Menjaga rambut, mata dan kulit bayi anda
Tahukah anda? Rambut bayi adalah lebih halus dan lembut berbanding rambut orang dewasa, lalu menjadikan ia lebih mudah kusut dan putus. Mata bayi yang baru lahir adalah sangat sensitif kerana proses pertumbuhan mata mereka masih belum sempurna. Kulit bayi yang…
Contest Winners Announcement (22 June to 4 July)
Congratulations to all the reviewers for Little Freddie Apple, Banana & Oatmeal Baby Organic Cereal, Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Face Cream, Little Freddie Organic Blueberry & Banana 7 Grain Porridge, Uniqo Very Berry Tomato, Little Freddie Organic Raspberry & Strawberry…
Clean Air, Clean Life
Why should you get an air purifier? We Malaysians are unfortunately all too familiar with the phenomenon known as “haze”. During the hazy season, the air is filled with microscopic particles that can put your health in real danger. While…
A Busy People’s Guide to Fitness
Fitness has never been as popular as it is today. However, most people simply acknowledge the importance of exercise and fitness without taking action. One key reason for this is that they are just too busy. Well, fitness can’t get…
How To View Products With Zero Reviews
As some of our contests require leaving reviews for products with zero reviews, here’s a guide to help you out! 1. Go to your selected category 2. Sort by reviews 3. Go to the last page of the results…
Club Med Cherating Contest Winners Announcement!
Congratulations to everyone for your hard work! The Grand Prize winner, Fiona Yoon, is truly deserving for submitting a whopping 320 reviews that fits the requirements (word count + original photos). Winners, kindly fill up the Google Form with your…
6 Foods to Banish from Your Pantry
This is a great time of year to shift away from processed, sugar and fat-heavy foods so that you can raise the quality of your meals. The best way to begin is to clear the temptation foods off the pantry…
Club Med Cherating: A Slice Of Paradise
My mother and I have heard lots of good things about Club Med Cherating over the years — from the glorious beaches to the legendary Club Med hospitality. So when the opportunity came to stay at the hotel came about,…
Introducing the new Botaneco Garden Baby
Guardian, the largest pharmacy, health and beauty retail chain in Malaysia is delighted to introduce the Botaneco Garden Baby range, expanding its Botaneco Garden line that uses ingredients harvested from nature, to serve and help protect the skin of littlest…
Say Goodbye to Hair Loss!
If you search online for “natural hair loss treatments,” a long list of tonics, creams, and supplements appears. But do they work? Paradi Mirmirani, MD, a dermatologist for Permanente Medical Group in Vallejo, Calif., spends a lot of time steering…