Japanese Cosmetics Galore
The Japan Beauty Week (#JapanBeautyweek) is back for the fourth time. Organised by the Japan Cosmetic Industry Association (JCIA), supported by the Japanese Embassy, the event took place at the residence of the Japanese Ambassador, H.E. Dr. Makio Miyagawa. Japan…
Relieve Stressed Skin With Jayeon Aloe Vera
We love products with multiple functions and Jayeon Aloe Vera is one of them! Jayeon stands for the Korean words “nature” and “kind”. True to its philosophy, the packaging is simple but the tub contains a whole lot of nutritious goodness…
Trim Your Way to Beauty with Veet Sensitive Touch Beauty Trimmer
Say bye bye to awkward looking hair! With Veet Sensitive Touch Beauty Trimmer, you will effortlessly look polished and sleek every day. Achieve the sleek and precise look you want with the new Veet Sensitive Touch Beauty Trimmer. It quickly…
One Simple Step Can Protect You From Infectious Diseases
Did you know that just by washing your hands with the newly launched BETADINE Antiseptic Skin Cleanser could lower the risk of getting Hand, Foot and Mouth disease (HFMD)? BETADINE Antiseptic Skin Cleanser has been clinically proven to kill 99.99%…
Take Care of Your Joints!
Day to day living can be challenging with osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease most prevalent among adults. Osteoarthritis is associated with the degeneration of joints in the body, particularly where the joint cartilage becomes damaged and eroded as more and more…
Show Off Your Va-Va-Voom This Valentine’s Day
With Valentine’s Day just about a week away, you have some time to bring out the best look in you for that hot date. Here are some of our picks on what will make you exude that va-va-voom to make it…
Quit Smoking Today!
Most smokers recognise the health risks associated with smoking. Many smokers would like to quit to prevent further damage to their health, but the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that less than 5% of smokers trying to quit unaided remain…
Vitamin D Dalam Diet
Vitamin D penting untuk membantu tulang membesar dan berkembang dengan sempurna serta kekal kuat. Kanak-kanak lazimnya mendapat vitamin D mereka daripada pancaran cahaya matahari, malah vitamin ini juga boleh didapati daripada sesetengah makanan. Teruskan membaca panduan di halaman sebelah jika…
Atopiclair Takes the Worry out of Eczema!
Atopic dermatitis (or atopic eczema) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterised by redness, skin dryness, itching and burning sensations – the disease alternates between fl are up episodes when the skin is inflamed and starts to itch and remission…
The 5 Biggest Hair Myths
If you’re like most women, you probably consider your hair your best accessory—so it’s no wonder that you’d go to great lengths to keep it in top shape. But are some of your most common beauty rituals actually doing more…