

    When I opened the milk tin, my kid remembered the advertisement, Grow Taller Get Stronger bones, he gestured. We both laughed and he finished the milk. The sweet flavor minus the strong milk smell that he detested. Hopefully he grows taller and stronger each day.

  3. PavitraSharma96
    9 reviews

    Thank you PediaSure

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 11, 2023

    I have been using Abbott PediaSure® for my child, and it a favorite in our household. It has been instrumental in supporting their growth and development. The balanced mix of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals has made a noticeable difference in their overall health and vitality. My son love the taste. PediaSure® has become a trusted brand in our household, and I highly recommend it to other parents seeking a reliable nutritional supplement.

  4. siimut61
    14 reviews

    Complete Nutrition for Kids

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 7, 2023

    Abbott PEDIASURE® (1-10 years) has been a blessing for my child’s nutrition. As a parent, it’s crucial to ensure my child gets the essential nutrients they need, especially during their growth years. PEDIASURE® has made it easier with its comprehensive formula packed with vitamins, minerals, and protein. My child loves the taste, and I love the peace of mind knowing they’re getting balanced nutrition. It has helped them maintain a healthy weight and support their overall development. PEDIASURE® is a trusted brand recommended by pediatricians, and I highly recommend it to fellow parents looking to provide their children with optimal nutrition.

  5. atiqahhalim
    9 reviews

    Growing Strong with Abbott PEDIASURE

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 7, 2023

    Abbott PEDIASURE® (1-10 years) has been a lifesaver for my picky eater. This complete and balanced nutritional shake provides essential vitamins, minerals, and protein that my child needs to grow and thrive. The delicious flavors make it enjoyable for my little one, and I have peace of mind knowing they’re getting the nutrition they require. Abbott PEDIASURE® is a trusted brand that I highly recommend for growing children’s dietary needs.

  6. Maggie MG
    31 reviews

    Delicious Nutritious Milk Powder

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 26, 2023

    I am so happy to receive this Abbot PediaSure® Powder (Vanilla) from 100comments for free to exchange with my honest review.

    This Abbot PediaSure® Powder is a complete and balanced formula, scientifically designed for children aged 1 – 10 years at nutritional risk to support their catch-up growth, just the right product for my children to get the optimal nutritional support to grow in healthy way.​​ This vanilla flavour is now with 25% less sugar!

    Product features:
    * Complete, balanced nutrition to help kids grow
    * Catch up growth
    * FOS & live cultures
    * Contains live cultures
    * Gluten-free
    * Suitable for lactose intolerance
    * Halal 

    My two daughters sometimes can be very fussy eaters, therefore it is very challenging to deal with them, especially when it comes to making them drink or meals.

    I was so surprised that my both daughters love to consume this Abbot PediaSure® Powder, they said it tastes good and made them feel full too. It’s nutrient package which gives my daughters sufficient calories and nutritions that made them feel more energetic, stay more focus in the classes and enjoy the rest of the day. I’m happy that they love this glass of milk which more nutritious, healthier and tastier.

  7. sitieyzue43
    21 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 25, 2023

    While nutrition is important at every stage of life, its importance is especially critical during the two growth spurts that children go through. Getting enough nutrients at this stage will help promote rapid growth and help your child catch up developmentally and reach their full genetic potential. Poor eating habits of children may lead to slow growth, affect bone and muscle development and immune function, which will have a long-term impact on their health.

    • Twice the amount of Calcium and natural vitamin K2 than PediaSure 1-10 for bone development
    • Meets 100% of daily vitamin D needs (drink twice daily)
    • Antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc) and fructooligosaccharide prebiotics to help strengthen the body’s immune system

  8. rosemarywong12354
    12 reviews

    provide essential nutrients for picky eater

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 24, 2023

    Pediasure Complete provides 38 key nutrients to provide complete, balanced nutrition to support catch-up growth especially for children ages 1 to 10 years old with feeding concerns. My daughter is active but highly selective in her food intake. She only consume few types of food and it actually worry me if she is getting the sufficient nutrients that her body needs. Thus, I got my daughter to try out Pediasure Complete and she enjoys the milk even it’s her first try. It’s light in taste with 25% total less sugar and she didn’t show any allergy reaction after consumption. She shows good appetite in eating, a happy and active kids in her daily activities. So, I will continue to let my daughter consume PediaSure as his daily supplement.

  9. Ushalni39
    17 reviews

    Pedisure milk review

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 20, 2023

    The milk taste mild and diluted with the recommended scoops. My children don’t really like the taste initially. I added 1 scoop more in order for the taste to be stronger. Overall do not see any particular effect on my children. They are using milk powder as a supplement on top of their daily food intake. The powder is fine and mixed well with water. Does not lump together. The taste may be fine for those who do not really like the milk taste. It is still sweet despite sucrose free.

    47 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 14, 2023

    「PediaSure® 」
    While nutrition is important at every stage of life, its importance is especially critical during the two growth spurts that children go through. Getting enough nutrients at this stage will help promote rapid growth and help your child catch up developmentally and reach their full genetic potential. Poor eating habits of children may lead to slow growth, affect bone and muscle development and immune function, which will have a long-term impact on their health.

    • Twice the amount of Calcium and natural vitamin K2 than PediaSure 1-10 for bone development
    • Meets 100% of daily vitamin D needs (drink twice daily)
    • Antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc) and fructooligosaccharide prebiotics to help strengthen the body’s immune system

  11. sharongsr82321
    54 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 24, 2021


  12. Eycha Irwan
    1 reviews

    Abbott Pediasure Susu Terbaik Untuk Kanak-Kanak

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 17, 2021

    Susu Abbott Pediasure memberikan tenaga serta menaikkan berat badan anak saya…sebelum ni anak saya kurang makan dan berat badan tak mencapai dengan padanan umur..selepas mencuba susu ini..berat badan anak saya ada peningkatan walaupun kurang makan..susu ini memang terbaik yang pernah anak saya minum…rasa vanila yang sedap membuatkan anak saya lebih kerap meminta menbuat susu..Terima Kasih Pediasure dan 100comments… Abbott Pediasure is OHSEM???

  13. Lily
    1 reviews

    Abbott Pediasure® 100comments giveaway!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 19, 2021

    Terima kasih 100comments kerana memberi peluang saya untuk menang susu Pediasure ini.

    Saya ada anak yang berumur 4 tahun dan mempunyi masalah berat badan, setiap kali berjumpa doktor untuk pemereksaan berat badan anak berat sentiasa sama sahaja.? tetapi setelah minum susu Pediasure dalam masa dua minggu saja berat badan anak saya bertambah, dan itu sangat membuat hati saya sebagai ibu gembira. ? Terima kasih Pediasure dan 100comments
    #AbbottPediasure #100comments #giveaway

  14. Kacy Law
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 19, 2021

    Thanks 100Comments giveaway?
    PediaSure® is a nutritional supplement that provides complete, balanced nutrition for children from age 1 to 10 – those special years of rapid growth and mind development.

  15. Tengkubutang Miaw
    78 reviews

    Selera anak bertambah

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 13, 2021

    Sejak anak minum susu Pediasure ni, berat badan dia bertambah. Makan berselera tak macam sebelum ni, asyik memilih makanan. Lega rasa dia pun dah suka makan macam-macam. Dari segi kesihatan, dia nampak lebih aktif dan jarang demam. Untuk parent yang mencari susu untuk perkembangan optimum anak, boleh try pediasure ni.. Bagus sangat.. Lagipun dah ada perisa Asli.. Zero Sukrosa…


  16. prettypink
    28 reviews

    Nutritional milk powder that supports growth

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 13, 2021

    Pediasure is a quality milk powder that provides a complete and balanced nutrition. My child is a picky eater. It worries me a lot as sometime she chooses to only drink milk and eat less. I let her tried Pediasure Original flavor and she loved it since first try! Since then I noticed improvement in her diet and lifestyle. Her appetite has increased significantly and seemed more energetic. Although it is quite costly, but you can give it a try and see if it works for your child.

  17. Pediasure best!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 11, 2021

    Anak-anak saya agak cerewet bila tiba waktu minum susu, pelbagai jenama dicuba dan mereka selalunya minum sedikit sahaja. Lain pula apabila tiba minum susu Pediasure, terus mereka menyukai minum susu dan minum dengan kerap kerana rasa asli yang sedap! Berat mereka juga mula bertambah dengan baik serta sihat. Saya yakin dengan Pediasure apatah lagi ia penuh dengan khasiat bermanfaat. Terima kasih Pediasure!

  18. dianawahid_09
    5 reviews

    Susu terbaik untuk membantu pertumbuhan anak

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2021

    Susu Pediasure Complete ini pernah disarankan oleh doktor untuk anak saya yang underweight. Anak saya menyukai rasa susu ini walaupun baru pertama kali mencubanya. Kami telah mencuba perisa coklat dan asli dan kedua-duanya sungguh lazat sekali. Paling penting tiada sukrosa dan kaya dengan nutrisi bagi membantu perkembangan dan pertumbuhan anak. Walaupun harganya agak mahal, tetapi berkualiti dan membantu pertumbuhan anak yang aktif tetapi picky eater seperti anak saya.

  19. chuiyan
    4 reviews

    Abbott Pediasure

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 9, 2021

    Good product for helping children grow up. Even though the price of the product a little bit high but I will continue to buy it for children. After the first try in this product, my children always ask me and want to drink against and against. I am very grateful for Pediasure because my children can consume the nutrition from the product and grow up quickly. Thanks.

  20. Liewsoohui
    37 reviews

    A complete nutritional supplement for optimal growth

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 5, 2021

    This is a complete nutritional supplement that support optimal growth. My child is a picky eater and he become thinner after I enrolled him in kindergarten. I m worried he might not be getting the nutrients he needs. I tried offering my child Pediasure. He enjoys drinking PediaSure so much. And I can see he has obvious weight gain after 8 weeks. I m very happy about it!

  21. Syudda91
    69 reviews

    Pediasure bantu naikkan selera makan anak saya

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 4, 2021

    Terima kasih Pediasure, selepas 3 hari minum susu Pediasure anak saya dh berselera makan pon xpayah paksa..macam xpercaya tengok anak dah ada selera..suap ja apa-apa semua dia makan…syukur sangat..susu yg sedap perisa asli pon sedap ? anak suka sangat tiap kali buat susu dia xsabar nak minum…terbaik Pediasure ❤️❤️❤️

  22. Shika88
    687 reviews

    nutrition terbaik...

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 13, 2020

    anak kekal aktif bertenaga serta mendapatkan berat badan ideal… my kids susah sedikit nak makan, buat Abbott PEDIASURE® saya tidak perlu risau waktu makan mereka dan selepas minum Abbott PEDIASURE® mereka juga tidak memilih makanan cume makan tidak la kerap ,rasa vanilla yang sedap boleh buat mereka kerap minta buatkan susu… khasiat terbaik untuk tumbesaran mereka tanpa kita perlu bimbang… Abbott PEDIASURE® mampu berikan yang terbaik untuk kesihatan anak2…

  23. haohao21
    177 reviews

    Improve my daughter's appetite

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 2, 2019

    Doctor recommended me to let my girl to try Pediasure after she didn’t gain much weight and she did not have much appetite to eat when she was 2 years old. I bought Pediasure from pharmacy and started to feed her with Pediasure. Every morning and night I let her drink once. After few months, I can see she has more appetite to eat meals and her weight apparently had increased after she took the milk for months. We were so happy to see her weigh gain and decided to continue let her to drink it although the price of the formula milk is expensive.

  24. Jasmin YH
    26 reviews

    We are very happy that my daughter sick days reduced

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 24, 2019

    My daughter is four years old and she has asthma. We are working hard to keep the home environment clean and very focused on her diet.
    The doctor asked my daughter how to have an appetite? Why she didn’t gain weight! I said that my daughter doesn’t like to drink milk. She has a normal diet, but she doesn’t grow up!
    The doctor advised me to buy PediaSure for my daughter. The doctor said that PediaSure scientifically proven my daughter nutritional supplement to help her catch up growth, and also improve her immunity, so that she will not get sick from time to time! PediaSure consistently demonstrated to improve child’s height, weight, and less sick days.
    My daughter started drinking PediaSure, she love it very much. Every day, she reminded me to let her drink PediaSure.
    After we went to the hospital for a review, the doctor was very satisfied that my daughter’s growth had increased significantly and asthma did not recur. We are very happy that my daughter sick days reduced.

  25. Fyzadani01
    72 reviews

    Terbaik untuk anak2 yg cerewet makan!!!!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 4, 2018

    Sangat2 bagus susu PediaSure utk anak2 yg cerewet makan.Dengan nutrien2 yg terkandung dalam susu PediaSure ini membantu tumbesaran dan menambah keringgian anak2.Anak2 tidak sembelit dan senang membuang najis.Corak pemakanan anak2 berubah sejak minum susu ini.Anak2 bertambah berat badan dengan ketinggiannya.

  26. Hanis Zain
    6 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 22, 2018

    Both my kids have been consuming this brand, Vanilla flavour. They are quite picky eater at first. Suprisingly, after consuming this product, they have develop a significant changes to their apetite. They eat quite a lot now and it makes me happy seeing the positive changes.

  27. ashaalias91
    3 reviews

    awesome product!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 30, 2018

    My son has been consuming this product for 3 months and gained almost 1kg after 3 months. This milk does wonder for his weight gain.

  28. Pinky Bibi
    44 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on April 6, 2018


  29. Azura Hanim Bahari
    3 reviews

    Juga baik sebagai makanan tambahan..

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018

    Pertama kali cuba Pediasure masa anak usia 6 bulan. Sebab anak saya selalu ada masalah, susah buang air besar, selalu demam, kurang selera makan. Berat badan pun hampir ke tahap yang tidak memuaskan.. Sejak dari itu, hingga sekarang umur 7 tahun saya masih berikan dia pediasure.. Antibodi badan makin kuat, masalah kesihatan dah tiada.. Walaupun dia kurang makan, tapi saya pasti dia dapat nutrien dari susu ini.. Harga mahal, tetapi sangat berbaloi..

  30. Weiwei120145
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 2, 2017


  31. cpyn18
    234 reviews

    Expensive formula milk but good for kids who are poor appetite

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 9, 2017

    Pediasure is very expensive. However, it is good for kids who are poor in appetite. It can help to increase their appetite. It contains complete and balanced nutrition for children ages 1 to 10 years old with feeding concerns. I let my son to try it as he is a small eater. After tried it, i can see he started to eat more. Will continue to let him drink as his daily supplement.

  32. ctiey94
    134 reviews

    pilihan terbaik untuk anak-anak

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 7, 2017

    Dapat membantu dalam proses menaikkan berat badan anak-anak yang aktif.anak saya mengalami masalah kekurangan berat badan. doktor telah menyarankan supaya saya memberikan pediasure kepada anak saya bagi membantu menaikkan selera serta berat badan kepada berat badan yang stabil.Masalah anak saya dapat dibantu dengan beransur-ansur. sekarang saya masih lagi memberinya pediasure.

  33. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Membantu menaikkan berat badan anak yg aktif

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 1, 2017

    Berat badan anak sy semakin bertambah sejak minum susu pediasure ni..ank sy seorg yg sgt aktif,kurang ambil makanan berzat dan jarang minum susu,saya risau tumbesarannya yg agak kecil brbnding sepupunya..tapi selepas sy mmberinya susu pediasure ni ia mula mnunjukkan perubahan pada tumbesarannya..Dia juga suka minum susu ni yg sgt sedap dan x muak bila diminum..harganya mmg agak mahal,tapi berbaloi utk dibeli bagi sy krn kebaikan susu yg mmbntu pembesaran anak sy yg aktif.

  34. Siti26
    61 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 20, 2017

    Walaupun harga susu Pediasure ni agak mahal berbanding susu jenama lain tapi ianya sangat bagus buat anak saya. Saya mempunyai anak yang berumur 3tahun lebih, dia memang susah untuk makan dan memilih dalam bab-bab makan. Sebagai ibu saya inginkan anak saya mendapat khasiat dan zat yang secukupnya untuk dia membesar dengan sihat dan bertenaga sebab itulah saya memilih Susu Pediasure ini untuk anak saya.

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