Muzik & Minda Kanak-kanak
PENGALAMAN MUZIK BAYI DAN KANAK-KANAK Muzik menjadi sebahagian penting dalam pembelajaran kanak-kanak. Muzik merangsang minda kanak-kanak dalam membantu perkembangan kognitif dan psikomotor kanak-kanak. Misalnya, melalui dendangan irama lagu seorang ibu untuk anaknya sebelum tidur atau menyampaikan cerita fiksyen di rumah…
Perkataan Pertama Si Manja
Bayi sudah mula belajar tentang komunikasi sejak lahir lagi. Namun, dia masih belum dapat mengungkapkan melalui perkataan. Sebaliknya, dia menggunakan kaedah menangis, ketawa atau tersenyum bagi menunjukkan perasaannya. Maklum balas daripada anda boleh menjadi asas kepada perkembangan tutur bahasanya. Lazimnya,…
Early Mastery of Maths and Science
Young children know more about the world around them than you think. They are naturally competent with the basic concepts of math and science even before they are taught these subjects at school! Babies and toddlers, for example, can’t help…
Instilling the Love of Reading in Babies
You are not alone if your initial response to the title of this article is one of skepticism, for it inevitably points to the whole theory of babies being able to read. It’s not a very common opinion that teaching…
Ask Our Experts: Early Education
“I have heard a lot about starting early when it comes to education, but won’t cramping my 8 month old baby’s head with school stuff at such an early age rob her of her childhood?” I believe there are three…
Early Education Guideline
As we evolve with the times, we find that the educational needs of our offspring are much different from our own when we were their age. Many among us never even attended kindergarten and we still managed to pull it…
Raising a Calm and Polite Child
“Oh, what a sweet child you have there!” These are words every parent would love to hear being spoken of their children. It’s a natural inclination for us to want our offspring to reflect goodness and kindness in their behavior,…
Home Schooling 101
“There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuos parent” ~~Mahatma Gandhi Toilet paper rolls, empty bottles, chalk, homemade slime, soil, seeds, newspaper ground into a pulp, and the list goes on and…
Early Does It
Children, even babies, have the ability to soak up whatever you offer them because their brains are like sponges, eager to percolate itself with information and knowledge. Children even start to pick up communication skills provided that they are exposed…
Building Fun: Why Toy Blocks Are Here To Stay
Stacking up a few blocks to make a tower and then knocking it over. This never fails to keep toddlers occupied and entertained! Construction toys such as toy blocks have been around for generations and it looks like they’ll be…