Vico 3 in 1 Cereal Hi-Fibre

Product Details

Vico 3 in 1 cereal hi-fibre yields full bodied frangant aroma of corn which provides you sensationally taste of delight. it comes with 5 types of cereals such as wheat, oats, soya bean, corn and rice witch is definitely a good choice for elderlies and health concious people.

  1. falienra1019
    10 reviews

    Vico yang menyihatkan

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 4, 2018

    Semasa saya sedang berpantang, saya hanya minum vico untuk mendapatkan tenaga dan khasiat nya pun sangat mengagumkan.. rasa nya pun sangat enak … vico memang terbaik!!!

  2. Nur Arina
    812 reviews

    Minuman Vico yang terbaik

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 7, 2017

    Pendapat saya vico ni boleh mengenyangkan. Vico 3 in 1 ni selalu menjadi sarapan pagi kami sekeluarga. Boleh mengenyangkan dan rasa yang sangat sedap. Tidak perlu tsmbah apa-apa perasa seperti gula dan susu kerana rasanya sudah elok dan boleh diminum begitu sahaja

  3. cikbunga49
    659 reviews

    Kurang sedap, vico original lagi sedap

    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 31, 2017

    Vico cereal ni saya kurang suka kerana saya tidak gemar minuman coklat yang dicampur cereal.
    Saya lebih menyukai vico yang original kerana rasanya sedap.

  4. maryam18
    309 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 19, 2017

    Minuman kegemaran kami sekeluarga..Dari dulu hingga selamanya..Tiada yang berubah..Love it ?

  5. Kellychan21
    503 reviews

    Healthy drinks

    3 out of 5, reviewed on August 15, 2017

    Vico 3 in 1 cereal hi-fibre is good for health. It is not that sweet. I always drink it during breakfast time before going to work. I will drink it whenever I am hungry as i can feel my tummy full after drink it.

    198 reviews

    Rasa yang enak.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 24, 2017

    Pelengkap rasa. Kelurga suka.

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