Johnson’s skincare baby wipes

Product Details

JOHNSON’S® BABY SKINCARE WIPES has improved to gently cleanse and offer extra protection for your baby’s diaper area. These cotton soft wipes are embossed with our CLINICALLY PROVEN MILD formula of rich moisturizing agents. Each wipe works to gently but effectively clean baby’s skin before leaving a protective moisturizing layer. Plus its non irritating light fragrance leaves baby smelling nice after every change. Dermatologically Proven Mild.

  1. chanhoiyee36
    77 reviews

    Very moist & smell great

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 13, 2020

    The Johnson’s Wipes are very moist, small great & are quite thick & strong. Best of all, they don’t give my baby a rash. I buy them when they are on special in a bulk box which also works out very economical. Very moist & smell great.

  2. Shika43
    687 reviews

    Lembut pada skin

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 17, 2020

    Johnson’s skincare baby wipes memudahkan harian saya dalam menguruskan anak²… Dengan adanya Johnson’s skincare baby wipes sesi tukar lampin lebih mudah dan my kids sebelum makan pasti akan bersihkan tangan so dengan Johnson’s skincare baby wipes sangat mudahkan kerja saya… Selamat digunakan dan saya yakini Johnson’s skincare baby wipes adalah pilihan tepat untuk saya dan my kids gunakan… My natural make-up juga mudah ditanggalkan tanpa perlu mencuci wajah dengan air yang banyak…

  3. YEANLOW95
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 3, 2018


  4. NurulDeng08
    470 reviews

    Kurang sesuai untuk bayi saya.

    3 out of 5, reviewed on December 16, 2017

    Tisu basah Johnson’s skincare ni kurang sesuai untuk bayi saya,timbul ruam di kawasan lmpinnya sejak sy mnggunakan tisu basah ni semasa menukar lampin.Tisunya mmg sgt tebal & lembap tapi sy kurang sukakan baunya yg agak kuat.Kurang sesuai digunakan pada bahagian tertentu kulit bayi terutama pada kawasan muka dan mulut.Sy lebih memilih tisu basah bayi yg tiada pewangi,dan selamat diguna utk ank sy yg berkulit sensitif.Untuk harga pun ia agak mahal berbanding jenam lain.

  5. Atiqah21
    50 reviews

    Baby Wipes Ada Sabun

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 6, 2017

    Baby wipes pilihan saya kerana ada sedikit sabun dan bau sgt wangi..Kualiti wipes juga tebal dan tidak mudah koyak..Sejak dari anak sulung hingga ketiga, saya masih setia guna baby wipes Johnson Baby..Walaupun mahal tetapi setanding kualitinya

  6. ferdizetty37
    491 reviews

    Mengandungi pewangi,& baunya sangat kuat

    3 out of 5, reviewed on October 28, 2017

    Bagi saya tisu basah johnson baby skincare wipes ni agak kurang sesuai digunakan untuk lap mulut dan bahagian muka bayi kerana mngandungi pewangi dan baunya sgt kuat..saya hnya mnggunakannya untuk menukar lampin bayi..tekstur tisunya sgt twbal dan lembut tapi saya mmg kurang sukakan tisu yg berbau kuat..harganya pun lebih mahal berbanding jenama lain.

  7. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews

    contains fragrance

    3 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2017

    Johnsons baby wipes contains fragrance, so i didn\’t use it on baby hand & mouth. But I use it on for changing diaper session. I only used few packets only, because I get it from a hamper. The cost is quite high if compare with Pureen baby wipes.

  8. Afiza_Rahim60
    358 reviews

    Johnson’s skincare baby wipes

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 13, 2017

    Sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit normal yg sihat.Tidak menyebabkan kerengsaan.Tekstur wipes yang lembut dan cukup basah untuk membersihkan kekotoran.Baunya agak kuat sesuai digunakan pada waktu2 tertentu ketika keluar rumah atau travel…

  9. NurulDeng08
    470 reviews

    Senang dibawa ketika melakukan aktiviti luar

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 9, 2017

    Baunya agak kuat,tapi wangi.Mmg saya sangat sukakan tekstur tisu basah baby johnson ni yg agak tebal,lembut dan lembap.Dipek dalam plastik tebal yg sangt mudah untuk dibawa terutama jika saya sedang melakukan aktiviti luar,lebih mudah untuk saya menukar lampin ank saya.Ia juga lembut pada kulit bayi dan x meninggalkan kesan rengsaan.Mmg berbaloi dibeli,harganya pun berpatutan.

  10. Bella Anies
    18 reviews

    It can clean everything!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 6, 2017

    Yup you read my title right. I use it every day without fail. Just because it do good and perfect in cleaning not just my kids ‘thingy’ but it helps a lot in my house chores, my office, being my best buddy that I always keep in my handbag and you can find it in my car too. With just a wipe, you’ll find that the stain is gone just like a magic. And not just that, it leave the stain with a clean spot and nice smell. That’s why I always bought it in combo pack as I use it a lot. LOL!

  11. 溦溦 林
    473 reviews

    The wipes work very well!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 23, 2017

    The wipes work very well! They are thick which are very helpful when there is a very nasty mess, but hard to get out the pack, especially if you are in a hurry.

  12. Nor Othman
    1346 reviews

    Just okey

    3 out of 5, reviewed on September 7, 2017

    I’ve tried this Johnsons baby wipes when it was on promotion. The wipes are soaked wet in the essence and strongly scented. It is soft on the baby skin. However, I would prefer that baby wipes are mild or unscented which is more suitable for sensitive baby skin.

  13. CharmaineChua68
    56 reviews

    recommend to all parents

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 24, 2017

    recommend to all parents

  14. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews

    Johnson's Baby fragrance

    2 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017


  15. Kellychan21
    503 reviews

    The wipes are strongly scented. Not really like it.

    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 13, 2017

    The wipes are soaked wet in the essence and strongly scented. I don’t really like the wipes with strong scented. I prefer those mild scented as it is better for baby skin.

  16. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews

    Johnson's Baby fragrance

    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 11, 2017

    This baby wipes fragrance is a bit heavy and i don’t think this can apply on baby mouth area.
    I use this when changing diapers, overall the quality is quite good!

  17. Miko Tan
    324 reviews

    Johnson’s skincare baby wipes

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 11, 2017


  18. Syera Syera
    138 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 9, 2017

    I used to prefer these over any other baby wipes. I\’ve tried easily a dozen kinds from different brands and I keep coming back to johnsons since they were redesigned and made thicker and moister around two years ago. These are now my second favorite baby wipes. I had to reduce my review of these by one star as the this wipes deserve the full five stars. I like that these are unscented and mild enough for sensitive baby bottoms. They are thick enough to keep my hands clean and they never, ever rip unlike so many other wipes I\’ve tried. They are soft and moist and they are also great for wiping down, hands, arms, faces, wherever our boys have gotten have gotten sticky and dirty. I have purchased these in stores and the quality is always excellent and the price is one of the best for name brand wipes.
    I always rip the seam off the bottom of the package (where the rewards code is) and place them in a tub open side up. That way they stay moist longer, but they pull out of the tub without any issues. In short these are soft, strong, moist, thick, unscented, and fairly priced. My baby boys bottoms approve 🙂

  19. NURELINA89
    173 reviews

    Wangi dan Bersabun

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 31, 2017

    Pertama kali mencuba, saya sudah jatuh cinta dengan Johnson’s skincare baby wipes kerana wangi dan bersabun..Ruam2 di sekitar punggung juga sudah hilang..

  20. Eugeniecyc
    37 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 17, 2017


  21. Suraya8678
    91 reviews

    Baby wipes kesukaan saya

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 27, 2017

    sanagat sesuai digunakan oleh anak saya ketika untuk menukar lampin.Membersihkan kotoran dan sesuai digunakan untuk bayi yang mempunyai masalah kulit sensitif

  22. Carrie Zoey
    141 reviews

    Quite strong scent

    3 out of 5, reviewed on November 28, 2016

    I’ve tried this Johnsons baby wipes when it was on promotion. The wipes are soaked wet in the essence and strongly scented. It is soft on the baby skin. However, I would prefer that baby wipes are mild or unscented which is more suitable for sensitive baby skin.

  23. SalinaSalihudin
    80 reviews

    Johnson’s skincare baby wipes

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 22, 2016

    I usually use this Johnson’s Baby Wipes while outing or go shopping with my family because it’s easy to use and really convenience. It cleans very well and not sticky to my baby’s skin.

  24. Lysan Low
    12 reviews

    Nice smell and not irritating

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 30, 2016

    Nice smell and not irritating. Good!!

  25. Fatimah Khaidir
    4 reviews

    Wipe no 1 pilihan hati.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2016

    Pilihan saya apabila membersihkan anak. Walaupun pernah mencuba jenama lain, saya lebih selesa, yakin dan kembali menggunakan Johnson’s® skincare baby wipes. Sentiasa bawa dalam handbag kerana tekstur wipenya yang lembut dan harumannya yang wangi tidak terlampau sesuai untuk membersihkan anak ketika berada di luar.

  26. Cekgu Norazimah
    136 reviews

    Bau yang agak 'kuat'

    2 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2016

    Sejujurnya Johnson skincare baby wipes bukanlah pilihan CN kerana baunya yang agak ‘kuat’. CN akan gunakan baby wipe ketika diluar rumah, tapi dengan Johnson baby wipes bukan pilihan CN kerana tidak suka akan baunya. Malah dalam kandungannya pun ada paraben.

  27. Fadzi Razak
    20 reviews

    Tekstur Lembut vs Bau Wangi Yang Agak Kuat

    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2016

    Apa yang saya suka:
    1. Bekas plastik dengan penutup plastik yang tahan lasak
    2. Tidak menyebabkan kerengsaan
    3. Tekstur wipes yang lembut dan cukup basah untuk membersihkan kekotoran

    Apa yang saya tak suka:
    1. Baunya agak kuat. Memang wangi tapi saya kurang selesa dengan baby wipes yang ada fragrance

    Sejujurnya saya sekarang menggunakan baby wipes hanya apabila saya keluar dengan anak dan tiada air di ketika menukar pampers anak. Selain daripada itu, saya tidak akan gunakan pada kulit anak. Saya selalu menggunakan baby wipes untuk membersihkan kawasan baby dan kekotoran seperti makanan tumpah.

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