King’s Potong Teh Tarik

Product Details

Enjoying the iconic teh-tarik will never be the same with King’s Potong Teh Tarik. Made with F&N’s original recipes, each serving is as authentic as it gets!

  1. ferdizetty37
    491 reviews

    Ais krim teh tarik yg unik dan sedap

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 28, 2017

    Saya sukakan rasa unik teh tarik sebenar ais krim potong ni,sangat berkrim dan tidak terlalu manis..mmg menepati citarasa teh tarik kesukaan saya..tekstur ais krim potong teh
    tarik ni juga lembut dan beraroma wangi..harganya juga berpatutan,lebih berbaloi dibeli dlm kotak.

  2. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    Aiskrim teh tarik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2017

    First time cuba sangat teruja. Sangat menepati citarasa teh tarik yg sebenar. Cukup lemak dan cukup kemanisan. Sedap dimakan time panas terik. Hilang haus tekak. Masa baru keluar susah nk dapat sekarang ni mana2 je boleh dapat. Sedap dan berbaloi beli. Rasa teh tarik sebenar.

  3. AieenDeen28
    899 reviews

    Seperti teh tarik sebenar

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 11, 2017

    Mula2 ais krim ni dikeluarkan,mmg sy sgt teringin mencuba rasanya yg mmg pengemar ais krim potong ni krn semua perisa yg dikeluarkan unik dgn perisa tempatan..bila cubanya,mmg sgt berpuas hati..warna,bau dan rasanya mmg seperti teh tarik sebenar..sangat lemak manis berkrim,tapi ia x terlalu manis .mmg sgt berbaloi mncubanya,harganya pun berpatutan.

  4. Kaushelia Shelia
    367 reviews

    Delicious and yummy!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 27, 2017

    King’s Potong Teh Tarik is something different as the flavour is very rare to get it. It gives a great tastes which is very delicious and I can feel like I am having the real teh tarik. It is so enjoyable to eat the King’s Potong Teh Tarik with family and friends as it gives mild taste which is not very sweet that make us feel very good to try it most of the time. The price also reasonable and the packaging is very attractive and colourful. I love to have it during hot time as it soothes the throat.

  5. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 5, 2017

    One glance and you’ll see that it looks the same color, has the same smell and has the same taste because teh tarik is so distinct in our Malaysian palette. Not only does it retain the taste well, it does not taste too sweet like some cases where they add too much creamer into the drink. Overall, a great choice!

  6. maryam18
    309 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 29, 2017

    Rasanya amat sama dengan teh tarik yang sebenar..Cukup nikmat pabila memakanya diwaktu panas..Amat sukakanya..Harganya juga amat berpatutan

  7. KJ Cheah
    224 reviews

    King’s Potong Teh Tarik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 29, 2017

    Great to have this new teh tarik favor.
    Now I can taste it without going to mamak stall for teh tarik.

  8. Niki Tay
    996 reviews

    Teh Tarik 冰淇淋

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 25, 2017

    有很浓郁的Teh Tarik 吃的时候真的好像在喝着Teh Tarik 那样的

  9. Fong Fong
    318 reviews

    Teh Tarik

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 14, 2017

    Try a lot of teh tarik drinks but teh tarik ice cream is my first try. Feel so special although teh tarik is so common in Malaysia, the taste is good and not too sweet.

  10. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    I am Ter-Tarik!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 19, 2017

    One glance and you’ll see that it looks the same color, has the same smell and has the same taste because teh tarik is so distinct in our Malaysian palette. Not only does it retain the taste well, it does not taste too sweet like some cases where they add too much creamer into the drink. Overall, a great choice!

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