Nestle Cheerios Oat Crisp

Product Details

  • NESTLÉ Cheerios Oat Crisp is a delicious combination of crispy and toasted whole oat breakfast cereal flakes and whole grain oat breakfast rings.
  • Contains Beta Glucan which helps reduce cholesterol plus easy to prepare in the morning.
  • Each 40g serving of NESTLÉ Cheerios Oats Crisp provides 1.2g of Beta Glucan.
  • NESTLÉ Cheerios Oat Crisp offers a convenient, affordable option to help consumers choose healthier lifestyle and potentially helps reduce cholesterol issues.
  1. Canny7920.76
    45 reviews

    Nestle Cheerios Oat Crisp

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 5, 2022

    Nestle Cheerios Oat Crisp is my first choice of breakfast cereal as it made with corn, rice, wheat, oats and barley.
    The wholegrain goodness give me and my family a nutritious breakfast. It was best to serve with milk.

  2. Ahmad Sharizal
    25 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 21, 2018

    Biasanya saya makan sebagai kudapan sahaja. Kalau makan untuk sarapan pun boleh cuma macam kurang mengenyangkan. Biasalah perut yang biasa makan nasi kalau nak kenyang. Untuk kudapan memang senang, cepat, dan rangup. Makan dengan susu pun ok cuma tak berapa minat sebab nanti dah tak rangup.

  3. Nur Aishah Azriy
    23 reviews

    Universal cereals

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 11, 2018

    Cereal nie bagus untuk diet bagi sesiapa Yang dah muak oat lembik terlajak. Cheerios nie bagus untuk breakfast dengan homemade cookies. Sedap!

  4. winnie102007
    3 reviews

    breakfast for diet

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 8, 2018

    is on diet nowadays..mostly my breakfast will be cereal!

  5. aziatiabidin8587
    3 reviews

    Sesuai untuk breakfast

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 30, 2018

    Saya bukanlah penggemar cereal tapi bila saya mencuba produk ini saya amat suka..rasanya sangat sedap dan mengenyangkan!

  6. Niknajwa25
    16 reviews

    Nestle Cheerios-sesuai untuk kudapan

    3 out of 5, reviewed on July 18, 2018

    Biasanya saya makan sebagai kudapan sahaja. Kalau makan untuk sarapan pun boleh cuma macam kurang mengenyangkan. Biasalah perut yang biasa makan nasi kalau nak kenyang. Untuk kudapan memang senang, cepat, dan rangup. Makan dengan susu pun ok cuma tak berapa minat sebab nanti dah tak rangup.

  7. sleepyq2l94
    3 reviews

    All time favorite

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 5, 2018

    This is my all time favorite food! Whereby the improved combination of old packaging Cheerios added with oat crisp is valuable for money. As I don\’t need to mix the cheerios with other cereal product in order to add on the taste anymore.

  8. lau_sf802
    6 reviews

    Good for health , Nestle Cheerios Oat Crisp

    4 out of 5, reviewed on April 3, 2018

    i take my Nestle Cheerios Oat Crisp breakfast from 9am, mix together with milk/ soya. It help me to lower cholesterol by binding with it in the digestive tract. The most I like is easy to prepare & it’s a healthy breakfast. Bad thing is the price was bit higher :). But, i will kept buying for breakfast

  9. POH89
    4 reviews

    Nestle Healthy Breakfast and Snacks

    4 out of 5, reviewed on April 3, 2018

    I like to eat this in the morning, because it is a very healthy and delicious food. It can give us energetic and reduce our cholesterol everyday. It can also treat as a healthy snack everyday.

  10. khalylaAliq61
    23 reviews

    So Tasty as Snack & Breakfast!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 18, 2017

    I love this healthy Cereal. I take this as a breakfast everyday and as a snack when im hungry at the late night. It’s very tasty and healthy. I like to eat with Cold milk and a little honey!.. It’s so delicious n make my tummy feels comfortable. 🙂

    Love.. Love.. love!!

  11. KJ Cheah
    224 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 22, 2017

    Nestle Cheerios Oat Crisp 里有不同的麦片和燕麦,最适合拿来当早餐,只需一小碗再加杯咖啡,就很有饱足感。Nestle Cheerios Oat Crisp营养丰富而且可以减低和控制胆固醇。偶尔也会给18个月的宝宝当零嘴,但不能给多因为有点甜。

  12. Xiao Long
    210 reviews

    Crispy and not sweet

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 20, 2017

    Perfect for breakfast. If you are bored with instant oat drinks, you may try this. It doesn\’t taste like other cereal/oat. In fact the taste better. I always top with dried fruits and milk to get a complete breakfast need. Can stand quite long from hunger. 🙂

  13. May Mei12345
    104 reviews

    Easy for breakfast preparation

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 5, 2017

    Cheerios Oat Crisp is great for everyday’s breakfast. The ingredients are good for health and reduce cholesterol level. Easy for breakfast preparation. 

  14. cpyn18
    234 reviews

    Healthy cereal

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2017

    Nestle Cheerios Oat Crisp is healthy cereal and it can help in reducing your cholesterol problem. It is not too sweet and I like the taste so much. If I am rushing of time, I will just eat this as my breakfast before go to work. It is so convenient and easy to prepare.

  15. 溦溦 林
    473 reviews

    my kid and me love Cheerios and essentially love the whole range,

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2017

    my kid and me love Cheerios and essentially love the whole range, The sweet honey taste is perfect for both children and adults, and it’s better for you than other sugary cereals.i always buy Cheerios give my kid eat at the morning be breakfast or snacks,

  16. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 7, 2017

    this is my everyday morning will eat 1, i very like it the taste is nice , and can get more energy while at the same time reduce your cholesterol. i also intro my friend try this ,them also very like to eat

  17. Kaushelia Shelia
    367 reviews

    Healthy breakfast everyday

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 30, 2017

    Nestle Cheerios Oat Crisp is suitable to eat everyday as it gives lots of nutrients to the health and taste very delicious. I love to eat with milk as it gives extra taste. The price is reasonable and I usually bought it more than one as I shared it with my whole family. Nestle Cheerios Oat Crisp gives energy to the body which makes me stay active and energetic throughout the day. It does not contain any chemicals and safe to eat as there are no colouring and preservatives. It helps to reduce the cholesterol and very easy to prepare in the morning. It does not take lots of time as in just few minutes it can be ready to eat. The packaging is very nice and suitable to bring to office too as I can have my breakfast there too in case I am late to work. Highly recommend.

  18. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews

    Nestle Cheerios Oat Crisp

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017

    last time at 11street got offer so try to buy and eat , after eat i just know this so nice , so now i will eat this every morning be my breakfast~

  19. penny41
    407 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 13, 2017

    偶尔才会买这个Oat Crisp,因为价钱偏高,我都喜欢配牛奶一起吃,或者也可以当零嘴吃

  20. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews

    My Breakfast

    3 out of 5, reviewed on July 20, 2017

    I bought this for my breakfast in office because this is a very easy & fast way to served for my breakfast.
    It rich of nutrition too!

  21. cherrylee
    73 reviews

    breakfast & snack

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 13, 2017

    I eating this as breakfast few days per week. Easy prepared breakfast. Taste good & it helps reduce cholesterol. My kids also eating this as snack. Enjoy it!

  22. Kesuma Dewi
    147 reviews

    Nestle Cheerios Oat Crisp

    3 out of 5, reviewed on June 12, 2017

    Bijirin yang diperbuat daripada bahan bahan berkhasiat yang baik untuk kesihatan mengurangkan kolestrol.Namun saya tidak begitu gemarkan rasanya.Sesuai untuk orang yang berdiet,tinggi fibre dan kandungan mineral yang lain.

  23. Niki Tay
    996 reviews

    my breastfast

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 5, 2017

    this is my everyday morning will eat 1, i very like it the taste is nice , and can get more energy while at the same time reduce your cholesterol. i also intro my friend try this ,them also very like to eat

  24. Aznor Azizul
    153 reviews

    The Goodness Of Oats In Your Morning Cereal

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 3, 2017

    It is hard for you to get the goodness of oats everytime during your breakfast hour because you are always busy consuming roti canai or nasi lemak which is not healthy for you to keep up with it. However Cheerios really change my eating habit!

    The cereal is wholesome and the taste of oats makes the cereal to enable your body to get more energy while at the same time reduce your cholesterol.

  25. Zhongk3391
    144 reviews

    Overpowering sweetness

    2 out of 5, reviewed on March 30, 2017

    This product claims to help with lowering cholesterol levels due to the added ingredients of oats inside compared to its latter original competition that’s without it. It contains beta-glucan from the oats and I’ve seen this being advertised nearly everywhere on huge billboards, poster ads, etc. I did not believe the effects of it, however, I managed to purchase a box of it to try out myself. Brace yourself because this product is really, really REALLY sweet to even be promoted as a healthy breakfast option! A few reasons to note includes:

    1. The taste of it is decent, tastes much like the Original version of Cheerios, but this oat version is no better than advertised. The taste of oats cannot be tasted at all, which could be the whole point of it (to disguise the huge doses of sugar from kids), but there really is no need to advertise it like its a product that will promote health to people of all ages.

    2. The label read reduces cholesterol but the added sweetness would cause an opposite reaction, no? I do like the fact that each piece comes in rings, so that it is easier to consume and absorbs into the drink your pouring it with. It does not emit any foul smell and can store for a long time if kept under normal temperatures. Do note to seal tight the packaging after use because it will collect air if not sealed tight and it will not be appetizing then.

    To sum up, the sugar content is too much for me and when diluted with milk, even the sugar comes off in the milk, making the milk completely sweet. I am not a big fan of this, however, it would not be a bad treat if you’re not consuming this everyday.

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