Vitagen Cultured Milk Drink

Product Details

VITAGEN is a cultured milk drink made by fermenting skim milk with billions of live probiotic cultures (good bacteria i.e. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei) to help maintain a healthy digestive system. These probiotic cultures are specially imported from Chr. Hansen Laboratory in Denmark, a world leading cultures laboratory supplying high quality probiotics worldwide.

Probiotic cultures in VITAGEN can withstand bile and acidic stomach juices and reach the intestines alive to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines. With the presence of these probiotic cultures, the environment in the colonic flora becomes unsuitable for harmful bacteria to grow. They also remove toxins and waste from our body. The longer waste matter remains in the lower intestines, the higher the chances of intestinal distress and possible cancer when carcinogens attack normal cells.

In a nutshell, probiotic cultures in VITAGEN combined with the good bacteria in our body help the body defend it against toxins, harmful bacteria and allergens.

Thus, VITAGEN contributes positively to our health because it promotes good colon health and improves our immune system. It increases resistance to harmful bacteria and takes care of good digestion.

  1. Heman'mj TizRock
    6 reviews

    VITAGEN the first cultured milk drink in Malaysia

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 10, 2020

    Spurred by the belief that good health begins with a good digestive system, Malaysia Milk SDN BHD (MMSB) brought to market VITAGEN in 1977, thus making VITAGEN the first cultured milk drink in Malaysia.

  2. Maawardah Mohamad
    248 reviews

    Lazat dan berkhasiat

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 17, 2020

    Minuman susu kultur ini yang pertama saya kenali semasa kecil. Dan sekarang ia masih kekal dalam pasaran. Rasanya memang sedap, terasa jus buahan yang dicampur dengan susu, tanpa pengawet untuk rasa buahan sebenar menyebabkan anak-anak saya gemarkannya. Kandungan probiotik membantu proses pencernaan dan menguatkan sistem imun tubuh mereka.

  3. BumbleBee34
    321 reviews

    We love Vitagen ?

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 17, 2019

    Cultured drinks are our favorite especially Vitagen. All flavors have their own uniqueness. My all time favorite Vitagen must be apple and grape flavor. Green and purple in color. My husband love the original flavor while our children varies. Some like orange and some loves them all. The drinks are not too sweet compared to yakult. It has fruit flavors and smell good. Every time buy them in mix packs. A few flavors in a bunch. Must be kept chill and enjoy chill.

  4. haohao21
    177 reviews

    Yummy drinks

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 4, 2019

    My kids love to drink Vitagen so much. I also love it too. It is so refreshing and cooling after drinking cold Vitagen, My kids love grape flavour much. Normally I will buy all grape flavour for them. It is not that sweet. The sweetness is just nice.

  5. Fyza Dani
    46 reviews

    Susu Kultur Yang Sangat Bagus Untuk Sistem Penghadaman

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 3, 2018

    Susu kultur berperisa asli memang pilihan utama saya kerana sangat sedap dan bagus untuk sistem penghadaman saya dan mempunyai bakteria yang baik untuk tubuh badan kita.Untuk anak anak berbagai perisa saya berikan kerana mereka menggemari rasa anggur dan orange.Setiap pagi sebelum bersarapan pasti kami sekeluarga menikamatinya untuk lebih berkhasiat serta mendapat kebaikannya.

  6. Wong59
    9 reviews

    Childhood memory

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 10, 2018

    I started to drink Vitagen since I was small and I’m still having vitagen cultured milk now. Will never stop my love for Vitagen. It is also part of my childhood memory.

  7. Aida Abass
    10 reviews

    susu kultur pilihan anak saya

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 2, 2018

    setiap kali membeli belah di mall, saya akan membeli sepapan (6 botol) susu ini. anak2 saya begitu menikmati susu ini.pilihan saya tentulah yang less sugar. harganya juga agak murah jika dibandingkan dengan susu kultur yang lain.

  8. Fairuz48
    6 reviews

    Excellent and bravo

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 14, 2018

    Im currently have constipation and really ruined my day. Since vitagen got good bacteria for my digestion,I feel relieved
    . Thumbs up for the less sugar line!

  9. jiayi96
    2 reviews

    look nice , taste good

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 14, 2018

    Less sugar 的甜度刚刚好, 不会太甜

  10. ValerieMT13
    3 reviews

    Healthy gut bacteria, great taste

    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 11, 2018

    Vitagen is my go-to whenever I have a bout of food poisoning. I feel better knowing that drinking this will restore the balance of healthy bacteria in my gut. Love that it comes in a variety of flavored, and that it now comes with less sugar variants too!

  11. xy87
    16 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on January 10, 2018


  12. Nurirah13
    365 reviews

    vitagen cultured Milk

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 29, 2017

    air minum kultur pilihan keluarga saya. Menjagi minuman kegemaran saya. Dapat mencuci usus dengan baik dan sempurna. Pelbagai jenis perisa yang ada. Botol nya yang menarik. Rasa yang sedap dan kurang manis. Air minuman yang berkhasiat tinggi. Harganya yang berpatutan.Ia juga dapat meningkatkan sistem imunisasi dalam badan. Mempunyai bakteria baik untuk melawan bakteria yang jahat.

  13. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews

    My always favorite drinks

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 7, 2017

    My always favorite drinks since I’m a children until now. It have so many flavor with different tastes. I always feel like want to finish whole pack (5 packs) in one times. hahah.
    Until now I still buy it to drink. But less sugar one is better for small kids.

  14. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    Vitagen minuman kultur susu pelbagai perisa

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 30, 2017

    Vitagen minuman kultur susu yg baik dalam membantu usus dan mudah utk membuang air besar. Sangat menarik kerana terdapat pelbagai perisa seperti oren, apple, anggur dan original. Kalau beli sepapan boleh beli yg 1 perisa saja atau boleh pilih yg mixed flavour. 1 botol tetap tidak mencukupi. Sangat sedap dan lazat. Tidak terlalu manis. Straw disediakan asing lg bagus jika straw utk setiap pek. Senang sekali cucuk je straw da boleh minum. Harga pn mampu milik dan mudah didapati dipasaran.

  15. ferdizetty37
    491 reviews

    Minuman kultur berperisa buah buahan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 28, 2017

    8Saya sekeluarga sangat sukakan minuman kultur vitagen ni..rasa susu yogurt yg masam manis berperisa asli dan buah2an..sangat bagus untuk sistem penghadaman,mngandungi bakteria baik yg bagus utk tubuh badan..saya lebih suka beli yg dalam pek campuran..kegemaran saya semestinya vitagen berperisa anggur dan apple..mmg sgt sedap dan mnyegarkan bila diminum sejuk..berbaloi dibeli,harga 1 pek juga berpatutan.

  16. 溦溦 林
    473 reviews

    really yummy

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 26, 2017

    really yummy and easy to drink this. even my kids always keep asks me for more! great to keep your tummy regular and boost your immune system!

  17. cpyn18
    234 reviews

    My kids love it!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 12, 2017

    My kids love Vitagen so much. Everyyime bring them to supermarket, they sure want to buy it. My daughter prefer purple colour(grapes flavor ) vitagen. It is sweet and give me cooling feeling after i drink it. Its price is reasonable and affordable.

  18. Nor Juliana Mawarni
    129 reviews

    vitagen kultur

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 19, 2017

    Kami sekeluarga sangat menggemari vitagen ini.Pilihan saya sudah semestinya oren dan anggur.Vitagen membantu sistem pencernaan dan penghadaman.Kultur bakteria yang baik juga membantu melawan penyakit.Oleh kerana vitagen mengandungi pelbagai vitamin saya memastikan setiap minggu anak- anak saya dapat menikmati vitagen.Harga berpatutan.Botol-botol yang comel dan kecil???.

  19. Zura Eda Jamal
    2 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 31, 2017

    Minuman VITAGEN bukan sahaja penghilang dahaga tapi baik untuk penghadaman.
    Bukan sahaja anak-anak suka VITAGEN saya juga menyukai rasanya yang pelbagai.

  20. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews


    2 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017


  21. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 11, 2017


  22. Miko Tan
    324 reviews


    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 10, 2017


  23. Niki Tay
    996 reviews

    too sweet for me

    2 out of 5, reviewed on August 3, 2017

    Vitagen Cultured Milk Drink is too sweet for me . i prefer the other less sugar one.

  24. AfiqFauzi67
    23 reviews

    stomachache prevention

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 13, 2017

    good for all age whether young nor old to drink. not only taste good also help in stomachache especially for children

  25. Fong Fong
    318 reviews

    My child favourite drink

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 22, 2017

    My kid love Vitagen, good for digestion system and taste good.

  26. Betty Liew
    263 reviews

    Healthy Gut Start with VITAGEN

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 26, 2017

    A healthy gut starts with drinking a bottle of Vitagen daily. VITAGEN contains friendly bacteria that helps to improve our digestion system. It makes my bowel movement more smooth. I love the original taste. Price is reasonable and suitable to consume by children and also adult.

  27. Nezam Hashim
    30 reviews

    sakit perut minum vitagen

    3 out of 5, reviewed on May 17, 2017

    dulu saya selalu alami masalah untuk membuang air besar. setiap kali jika tak sedap perut je, saya pasti akan mengambil minuman kultur kerana saya tahu ia baik untuk penghadaman. jadi kini saya akan amalkan pengambilan minuman kultur seperti vitagen yang emmbantu melancarkan pergerakan usus saya.

  28. roxanne
    36 reviews

    Vitagen baik untuk kesihatan dan pencernaan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 10, 2017

    Vitagen semestiny amenjadi minuman yg mesti ada dalam peti ais saya. Selain menyegarkan badan, ia juga membantu memperbaiki sistem pencernaan badan dan membantu pelawasan. Sistem imunisasi badan juga dapat dipertingkatkan. jadi, Vitagen sememangnya minumam yg bagus demi menjaga kesihatan badan kita.

  29. miera97
    132 reviews

    VITAGEN Less Sugar

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 23, 2017

    Vitagen less sugar adalah pilihan kami sekeluarga.. selain untuk melawaskan pembuangan kita pengambilan gula juga kena dititik beratkan untuk kesihatan sepanjang hayat. membantu memberi perlindungan anak saya daripada cepat terkena selsema atau demam.. mempunyai pelbagai rasa yang sedap memang di sukai oleh kami.

  30. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    My favourite of them all

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 27, 2017

    I disliked the flavours of the other Vitagen variants simply because I believe originals are the best. Unlike the flavourings that is present in other Vitagen drinks, this cultured milk contains good probiotics of ‘Lactobacillus acidophilus’ and ‘lactobacillus casei’ which are good bacterias. Like Yakult, it also helps in the digestive system, except Vitagen is more targeted for a younger age group. It is tasty even now to me and a great wake-me-up!

  31. Vicky Low
    255 reviews

    A day a bottle, stomach flu away

    4 out of 5, reviewed on February 26, 2017

    My kids love Vitagen. Good taste, less sweet and good for intestine. A bottle is never enough..

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