Multilingual Kids Go Further
There are more students today studying abroad and traveling the globe than ever before! In regards to this, the importance of opening one’s mind to learning about and embracing other cultures, and also appreciating the perspective and enrichment it brings…
Fun Times with the Family
It has always been rooted deep into our Malaysian culture to include our kids in almost every outing and we take them anywhere where it’s permissible to take kids. Our country too, so happens to be one of the most…
Senaman Kegel Selepas Bersalin
Senaman kegel atau senaman kemutan amat bermanfaat kepada wanita. Senaman ini dapat membantu anda untuk menghalang atau mengawal masalah lemah pundi kencing dan masalah pelvis. Senaman kegel dapat menguatkan otot pelvis, dalam menyokong uterus, pundi kencing, usus kecil dan rektum.…
Keadaan ini sedikit sebanyak mungkin dipengaruhi oleh faktor “Gender Streotype”, iaitu lelaki dilihat lebih kasar daripada golongan wanita. Oleh itu, ramai kanak-kanak, malah ada dalam kalangan ibu bapa sendiri yang meletakkan karakter bapa harus mempunyai sifat–sifat sedemikian. Justeru, keadaan ini…
Rawatan Kesuburan Bantu Dapat Anak Kembar?
Bagaimanakah kandungan kembar dua terhasil?Bagaimanakah kandungan kembar dua terhasil?Secara umumnya kehamilan akan terjadi apabila satu telur matang yang dihasilkan oleh kilang telur seseorang wanita bercantum dengan seekor sperma dari pasangannya. Terdapat dua cara di mana kandungan kembar dua (twins) terhasil:…
Awas! Pelampung Leher Adalah ‘Perangkap Maut’ Buat Bayi Anda!
Penglibatan anak kecil dalam aktiviti berenang sejak kecil lagi sememangnya sesuatu yang menarik dan menerujakan kerana ia memberi mereka ruang untuk bergerak bebas dan bereksplorasi. Malah, ada ibu bapa yang membawa bayi berumur lima bulan ke atas untuk mengikuti kelas…
Out with the Blackboards, In with the Computers
Malaysia intends to become a high-income nation by the year 2020, but in order to achieve this, the country needs a steady supply of experts in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). As such, the government and…
Furnishing Children’s Rooms
Kids are constantly growing – from babies to toddlers to tweens and so on. It doesn’t take them too long to outgrow practically anything you buy for them. This includes their bedroom furniture, especially if you were to go for…
Supermoms – Staying Fantastic at 40
‘Super Woman’, ‘Yummy Mummy’, ‘Ice Queen’, ‘Stay-at-home Mum’, ‘Dragon Lady’, ‘Awesome Aunt’ are just few labels we like to hang onto the modern woman. If this is indicative of anything, the modern woman has a lot to live up to.…
Eczema: More then just skin deep
Eczema is a skin condition experienced by thousands of Malaysians. Find out what are its causes, trigger factors and treatments. WHAT IS ECZEMA? There is no cure for eczema (atopic dermatitis) but with proper skin care and diet, it can…