Aging and Your Eyes
Since your 40s, you probably noticed that your vision is changing. Perhaps you need glasses to see up close or you have more trouble adjusting to glare or distinguishing some colors. These changes are a normal part of aging. These…
Powerfoods: Pomelo
Pomelo The pomelo (Citrus grandis) is the largest member of the citrus fruits. Larger than a grapefruit, the pomelo is also sweet, with a very thick skin. In fact, the grapefruit is the result of a pomelo-orange cross. Pomelos are…
4 Common Diabetes Myths Debunked
Get the facts about diabetes and learn how you can stop diabetes myths and misconceptions. Recently we asked Dr. Arlene Ngan, MB BCh. FRACP, FRCP (Edin), Endocrinologist & Medical Advisor, Sau Seng Lum (SSL) Diabetes Care Centre, who was among…
Choosing the Right Medical Insurance
Medical insurance is extremely important as many private hospitals may not even allow hospital admission without a valid medical insurance. While Malaysian Government Hospital does provide highly subsidized healthcare, there are cases where you may not be able to get…
Healing the World with Our Eating Habits
What is the meaning of eating habits? The term “eating habits”, or sometimes referred to as “food habits”, refers to why and how people eat and what food they eat. The term also covers the ways people obtain, store, use…
Losing Weight: It’s More Then Just a Fad!
We’ve covered some great weigh-loss articles throughout this year. With all the fad diets out there, nothing beats some good ol’ common-sense when it comes to losing weight naturally. After all, who’s the best person besides yourself, who understands your…
Acne Freedom With Antioxidants
Our skin is the largest organ in our body and needs proper nutrition to function well. And there is documented proof that free radicals – basically highly charged oxygen molecules that are created as an essential part of life when…
Tips to Protect Your Vision as You Age
The World Sight Day held every second Thursday of October each year was created to raise global awareness on blindness, visual impairment as well as rehabilitation of the visually impaired. Falling on 11th October this year, the World Sight Day…
Vitamin C: More Than An Immunity Booster
More research have been done about the immune-boosting effects of vitamin C than perhaps any other nutrient and we all know well that vitamin C tops the list of immune boosters. BUT vitamin C is MORE THAN JUST BOOSTING IMMUNITY!…
Dealing with Diabetes
A Healthy Lifestyle Helps Starve-off Diabetes Diabetes is a lifelong disease that usually catches its patients off guard. Many have no indication that they suffer from diabetes until they go for a medical checkup. With a lack of awareness on…